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This Week in Syria, Deeply

6/10/13 9:41 AM

This Week in Syria, Deeply

Dear Deeply Readers, This week we looked inside Syria, at how Kidnapping Becomes a Big-Money Business, and where Rebels Drink Tea and Trade Tanks. With ongoing demonstrations across Turkey, our Social Media Buzz caught Turkish Protests in Focus in Assads Media a reflection of Syrian schaudenfraude while experts answered, Will Istanbuls Protests Shift Turkeys Syria Stance? And in the most beautiful thing we've seen from Syria, in some time, we captured Tammam Azzams Syrian Museum a reproduction of Gustav Klimt on a bombed-out building. In opeds, our contributors went Searching for Syrias Che Guevara, and looked at how The Rise of Shia Jihadism in Syria Will Fuel Sectarian Fires. In an ominous reflection of global governance, Amal Hanano and Yakzan Shishakly said that By Predicting the Fall of Syria, the World Let it Crumble. As always, to help you review, heres our day-to-day roundup of Syria headlines last week: Monday: Warplanes Pound Qusayr as Battle Enters Third Week; Syria Issues Travel Warning Against Turkey Tuesday: UN Points to Chemical Weapons Use in Syria; WHO Warns of Disease Threat; Putin Says Russia Hasnt Sent Syria Missiles Wednesday: Army Regains Strategic City of Qusayr; France, Britain Confirm Use of Sarin Gas in Syria Thursday: Syria and Rebels Clash at Golan Heights Border; Friends of Syria Talks Begin as Doubt Hangs Over Geneva Peace Conference Page 1 of 2

This Week in Syria, Deeply

6/10/13 9:41 AM

Friday: Syria Forces Seek to Capitalize on Qusayr Victory; UN Says Half of Syrias Population Will Need Aid By End of Year We hope our work has helped to better engage and inform you on a critical issue. Were fielding your feedback on how to better serve you and the story, via email at Sincerely, The News Deeply Team

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