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lam o t rigine side e f f e ct s.

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Side effects
What is Lamotrigine used f or?
Lamotrigine, also marketed as Lamictal drug, is an anticonvulsant and anti-epileptic medicine that has been used f or treatment of epilepsy and maintenance of several psychological disorders such as bipolar disorder, depression, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as well as anxiety and Depersonalization disorder. T he medicine has been used f or over thirty years and directly acts on neurotransmitters to block, modulate or inhibit electrical activity, thereby preventing f ocal, absence and tonic-clonic seizures, LennoxGastaut syndromes seizures and working as a mood stabilizer. But alike other drugs, this medicine too has several adverse ef f ects which need to be controlled and monitored during drug interactions and their ef f ect on every single patient must be studied. Some mild to medium adverse ef f ects of Lamotrigine have been f ound in recent studies. T hese side ef f ects are a result of inhibited sodium channels in neurotransmitters. Here is a detailed description of side ef f ects associated with Lamotrigine that can be monitored and controlled with ef f ective dosage and drug interactions.

Side ef f ects of Lamotrigine in men

Some of the Lamotrigine side effects are mentioned below 1. Skin Rashes A major side ef f ect of Lamotrigine, which can be seen in either gender, is skin reactions. Lamotrigine is prescribed to patients af ter a thorough medical checkup as it is associated with lif e threatening skin reactions such as DRESS Syndrome, Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis and Steven-Johnson Syndrome. Generally, any benign or threatening skin reaction appears in f irst 2 to 8 weeks of therapy. T heref ore, any unexpected skin rash should receive medical attention. 2. Migraine and Headaches When prescribed f or epilepsy, Lamotrigine can lead to a surge in the incidences of migraines and headaches. Most of the males taking Lamotrigine therapy might have intense bouts of headaches and may f eel dizzy. Sometimes, migraines and headaches associated with this drug may also lead to sleeplessness. T his side ef f ect can be easily monitored through regular exercising (under practitioners supervision), drug interactions and tranquilizers prescribed by the therapist. 3. Weight f luctuations Another adverse ef f ect of Lamotrigine in men is weight f luctuations. Several males may notice considerable weight loss or weight gain depending upon their medical condition and Lamotrigines interactions with other medicines. Since the side ef f ect prof ile is dif f erent f rom patient to patient, hence weight f luctuations vary. A balanced nutritional diet designed by the therapist along with f ew precautionary measures can help in dealing with the situation.

4. Vision Problems Lamotrigine may lead to double vision and crossed eyes. Initial side ef f ects of taking Lamotrigine include blurred vision, lack of coordination and loss of balance in males. T his side ef f ect in men can be dealt with thorough medical check up bef ore and af ter taking Lamotrigine and caref ul monitoring. Most of these ef f ects arent long term in nature. Adequate changes in diet, simultaneous drugs, exercising and monitoring can help reduce the adversity of these side ef f ects. Contradictions, particularly headaches, weight gain, nightmares and dry mouth are reported by men who are taken of f the drug.

Side ef f ects of Lamotrigine in women

Women who are prescribed Lamotrigine f or mood disorders or epilepsy may witness several side ef f ects of the drug. In f act, clinical trials suggest that women are more likely to have more side ef f ects of Lamotrigine than men, although other anticonvulsants af f ect males more than f emales. Some of the major side ef f ects of Lamotrigine on women are mentioned here. 1. Painf ul or missed menstrual periods Most women may initially experience missed of painf ul menstrual periods. T his is because Lamotrigine interacts with f emale hormones. It is not recommended f or f emales on estrogen-containing contraceptives. T heref ore, birth control oral contraceptives must be given only af ter thorough medical screening. A short term ef f ect of Lamotrigine is vaginitis. Women taking this drug may experience painf ul menstrual periods, which is a long term side ef f ect. 2. Rashes and insomnia Alike men, women may also have skin reactions to Lamotrigine. Rash images and Rash pictures must be taken and shown to the therapist in case any unexpected rashes are noticed on the body. Side ef f ects rash arent common and only 5 to 10 percent of patients develop a rash. 3. Pregnancy and Breast Feeding Lamotrigine must only be prescribed to pregnant women if its benef its outweigh its side ef f ects and potential risks. Lamotrigine raises the risk of clef t lip and palate malf ormation in inf ants if it is taken in f irst trimester. Lamotrigine is f ound in breast milk, theref ore breast f eeding isnt recommended during treatment. Apart f rom this, a lot of women may experience memory problem, abdominal pain and cognitive problems when they start taking Lamotrigine.

Side ef f ects in children

Only small doses of Lamotrigine are given because of its possible side ef f ects in children. T hese adverse ef f ects are mentioned below: 1. Migraine Children who take higher dosage of Lamotrigine may complain of headaches or migraine. T his is because most of the children suf f ering f rom epilepsy or mood disorders tend to take other valproate medicines, which may result in too much Lamictal in the body. T his condition can be monitored by giving small dosage of the drug to children. 2. Sleep problems and weight loss Lamotrigine of ten results in insomnia among children. Most of them may also experience high and sudden weight loss, which can dealt by a balanced, nutritious diet f ormulated along with the therapist. Children may also witness cognitive problems. Side ef f ects that are long term can be monitored and dealt with children. Mostly, Lamotrigine isnt prescribed in higher dosage to kids as they are more prone to rashes than adults.

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