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uo1ecwe General English



lnept (adj.)

(incompetent)-Inept handling of the foreign poiicy by the

Congress parry has created many complicated siruations for the country.

12. Inertia (n.)

13. Indigenous (adj.)

(passivity)-The modern youth is suffering from inertia because they are not optimistic about their future.

(native)-India must not depend on for,eign technology for

there is no iack of indigenous talent in the country.

14. Innate (adj.)

15. Insular (adj.)

(inborn)-Poets are born with innote talent for writing poetry.

(narrow minded)-Fanatics have insulor views about men and
(accuse, charge)-The officials of the department were indicted by the court for financial irregularities.

76. Indict (v.)

17. 18.



(interfere, tresspass)-I don't like if anyone tries to intrude on

my privacy. (clue, hint)-I had no inkling that she would break with her friends so soon.

Inkling (n.)

19. Impenrious (odj.) 20. Ingenuous (cdj.)

(unaffected)-He never listens to his parents and is always impervious to their advice.
(naive, artless, credulous)-Children are ingenuous by nature.

27. Inapt


(unsuitable)-The remarks she made at the party annoyed many because they were inapt.
(incomprehensible)-The laws of narure are irucrutable.

22. Inscmtable (adj.)


23. Instance


(example)-There are a number of instances of his

misbehaviour but I have always overlooked them. (deeply fixed in mind)-Dishonesty appears to be iryrained in his character.

24. Ingrained (adj.) 25. Innocuous (adj.) 26. Inordinate (adl.)



now proved that soft drinks are not innocuous.

(excessive)-I don't understand the reason for his inordinate delay in replying to my letter. (tedious)-I don't like to it may be.
do any

27. lrksome (adj.)

28. Imbibe (v.) 29. Imdertinent (odj.)
30. Intermittent (cdr.)

irko me job,however profitable

(drink, take in ideas)-Every Indian must imbibe the spirit of nationalism.

(insolent, impudent)-She was reprimanded for her

imp er tinent behaviour.

(irregular, continual)-Heavy damage has heen caused to the buildings on account of intermittent rains for the last two months.

31. Immaculate (adj)

(pure, spotless)-She is often dressed in immaculately white


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