How To Make Vegetable Pecel Cuisine

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How to make Vegetable Pecel cuisine

Vegetable materials Pecel cuisine: 125 grams of cassava leaves,

washed, boiled and cut into pieces 200 grams of water spinach 150 grams of green beans, cut into small pieces 225 grams bean sprouts 150 grams of cabbage / cabbage

Pecel Cuisine Vegetable Seasoning: 250 grams of peanuts, fried 11 pieces of green chili 3 cloves of garlic 3 pieces of lime leaves, discard the bones 2 tbsp tamarind water Sliced 5 tablespoons brown sugar or to taste Powder to taste salt to taste sufficient water

How to make Vegetable Pecel cuisine: 1. Boil each ingredient separately pecel 2. Fried chili, garlic, lime leaves and Kaempferia Galanga 3. Blend the spices that have been fried with brown sugar and roasted peanuts until smooth 4. Add tamarind water, stir well, put them in a small jar 5. Take a little spice pecel, mixed with enough water 6. Arrange the vegetables that have been boiled in a plate 7. Add seasoning on top of the already diluted pecel 8. Ready to be served

Resep Masakan Pecel Sayur

Bahan Masakan Pecel Sayur :

125 gram daun singkong,cuci,rebus dan potong-potong

200 gram kangkung 150 gram kacang panjang,potongpotong kecil

225 gram tauge 150 gram kol/kubis

Bumbu Masakan Pecel Sayur :

250 gram kacang tanah,goreng 11 buah cabe rawit hijau 3 siung bawang putih 3 lembar daun jeruk,buang tulangnya 2 sdm air asam jawa 5 sdm irisan gula merah atau sesuai selera Kencur secukupnya Garam secukupnya Air secukupnya

Cara membuat Masakan Pecel Sayur : 1. Rebus masing-masing bahan pecel secara terpisah 2. Goreng cabe rawit,bawang putih,daun jeruk dan kencur 3. Haluskan bumbu yang sudah digoreng bersama gula merah dan kacang goreng sampai halus 4. Tambahkan air asam jawa,aduk rata,taruh di dalam sebuah toples kecil 5. Ambil sedikit bumbu pecel,campur dengan air secukupnya 6. Susun sayuran yang sudah direbus di dalam sebuah piring 7. Tambahkan diatasnya bumbu pecel yang sudah diencerkan 8. Siap disajikan

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