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Here I am creating new heavens and a new earth; and the former things will not be called to mind,

neither will they come up into the heart.ISAIAH 65:17. GENESIS 11-1, "All the earth continued to be of one language and of one set of words" The Pharaohs who equated themselves with Asar.

I am slapping you for your own good

Latin TERRA is made up from Turkish "YERTIR" (YERDIR) meaning "it is the earth, soil". In this anagrammatization, the Turkish Y is intentionally dropped. But it is visible in the Spanish TIERA. Spanish TIERA meaning "terra", when rearranged as "IERTA" is the disguised Turkish expression "YERDI" meaning "it is soil, it is ground, it is earth". Latin TERRESTRIS meaning "earthly" is even more interesting. TERRESTRIS, rearranged as "IER-SE-TSTERR", is from Turkish "YER SU TATIR" meaning "it is soil, water and stone" which is a very accurate description of the earth in Turkish. English EARTH is an altered and disguised form of the Turkish expression "YERTI" (YERDI) meaning "it is the soil", "it is the earth". English DUST, rearranged as "TUSD" is the altered Turkish word "TOZDU" meaning "it is dust". Arabic "TURAB meaning "soil", rearranged as "TUBRA" is the altered and disguised form of the Turkish word "TOPRAH" (TOPRAK) meaning "soil".

Additionally when GEWLOGIA, that is, GEUULOGIA is rearranged as "GEIA-OGULU", it reveals itself as the Turkish expression "GAYA OGULU" (KAYA OKULU, YER OKULU) meaning "school of rock study", "school of earth study".

Bu dediginiz de dogru ve de ilgin. Bu dediginize paralel olarak Trke "KADI" (hakim, yargi) anlaminda, Arapa KADA ve KAZI (hakim, yargic) anlaminda olan szleri konusma konusu olarak ele alalim. Bence bu szcklerin kkeni yine Trkededir. Syle ki: KADI , "AKDI" seklinde yazilip Trke okundugunda Trke "hAKDI" yani "HAKDI, adildi, adaletlidi" anlamlarini tasiyan bir szck oluyor ki bu hakimlerin, yargilarin olmasi gereken vasiflardir. Diger taraftan KAZI szcgn de ayni sekilde inceledigimiz de, KAZI > "AKZI", Trke "hAKCI" yani "adaletci, hak veren, hakliyi haksizi ayirabilen kisi" anlamli bir szk

oluyor ki bu da yine kadiyi, hakimi ve yargici tanimlayan vasiftir. Bylece hem GADI / KADI ve KAZI szcklerinin ayni anlamda kullanilmasi beklenir bir durumdur. Bilindigi gibi, "H" harfi ok sessiz bir "nsz" temsil eder. Bylece Trke HAK szcgnn "AK" seklinde gsterilmesi de beklenir bir haldir ki bu ayni zamanda szcgn gizlenmesine de yardim etmektedir. GADI sznn baska bir gizli zelligi daha var ki o da onun Trke "aGADI" yani "beydi, karar verendi, bas kisidi" anlamini tasiyabilir olmasi. Bir GADI kendisine verilen yargilama ve karar verme yetkilerinden tr, gerekten de bir "AGADI" (AGADIR). Onun dedigi dediktir. Burada Trke DEDIK szne dikkatinizi ekmek isterim. nk Trke "DEDIK" sz "DE" szcgnden kaynaklanir ve "karar" anlamindadir. Bunu Ingilizce "DECIDE" sznde buluyoruz. Zira DECIDE > "DEICDE" seklinde yazildiginda Trke "DEYICIDI" deyimidi

Araplar ''Allahumme'' der, Yahudiler ''Elohim'' Araplar ''Selam Aleykum'' der Yahudiler ''Salom Alehe'' Araplar ''Cennet'' der Yahduler ''gennet'' Araplar ''Cehennem'' der Yahudiler ''Gehinnom''

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