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For our last unit (yay!), we will be writing a persuasive research

paper. You will each individually choose a controversial topic
on an issue that you are interested in. Each of your topics will be
approved on the basis that they are controversial and arguable.

Be sure to save all your research, notes, handouts, and drafts in a

3 ring binder. I want to see your progress! Keep in mind that this
all culminates in a final, creative project that you will present after
finishing the research paper.

The teps to uccess:

1. Choose a topic – For ideas consult the “Controversial Topics


2. Research – Do extensive research. Have notes from at least

5 credible sources. Keep in mind: the more sources you

have, the more informed your argument will be.

3. Create a paper outline – The more thorough your outline is,

the easier your draft will be. Use the Power Writing handout

to help you formulate your outline.

Created by: Julie McCracken, Jacklyn Heckendorn, and Patrick Gaulier

4. Draft, re-draft, and keep drafting! – You will have time for

peer conferences and one-on-one conferencing with me.

Utilize all your resources 


Created by: Julie McCracken, Jacklyn Heckendorn, and Patrick Gaulier

Who aims at excellence will be above mediocrity; who aims at mediocrity will
be far short of it.
Burmese Saying

Our Wikispace

• Check your school email for our Wikispace invite

• Accept invitation

• Login to

• Create ID and password

• On the main page there are resources to help keep your notes and

citations organized.

• You will each have your own personal page to save your information



• This has an overview of all upcoming due dates and plans to keep you

organized. Plan Ahead.

Handouts (keep these in that 3 ring binder…you will want to use


• MLA Citations Handout/Plagiarism Handout

• Paper Outline Handout

Created by: Julie McCracken, Jacklyn Heckendorn, and Patrick Gaulier

• Controversial Topics Handout

• Thesis Handout

Created by: Julie McCracken, Jacklyn Heckendorn, and Patrick Gaulier

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