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Growth Plan

Domain 1: Planning and Preparation 1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content 1. Become more familiar with math content 2. Seek out coaching and resources on math questioning 3. Remember to give meaningful feedback to push student learning 1c Setting Instructional Outcomes 1. Remember to challenge students by using rigorous assessments 2. Differentiate for students ability level Domain 2: Classroom Environment 2b: Expectations for Learning and Achievement 1. Remember to use J-factor to help students stay engaged 2. Give clear and specific feedback on what students are doing well 3. At the beginning of every lesson state the objective so students understand the why of every lesson. 2d: Response to Student Misbehavior 1. Use BMC consistently to address behavior 2. Set clear and explicit routines and procedures to maximize instructional time Domain 3: Instruction 3b: Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques 1. Make sure questions are high quality to deepen student thinking 2. Plan for many At Bats in each lesson to insure high levels of participation 3e: Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness 1. If students are having a misconception remember to go back and see where there is a breakdown in understanding 2. Seek out multiple strategies to teach students Domain 4: Professionalism

4c: Engagement of Families in the Instructional Program 1. Get into the habit of making positive phone calls home 2. Remember to log all parent communication into appropriate school log (ex. SILS) 3. Create assignments that involve families

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