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The 2004 Profile of

In journalism,
it’s conventional
to tell readers the
who, what, where,
how and why of
a story, and that’s
what we’ve done
in interpreting the
survey results
from the 2004

By John Fulmer

ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR has taken this mountain

of data and explained:

✱ WHO YOU ARE (size and revenue of company,

and its race and gender breakdown)

✱ WHAT YOU DO (project type)

✱ WHERE YOU DO IT (new construction, retrofit

or maintenance)

✱ HOW YOU DO YOUR WORK (working with specs,

material purchasing and computer use)


A COMPREHENSIVE ® Estimating-software use is up from 54 percent

PICTURE to 70 percent

HE BIANNUAL PROFILE, a feature of ® Job-cost control and analysis use grew by 20
this magazine for more than four decades, percent
aims for a comprehensive picture of con- ® CAD use doubled from 20 to 40 percent.
tracting from your perspective, providing an indi- Why? Because construction software’s ability
cation of where your business fits into the overall to streamline and consolidate project manage-
industry, while giving us a guide to the news and ment—from estimating to change orders—can
information that is important to you. give a competitive edge. And the construction-
The survey garnered 865 respondents, an software industry has responded to contractors’
increase of 152 from the last survey in 2002. It needs by improving existing programs, delving
was the first time we employed the Internet, and into new areas, and designing “lite” or graduated
the majority of responses (505) came through versions of their products to fit contractors of
that source. Is that a coincidence? Probably not. all sizes.
Our survey reveals most of you have discovered And here’s a programming note: We’ve des-
the business benefits of computers. Since 2002, ignated “small” firms as those with up to nine
a slightly higher percentage of respondents used employees; “mid-size” with 10 to 19; “large”
computers for word processing, Internet access with 20 to 99; and “very large” as those with
(including buying supplies online), accounting, 100 or more. Sixty-two percent of responses
e-mail and other basic office functions. However, came from small firms while 10 percent came
technology as a construction tool has grown by from mid-size, 15 percent from large and 11
leaps and bounds: percent from very large firms. JUL.04 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 23


WHO ARE YOU? in those two areas, except that Caucasians— 2002 and which may point to a growing

EVENTY-ONE PERCENT of firms at 87 percent—and males dominate. We can, trend in integrating power distribution and
interviewed took in annual revenues however, parse the data to find 37 percent of low-voltage projects and the continued high
of $1 million or less and just 10 per- firms have minorities in management or field popularity of design-build. (But more about
cent made $10 million or more (See Figure positions, and those with women (in execu- that later, when we talk about what you do.)
2). The majority of contractors have some tive or field positions) or minorities are usually In general, firm size has little to do with
college education (8 percent who responded mid-size to very large contractors with $1 mil- higher education; the figures are more or
had electrical engineering degrees) and their lion plus annual revenue. Also, firms hiring less evenly distributed. The biggest gap is in
firms are diverse in race and gender, though minorities for management or field positions BA degrees and occurs between very large
in somewhat surprising ways. For instance, often hire females for nonclerical jobs, sug- firms where 24 percent of employees had a
while 42 percent of firms polled employ gesting the firms are either more diverse or bachelor degree and small firms where 13
women, they are woefully underrepresented these employees may be minority females. percent of employees earned one.
in traditional job categories such as jour- Firms hiring minorities tend to be located To get a more personal perspective, we
neymen at 3 percent or apprentices at 4 in the West and South with Northeast firms asked about hobbies, also a first-time ques-
percent. As you might expect, women make lagging behind in minority personnel. Texas, tion. About half the respondents engaged in
up a sizable portion of clerical workers, but with its large Hispanic population, charts as four or more of the leisure-time activities
the “executive” category, which includes one the states with the most diverse electri- listed, and we found the highest percent-
owners, has the next-highest percentage of cal-contracting work force. age, 59 percent of those surveyed, like to
women employed at 13 percent. It’s doubt- work around the house in their spare time.
ful all of them are owners and therefore An educated work force Yet another “why,” but one that’s pretty
probable many are hired into marketing,
It’s pretty safe to compare education data easy to answer. Contractors work hard
accounting and human resources. for 2004 with those from 2002; the fig- and feel a sense of accomplishment in
This is the first time our survey takes race
ures haven’t changed appreciably. Two what they do for a living, in building and
and gender into account, so it’s hard to draw
years ago we reported 68 percent of survey improving things. So it’s no surprise that
big-picture conclusions about the work force
respondents had some college, 18 percent “home improvement” tops the list and that
had a BA degree and a contractor’s work ethic and pride in a job
14 percent an AA well done is put to good use on days off.
FIGURE 1. Firm Size: Number of Employees degree. Our 2004 Contractors love to travel (51 percent) and
survey shows: enjoy the great outdoors: 39 percent chose
10–19 ® 60 percent of you hunting and fishing as the third-favorite
100+ 10% have had some college hobby. Watching sports came in fourth, music
11% 1–9 ® 13 percent earned and theater placed fifth and woodworking
an AA degree came in sixth, indicating there are some sofa
® 15 percent a BA spuds, culture vultures and closet carpenters
degree. in our ranks. The eternally frustrating game
As noted earlier, of golf notched in at seven, followed by clas-
8 percent of contrac- sic/antique cars, playing sports, cooking and
tors had an engineer- wine, and last, a group listed auto racing as
ing degree, a figure their favorite pastime. A diverse and interest-
that doubled since ing bunch, indeed.

FIGURE 2. Revenue Less than FIGURE 3. Racial Composition of Firms

$25 million+ 44% White or Hispanic Other—
4% $2.5 million $250k to caucasian 6% including Asian
to $10 million $1 million 87% 3%
9% Black or
27% African-American
$10 million $1 million
to $25 million to $2.5 million
6% 10%


firms worked in eight of the 17 categories The old standbys
and very large, large and mid-size contrac- While emerging—and merging—technologies

H E S E D A Y S , contractors are tors were more apt than small ones to work will be a huge part of the industry’s future,
involved in more types of projects, in multiple categories. In fact, 84 percent contractors know power distribution and
especially with the growth of high- of very large firms worked in eight or more lighting, which we subdivided into controls,
tech and security and life/safety systems. categories, compared with 40 percent of fixtures, ballasts and lamps, is today’s bread
Our survey listed 17 project types and asked small contractors. In all, more than 90 per- and butter. These five “traditional” categories
contractors which they performed in 2003 cent of the firms surveyed worked in four or top their lists, and are performed by between
(See Figure 6). On average, 50 percent of more of the categories. 81 and 90 percent of firms surveyed while

Contractor age, employee diversity remain a problem

The average contractor age continues to be a cause for futurist with Social Technologies LLC and recent NECA convention
concern. For example, the 2004 survey shows: speaker, thinks “inclusion,” looking at everyone as a possible
® Most of you are middle-aged (48.6 years old on average) employee, is vital. Hispanic and Asian workers are quickly
becoming a large and influential part of the labor pool—old
® You have spent an average of 24.6 years in the industry,
news to folks in California and the Southwest, but something
most of your working life
novel in other parts of the country—and President Bush’s new
® Only 8 percent were 25 to 34 years old, almost exactly the immigration policies would allow 8 million undocumented
number (7 percent) of respondents 65 and older immigrants to obtain renewable, three-year visas.
® These figures hew closely to those of the 2002 report, which In an e-mail, Dighe wrote that young people today are the most
also noted that contractors under 35 were notably absent. ethnically diverse in our history and if “any industry wants to attract
An inclusive work force talent in the future, they will have to figure out how to make their
industry reflective of this more diverse population mix.”
Other factors may significantly affect the industry. The Aspen
Institute, as reported in The New York Times, says enormous “Today’s youth,” he wrote, “will seek employment situations that
demographic changes are afoot for the next two decades. have a diverse work force. Quite simply, today’s youth will seek
With declining birth rates, a leveling off of women entering the employment situations that have a diverse set of people in it.
work force and baby-boomer retirements at hand, the Institute “As your research indicates, many of the current contractors are
predicts: entering their 50s and 60s and, unlike in the past when the next
® The labor force may grow as little as 16 percent generation was ready to take the baton of ownership/leadership,
many contractors are finding that the next generation is not
® The percentage of native-born workers ages 25 to 54 won’t
interested,” Dighe added. “‘Inclusivity’ here could mean thinking
grow at all
about passing the business on to someone outside of the family.
® Workers with any college education might increase by only Contractors need to think carefully about identifying who’s next in
4 percent. the leadership pipeline and working with those people to develop
Contractors already know how difficult it is to find educated and their skills and abilities. Looking outside the family to longtime
qualified workers, and these projected changes could have a big associates, key supervisors, and even in the current labor pool may
impact on the available labor pool and productivity. Atul Dighe, a be a potential solution.”

FIGURE A. Respondent Age AGE

■ 18–24
■ 25–34
■ 35–44
■ 45–54
■ 55–64
■ 65+
Total 1–9 10–19 20–99 100+


FIGURE 4. Respondent Education






0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%

■ Attended HS ■ HS Grad ■ Apprentice, Trade, Vocational ■ Attended College ■ AA Degree ■ BA Degree ■ MA Degree +

alternative-energy projects such as fuel cells all categories. Few expect a decrease in large firms predicted growth in fuel cells and
at 3 percent and wind generation at 4 per- any category. 17 percent predicted an increase in wind gen-
cent barely registered. We also discovered, If a contractor doesn’t work in a cer- eration projects compared with all other firms.
regardless of company size, just about every- tain category, we found they’re unlikely to Overall, alternative-energy projects, including
one worked in the four lighting categories. express an opinion about a future there. So solar at 10 percent, wireless networks (11 per-
Rounding out the Top 10: we focused first on firms participating in a cent), home automation/theater/security and
® datacomm systems at 62 percent given area, then looked at those who hadn’t energy management (both at 9 percent) were
® backup power at 61 percent done that same type of work in 2003. anticipated to be high-growth areas for firms yet
® fire/life safety systems at 46 percent Among those who worked in a particular to tap into those sectors.
® CCTV or access/motion security systems category, large and very large firms usually
at 38 percent predict increases in all categories, except On the leading edge
® energy management/power quality at 34 ballast and lamps, where we find no dif- We also compiled a list of seven “leading-
percent. ferences by company size, and home auto- edge” projects ranging from configuring a
mation/theater/security, where small firms CISCO router (7 percent of firms) to com-
Future work expect greater future volume compared to munications/data systems moves, adds and
We also wanted to know what type of work mid-size, large and very large firms. changes at 34 percent, a type of work done
contractors expect to do, and which cat- On average, small firms that don’t work frequently by contractors of all sizes; however,
egories they think will change in volume in backup power, datacomm and fiber optics these percentages are even higher for large
over the next few years, regardless of pick those as growth areas more frequently and very large firms. Overall, 51 percent said
what they do now. In general, contractors compared to all others firms not working in their firm performed this kind of work in 2003
expect to increase or stay the same across these areas. In contrast, 16 percent of very compared to 37 percent two years ago.

FIGURE 5. Volume will increase among those working and not already working in category
Power (60-HZ)
Lighting Controls
Lighting Fixtures
■ Currently working in category
Backup Power
■ Currently not working in category
Energy Management/Power Quality
Biometrics (CII)
Fire/Life Safety Systems (CII)
Security Systems (CCTV/Access/Motion) (CII)
Home Automation/Security/Theaters (Res)
Communications/Data Systems
Fiber Optics (Datacomm and Lighting)
Wireless Networks
Fuel Cells
Wind Generation

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%



Regardless of whether their firm per- in these areas, 3 percent of very large firms do what they do well, have a good business
formed this type of leading-edge work in predicted a rise in low-voltage systems-inte- reputation and a streamlined operation
2003, respondents were asked to predict grator work, and 10 percent predicted a rise that keeps the contracts coming, and see
their future volume in each area over the in datacomm work for a CLEC. no need to expand their business into more
next few years. Almost all expect to “stay The “whys” for all of these predictions arcane or risky projects.
the same,” few predict a decrease, and are hard to discern, but surely, some con- That’s not to say fruitful opportunities don’t
firms not working in a given area usually tractors for any number of reasons—security exist for the more adventurous contractor or
didn’t guess about a future there. However, in what’s known, how local markets shape one whose market is rife with low-voltage or
we discovered mid-size and large firms are up, etc.—stick with their bread and butter alternative-energy work. As our survey shows,
most likely to predict increases in all cat- and probably will say the same when we those jobs and the number of contractors
egories. For those not yet performing work conduct our next survey. We’re sure they performing them may rise in the future.

A simple formula for success: E=PC2

As we said, 84 percent of very large firms worked in such as state-of-the-art home theater and sophisticated
eight or more categories compared with 40 percent of sound systems.
small contractors. In all, more than 90 percent of the firms Figure B shows 95 percent of our respondents did some type
surveyed worked in four or more of the categories. of traditional power or lighting project and 65 percent did
This points to an ever-developing “integration” trend, one a power-quality project, which includes backup power and
that’s seen strong growth for the last decade and has affected energy management. We also found some interesting figures
commercial/industrial/institutional projects and single-family on what we call “core integration projects”:
residential contractors alike. Dr. Tom Glavinich, a regular ® almost two-thirds of our contractors did some type of
contributor to ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR, has devised the formula automation/control systems project for commercial/industrial/
E=PC2 to explain this simply. That translates into E for markets, institutional (CII) or residential markets
P for traditional power projects, and C stands for control and ® 55 percent of respondents did a CII automation/controls
communications work. The contractor that puts P and C together system project
will have plenty of Gs. And that stands for greenbacks. ® almost one-third did a residential automation/security/

The ability of a contractor to group traditional power theater project

® 66 percent did a communications low-voltage project
installations with various combinations of security, lighting
® and 10 percent of all contractors did a alternative
controls, fire alarm systems, automated building systems,
datacomm and even biometrics is a powerful sales tool, energy project with 20 percent of very large firms involved in
providing a one-stop shop where an owner can get 120V this sector.
power, Category 5 cabling, HVAC that’s computer-controlled Home-theater work is an especially lucrative niche market, and
for optimum efficiency, an energy-saving lighting system that many, if not most, new homes are being wired for more than
dims at peak sunlight and “spotlights” an after-hours intruder 120V power these days. Residential contractors who can’t do
with the help of the integrated security system, and amenities more complex wiring tasks could be left in the dust.

FIGURE B. Contractors work in many areas in addition to traditional power

Any Traditional Power/Lights

Any Power Quality

Any CII or Res Automation/Controls

Any CII Automation/Controls Systems

Residential: Home Automation/Security

Any Communication/Low Voltage

Any Alternative Energy

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
■ Total ■ 1–9 employees ▲ 10–19 employees ★ 20–99 employees ● 100+ employees



FIGURE 6. Currently Work in Category

Power (60-HZ)
Lighting Controls
Lighting Fixtures
Backup Power
Energy Management/Power Quality
Biometrics (CII)
Fire/Life Safety Systems (CII)
Security Systems (CCTV/Access/Motion) (CII)
Home Automation/Security/Theaters (Res)
Communications/Data Systems
Fiber Optics (Datacomm and Lighting)
Wireless Networks
Fuel Cells
Wind Generation

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

WHERE YOU DO for small firms, while the percentages for video will make a strong comeback and
■ MA Degree + ■ BA Degree ■ AAnew
Degree ■ Attended
construction College
rises ■ Apprentice,
as firms grow largerTrade,renovation
Vocational will
■ HSbeGrad ■ Attended
the wave of the future.

U R C O N T R A C T O R S report (See Figure 7). In what could be seen a When baby boomers latch on to their
they get 41 percent of revenue disturbing trend, the portion of new con- parents’ inheritance—a sum estimated
from new construction, 31 percent struction has dipped 9 percent from our in the low trillions—some experts think a
from modernization/retrofit and 28 percent 2000 survey when we proclaimed it “was a good chunk of that will be spent on real
from maintenance/service/repair. However, good year to be an electrical contractor.” estate, especially if empty nesters leave the
maintenance is a high-revenue generator It’s still good. Many think voice/data/ suburbs for the cities to take advantage of

FIGURE 7. Types of work by sector




Total 1–9 employees 10–19 employees 20–99 employees 100+ employees
■ New construction ■ Modernization/retrofit ■ Maintenance/Service/Repair

FIGURE 8. Types of electrical projects by firm size

Total 1–9 employees 10–19 employees 20–99 employees 100+ employees
■ Electrical power/distribution ■ Communications/data systems ■ Security/Life Safety Systems ■ Total building automation ■ Sound and video



their culture, nightlife and restaurants. If at 71 percent and mid-size firms at 62 HOW YOU DO YOUR
this prognostication proves true, renovation percent (See Figure 8). WORK

work should turn up aplenty. O N T R A C T O R S S AY 46 per-
In general, our 2004 survey showed: Residential vs. commercial cent of their revenue comes from
® regardless of company size, electri- Across the total sample, contractors get 34 design/build, which allows con-
cal/power distribution is by far the largest percent of their work from single-family resi- tractors total or near-total control of their
revenue source, accounting for an average dential, 8 percent from residential multifam- job. It’s particularly important to small
of 69 percent of sales ily, and 52 percent for business from com- firms, which claim it makes up 53 per-
® total building automation registered at 11 mercial, industrial, institutional and public cent of their work. (Mid-size, large and very
percent and accounts for more revenue of places (CII). Airports, highways, power lines large firms all claim it’s 35 percent.) We
mid-size firms than firms of any other size and other “nonbuilding” projects account for designated three more categories related to
® communications/data systems (low volt- a mere 4 percent of the business. engineering and design:
age) at 10 percent, is less important to The biggest difference in work performed ® work in which the contractor made sub-
small firms comes when comparing company size. Small stantive changes to specs and drawings
® similarly, security and life safety work, only firms report 46 percent of their work comes ® work in which slight changes were
6 percent of total sales, grows in importance from single-family residential, while very made
as the company size grows; it accounts for 4 large firms say it’s a miniscule 5 percent of ® work in which someone else’s specs and
percent of small-firm revenue and 9 percent their business. CII projects, however, account drawings were followed.
of very large-firm sales for 79 percent of the work for very large firms Contractors said they made substantive
® sound and video accounts for 4 percent and 41 percent for small firms. Very large changes in 13 percent of their jobs, and
of revenue on average with no significant firms also do four times as much “nonbuild- also made slight changes in 13 percent of
difference by company size. ing” work as small firms. No big shock here. their work, but in a hefty 28 percent of their
But there are no huge gaps anywhere; Big firms take on big nonbuilding projects work, they followed specs and drawings to
the biggest difference is only 9 percent in and residential construction has always been the letter.
power distribution sales, with small firms a mainstay of small firms. An even closer look shows small firms

FIGURE 9. Building categories

Total 1–9 employees 10–19 employees 20–99 employees 100+ employees
■ Residential (single family) ■ Residential (multifamily) ■ Commercial/industrial/institutional ■ Non-building (e.g., airports/highways/power lines)

FIGURE 10. Extent of contractor’s changes to specs and drawings




Total 1–9 employees 10–19 employees 20–99 employees 100+ employees
■ Design/build ■ Made substantive changes ■ Made slight changes ■ Followed other’s specs and drawings



use design/build on 53 percent of their proj- percent for very large firms. they used computers for four or more tasks
ects; couple that percentage with the small It’s no revelation that distributors get the hints at the opposite, that they are involved
firms’ propensity to do single-family resi- lion’s share—74 percent—of the market, in many different sectors.
dential (remember, it took up 46 percent of with warehouse home centers lagging far As noted earlier, Internet access/e-mail
their work) and it’s a good guess deign/build behind at 14 percent. As companies get is used almost universally—in fact, all large
is being used in a lot of home construction. bigger, home centers play a smaller role: and very large firms say they use it. Also:
Small firms say they followed specifications very large firms buy only 5 percent of their ® 97 percent of large and very large com-
faithfully only 23 percent of the time, a supplies from that source. panies use computerized accounting
percentage that’s at least 12 percent lower Almost all contractors surveyed buy from ® a whopping 94 percent of very large
than that of the bigger firms. multiple sources, the number of which firms use computers for estimating and
Also, mid-size, large and very large firms climbs with firm size. For example, 11 job-cost analysis
score much higher percentages than small percent of small firms and 32 percent of ® and 88 percent say they run AutoCAD.
firms when asked if they followed specs and very large firms buy from all four sources; This part of the survey yields some puzzling
drawings faithfully. Another “why?” An edu- however, a majority of small firms—54 per- and interesting data. There are some unex-
cated guess is that public-sector projects, cent—say they buy from just two sources, pected results in computer-program use that
normally off-limits to design-build, are done perhaps because larger companies are both on the surface don’t seem to be cost-effective
less often by small firms. located in more places and involved in more for small firms. For example, 34 percent of
different types of work. Online purchasing small firms—that’s just one to nine employ-
How contractors purchase is still a small factor—just 6 percent of ees, remember—say they have computerized
Respondents were given four specifications all firms buy over the Internet—but very equipment and tool inventory, and 9 percent
options for installation and asked how their large firms do 9 percent of their purchasing say they use computers for fleet management.
company had to fulfill obligations on the online. Now that could be something as simple as a
job. We found: customized Excel spreadsheet or it could be
® a single brand is specified 21 percent Computer use specialized software. In any case, contractors
of the time Computer use is no longer the way it will be have put their computers to good use.
® multiple brands are used at 28 percent done; it’s the way it is done. Forty percent of This data is probably skewed toward nor-
® “or equal to” products can be used at a large and 74 percent of very large firms use mal office use of computers, but PDAs and
37 percent rate computers in eight ways or more compared laptops have been common tools in the field
® performance-specified brands are to 15 percent of small firms and 10 percent for some time. Reported use for field laptops
required 15 percent of the time. of mid-size firms. This pattern—more use is 42 percent and 33 percent for PDAs, and
Note that a single-brand specification is by small than mid-size—suggests a concen- we found 23 percent of firms order material
a requirement for small firms 25 percent tration of small firms that specialize and with handheld devices. In the future, large
of the time, a rate that falls incrementally need the tools to compete in selected areas. and very large firms expect increased com-
as companies get larger, dropping to 13 The fact that almost all very large firms said puter use from these already high levels.

You as key specifier in supply procurement

Our 2004 survey found con- Guesswork aside, we think the Chain Management in the or subcontractor (and their
tractors choose the brand electric contractor’s capacity Construction Industry,” Perry markup), and allows procure-
72 percent of the time. Small to make product choices is Daneshgari, a consultant and ment earlier in the project, this
firms choose more often (74 terribly important—in terms contributor to this magazine, method may cause lost time
percent) than very large firms of costs savings and getting said general contractors con- later in the job due to lack of
at 65 percent. In the latter the job done on time with a tend it saves money, provides expertise. Daneshgari says the
case, we hypothesize the minimum of change orders. faster occupancy and wider specialty contractor procure-
projects may be far larger and When it comes to purchasing product selection when they ment method (SCPM) provides
more complex, and purchas- electrical material and sup- control procurement. Danesh- the owner value through service
ing may be controlled by the plies, they know what’s best. gari disagrees somewhat. and knowledge. These are some
general contractor—or that Unless there are overriding While his study admits the of his crucial points when it
small firms are involved more reasons, why should someone general contractor procurement comes to SCPM vs. GCPM:
in single-family residential else choose for them? method (GCPM) adds value ® A subcontractor’s product
design-build and have more In his report to the Electri’21 through bulk purchases and knowledge and installation
purchasing control. Council, “Procurement by cutting out the distributor skill is vital to most owners


FIGURE 11. Specification options
Total 1–9 employees 10–19 employees 20–99 employees 100+ employees
■ Single brand ■ Multiple brand ■ “Or equal to” ■ Performance specified

Tools and vehicle use hand tools at 89 percent, multimeters at 79

Of course, almost every one of you owns a percent of firms and mobile phones/two-way METHODOLOGY/ABOUT THE SURVEY
company vehicle and you’d much rather buy radios at 57 percent. Lifts and scaffolding The survey was conducted by postal mail
one than lease, though the latter option is (23 percent) and digging and boring equip- and via the Internet between April 8 and
more prevalent as firms grow in size. The ment (16 percent) were at the bottom. It’s May 10, 2004, among a random sample of
same goes for tools. You’d rather own than no shock that these two types of heavy,
During that period of time, a total of 865
lease. We asked about the tools purchased construction-site equipment were the most- usable surveys were completed, 505 via
most frequently in 2003 and found 90 per- leased tools in our survey, the only ones to the Internet and 360 via postal mail. There
cent of firms bought power tools followed by have a lease rate higher than 10 percent. were no follow-up mailings. An incentive
was offered for participation in the survey:
in new construction. An infusion of minorities For each completed survey, ELECTRICAL
CONCLUSION CONTRACTOR magazine would contribute $5
in the workplace could cure the stagnation

to charity.
HAT LIES AHEAD? It’s a pretty good in average contractor age, and we’re sure
bet—in fact, bet the house—com- you’ll seize greater control in procurement The margin of error on the total sample of
865 respondents is +/- 2.8 percent at the 90
puter use, especially with sophisti- and adapt to a possible retrofit/renovation
percent level of confidence.
cated construction software, will grow. The upswing. All of these somewhat cloudy issues
rumored death of VDV—to borrow from Mark may have a bright, shiny copper lining. We Tables and figures contained in this article
come from the data generated by this
Twain—has been greatly exaggerated. As we say 2004—and beyond—will be very good
year’s Electrical Contractor Survey, which
said, look for more contractors to integrate years to be an electrical contractor. EC was conducted by New York, N.Y-based
low-voltage with traditional power and light- Renaissance Research & Consulting Inc.
ing. And we think three key areas will affect FULMER, a Baltimore, Md.-based an independent marketing research firm
contractors in years to come: contractor age, freelance writer, can be reached at that specializes in construction. They can be
procurement control and a possible decline reached at

in managing, validating and ® Owner may experience from the manufacturer to roles have become more
optimizing equipment speci- project delays or additional the job site where it’s stored flexible in the past decade,
fied in the design; general cost from material delays or until it is installed; in SCPM, leading some general contrac-
contractors lack the electrical material handling; electrical distributors and specialty tors to believe they should
knowledge to pass on impor- contractors know importance contractors schedule mate- make all purchasing decisions.
tant new product information of fast job-site delivery and rial flow to the job site. It is But this same flexibility can
® Distributors provide a available inventory delivered as needed and can allow you to take the reins
valuable role for manufactur- ® GCPM assumes general be packaged according to the of a project, especially if the
ers; with no distributor, man- contractors can bypass dis- area where it will be installed traditional general contractor
ufacturers need to increase tributors and contractors and We feel you should be the key has become nothing more
customer sales and support buy manufacturer-direct; but specifier for electrical products than a dealmaker who puts
roles thus adding cost; dis- many manufacturers require and supplies. You know what projects together on paper. This
tributors offer services that all customers to go through works best in a given applica- flexibility also relates to the
can dramatically reduce the distribution, thus limiting tion, and you have developed ascendancy of design-build
specialty contractor’s labor product selection relationships with distributors where, from the very beginning,
cost that ultimately work to the you work with a team to map
® General contractors order out design and procurement.
material and have it shipped owner’s advantage. Job-site JUL.04 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 35

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