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Chelsea Herold-Prayer
14 April 2009

“An A’Maze’ing Space” is the

Object Inspiration Object Analysis manipulation of 12 1X1 in. wooden cubes
& Model and 12 1/4X3 in. wooden rods. to make up
1. a 3X3 in. cube. For this particular design,
the space was manipulated to demonstrate
a two dimensional maze within a 3X3 in.
three dimensional cube.

This design was manipulated to form an

“S” wrapping shape from the bottom to the
2. top or vice versa (using the cubes), and the
Sketch 1:
rods were used as fillers to help define the
Original 2D maze cubical space. This concept sparked it’s in-
pattern idea. “S”
terest from a traditional two dimensional
Sketch 2:
Quick concept Sketch
Mazes are confusing networks of
Sketch 3: intercommunicating paths or passages
More detailed sketch of 3. that are manipulated to stay within a re-
original “S” wrapping
motion stricted space. They can be infinite or
they can come to an end, but the biggest
idea that pushed this final project was the
wrapping form that constantly keeps the
eye moving.

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