0 Past Simple and Continuous

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Exercises I. Put the verbs in brackets or in the past simple or in the past continuous. 1. While Tom (read) 2.

Marvin (come) his emails. 3. The thief (sneak) (leave) 4. Nobody (listen) 5. While we (do) beach. 6. He (wake) up and (look) at his watch. into the house, (steal) without a trace. while the teacher (explain) a sight-seeing tour, our friends (lie) the tenses. on the the jewels and , Fred (watch) home, (switch) a documentary on TV. on the computer and (check)

II. Put the sentences in the right box. 1. She was driving too fast; 2. I wrote my homework; 3. He was sleeping when you came; 4. I was watching TV when you arrived; 5. They arrived early in the morning; 6. Last night Paul cooked dinner; 7. He read five books; 8. She was talking to you; 9. I drank my cola; 10. She was making the breakfast. Past Simple:

Past Continuous:

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