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Small Steps Matter

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The Lord gives so much instruction in the Word, it could feel overwhelming at times. It could also discourage us if we start to feel pressured by it, or that were not making spiritual progress fast enough, or ion u ct rd that were not doing enough. r t In s an da m st yste But the Lord doesnt expect perfection s from us, nor does He measure our progress alongside others progress. He knows that we are each unique and different, and that we each have our own pace in which we move along in our spiritual journey. What He looks at is our heart and how sincere and committed we are to our relationship to Him. As long as were taking steps toward whatever it is He asks of us, thats all that matters. Even if our steps of progress are small, these will please Him. For example, if all we can do is memorize one verse a week, or read a short passage from His Word each day, and thats what the Lord has asked of us, then Hes happy with us for that. The Lord takes each of us where were at, so we should give no place to discouragement if were doing our best to progress spiritually.

Authored by Maria Fontaine; adapted. Originally published April 2006. Illustrations by DK. Design by Stefan Merour. Copyright 2013 by The Family International

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