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Objecwe General English

(free)-The company offered one silver coin gratrs to
customer who bought two dozen of soap cakes.

24. Grads

(adv.) (odj.)

25. Gruelling

(tiring, exhausting)-The police could elicit information from the gangster only after gruelling questioning session.

1. Humdrum


(dull, monotonous)-After strenuous years of service he is not able to adapt himself to humdrum life of retirement. (crowd together)-The passengers sat huddled in a crowded
compartment. (bargain about prices)-We hagglewithrickshaw-pullers while with doctors we cannot.

2. Huddle 3. Haggle

(v.) (v.)

4. Hapless (adj.)
5. Hamper


hapless victims of tragedy were sanctioned

compensation by the Gov't.

(v.) (n.)

(obsrmct, impede, a gift box)-The growth of population has

hampered economic progress in India.

6. Hegemony

(predominance)-Both America and China are trying for

hegemony in Asia.

7. Hustings (n.) 8. Heretic

(contest, elections)-The Congress party was badly defeated at the husrrngs in 7977.

(n.) (v.) (v.)

(hotding unorthodox belie0-Joan of Arc was considered

heretic by the Church.

9. Hoodwink
10. Husband

(deceive)-Hypocrites cannot hoodwink people for long.


has a plethora of natural resources which she

must husband for her progress.

11. Hostile

(odj._) (v.)

(unfriendly)-Western powers have ever been hosnle to India

for reasons best knor,rrn to them.

12. Hypothecate

(mortgage, pawn)-You can get loan from this bank by

hlpothecating house. (calm, peaceful)-Halryon days a few years back appear to be just a dream. (destruction by fire)-The third world war is bound to bring about nuclear lrclocaust. (commonplace, trite)-Now-a-days no one is interested in the
hackneyed speeches of the politicians.

13. Halcyon

(odj.) (n.) (adj.)

14. Holocaust

15. Hackneyed
1.6. Hazy

(adj.) (n.)

she died when I was just five years old.

17. Hypocrite

(pretending virtue)-Those who praise themselves are

generally hlpocrites.

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