Lo Que Come El Mundo

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Qu comen en el resto del mundo?

Por: Pedro Menzel

What the world eats, By: Peter Menzel
Paso 1: Think about what your family typically eats and drinks in one week, list the foods in Venn Diagram (En espaol por favor!) Paso 2: Investigate what families around the world eat in an average week using the website: http://www.time.com/time/photogallery/0,29307,1626519,00.html. Specifically, find a family that lives in a Spanish speaking country. Paso 3: Fill in the Venn Diagram with the typical foods a Latino family eats. Move foods & drinks from your list to the center of the Venn Diagram if both your family & the Latino family eat/drink that item. (En espaol por favor!) Paso 4: Answer the questions on the second page of this sheet.

Comidas y bebidas tpicas de una familia

Mi familia La familia de __________ (fill in blank with name of country)

Las dos familias

Preguntas en espaolContesta en espaol (Hint: Answer in Spanish) 1. Cmo son las comidas y bebidas de tu familia similares a la familia latina? 2. Cmo son las comidas y bebidas de tu familia diferentes a la familia latina? 3. Cul familia come ms? 4. Cul familia come ms comidas sanas (healthy)? 5. En tu opinin, cul familia come comidas sabrosas (tasty)? Preguntas en inglsContesta en ingls (Hint: Answer in English) 1. Compare your family to the American families on the website. How are your eating habits similar & different? 2. What factors might influence what a family eats and drinks every day? (Make a list of as many as you can think of) 3. Why do you think families around the world eat so differently? 4. What do you think families from around the world might have in common when it comes to meals & mealtimes? 5. Any additional observations, questions, or comments?

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