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Wendy Vergaray Dr.

Griffin Tech prep 12 10 January 2013

In the novel, Les Miserables by Victor Hugo misery is what is seen throughout the novel hence the novel being called les Miserables in this novel a series of characters go through many hardships they suffer and are to society treated as garbage even worst because even garbage has a place. In the novel the character that goes through the most misery is jean valjean. Jean valjean is a man who committed a crime at a young age he steals a for a good reason to feed his nephews but caught in the act hes sentenced to the galleys where he becomes nothing more than a number 24601! In the galleys jean valjean loses care he becomes a hard man because of the way he is treated. When he finishes his sentence and leaves the galleys he is no accepted anywhere. Until he finds a bishop he tells him My name is Jean Valjean. I am a convict. I have been nineteen years in the galleys (Hugo16) and the bishop accept him even though he has a bad background he sees that jean valjean is an honest man that theres more to him then what jean valjean wants to show. Jean valjean, my brother you belong no longer to evil, but to good it is your soul that I am buying for you. (Hugo 33). After his encounter with the bishop jean valjean changes he becomes an honest man, a man of God. God has his own ways (hugo149) jean valjean works had to be a rightful man he works so hard he becomes a mayor a respectable man to society everyone admires him for all the good things he does.

But even though he has a lot respect, money everything, There is a fortunate man who does not appear contended. (Hugo 53). Jean valjean is constantly haunted by his past and the character Javert is the character that follows jean valjean constantly hes a man who believes profoundly in the law. He contently follows jean valjean he is obsessed with arresting him. Jean valjean finally finds something with living something he loves something that is worth working so hard he finds love in the little cossette the daughter of the woman named fantine the woman jean valjean saw die in his own arms the woman he promised to take care of cosset he grew so found of her he saw Cosette every day, he felt paternity springing up and developing within him more and more, he brooded his child with his soul he said to himself that she was his, that nothing could take her from him...(Hugo pg 243) jean valjean starts living a better life he happy with cosette later cosette falls in love and jean valjean risks everything for her he saves the man she loves but is then tagged by marious as a horrible man a convict because the truth came out marious distance cosette from jean valjean . Jean valjean suffered for not been able to see cosette. Until one day well then, this unhappy man is a wonderful man! All that fortune was really his own! He is Madeleine, the providence of a whole region! He is jean valjean, the savior of Javert! He is a hero! He is a saint (Hugo 385) the actual truth comes out and they both rush to see jean valjean where they find him dying he tells them my children do not weep, I am not going very far, I shall see you from there. You will only have to look when it is night, you will see me smile.(Hugo 398) even though he had been tagged as a horrible person a person and jugged as a worthless convict he doesnt care he suffer because of it but he moved on the found something

worth living for he found happiness so not everything was misery I die happy(Hugo 399)

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