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An Original Screenplay By Holly Copella




Close-up of a partially full garbage bag being carried along the hall. Pan back. We see a young college student carrying the bag. The hallways are empty and classroom doors are closed. Close-up of the young college boy, STEVE. He pauses outside of an open classroom. He knocks on the doorframe then enters. INT. BIOLOGY

PROF. MONROE BISHOP looks up from his desk and a stack of papers. He's wearing dress pants, a tie, and a lab coat. He's mildly handsome in a nerdish, genius sort of way. We see Steve standing just inside the room. Bishop sets his pen down. BISHOP Back so soon? Steve crosses the room and raises his bag. STEVE You've got to see this. BISHOP Okay--what is it? Steve moves toward the first lab station. Bishop stands and follows. Steve opens the bag and dumps a dead cat onto the counter. Bishop jumps back with a surprised look. STEVE I hit this cat on my way home. BISHOP Uh huh--so why did you bring it to me? STEVE You're not looking close enough. This cat is--weird. Bishop takes a step closer, removes a pen, and lifts the large cat's head. BISHOP Weird is you bringing me a dead cat.

Steve touches the dead cat's mouth with his bare hands. We see three scratches on Steve's lower, right arm. He exposes the cat's teeth. The fangs are long and curved, like a snake. BISHOP You, uh, often examine your road kill? STEVE I thought it was my neighbor's cat, so I went to bag it. It wasn't quite dead yet. Bishop notices the scratches on Steve's arm and nods at them. BISHOP You should really clean them-STEVE Later--check out the claws. Steve picks up the cat's paw and exposes its claws. We see the cat's claws are double the usual size for a domestic cat. STEVE There's something freaky about this cat. It moved in a strange way. It ran out in front of me in long bounds--not at all like a cat. BISHOP Could be inbreeding. STEVE You'd like to do some tests on it though, right? BISHOP I could do a few tests, just to see if it's a rare breed of cat. STEVE Great. I have to pick up Lilla. I'm late already. I'll stop back tomorrow before class. Steve hurries from the room. Bishop looks after him.

BISHOP Get a tetanus shot! Night. Bishop approaches the dead cat with a syringe. holds the skin and inserts the needle. He

He draws back some blood. The cat suddenly jerks and jumps. Bishop jumps backward with surprise. The cat attempts to bite him. Bishop pulls his hand back and stabs himself with the needle. He cries out and leaps away from the counter. The needle falls to the floor. The cat flops on the table a moment then lay motionless. Bishop is frozen and stares at the dead animal while holding his bleeding hand. Bishop is momentarily startled then looks at the puncture on his hand. He's stabbed himself deep. He hurries to the sink and washes it with chemicals. He dries his hands then looks back at the dead cat. There's no movement. BISHOP Must've hit a reflex nerve. Bishop wraps his hand and approaches the needle on the floor. He picks it up and takes it to a nearby counter with test tubes. We hear a knock on the door. Bishop jerks nervously and turns. DAVIS COLLINS enters the room with a bright smile. DAVIS Intend to work all night, or are we going out? BISHOP You need to see this. Bishop leads Davis to the dead cat. Davis appears sickened.

DAVIS Nice. I just love looking at dead things-BISHOP It's a new species of cat--if you can even call it that. I'd injected a syringe into its glands. It's venomous. DAVIS Like a snake? BISHOP I'm not sure if it's poisonous or not. I'll need to do more tests. DAVIS Not tonight, I hope. We're going out. You promised.

BISHOP I suppose it can wait until morning. Just give me a minute to bag the kitty and put him on ice. INT. TAVERN -- NIGHT

We see a comedian on the small stage of the quiet, country tavern. The room is crowded and smoke filled. Bishop and Davis sit at a small table near the back of the tavern with drinks before them and half listen to the comedian. DAVIS I can't believe Bonnie didn't give you a hard time about coming out with me tonight. BISHOP She had plans with her sister. DAVIS So she doesn't know you're out. I can go out. permission. BISHOP I don't need her

DAVIS Sure you don't. BISHOP It's not my fault you two can't get along. DAVIS No, it's not, but we won't get into another debate over it. We hear applauding as the young comedian leaves the stage. Davis looks around. DAVIS Well--look who's working here. Bishop turns and looks. approaches their table. A young woman, JESSICA MCALLISTER, Her smile is bright and warm.

JESSIE Mr. Collins, Prof. Bishop--what a surprise. DAVIS Hello, Jessie. I didn't know you worked here.

JESSIE Just weekends usually, but they needed some extra help tonight. Could I get you some refills? DAVIS You certainly may. I'll have a highball, and the dull professor will have a club soda. Jessie collects their glasses and smiles. JESSIE I'll be right back. Davis watches as she turns and walks away. then Jessie. BISHOP (firm) Stop that-DAVIS She's a real beauty. Wish I had her in my class. I wouldn't get any work done. BISHOP Please--she's my student. You should be ashamed. She's only twenty-two. You're thirteen years older than her. That's almost like being her father. DAVIS Maybe she likes older men. Besides, there's no harm in looking. BISHOP It's not your looking that's the problem. I'm very uncomfortable when you flirt with my students. DAVIS Come off it, Bishop. One time-that's all. I haven't touched one of your students since. I know. it up. BISHOP I'm sorry for bringing Bishop eyes him

DAVIS Forgiven and forgotten. I'll refrain from gawking at your students in your presence.

BISHOP Thank you. Jessie returns with their drinks. She places them before them. Davis places some money on the table. DAVIS Keep the change, Jessie. JESSIE Is there anything else I can get for either of you? BISHOP We're fine, thanks. JESSIE If you need anything else, just let me know. Jessie smiles and leaves their table. drink. DAVIS I saw that. BISHOP Saw what? DAVIS You looked at her ass when she turned. BISHOP I did not. You did too. stray. DAVIS I saw your eyes Bishop looks to his

BISHOP Will you tone down your hormones? You need to get laid worse than I do. Silence. DAVIS Why'd she cut you off this time? BISHOP She didn't cut me off. She's been under a lot of stress lately. Women sometimes need emotional support.

DAVIS Stop--you're making me feel like a cheap pervert again. BISHOP Probably because you are. Davis chuckles lowly. INT. UNIVERSITY HALLWAY -- MORNING

College students walk along the hallway to their classes. Steve quickly approaches biology and enters. INT. BIOLOGY -- CONTINUOUS

Steve enters the classroom before the other students. Bishop sits before a microscope and stares into it with great interest. STEVE Hey, Professor. Did you learn anything? Bishop straightens and turns with a smile. BISHOP This creature is remarkable. Its blood cells can regenerate at amazing rates. Its antibodies are incredible, and the tissue can repair itself. It's simply amazing. STEVE Cool. Can you get me on the cover of some national magazine? BISHOP Perhaps an article in the school paper. I'm going to dissect it today. STEVE Can I stay and watch? BISHOP Sure. I thought I'd start during class while everyone was taking their tests. Oh, the test. STEVE I forgot.

BISHOP You should've been studying more of biology and less of Lilla.

STEVE Kinda like biology. Why don't you push back the test until tomorrow and dissect the cat in class today? BISHOP You'd do anything to get out of taking that test. All Right, we'll do a show and tell for the class. STEVE You're the best, Professor. Bishop smiles then stands. He approaches the refrigerator and opens the door. We see the large cat standing inside the refrigerator staring at them. It growls and springs forward onto Bishop. Steve cries out. Bishop falls backward against a workstation and attempts to pull the cat off of him. The cat bites him on the hand. Bishop cries out and slings the large cat away from him. The cat leaps awkwardly across the room, toppling several chairs as it and runs out the door. We hear several screams in the hallway. Bishop clutches his bleeding hand and runs for the door. Steve hurries after him. INT. UNIVERSITY HALLWAY -- CONTINUOUS

Bishop and Steve run into the hallway and stare down the corridor. We see several surprised students but no sign of the creature. EXT. CAMPUS GROUNDS -- DAY

Bishop, Davis, and BONNIE TORRENCE are sitting at a table under some trees. Bonnie is very proper and prudish in appearance. Her hair is worn in a tight bun and her clothes are business attire. Davis eats his fast food with little conversation. Bonnie sips her bottled water and watches Bishop. He flexes his wrapped hand while staring at his fingers. BONNIE I still don't understand what you were doing with a wild cat in your classroom. BISHOP It wasn't wild--it was dead. At least it acted dead. I don't know what happened. I'm positive it was dead.

BONNIE It bit you--it couldn't have been dead. Dead animals don't usually get up and run away. BISHOP You're right about that. Guess I'll never know what sort of creature I was dealing with. DAVIS What about the venom you'd spoken about? BISHOP The emergency room wouldn't listen. They drew some blood to run tests. DAVIS That's comforting. What if it was toxic? BISHOP (flat) I'd be convulsing by now. BONNIE You two are pathetic. It was just a cat. There are no poisonous cats. Cats with disease--yes. Poisonous--no. DAVIS If you're not feeling well, you should try eating something. Those shots are probably making you sick. BISHOP I can't eat anything. it'd stay down. Bishop stands. BISHOP I'm going back to my classroom. (to Bonnie) I'll call you later about tonight. I don't know if I'll be feeling well enough to go out. Bonnie stands also. I doubt

BONNIE If you're not feeling well, we'll go out another night. My sister could use the company anyway. Bishop kisses her on the cheek then turns and walks back to the main building. INT. BIOLOGY

Bishop sits at his desk with his head in his hands. The students sit at their lab stations and take their tests. Most are finished and converse. We see Lilla, Jessie, and TIM talking softly. Another student, RANDY, looks across his lab station to STAN. RANDY Prof. Bishop is such a dork. STAN Ms. Torrance isn't much of a winner, but I can't even understand what she sees in him. Lilla appears to overhear their conversation and turns toward them. LILLA You two are such jerks. Prof. Bishop is a great guy. He's the nicest teacher here. Yeah, right. the coolest. RANDY Coach Parson is

LILLA I'd expect that from a muscle head like you. Just because Prof. Bishop is intelligent and mild tempered, that makes him a dork? STAN Exactly. RANDY What's with your girls? You always stick up for the weak, pathetic guys. Look at him-he's pathetic. Jessie turns in her seat and glares at Randy and Stan.

JESSIE He's always been nice to you two, despite how cruel and obnoxious you're been. RANDY Not you too. JESSIE I like the guy. He's a great teacher. He always takes time to explain things if I don't understand, and he never looks down upon anyone. Tim leans in from the row over. TIM He knows more than you two could ever hope to learn. Long after your knees give out, he'll still be intelligent and you two will just be dumb, ex-jocks with bad knees and no brains. JAKE, a big guy in a football jacket, places a hand on Tim's shoulder. JAKE Don't presume all of us are morons, Tim. I happen to have a 4.0 average for this year and more yards than any other player on the team. Stereotyping is bad. TIM I was just pointing out that Prof. Bishop is a good guy. JAKE Yeah, he's cool. You'd have to be a complete moron not to like the guy. Stan and Randy mind their own business. looks at his watch, and stands. Prof. Bishop stirs,

BISHOP I'm going to let you go early today. When you're finished with your tests, you can leave them on my desk on your way out. Bishop turns and knocks several things from his desk. Several students laugh as they head out of the room. We hear several comments.

STUDENT ONE What a loser. STUDENT TWO Klutz. Most of the class has left. Bishop slowly lowers himself to one knee and reaches for a book on the floor. His wrapped hand trembles. He cringes, pulls his hand back, and holds it in his left. We see a pair of flat pumps and stocking legs before him. Bishop looks up the legs to Jessie, who's standing in front of him. She lowers herself with a smile and helps collect the fallen pens and papers. Bishop picks up the book with his left hand. Both straighten. Jessie places the pens and papers on his desk. JESSIE What did you do to your hand? Cat bite. BISHOP Nothing really.

JESSIE Do you need any help? BISHOP No, Jessie, but thank you. Jessie flashes a tiny smile and leaves the room. Bishop stares after her. Davis passes Jessie at the doorway. DAVIS Good afternoon, Jessie. JESSIE Hi, Mr. Collins. Davis walks into the room with his head turned in Jessie's direction as she leaves. He looks to Bishop and smiles. DAVIS Sorry, I couldn't help myself. She shouldn't be allowed to wear skirts like that. Bishop returns to his cluttered desk. BISHOP You don't have to check on me. I'm not foaming at the mouth yet. DAVIS You look terrible.

BISHOP Good. I wouldn't want to look better than I feel. I'm still feeling sick to my stomach, I have a terrible headache, and I'm completely exhausted. I'm going to go home, take some medication, and sleep until class tomorrow. DAVIS Okay, but if you don't feel any better in the morning, you'd better call off. BISHOP Yes, mother. Bishop latches his leather bag style briefcase and leaves the classroom with Davis. INT. BISHOPS APARTMENT/BEDROOM -- NIGHT

We see Bishop lying awake in his bed. He turns over in the darkness and looks at his clock. It's three in the morning. He groans and stares at the ceiling. INT. UNIVERSITY HALLWAY -- MORNING

Bishop walks through the nearly empty hallway carrying his large cup of coffee. He has circles under his eyes. Math teacher, COMPTON, approaches from the nearby accounting room. COMPTON Morning, Bishop. You're early this morning. BISHOP I have a lot of work to do. COMPTON Fall asleep grading those papers again? BISHOP No, actually they're all graded. COMPTON That must've taken you a better part of the night. BISHOP Yes. Bishop pauses outside of the open accounting classroom.



Bonnie sits at her desk planning tomorrow's lesson in her book. Bishop enters the room with a weary smile. BISHOP Good morning. Bonnie looks up. Her smile fades.

BONNIE You look terrible! BISHOP I didn't get any sleep last night. BONNIE You shouldn't have come in today. You won't be able to work. BISHOP You know me--I'm stupid. Besides, I have some tests I'd like to run this morning. How's your sister doing? BONNIE Okay, I suppose. I helped her pack a few things last night. I just can't get her to walk out the door. The jerk didn't come home again last night. BISHOP She needs to move out. He openly admitted he's having an affair and wants a divorce. She shouldn't keep torturing herself that way. BONNIE I know, but she doesn't want to admit it's over. I guess she still loves him. BISHOP It's not always enough just to love someone. I think we should go out for dinner tonight. I'll take a nap right after work then pick you up around seven. BONNIE I can't, Monroe--not tonight. My sister needs me now.

BISHOP Bonnie, this may sound selfish, but I don't want to spend another evening alone. It's been a really rough week-BONNIE You think I've been having fun? You're right, you are being selfish. My sister's talking about killing herself--and you don't want to be alone. BISHOP You're right. I'm sorry. This has been a bad week for you as well. Bishop turns to leave. Bonnie stands and hurries after him. She stops him before the door and smiles warmly. BONNIE I'm sorry, Monroe. I've been neglecting you the last couple of weeks. You understand it's been rough with my sister. I'll make it up to you. We can go out Saturday--spend the entire day together. BISHOP That's a wonderful idea. I'll plan a romantic day. We can charter a boat and have a picnic lunch, then dinner and dancing on the mainland at that club I was telling you about. BONNIE That sounds perfect. You arrange it. I'll get my sister back on her feet before then. Just you and I alone on Saturday. Bonnie kisses him quickly on the lips then returns to her desk. Bishop smiles warmly and leaves. INT. BASEMENT

Janitor HARPER whistles while toting his wrench. He walks along the corridor in the basement between the boilers. We hear a faint gurgle. Harper pauses and listens. He looks around then continues to walk without any sound. He approaches the rear boiler and begins tightening a leaky valve.

He looks to the floor and sees bloody paw prints near a narrow opening between the boiler and the furnace. He kneels on one knee and looks into the dark opening. HARPER What in the world? He turns sideways and reaches into the opening. INT. BIOLOGY

We see the empty classroom. Bishop stands before the blackboard. He has to stop writing and flexes his hand before continuing. Davis enters the classroom before the students. DAVIS How are you feeling? BISHOP Surprisingly well, considering I didn't get any sleep last night. DAVIS Oh, Bonnie finally gave in and put out, eh? BISHOP She was at her sister's last night. That situation doesn't get any better. DAVIS She should spend more time at her sisters. You're almost a bachelor again. BISHOP I'm glad you're enjoying it. I like having female companionship. Maybe I should ask Bonnie to move in with me. At least I'd be able to see her at night. DAVIS (horrified) No--no. You don't want that. BISHOP I'm thirty-five. I shouldn't be living alone. Sadly enough, I'm just as lonely now as I was before I'd met Bonnie. We've got to get away together, but it's been difficult. (MORE)

BISHOP (Cont) I can't seem to spark her interest anymore. She's so busy all of the time--there's just no time for me. DAVIS As your friend, it's my duty to instruct you to leave her. Move on and find someone new. If you won't fathom one night stands, at least find yourself a steady girlfriend who'll take care of your needs. BISHOP I'm comfortable with Bonnie. There's nothing more awkward then dating new people. Well, except having sex for the first time with someone new. I'd hate to have to go through that again. DAVIS It's my fault. I should've pushed more trashy women on you back in college. Let's face facts here. If you stay with Bonnie, you can forget about having sex on a regular basis. It's sad, but there are some women out there who just don't enjoy sex. Personally, I think they should be required to have a warning label across their forehead. Bishop laughs softly. BISHOP I'll tell you what. You worry about liberating the female population, and I'll worry about Bonnie and my sex life. Steve hurries into the classroom. His face is pale, he's out of breath, and there are dark circles beneath his bloodshot eyes. STEVE Prof. Bishop, the janitor found the cat in the boiler room. BISHOP Did you tell him not to touch it?

STEVE It's dead this time--I'm convinced. All three hurry from the room. INT. BASEMENT He's standing

Bishop, Steve, and Davis approach Harper. with an empty, plastic bag and a shovel. HARPER Morning, Professor. Steve said you'd want to see the animal before I tossed it into the furnace. BISHOP Where is it?

Harper points near the narrow space between the boiler and the wall. Bishop slowly approaches and looks at the dead cat. It's sunken in as if completely drained of all of its liquids. It looks less like a cat and more like some indescribable creature. INT. BIOLOGY

The students stand around the workstation while Bishop analyzes the animal. He looks at things under the microscope. BISHOP Incredible. All the students are interested. on a tablet. Steve writes things down

STEVE What's incredible? What should I write? BISHOP The tissue is like nothing I've ever seen before. It's not animal, but it's not human. BOY Alien? BISHOP It very well could be. Late afternoon. Steve and two other students remain in the classroom as the next class enters. Several teachers have gathered around as well.

BISHOP Its brain is complex. I've never seen anything like this before. DAVIS Complex? You mean that creature's intelligence exceeds ours? BISHOP (looks up) Not intelligence so much. All it proves is that it works differently than ours. It's too advanced for me. Fascinating. Evening. Davis enters the classroom with several bags from a fast food restaurant. Bishop records information into a small tape recorder. Steve, Jessie, and Jake remain by the workstation. Davis hands out the wrapped food. He places Bishop's food before him, but Bishop doesn't touch it. DAVIS Anything new since I'd gone for nourishment? STEVE Professor thinks the creature may have been able to change forms. Really? DAVIS Like metamorphosis?

JAKE No, like actually changing form back and fourth at will. BISHOP In theory-DAVIS Don't you think it's time for us to call the government? All four glare at Davis. DAVIS What? BISHOP They can have it when I'm finished. They'll never share their findings with us.

DAVIS Hopefully they won't eliminate us for knowing too much. BISHOP Too many witnesses. Even the government couldn't cover up that many disappearances. DAVIS Don't be so sure. Night. Bishop stretches then looks at his watch. It's two in the morning. He stiffly stands from his stool. Davis is asleep at the cluttered desk near a marble skull paperweight, and Steve's asleep on the floor in the corner. Jessie enters with some coffee for everyone. She looks around and smiles with embarrassment. JESSIE Guess I was too slow. Bishop accepts the coffee and takes a sip. BISHOP I didn't realize it was so late. JESSIE You've discovered an alien species. I suppose that'd make it hard to keep track of time. BISHOP Steve actually discovered it. We'd better wake the others. We all need some sleep. JESSIE This must be an exciting day for you. I mean, people live for this sort of discovery. BISHOP You're right. Today will definitely be one of my finest days. JESSIE I'm glad you allowed us to share it with you. Bishop appears to stare at her a moment longer then he should. He looks away with a slightly embarrassed smile. BISHOP It was nice having an audience.

Jessie smiles warmly and walks past him to Steve. Bishop turns and watches her a moment. He appears slightly embarrassed then turns and approaches Davis. BISHOP Davis. Come on. It's time to go home. Davis slowly wakes. We hear Jessie scream slightly. Both spin around. Jessie jumps away from Steve and stands. Steve rubs his cheek then groans. JESSIE Jerk! BISHOP Okay, guys. Time to go home. (to Davis) I'm going to pickle our guest for the night. Would you make sure my students get safely to their cars? DAVIS I'll see them out. See you in the morning. BISHOP If I can get up for morning. I feel like I could sleep for a week. Steve and Jessie walk past Bishop. Jessie follows Davis into the hallway. Steve's eyes are darker now than before. Bishop stops him with a look of concern. BISHOP Are you all right? STEVE I haven't been sleeping well. That hour here was the first I've slept in two days. BISHOP Are you sure you're okay? Steve nods. Bishop tilts his head with concern and watches him leave. Once the three have gone, Bishop removes the creature from the pan and places it into a large jar. He fills the jar with formaldehyde then closes the lid. He studies the creature through the jar then places it on a nearby shelf. He tosses his lab coat aside, shuts off the lights, and leaves the room.



Dim lighting. Bishop locks the classroom door and walks along the hallway. He fumbles with his keys, searching for the car key. Something large and dark steps out of the connecting hallway before him. Bishop looks up and jumps back with surprise. We see an older man, QUINN, dressed completely in black and wearing a leather trench coat. He stands before Bishop. BISHOP (nervous) Uh, can I help you? QUINN (pleasant) Prof. Monroe Bishop? I believe you have something I want. Kindly take me to it. BISHOP Who are you? Quinn removes a large gun from his trench coat and aims it at Bishop. His smile remains pleasant. Bishop stares at the gun with increasing alarm. BISHOP I see. Could you tell me what it is you're looking for? If it's money, I only have twenty dollars-QUINN I want the cat you found this morning. We can see the concern in Bishop's eyes. He attempts to remain calm, but it's obvious he's frightened. BISHOP You want--the cat? QUINN Quit playing stupid, Professor. Just take me to the creature. INT. BIOLOGY -- CONTINUOUS

Darkness. We see Bishop's silhouette outside of the glass on the door. The door opens. Bishop turns on the lights. Quinn follows Bishop into the room. Bishop slowly approaches the shelf. He picks up the jar and turns. Quinn approaches and peers at the creature through the jar. He looks sharply at Bishop with cold, narrow eyes. Bishop appears concerned.

QUINN Who has this creature bitten? BISHOP (nervous) Bitten? I--I don't know what you're talking about. QUINN This creature has bitten someone or it wouldn't look as it does. (icy) I repeat--who has it bitten? BISHOP I don't know. I found it like that this morning. QUINN Set it down on the counter. Bishop slowly moves to the counter and sets down the jar. He nervously straightens and stares at the gun. We see Jessie step into the classroom doorway. She's about to speak but instead stops and stares. Bishop's eyes shift to her with surprise. Quinn notices the look and spins around. BISHOP No! Bishop lunges for Quinn. Quinn spins back around. Bishop grabs the wrist holding the gun. Quinn shoves him backward with a palm to his chest. Bishop flies backward and crashes into the shelf. Several jars crash to the floor and shatter. Bishop clings to the shelf and pulls himself to his feet. Jessie grabs the skull paperweight from Bishop's desk and strikes Quinn on the back of the head. We hear the dull thud. Quinn turns to face Jessie. She drops the paperweight with wide, horrified eyes. The paperweight harshly strikes the floor and chips it. Quinn motions with the gun. QUINN (firm) Get over there--now. Jessie hurries for Bishop and clings to his arm. JESSIE Professor, are you okay? BISHOP (stares at Quinn) No--

Bishop gathers her in his arms and holds her head to his chest. He continues to watch Quinn. Quinn approaches the jar, studies it, and then picks it up. He turns toward them with the gun aimed. Bishop quickly spins them so his back is to Quinn. He holds onto Jessie and pinches his eyes shut. Silence. We hear the door shut. Bishop opens one eye then the other. He turns. Quinn and the creature are gone. INT. BISHOP'S APARTMENT/BEDROOM -- NIGHT

Bishop lay in his bed and stares at the ceiling. He looks at the clock, rolls his eyes, moans, and pulls the pillow over his head. EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD -- DAY

Jessie, Jake, Tim, and Lilla are sitting on the bleachers. There are some students tossing football on the field. JAKE You can't be serious--a man actually stole the creature? JESSIE I thought I'd die when he aimed that gun at us. LILLA What did Prof. Bishop do? JESSIE It happened so fast, he didn't really have time to do much of anything. Though he stood between me and the man with the gun. He was very gallant. JAKE Prof. Bishop? Gallant? Scared to death would be more like it. JESSIE Maybe--but he was still gallant. JAKE It was a good thing I hadn't been there. I would've tackled him and sent his balls for a field goal. JESSIE Didn't you hear me? I told you I'd cracked him on the head with that marble paperweight and he didn't even flinch. The guy was not normal.

TIM Cool--another alien. They all look at Tim. JAKE What? TIM What if he was an alien as well? You said he was stronger than a normal man. Who else, other than the government, would want that creature? JAKE Be real! We're talking about two terrified people here. She probably didn't even hit him that hard. Randy and Stan run across the field after throwing the football to some other boys. RANDY Yo-Jake, are you coming out to throw or not? JAKE Yeah, I'll be right there. STAN Hey, Tim. I hear Prof. Bishop is a basket case today. Some guy broke into the school and took a shot at him. Tim rolls his eyes. Jake approaches the two jocks and smacks Stan on the shoulder. JAKE Stop being a jerk, will ya. Stan appears slightly embarrassed. All three run onto the field. We see Steve walking across the field toward them. He's nearly tackled by one of the jocks catching the football. He doesn't even appear fazed. As he gets closer, we see the darkness beneath his eyes and the paleness to his skin. Lilla groans. LILLA Oh, God. He looks terrible. I think I'd better get him to the doctor today. Steve approaches and joins Lilla on the bleachers.

STEVE Hi. TIM You okay? I can't sleep. in days. STEVE I haven't slept

JESSIE You look terrible. STEVE Thanks. Steve rests his head on Lilla's shoulder. LILLA Come on, Steve. I'll take you home. STEVE I need a minute to rest. tired. I'm so

JESSIE I have to go or I'll be late for biology. Me too. TIM Will you two be okay? Lilla turns toward Steve

Lilla nods. Tim and Jessie leave. and lifts his head.

LILLA (firm) What are you taking this time? STEVE Nothing, I swear. I'm clean. Lilla stands. Come on. doctor. LILLA Let's get you to a

Steve slowly stands. They walk down the bleachers. Steve suddenly stops and shakes his head as if a chill passes through him. Lilla stares at him. LILLA Are you okay?

Steve slowly looks at Lilla with a strange alertness. STEVE Yeah, I suddenly feel fine. I feel like I've been rejuvenated or something. Must be those vitamins I took this morning. LILLA Do you think you can make it to my car? STEVE Yeah, I feel great. Steve takes her hand with a relieved smile. INT. BIOLOGY

Bishop sits at his desk with his chin propped on his knuckles and a book open before him. The students sit in the class and watch as his eyes slowly shut and his head slips off of his chin. Tim and Jessie look at one another. A moment passes and he's awake. Bishop stands. BISHOP Please read the next chapter on your own. I'll be right back. He hurries from the classroom. INT. MEN'S ROOM

Bishop leans on the sink and splashes cold water on his face. He moans softly then grabs a towel and dries his face. Davis enters the bathroom and pauses. DAVIS Are you all right? Tim told me you left the classroom in a hurry. BISHOP No, I'm not all right. He looks at himself in the mirror. We see he has dark circles under his reddened eyes. He turns to face Davis. BISHOP I can't sleep. I've been awake forty-eight hours now. I'm exhausted during the day then I lay awake at night. I think I'm going insane. DAVIS You're already there, man.

BISHOP No--I'm serious. I didn't want to say anything, but that guy who was here last night wanted to know who the creature had bitten. DAVIS That's right. That's the cat that bit you--only it wasn't a cat. The venom? BISHOP I don't know. I need to do another blood test on myself. Will you help me? DAVIS Yeah, sure. Whatever you need. Maybe it's nothing. The bite could've caused a counter balance of something and affected your sleep. Maybe you need some sleeping pills--or a good knock to the head. BISHOP No, I won't take any pills. There might be a complication, but I'll keep the knocking out suggestion in mind. Do you want to know what really has me concerned? DAVIS What? BISHOP When I lay there awake at night. I have this overwhelming sexual urge. DAVIS I get that way every night. Do what I do--take matters into your own hands. It passes. BISHOP I'm not talking about your typical urge--I'm talking about fucking everything in sight. I took four ice cold showers last night. There's something wrong with me--I mean, seriously wrong.

DAVIS You're not thinking about guys or animals, are you? BISHOP No, nothing like that. I don't think I can safely fill my needs. DAVIS What do you mean? BISHOP I mean--I'm afraid I'll hurt Bonnie if I'm alone with her. This is all in my head. I'm going insane, that's all. Bishop paces the floor. BISHOP It's the venom from the cat bite. It's making me mad. I'll probably have an aneurysm tonight and die in my bed. DAVIS Okay, look. I'll tell you what. We'll do the blood test thing tonight--see what it shows. Then I'll come to your house and stay with you. If you act odd, I'll put you out. Fair enough? BISHOP No, but it's better than anything I can come up with. DAVIS And this sex drive thing--I went through that myself last night. Probably just something in the air. EXT. PARKING LOT -- DAY

We see an old car in the parking lot. It's rocking slightly. We hear loud moans coming from the back seat. INT. CAR -- CONTINUOUS

We see Steve and Lilla on the back seat. Close-up shot. Steve collapses on top of Lilla while panting. Lilla catches her breath and strokes his hair.

LILLA Oh, Steve--I thought you just wanted a quickie. We're going to get caught. Steve begins kissing her neck. STEVE You get me so excited, Lilla. Steve starts moving again. Lilla gasps.

LILLA We should get out of here before someone comes along. STEVE I don't want to stop. Steve kisses her shoulder. STEVE I want you. He continues with her. Stop it. Lilla attempts to stop him.

LILLA That's enough. STEVE

I need more. LILLA (firm) No! Steve lifts his head slightly. Fangs appear from his mouth. He bites Lilla's shoulder. Lilla cries out. Her eyes widen, but she's immobile. EXT. PARKING LOT -- CONTINUOUS

We see the old car once again begin to rock. INT. BIOLOGY

Bishop sits motionless behind his desk and stares at the marble paperweight. We see the classroom full of students sitting at their desks and staring oddly at their motionless professor. Bishop slowly looks up, notices the odd stares, and then looks at his watch. BISHOP Uh, that's all for this week. Have a safe weekend.

The students stare at him a moment longer then begins to leave in a rush. BISHOP Someone have a couple of drinks for me, okay? There are several cheers. Bishop holds his head in his hands and stares at the desktop a moment longer. Jessie approaches Bishop as the last of the students leave. She stares at him a moment. JESSIE Professor? Bishop jerks slightly, lifts his head, and looks at her. BISHOP Hmm? JESSIE I wanted to talk to you about last night. Bishop suddenly appears alarmed and quickly stands. Last night? night? BISHOP What about last

JESSIE The guy who broke in here. Remember, the man with the gun? Bishop relaxes. BISHOP Oh, yes--of course. I knew you meant that, I just thought--what did you want to talk about? Jessie sits on the desk near him and crosses her legs. Bishop's eyes stray to her legs. He looks away with concern and nervously rakes his fingers through his hair. JESSIE Tim thinks the guy was an alien. You don't think that's possible, do you? BISHOP I think--it's been a rough week and we both need to forget about it and relax this weekend.

JESSIE You don't think there's any reason to be alarmed? BISHOP I don't think you need to worry. He wouldn't have any reason to come after you. It was me he wanted. Go home and relax. Everything will be fine. JESSIE You're acting awfully strange, Professor. Have I done something wrong? BISHOP No--no, of course you haven't. Bishop sits alongside her. BISHOP I'm sorry--I haven't been myself lately. You don't need to worry about anything. I'm confident he meant you no harm. JESSIE I was a little worried. I'd never had a gun pointed at me before. You don't really think he'll come back for you, do you? Bishop stares at Jessie's exposed thigh below her skirt. quickly returns to meet her gaze. BISHOP No--no, I don't think-(pause) --he's coming back for me either. Bishop's hand moves to her stocking thigh below the skirt line. Jessie tenses, looks down to his hand on her leg, and then meets his gaze. JESSIE Are you feeling okay, Professor? BISHOP Yeah, I'm fine. Why? Jessie looks to his hand caressing her thigh. Bishop looks down as well. He pulls his hand back with surprise and jumps to his feet. Jessie smiles and stands. He

BISHOP (nervous) I'm sorry. I didn't mean-JESSIE It's okay, Professor. You've been under a lot of stress. I understand. I'll see you Monday. Jessie leaves the room. Bishop watches her walk from the room. His head tilts. Close-up of Jessie's buttocks and legs. Bishop shuts his eyes and moans softly. He pulls his lab coat insecurely closed. BISHOP (mutters) What's fucking wrong with me? DAVIS I could make a list, but we'll start with the blood test. Bishop looks at Davis in the doorway. points to Bishop's crotch. DAVIS Was that for Jessie? BISHOP Don't start, Davis. I'm in real trouble here. DAVIS Not if she's over eighteen and consenting. Of course, if Bonnie knew you had a hard on for Jessie, she'd castrate you on the spot. BISHOP Are you going to help me, or shall we just discuss my uncontrollable urges all night? DAVIS The latter would be more entertaining. Evening. Bishop stares through the microscope. He changes slides several times. Davis sits at Bishop's desk and fills out a crossword puzzle. DAVIS You wanna know what I think? Davis smirks and

BISHOP If it involves my penis again-no, I don't want to know. Davis sets down the crosswords. DAVIS I think you want Jessie and your guilty conscience about Bonnie has created this entire sleep disorder. Jessie's a beautiful girl. Who wouldn't want to violate her a dozen different ways? BISHOP You've said the key word--girl. Men our age should not have relations with girls twenty-two. Bishop stares into the microscope. BISHOP Oh, no. Davis quickly stands and approaches. What? DAVIS What is it?

BISHOP My blood is no longer Apositive. DAVIS What is it then? Bishop groans and allows his head to hit the desk. BISHOP Alien. Davis stares at Bishop with wide, horrified eyes. slowly lifts his head. BISHOP Over fifty percent of my blood matches that of the alien creature. DAVIS You mean you're-BISHOP It's transforming me. I don't know what I'll be by tomorrow morning. Bishop

DAVIS (horrified) What--what should I do? Do I take you to the hospital? BISHOP That wouldn't do any good. you still want to help me? Do

DAVIS Yes, of course. Alien or not, you're still my best friend. BISHOP Come to my house tonight. If I do anything unusual, I want you to knock me out. DAVIS I don't know that I like that plan anymore. What about that guy who came here last night. He knew about the creature. Maybe he could give more information on what's happening to you. BISHOP He doesn't want to give information. He just wants to shoot something. INT. BISHOP'S APARTMENT/BEDROOM -- NIGHT

We see Bishop lying on his bed while staring at the ceiling. He exhales deeply and gets out of bed. INT. BISHOP'S APARTMENT/LIVING ROOM

Bishop, now fully dressed, walks into the living room. We see Davis asleep on the sofa. The T.V. is on. Bishop walks past Davis and leaves the house. INT. TAVERN -- MIDNIGHT

Bishop enters the tavern and looks around. There is a large crowd of people drinking and socializing. We see a band rather than a comedian act tonight. We see Jessie serving drinks to a table near the back. Bishop watches her for several minutes. He shuts his eyes, groans, turns, and leaves.



Bishop pauses before an apartment door. He's about to knock. We hear music coming from inside. He turns the doorknob. It's not locked. Bishop enters the apartment. INT. BONNIE'S APARTMENT/BEDROOM

Bishop's POV through the partially opened bedroom door. We see Bonnie and Compton making love through a reflection in the bedroom mirror. Bishop's eyes narrow from where he stands just near the partially opened door. He watches in silence and anger. The bed squeaks and Bonnie cries out with pleasure. Compton moans loudly. There's a series of low moans and sighs. Compton moves off of Bonnie and lights a cigarette. COMPTON So--what are our plans for tomorrow? BONNIE I'm supposed to be going away with Monroe all day. He's planning a romantic getaway. COMPTON Why haven't you dumped him yet? BONNIE Because my birthday's coming up, and he's a big spender. I'll get out of it. My sister excuse has worked the past two weeks. He's buying it. INT. BONNIE'S APARTMENT/LIVING ROOM -- CONTINUOUS

Bishop stares through the opening. He drags his fingers along the wall and leaves deep scratches. He turns and leaves. EXT. TAVERN -- 2:30 A.M.

Jessie and another girl leave the club and walk across the nearly empty parking lot. Both stop and stare. We see Bishop leaning against Jessie's car. The other girl appears concerned. WAITRESS Should we call the owner? JESSIE No, it's okay. That's my biology professor. I wonder what he's doing here.

WAITRESS Should I wait? JESSIE No, I'll be fine. Good night. The other girl heads for her car. Jessie approaches Bishop. He has a tiny smile on his face. Jessie smiles warmly. JESSIE I really didn't expect to see you here tonight. What brings you out so late? Bishop straightens and pulls her into his arms. Jessie appears surprised. She tenses and places her hands against his chest. JESSIE (nervous) Prof. Bishop-His eyes stray to her mouth. His lips follow. He kisses her tenderly. Jessie holds him back, though it proves useless. His kiss becomes more passionate. She gasps then immediately relaxes. Her arms slip around his neck. She sinks against his body and returns the kiss. He turns her around and braces her against her car. His hand runs along her side and down her thigh to her bare leg below her skirt. Jessie gasps sharply and pulls her mouth from his. Bishop moans lowly and begins kissing her neck. Jessie's eyes close and she gasps softly. Jessie clings to his neck. His hand travels beneath her skirt. Jessie gasps, stops his hand, and forces him to meet her gaze. JESSIE (firm) No. Neither moves nor looks away. He stares into her eyes and allows his hands to move from beneath her skirt. His hands run firmly along her hips and waist. BISHOP (soft) I can't control it. JESSIE You can control it, Prof. Bishop. Mr. Collins is on his way. Everything will be fine. BISHOP I'm so tired. Jessie gently pulls his head to her chest.

JESSIE I'll help you through this. Bishop places his arms around her waist and clings to her. We see Davis's car pull into the parking lot. He gets out of his car. Jessie holds Bishop's head to her chest and nods to Davis. Davis frowns and strikes Bishop on the head with a rubber mallet. INT. GIRL'S DORM -- NIGHT

Lilla enters the dorm room. We see her two roommates, CALLIE and RHONDA, are watching a movie on the small television while eating popcorn. Lilla watches them a moment then sits on her bed. Callie looks at her watch. CALLIE Oh, damn. I was supposed to call my parents twenty minutes ago. Callie leaves the room. popcorn. Lilla watches Rhonda eat her

RHONDA Pretty sad to be home on a Saturday night, huh? Lilla is silent. Rhonda looks back at her.

RHONDA Why are you home so early anyway? LILLA (sly smile) Steve was tired. Rhonda returns to watching the movie. RHONDA Me too. Tired of chasing drunken guys around frat houses all weekend. Lilla approaches Rhonda and sits on the bed behind her. Rhonda extends the popcorn back to her without looking. RHONDA Want some? Lilla takes the popcorn and sets it aside. Rhonda licks her fingers and watches the movie. Lilla leans toward Rhonda's right shoulder. We see fangs appear.

Time lapse. Callie enters the room. Rhonda's lying on her bed facing the T.V. with her back to the doorway. Lilla's sitting on her bed eating popcorn. CALLIE What'd she do? Fall asleep during the movie? Callie approaches the bed and the T.V. She turns it off and looks at Rhonda. She appears to be asleep. Callie turns. Lilla's standing behind her. Callie appears startled. CALLIE Don't sneak up on me like that. Lilla smiles and places her arms on Callie's shoulder. Callie appears confused. CALLIE What's going on? You're acting stranger than usual. Lilla smiles. We see her sharp fangs. Callie cries out and dives out of Lilla's path. Lilla attempts to catch her. Callie screams and bolts onto Rhonda's bed. Rhonda falls onto her back. She has blood surrounding two puncture marks on her shoulder. Callie cries out, bolts across the bed, and runs into the hallway. INT. DORMITORY HALLWAY -- CONTINUOUS

Callie runs through the hallway and pounds on several doors while screaming. Help me! CALLIE Someone!

Lilla continues after her. Callie slides before the elevator and hits the button. She looks back to the stairway then down the hall. Lilla is gone. Callie stands frozen a moment and breaths heavily. The elevator doors open. Callie turns and nearly collides with Lilla now alongside her. Lilla exposes her fangs in a strange smile and lurches forward. Callie screams. INT. BISHOP'S APARTMENT/LIVING ROOM -- MORNING

We see Jessie sitting on the sofa and listening to arguing voices from the bedroom. BISHOP (O.S.) Stop following me around, Davis. I'm fine! Bishop appears from the bedroom wearing a pair of colorful boxer shorts. He stops when he sees Jessie. She looks at him and smiles.

JESSIE Morning, Professor. Nice boxers. Bishop smiles nervously and returns to his room. INT. BISHOP'S APARTMENT/BEDROOM

Bishop shuts the bedroom door and glares at Davis, who holds up a robe. DAVIS You may want this. BISHOP Are you insane, or are you just trying to embarrass me to death? Bishop snatches the robe and casts it onto the bed. DAVIS No, you're insane. She insisted on staying last night. I didn't know what to do, so I let her. BISHOP I'll be lucky if she doesn't have me thrown in jail after last night. DAVIS Not to worry. She's very openminded about the entire thing. She wants to help. BISHOP How convenient. At least I won't have to travel far to attack her next time. DAVIS I don't think that'll happen. You look better than you have in days. I think that long nap you took did the trick. BISHOP Do you have any idea how uncomfortable I am right now? can't face her. We hear a knock at the front door. BISHOP Will you see who that is and send them away?

Davis nods. He approaches the bedroom door. Bonnie's voice. Davis looks back at Bishop. DAVIS Guess who decided to visit? BISHOP Bonnie?

We hear

Bishop pushes past Davis and leaves the bedroom. INT. BISHOP'S APARTMENT/LIVING ROOM

Jessie stands before the open doorway and Bonnie. Bonnie eyes Jessie. Bishop storms into the living room in his colorful boxer shorts. He quickly approaches both women by the door. Bonnie stands only a few feet from Jessie with her arms folded across her chest. She glares at Bishop. BONNIE Have a little company last night? BISHOP (anger) Oh, if it isn't Ms. Torrance. Did we send Mr. Fractions home early? Come over to cancel our day together with another lie about your sister needing you? BONNIE What are you talking about? What's gotten into you? (points to Jessie) And what are you doing with a student in your house? Jessie stares in silence. BISHOP I'm through with you, Bonnie. I know what you've been doing behind my back. I went to your apartment last night. I saw you and Compton in bed together. Please leave--before I lose what little restraint I have left. BONNIE You're dumping me? Don't think it won't be all over school that you're dating one of your students. Is that a new, low standard for you?

Jessie pushes past Bishop. JESSIE Low? I'm not some cheap tramp! I happen to respect and admire Prof. Bishop. He certainly deserves better than the likes of you! And if he was my boyfriend, I could do a hell of a lot better job at satisfying him. Mr. Compton! You need your head examined! Bonnie glares at Jessie then looks at Bishop. BONNIE You'll want me back. You'll come crawling back to me--you'll see. BISHOP Doubtful. Bonnie leaves the apartment. Jessie slams the door behind her. Davis pokes his head out of the bedroom and looks around. DAVIS Is she gone? BISHOP Why were you hiding? I thought you'd want a front row seat at my break-up argument. DAVIS I did, but I had to remain out of sight long enough for her to jump to the wrong conclusion about you two. BISHOP You're devious. DAVIS We need to have a serious talk about those shorts. Bishop looks down to his boxers, to Jessie, and then hurries from the room with embarrassment. EXT. PARK -- DAY

Steve hurries past several people out for walks in the park. He approaches a more secluded area. Lilla leans against a tree. She smiles and straightens as he approaches.

Steve looks well rested now. kisses her passionately. Oh, Lilla. more.

He pulls her into his arms and

STEVE I need you.

I need

LILLA (purrs) Umm, Steve. I need you too. Lilla meets his gaze. We see her exposed fangs.

LILLA I hope you don't mind, but I brought some friends. Callie and Rhonda slink along the tree branches from above then pounce to the ground near them. Steve smiles lustfully with slightly smaller fangs. STEVE Oh, yeah. The three women seductively slink around him, all with fangs exposed, and smiles on their faces. They move in closer. EXT. PARK SWINGS -- CONTINUOUS

We see mothers with their children in strollers, children climbing on the rides, and others in the sand box. We hear a loud, shrill male scream from somewhere beyond the tree line. Everyone stops and looks. Moments later. A mother holds her child and points to the nearby bushes while standing near the police officer. MOTHER (frightened) It came from over there. The officer looks to his partner. bushes. EXT. PARK -- CONTINUOUS The two police officers appear from the bushes and suddenly stop. We hear the sound of flies buzzing around. On the ground near the tree, we see a bloody, human rib cage and some flesh. There are no other remains. Both officers appear horrified. INT. BIOLOGY -- MONDAY MORNING Both pass through the

Bishop reads the paper with great interest. Davis sits on the edge of the cluttered desk, drinking coffee.

BISHOP Police suspect there's a wild animal lose around the area. DAVIS I think I have you pretty well contained for the moment. Bishop glares at him over the paper. BISHOP Funny. It says here an unidentified man had nearly eighty percent of his body eaten by a wild animal. DAVIS That's pretty sick. What parts do you suppose it didn't like? I think we should have the school nurse give you a physical later. BISHOP Thanks, but no thanks. She has eight hands. I don't want her touching me. DAVIS I suppose that's a good sign. At least I don't need to fear for the entire female population. BISHOP What happened Friday night was an isolated incident. I'm fine now--I have been all weekend. DAVIS Probably because you haven't seen Jessie since Saturday morning. And I saw the way you were looking at her. I'd swear you'd devour the poor girl right before me, if I'd let you. Bishop sets down the paper. BISHOP I'll admit, I looked. in complete control. DAVIS Did you get a woody? But I was

BISHOP (smirks) Just a little one. DAVIS So what about not dating students? BISHOP I'm not dating her--as entertaining a thought as it is. DAVIS So you don't intend to pursue her? BISHOP Perhaps--after she graduates. Providing I don't have scales and a split tongue before then. DAVIS That's why we should do more blood tests--see if it's progressing. It could have reversed itself. You look better than you have in days. Bishop returns to the paper. BISHOP After everyone's gone home. We see Bonnie standing in the doorway staring at Bishop with sad eyes. Davis groans and stands. DAVIS It's back. Davis leaves the room. He smirks at Bonnie as he passes. Bonnie approaches the desk. Bishop drinks some coffee and studies the paper with little acknowledgment. BONNIE Could we talk, Monroe? Bishop doesn't look up from his paper. disinterested. BISHOP Sure. BONNIE Could you look at me? Bishop groans and sets down the paper. smile. He attempts a tiny He appears

BISHOP What would you like to talk about? Bonnie kneels before him and smiles innocently. BONNIE I was a fool for what I did to you. I realize now that I don't want our relationship to end. Can I come over to your house tonight? We could talk more. I'd like to make everything up to you. BISHOP Not a chance in hell. Bonnie stands with an insulted look. BONNIE You're seeing her tonight, aren't you? BISHOP Actually, I intend to bring home a pizza and masturbate while watching the Discovery Channel-the same thing I've been doing for the last two months. At least I know how to satisfy me. Bishop casually returns to his paper. BONNIE You won't even give me a second chance? BISHOP Nope. Students begin to enter the classroom. leaves. EXT. CAMPUS GROUNDS -- DAY Bonnie frowns and

Davis sits on the picnic table while eating his sandwich. He glances at Bishop several times. Bishop sits under a tree with his arms resting on his bent knee. His head rests against the tree, his stare is fixed straight ahead on nothing, and he smiles. DAVIS Are you ravishing a young lady in your mind?

BISHOP No, but I can see her. She's putting on some lipstick. She's beautiful, don't you think? Davis looks around campus. DAVIS I don't know who you're looking at, but I don't see her. BISHOP She's in the ladies room on the first floor. He shuts his eyes and inhales. BISHOP She smells so good. Davis stares at him with a look of concern and lowers his sandwich. DAVIS They're going to put you in a padded cell yet. INT. BIOLOGY

We hear male whistles. Close-up on a pair of legs. Pan back. We see Lilla enter the classroom in a red, spandex dress with high heels. Her hair is long and wild and her lipstick is bright. Several boys watch her enter the room. She eyes Bishop as she passes. He stares at her with some surprise. She runs her finger along the skull paperweight as she passes. Bishop suddenly looks to the empty doorway and stares. Within seconds, Jessie enters. His eyes follow her. She smiles warmly at him and takes her seat beside Lilla. Jessie suddenly eyes Lilla with some surprise and hesitation. Time lapse. The students work on their projects. Bishop paces the classroom near the windows and across the front of the room. Lilla appears to be watching him. Jessie sees Lilla staring at Bishop. She looks toward the pacing teacher. Bishop is watching Jessie. Jessie looks back to her papers then becomes still. Jessie turns her head toward Lilla. Lilla is glaring at her. We hear a soft growl from Lilla's throat. Jessie jumps from her seat and stares at Lilla with a horrified look. Bishop stops pacing and appears concerned. Jessie hurries to the front of the class. In two long strides, Bishop cuts her off before the door. BISHOP Are you all right?

JESSIE (nervous) I don't feel well. I need some air. Jessie pushes past him and hurries from the room. INT. UNIVERSITY HALLWAY -- CONTINUOUS

The students filter out of the classroom. Bishop steps into the hallway and looks around. The hall's empty. He frowns and returns to his room. INT. BIOLOGY -- CONTINUOUS

We see Lilla sitting on Bishop's desk with her legs crossed in a seductive manner. Bishop casually places his hands in his lab coat pockets and raises his brows. BISHOP Is there something I can do for you, Lilla? Lilla purrs like a cat and slides off of the desk. LILLA Umm--yes. Lilla approaches him and seductively runs her fingers along his chest. LILLA You know exactly what I need. BISHOP (uneasy) Uh, Lilla, I think you'd better go home and sleep it off. LILLA Sleep has nothing to do with it. Lilla crawls onto his desk and casually lie in a seductive position then once more runs her hand along his chest. LILLA You know you want me. Lilla kneels on the desk and paws at his chest. LILLA Take me-Bishop slowly takes hold of her wrists and backs away.

BISHOP Now this--is weird. Lilla what are you? Lilla purrs and slides off of the desk. LILLA I'm yours-Bishop stares at her a moment longer. He takes a step closer and lifts her chin to meet his gaze. She smiles lustfully and strokes his arm. With a serious look, he removes a pen light and shines it into her eyes and examines them. We see her eyes are cat slits. Bishop laughs nervously and pulls back. BISHOP Uh huh, okay-Bishop quickly walks past her to the back counter and smiles nervously. He fumbles with a syringe and needle. BISHOP Uh, Lilla-He turns. fangs. She's right behind him. LILLA Yes, Prof. Bishop. BISHOP Would you allow me to do a little test on you? Lilla runs her hands along his chest. LILLA I'll do anything for you. Bishop gently pushes her into a seat. BISHOP I'm just going to extract a little blood. Lilla moans lustfully and seductively turns her neck to him. LILLA Hmm--sounds good. BISHOP (nervous) I think I'll take it from your arm, if you don't mind. She has tiny, exposed

Lilla appears disappointed. Bishop removes some blood and places the vile aside. Lilla is once more slinking around him. He nervously backs away and laughs uneasy. BISHOP Lilla--behave now. She smiles affectionately and caresses his shoulders and chest. Bishop continues to back away. BISHOP So, uh, tell me, Lilla. What makes you want me anyway? LILLA (purrs) Because you're the one. BISHOP (uneasy) Good answer. He backs toward the classroom door. We see Callie behind him. He backs into her. Bishop spins around and stares at the same, lustful expression on Callie's face. She too is dressed seductive with dark make-up. BISHOP (mutters) Oh, God--I'm dead. He darts past them and runs behind his desk and faces them. Both slink toward him. CALLIE Don't you want us, Professor? BISHOP (uneasy) Davis put you up to this, didn't he? He's trying to make a point, right? Rhonda slinks into the room. Bishop straightens with concern in his eyes. He whimpers softly. They approach him purring and smiling. Bishop backs away from the desk. He turns and stumbles into a workstation. He spins around. They surround him and begin to paw him while purring. BISHOP I'm really not into the group thing. Davis enters the room. hanging open. He stops and stares with his mouth

DAVIS What in the world-All three slowly back off and smile warmly. LILLA We'll see you later, Professor. They turn and walk toward Davis and the door. All three eye him and smile. Rhonda stops to play with Davis' tie, winks, and then leaves the room behind the others. Bishop collapses against the workstation and sighs. Davis hurries toward him. DAVIS What was that all about? BISHOP I don't know what happened. They--they just started mauling me. DAVIS I don't see the problem. BISHOP This is serious. Those three are acting like I did on Friday night. DAVIS With the way you've been acting, I'm surprised you didn't take all three at once. Lord knows I would've. BISHOP Poor Jessie, that must've been how she felt on Friday night. I feel terrible. I should call her and apologize again. Bishop attempts to walk past Davis. Davis stops him and pushes him back to a propped position against the counter. DAVIS You need to stop calling her. You're starting to scare her. Now tell me what happened here. BISHOP She's afraid of me? Bishop allows his head to fall into his hands. BISHOP No--

DAVIS Get a grip! You've nearly been mauled by three gorgeous women, and all you can think about is Jessie. Listen. You're a raging hormone right now. Those three are identical to how you were behaving. Is it possible they've been infected as well? BISHOP Not by the creature. No one else reported being bit. But Lilla and Steve are seeing one another Bishop quickly stands with a look of recall. BISHOP He was scratched. DAVIS Do you suppose it's possible Steve infected her, and she infected the other two? BISHOP Lilla allowed me to take some blood. It might tell us something. Evening. Bishop stares through the telescope while seated at the counter. He makes a face without looking up. BISHOP (low) This can't be good. Davis approaches from behind and stares over his shoulder. DAVIS What is it? BISHOP Lilla's blood test appears identical to the creature's blood. But my sample has mutated. DAVIS Mutated? That could be a good thing, right?

BISHOP Mutations are rarely ever good and usually have terrible side affects. BISHOP I should probably commit myself now--just to be safe. DAVIS (firm) You're insane! Bishop quickly glances at Davis with a serious look. BISHOP Then you agree? DAVIS You're not committing yourself! You're a biologist. Do what you do best. Experiment and solve the riddle. Bishop inhales deeply and nods. He pauses, lifts his head, and smells the air. He sharply turns his head toward the door. Jessie stands in the doorway. Bishop springs to his feet. Davis holds him back. DAVIS (soft) Be calm or you'll scare her away. (firm) Sit. Bishop stares at Jessie and immediately sits on the counter. He looks casually to his note pad in his hand then jots something down. Jessie smiles with relief and approaches. DAVIS What are you writing? Bishop doesn't look up. BISHOP Documenting my behavior over the past week. I'd like to see if I'm getting better or worse. Jessie pauses and sits on the opposite end of the workstation and studies Bishop. JESSIE How are you feeling? Bishop looks at her with an uneasy smile.

BISHOP Well, on the up side, I'm going to make the history books. On the down side, I'm going to be a hideous monster with fangs and claws. Jessie sharply looks at Davis with concern. DAVIS He's being a little dramatic, I'm afraid. BISHOP According to my most recent blood work, I'm no longer human. Davis places his hands over his eyes, groans, and shakes his head. Jessie stares at Bishop with a look of horror. JESSIE If you're not human, what are you? BISHOP I suppose we'll see in the next forty-eight hours. (to Davis) Maybe I'll be unisex--like a worm. Then I can be my own date. DAVIS This isn't a joke. BISHOP What would you like me to say? I don't even know what species we're dealing with, and honestly, I don't think I'll have time to figure it out. Jessie slowly moves closer to Bishop. JESSIE How do you know it'll be something bad? There's nothing to prove that creature wasn't just scared when it bit you.

BISHOP Spoken from the object of my alien desire. Truthfully, Jessie, how much longer do you really think I'll be in control? What happens when my mind is completely diseased and I don't stop? JESSIE It's a gamble, I suppose, but I'm putting my money on you. BISHOP How can you have so much faith in me after what I did to you the other night? I'm sick. You don't want to know what's been going through my mind the last three days. Jessie places her hand on his and smiles gently. tenses. JESSIE I'd like to ask you something, and I want you to be honest with me. BISHOP I can do that. JESSIE Were you attracted to me before you were bit by that creature? BISHOP (soft) Yes-Davis appears surprised. DAVIS You said-Jessie silences him with her hand. Bishop. JESSIE Strictly sexual? BISHOP No, not strictly. She continues to study Bishop

JESSIE Don't you think this change in you could simply be heightening what you already feel? You're a loving, caring man. I don't think that will change. You seemed to come on strong, but as long as you were satisfied with the returned feeling, you could relax and back off. BISHOP Are you sure about that? I was there, and I don't remember having any control. JESSIE I'm pretty sure of what I think happened. If you break this situation down to its most basic form--it becomes primal. BISHOP That describes me lately. JESSIE As the dominant male, you're searching for a mate. BISHOP (mutters) That was the case long before all of this. JESSIE So you chose your mate. You pursue, I respond in the positive, and, in your mind, we're now mates. BISHOP But being primal, why would I have stopped? JESSIE It's not in your nature to become forceful. You still know right and wrong. In the animal world, a lot of the females control the males sexually. If an advance is unwanted, the response can be violent. DAVIS (mutters) Humans too.

BISHOP So you're implying that even though I'm the dominant male, I'll back off if you protest. JESSIE I believe so. In your mind, I'm already yours. The satisfaction of that is enough. BISHOP I'd sleep better at night knowing I'm not going to hurt you. What happens if another guy comes along? Will I turn violent toward that threat? JESSIE I think you can work around this, Professor. Treat it like any other disease. Know your limitations, modify your behavior, and work with it. Bishop caresses her hand. BISHOP Does this mean you're no longer afraid of me? JESSIE I'll admit I was a wreck in class today. Something was seriously wrong with Lilla, and I wasn't sure what was going through your head. I had a lot of time to think about it this afternoon. It may be risky, but I'd like to help you through this. DAVIS So what now? JESSIE (to Davis) I'd like to know what's going on with Lilla. She was really acting odd today. DAVIS It's a long story. Bishop raises Jessie's hand to his lips while she's talking to Davis and begins to kiss the back of her hand. She glances at him but continues with Davis.


JESSIE What did you find out?

Bishop gently kisses the back of her hand and her wrist. He's oblivious to the conversation. DAVIS Care to tell her what we've found on Lilla? Bishop continues to kiss Jessie's hand. BISHOP Umm hmm. Jessie looks back at Bishop as he kisses along the inner side of her lower arm. Jessie gently pulls her arm away. Bishop's eyes meet hers. He realizes what he's doing and smiles with embarrassment. BISHOP Sorry-DAVIS We think Lilla was infected by Steve-BISHOP Who hasn't been around in awhile. JESSIE So you're saying Lilla has the same thing as you? BISHOP No, it's not the same. Her blood matches the creature. Mine is different. JESSIE Do you think Lilla is dangerous? DAVIS (teasing) Only to Bishop. JESSIE What happened? BISHOP She came after me in the same manner that I came after you.

DAVIS Except she had two friends with her. All three must be infected. JESSIE Three? (to Bishop) All three came after you? Bishop slowly nods. Jessie looks to Davis with concern. No

DAVIS He made a daring escape. need to be concerned.

JESSIE (to Bishop) Why would they come after you? BISHOP I haven't a clue. JESSIE I saw the way she was looking at you during class today. I swear she growled at me. Do you suppose it has something to do with your being bit? BISHOP I couldn't even speculate. Jessie stands. Bishop immediately stands as well. turns toward Davis. JESSIE I'm going to find Tim. know where Steve is. He may She

DAVIS Don't go looking for Steve. We don't know what he is right now. JESSIE I won't try to find him myself. I'd just like to know where he is. Maybe Tim knows something. DAVIS Okay. Let us know what you find. I'll give you my cell phone number. Davis walks across the room to the front desk. He opens his briefcase and removes a small case with business cards in it. Jessie turns around. Bishop is directly behind her.

BISHOP Maybe you should stay here with us. Jessie smiles gently and touches his face. JESSIE I'll be fine. Besides, I have to finish a paper for Miss Torrance's class tomorrow. Bishop touches her hand on his face. BISHOP Okay. DAVIS Here's my cell phone number. Jessie turns and accepts the card. DAVIS Call me right away when you find out where Steve is. Find out if he's been acting normal. I'll check him out myself. Bishop leans over Jessie's shoulder from behind and sniffs her hair. She turns her head and their faces are only inches apart. Bishop smiles warmly. BISHOP I love that perfume. JESSIE I'm not wearing any. (to Davis) I'll call you when I find anything on Steve. BISHOP I'll walk you to your car. DAVIS I don't think so-JESSIE (to Bishop) You can walk me to the door. Jessie points to the door across the room. Bishop takes her hand and walks with her to the classroom door. Davis rolls his eyes and shakes his head.

DAVIS I think I liked him better miserable. Jessie stops Bishop at the door and turns to face him. smiles warmly and takes his free hand in hers. JESSIE Will Davis stay with you tonight? BISHOP Yes, he's pretty much given up his social life to baby sit me. JESSIE Then I'll see you tomorrow in class. Bishop caresses her hand. BISHOP I'll be here. Jessie leans closer as if to give him a kiss. Bishop lunges for her. Jessie pulls back and gives him a cold glare. Bishop hesitates and smiles lightly. Jessie smiles and leans closer again and kisses him gently on the lips while holding both his hands. She pulls back and smiles warmly. JESSIE That's improved restraint. BISHOP (groans) Let me walk you to your car. JESSIE (to Davis) Mr. Collins, would you please entertain Prof. Bishop while I leave. Davis shakes his head and walks toward them. Bishop's arm and guides him away. DAVIS Come along--that's a good boy. INT. BIOLOGY -- EARLY MORNING Davis takes She

Bishop lay with his head on the table near the microscope. Davis is sleeping slumped over the desk. It's already getting light outside. Bishop jerks, lifts his head, and gasps with fright. We hear voices whispering. He looks around the room. Davis is still asleep. Bishop slowly stands and approaches the door.



Bishop walks along the dimly lit corridor. We hear more whispers echoing. He appears confused. Only he can hear these voices. INT. MEN'S ROOM

Bishop splashes water on his face and dries it with a paper towel. His head snaps upward with a startled look. He stares in the mirror. We see a flash of Lilla in a seductive outfit. She walks past a boiler. We see a flash of the janitor, Harper, walking past several pipes. Bishop's eyes widen. He turns and runs from the bathroom. INT. BASEMENT He's following Lilla, who

Harper walks past several pipes. appears to be ignoring him.

HARPER You aren't allowed down here. Lilla runs her hand along the boiler as she passes it. She looks back at him, turns, and smiles. She takes two steps toward him and runs her hands along her body. LILLA Do you want me? Harper stops in the middle of the corridor and stares at her with a look of confusion. HARPER I don't know what your game is, but you'll have to play it somewhere else. Lilla reaches behind her and unzips her short skirt. She slips out of it and allows it to fall to the floor. She's wearing red, thong panties. LILLA Not a game. I'm just feeding my craving. Do you want me? Harper stares a moment longer then walks toward her. INT. UNIVERSITY HALLWAY

Bishop runs along the hallway with a terrified look. He slides just before the basement door and nearly falls to the floor. He flings open the door and enters.



Harper stands before Lilla and slowly touches her waist. Lilla places her arms around his neck and moves against him. She kisses him passionately. Moments later. Bishop jumps the last couple of steps and runs along the corridor. We can see Harper and Lilla in an embrace. BISHOP Harper! Harper slowly turns his head. His throat is bloody. His eyes are rolled back and his head falls backward. Lilla releases him. He falls to the floor. Rhonda and Callie appear from the back and pounce upon the barely twitching man. Lilla seductively approaches Bishop. Her long fangs are covered with blood. Blood runs down her chin. Bishop stares at her with horror. LILLA Join us in our feast. Lilla places her hands on his shoulders. LILLA It's best while it's warm. Bishop eyes are wide. He jumps backward, covers his mouth, and gags. We see Callie and Rhonda in the background like wild beasts eating Harper. Bishop turns and runs for the stairs. INT. MEN'S ROOM Bishop runs into the bathroom stall and drops to his knees. We hear him throwing up. INT. FACULTY LOUNGE

Bishop snatches the phone from the receiver and punches in three numbers. He nervously waits. The faculty door opens. Rhonda enters. Her face is now cleansed of blood, although blood stains can be seen down the front of her dress. She seductively approaches. Bishop sees her, drops the phone, and backs away. BISHOP (nervous) What do you want? RHONDA To please you. BISHOP You mean eat me!

RHONDA (purrs) You're our lord. I couldn't possibly do that. BISHOP What? Bishop backs himself into the wall. He can go no further. Rhonda approaches and strokes his chest. RHONDA We're here to please you. our time to mate. It is

BISHOP (uneasy) Uh, now's not a good time for me. I have a headache. Bishop attempts to pull away. Rhonda purrs. and cling to his tie. He gasps with fear. It cant wait. RHONDA It's time. Claws appear

The faculty door opens. Bishop jumps and looks to the door. Quinn steps into the opening and raises his gun. BISHOP Shit! Rhonda spins. Her eyes widen with anger. She hisses with exposes fangs and lunges for Quinn with long claws. Quinn fires at her without emotion. The laser hits her and burns through her back. She's frozen a moment then falls to the floor. Bishop stares at Rhonda on the floor as her flesh smokes. He stares at Quinn with horror and fear. Bishop flattens himself against the wall. Quinn casually approaches, clicks his tongue, and shakes his head. QUINN That creature bit you. Bishop stares at him frozen and silent. feet away and aims him gun at him. Quinn pauses two

QUINN You've caused me a great deal of work, Prof. Bishop. But I think I can fix it right here. BISHOP (frightened) No, don't kill me!

Quinn stares at him over his gun, lowers the gun slightly, and eyes him. QUINN What did you say? BISHOP (frightened) Don't kill me. I don't want to die. I don't even know what's happening! Quinn uncertainly lowers his gun. QUINN Were you or were you not the one bitten? BISHOP Yes, damn it! The fucking thing bit me! But you that doesn't mean you have to kill me! QUINN (puzzled) Amazing. I've never seen this before. Quinn aims his gun to Bishop's head. QUINN No matter-Bishop cries out in fright, shuts his eyes, and strikes the wall. Quinn hesitates and stares at him over the barrel of the gun. QUINN Show me your teeth. Bishop uncertainly opens one eye and looks at Quinn. BISHOP My what? QUINN (low) Your teeth-Bishop uncertainly bares his teeth. Quinn once more lowers the gun. Bishop remains tense. Quinn studies him. QUINN Remarkable. What? BISHOP What's going on?

Quinn replaces the gun under his trench coat. QUINN I find it very odd that you didn't attack the moment you saw me as your mate had. BISHOP Mate? QUINN Yes, your precious little vixen lying dead on the floor. BISHOP I wasn't involved with her. was running from her. I

QUINN You must be mistaken. Within forty-eight hours of contact, the victim becomes an uncontrollable nympho and, in your case, marks his brood. The dying creature injected you with a serum that will ensure its continued species. You are the new lord. BISHOP So that's what she meant. I swear, I didn't touch her--ever. Anyone can tell you I haven't gotten lucky in months. QUINN That's impossible. No male in any species has ever been able to fight the desire, especially with the brood. It's all hormonal. Resistance is unfounded. BISHOP She did nothing for me. I'm not into women who eat people. QUINN Are you sure you were bitten? BISHOP Yes, the bastard got me with its fangs. Right to the bone. I could show you the stitches.

Bishop unwraps his hand. The mark is gone. his hand with a look of confusion. QUINN Swelling, numbness, stiff joints? Bishop nods. QUINN Nausea, sleeplessness-Bishop nods again. QUINN But no sexual outbursts? BISHOP (uneasy) Well, that--yes. But we've worked out an arrangement. QUINN An arrangement? The female should have been bitten no later than one hour after being chosen. I cant believe you could resist the serum. BISHOP Guess I'm a bigger loser than I'd thought. QUINN I need to do some tests. I assume you've no objections. BISHOP If it'll keep you from shooting me-QUINN I haven't ruled that out yet.

He stares at

Quinn approaches him while removing a gadget from his pocket. BISHOP I've performed several blood tests on myself, if you'd like to-Quinn places the object to Bishop's neck. Bishop jerks and cries out. Quinn pulls it back, hits several buttons, and stares at the machine. Bishop rubs his neck and slowly moves closer, attempting to see what the machine does. Close-up on the tiny screen. Symbols and codes appear.

Quinn's head lightly bops from side to side while he reads the results. Interesting. infected. QUINN Definitely He's now standing behind

Bishop strains harder to see. Quinn.

QUINN There's the serum from the Lord beast himself. Hmm--now that's odd. Bishop stares at the screen. What's odd? It's mutated. of Darthal-BISHOP What is it? QUINN What in the name

BISHOP How long do I have to live? QUINN Not long if you don't shut up. This is something I've never seen before. It would appear as if you've acquired an anti-body for the serum. It wasn't enough to prevent infection, but it mutated the effects. BISHOP You mean I won't turn into some flesh-eating monster. QUINN You've finished changing. What ever has happened to you has stopped. Quinn looks back at Bishop and smiles pleasantly with a soft chuckle. QUINN Lucky for you I didn't kill you, huh? BISHOP What a relief! What happened? I'd really like to know what to expect.

Quinn pushes several buttons then closes the machine. QUINN Not much to tell really. You'll have most of the characteristics of the creature, but the desire to kill isn't there. As long as I can figure out what caused the females infection and destroy any others, you'll have no problem. Though you will notice behavioral changes. Quinn turns to leave. Bishop hurries after him.

BISHOP There are two others. I know them. I think I know how they were infected as well. Quinn turns. BISHOP A student of mine found the creature. He was scratched. His girlfriend is just like that one. QUINN Makes sense. BISHOP Please, I need to know what to expect. My girl-(hesitates) friend--I won't hurt her, will I? QUINN (chuckles) No, but she may hurt you when you don't let her sleep at night. BISHOP So, I can-QUINN (grins) Most definitely. In fact, I suggest you do. It's been proven that the species is more relaxed after mating. Judging by your behavior, I'd say you need to relax a little.

BISHOP I've just seen two women devour a man before my eyes. Then you put a gun to my face and tell me you're going to kill me. I think I have good reason to be a little tense. QUINN I've already told you I was sorry about nearly killing you. Quinn walks toward the door and mutters lowly. QUINN Lighten up. INT. BASEMENT

We see the bloodied remains of Harper, which consists of little more than his rib cage. Quinn and Bishop pause before the remains. Bishop turns away and holds his stomach. Quinn kneels before the remains. QUINN Not thinking about a morning snack, are you? BISHOP (low) Please--that man was an associate. QUINN Sorry, I don't usually have infected company while working. At least, not without shooting them. Quinn removes a small container with the appearance of breath freshener from his pocket and straightens. He sprays a vapor over the remains. They sink and turn to dust. BISHOP That's an interesting little gadget. Quinn proudly displays it. QUINN Just don't confuse it with breath freshener. Quinn pokes around the basement. BISHOP Who are you anyway? Bishop watches.

Quinn touches a pipe then smells his fingers. QUINN It's classified. I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you. Bishop stares with concern a moment longer. back and smirks. QUINN That was a joke. My name is Quinn. I'm with the GACB. BISHOP GACB? QUINN Galactic Alien Control Board. We mop up parasites across the universe. Your planet's been my assignment for the last sixty years. BISHOP We have enough of these things to keep you here for sixty years? QUINN Yes and no. I've been tracking the same ones all these years. I'd destroyed all but one--the one you'd found. Without you, they can't reproduce. I just need to clean up the last two remaining females then I can take a vacation. BISHOP Are they hard to stop? QUINN The females aren't. They don't hide like the males. They come right for you. The queen always keeps herself and two others. Once they realize the third has died, they'll be searching for a replacement. The lord breeds with the three and produce drones. Drones are nasty but stupid. (MORE) Quinn looks

QUINN (Cont) As long as you don't get them coming at you in numbers, they're not so hard to kill. The lords are sneaky. They seem to know when I'm on to them. Cowardly by nature. They hide and live to fight another day. They only fight when cornered. They can also make their own brood. If more than three female exist, they'll kill one of their own. When the lord faces death, he attacks anything male, injects the serum, and it starts all over again. BISHOP (sickened) Interesting-QUINN The other two aren't around here. I thought this might be their nest, but it's just a hideout. Nest? BISHOP Perhaps their dorm room--

QUINN No, they're no longer human. They'll find some dark, quiet place to live close to a feeding ground. Tell me, Professor, if you would choose a place to sleep around here, where would you choose? BISHOP The Plaza has comfortable suites, so I'm told. I hear they have hot tubs right in the rooms. Quinn stares at him with a baffled look. QUINN Amazing--I'd never expect that sort of answer from the lord of their species. Let me rephrase the question. If you were alone with your mate and wanted an intimate moment, where would you take her?

BISHOP The Plaza. QUINN (firm) You want her right now--not fifteen minutes from now. BISHOP Uh, I suppose the locker rooms by the football field. No one uses them this time of year. It's a hot spot for high school kids. QUINN That's more like it. I'll check the lockers. You'll need to return to your classroom. Try to act natural. BISHOP Do you suppose they're aware of the girl's death? QUINN Most certainly. They sense things. Are you able to sense things? See visions? BISHOP I saw them down here with Harper, but I was too late. I have a strong link to Jessie. She's, uh, my mate. I can keep watch over her almost every minute. QUINN (interested) Where is she now?


BISHOP Sleeping in her bed, curled under the covers. QUINN Any immediate danger? No, why? her? BISHOP Who'd want to harm

QUINN The other two will hunt for a replacement for the one I've killed. They must know you're unwilling to perform, so they'll select a new queen with some emotional bond to you. If they know she's your mate, they may go after her. BISHOP I'd better go to Jessie. I can't risk them getting her. QUINN They may follow you to her. It's not a good idea. BISHOP I can't leave her unprotected. QUINN If they don't know you've selected her, they won't think to go after her. BISHOP As far as anyone here is concerned, they think I'm still dating Bonnie. Do you think they'd go after Bonnie? QUINN If they suspect she's your chosen mate, they might. Where would she be right about now? Bishop glances at his watch. BISHOP She'd either be in bed or in the shower. QUINN We should go to her place right away. INT. APARTMENT BUILDING/CORRIDOR

Bishop and Quinn pause outside of the apartment door. Quinn places something to the lock. The door pops open. They enter. INT. BONNIE'S APARTMENT/BEDROOM

Quinn opens the bedroom door. We see the bloody remains of Mr. Compton and blood surrounding the entire area.

Bishop turns away with a hand to his stomach. Quinn approaches the remains and holds a device over them. QUINN Dead two hours--give or take a few minutes. Quinn approaches the bed and holds the device over it. QUINN All three were here becoming familiar with one another after their meal. Quinn presses several buttons on the small device he holds over the bed. QUINN Did you know that their species very rarely kill females and only ever eat males? They lure the males in sexually and often strike while performing some sexual act. Quinn turns to face Bishop. Bishop stares at him with a look of sickened disgust. Quinn flashes a sly smile. QUINN Just a little fun fact. Quinn closes the device. QUINN Your ex-girlfriend is one of them now. We must find them. Can you sense any of them? Just Jessie. shower-BISHOP She's in the

QUINN It's no wonder you can't sense the others, you've got your head between your legs. Concentrate! BISHOP You know that's the first time anyone's ever said that to me. QUINN Will you just concentrate, before I reconsider shooting you? Bishop shuts his eyes a moment and concentrates.

BISHOP They're not together anymore. They're heading back to the school. (eyes open) I have to check on Jessie. Bishop quickly backs up to the bedroom door. BISHOP I'll meet you at the school. Quinn groans and rolls his eyes. QUINN (mutters) Enjoy your romp, Romeo. EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD -- DAY

Callie and Lilla cling to the railing near the bleachers and watch Stan, Randy, Jake, and another boy toss football. Callie and Lilla are wearing tight, short dresses. They're giving the boys seductive looks. The ball rolls near them. Stan jogs toward them. He pauses, looks over them, and smiles. STAN Callie? You sure look-different. CALLIE (purrs) Hi, Stan. Lilla and I were wondering if you were interested in a little group game of our choosing. STAN (surprise) Well, I--yeah, sure. Randy and Jake approach as well. JAKE Are we going to play or not? STAN Sorry, Jake. I've gotten a better offer. Lilla glances at Jake and Randy. LILLA We can all play together.


CALLIE (purrs) Sounds exciting to me. RANDY

(grins) Oh, man! JAKE Do what you want, but I'm not interested. Jake and the fourth boy take the football and jog away from them. Callie and Lilla lead Randy and Stan into the underground locker room. EXT. APARTMENT BUILDING -- DAY He again

Davis paces the foyer before the building door. presses the intercom button. He groans lowly. JESSIE (O.S.) Who is it? DAVIS (into intercom) It's Davis. Is Bishop with you? JESSIE (O.S.) No, I thought he was with you. DAVIS Can I come up? JESSIE (O.S.) Yeah, sure. We hear the door buzz. INT. JESSIE'S APARTMENT/LIVING ROOM

We hear knocking on the door. Jessie closes her robe and hurries across the apartment while brushing her hair. We hear a more urgent knocking. She approaches the door with some surprise. JESSIE (mutters) That was fast, Davis. Jessie unlocks and opens the door. We see Bonnie standing in the doorway. She's wearing a revealing mini-skirt, her hair down, and bright make-up. Jessie leans against the door frame with a cold look.

JESSIE What do you want? Bonnie pushes past her and enters the apartment with a warm smile. Jessie turns and stares after her. She shuts the door and walks up behind her. JESSIE If this has anything to do with Prof. Bishop-Bonnie turns with a broad smile. BONNIE As a-matter-of-fact, it does. I wanted to tell you I think you two are perfect for each other. You do? JESSIE Are you feeling okay?

BONNIE Never been better. I want to see the two of you completely happy. I even have something to offer that will guarantee your happiness. JESSIE What's that? Bonnie lunges for Jessie with exposed fangs. Jessie screams and hits her in the nose with her hair brush. Bonnie jerks back with surprise. Jessie screams and runs from the apartment. INT. APARTMENT BUILDING/HALLWAY -- CONTINUOUS

Jessie runs along the hallway and nearly collides with Davis. Jessie lets out a startled scream then. JESSIE Oh, Davis. Thank God. to help me. You need

DAVIS Are you all right? Why are you in the hallway in your robe? JESSIE It's Bonnie--she's after me. She has fangs like the others. DAVIS Come on--to the stairs. They hurry into the stairway.



Jessie and Davis run to Davis' car. He fumbles with his keys. We hear someone gasp while passing by and point up to the building. Both look up. Bonnie is standing on the window ledge. She jumps from the window three stories up. Jessie screams. Davis grabs her and pulls her away from his car. Bonnie lands, feet first, on top of his car, crushing the roof. The car alarm wails then moans. Bonnie hisses and spins toward them. Davis and Jessie run along the sidewalk. Both appear horrified. EXT. PARK -- DAY

Davis forces Jessie into the nearby park. They run along the sidewalk and across a bridge by the pond. Davis looks back. Bonnie is running on all fours behind them. She barely looks human. She's right behind Davis. Bonnie plows past him. Davis is thrown through the railing and into the pond below. We hear the splash. Jessie looks behind her. We no longer see Davis. Bonnie is nearly on top of her. Jessie's robe is open and flowing behind her. We see several people in the park turn and watch. Jessie is only wearing a black bra and black panties beneath her open robe. The same people gasp when they see Bonnie chasing after her. Her body is distorted and beastly shaped, although her face is still recognizable. Bonnie leaps onto Jessie with long claws. She claws Jessie's flowing robe. Jessie collapses to the ground, rolls out of her robe while screaming, and springs to her feet. She stares at the barely human Bonnie as she attempts to free her claws from the robe. Jessie turns and runs across the park. Bonnie tosses the robe aside and bounds after Jessie. Jessie runs from the park and darts across the road just before campus. EXT. CAMPUS GROUNDS -- CONTINUOUS

A car comes to a screeching halt and nearly hits Jessie as she runs across the road. She cries out and continues onto campus. Bishop jumps from the stopped car that has nearly hit her and stares with a look of shock at the barely dressed Jessie. Jessie disappears into the school. Bonnie leaps across the car hood. We hear the echo of the hood denting under her weight and power. Bishop jumps with surprise. He stares at Bonnie with wide eyes. Bonnie doesn't look at him, but instead, jumps off of the car hood and bounds after Jessie. INT. BIOLOGY

Jessie skids on her bare feet into biology class. The room is empty. Jessie breaths heavily and appears alarmed.

JESSIE Professor! She looks around. We hear people in the hallway. Jessie grabs Bishop's lab coat from his chair and slips into it. She nervously approaches the doorway and looks out. Jessie rests her head against the wall and nervously bites her lower lip. She lifts her head with a realization. JESSIE The faculty lounge-Jessie looks into the hallway and hurries from the room. INT. UNIVERSITY HALLWAY -- CONTINUOUS

Jessie hurries along the hallway. We hear more voices. Jessie looks behind her. Bonnie and the dean appear from an adjoining hall. Bonnie sees her and smiles. The dean is still talking. Bonnie shoves him away from her. He harshly strikes the wall, cracking it. Bonnie runs down the hallway toward her. Jessie gasps and spins around. She comes face to face with Callie. Callie smiles with long fangs. Jessie screams. Bonnie grabs Jessie from behind. Jessie continues to scream. Callie approaches with her mouth open and fangs exposed to bite her. We see Bishop skid into the hallway at the other end. BISHOP No! Both Bonnie and Callie look at him. Bishop runs along the hallway and transforms into a human-cat creature. Both Bonnie and Callie hiss. They release Jessie, who dives across the hall. Bonnie lunges for him. Bishop and Bonnie collide and roll across the floor. Both growl and hiss loudly. Callie looks to Jessie with a snarl. She lunges for her. Quinn steps out of a connecting hallway, aims his weapon, and fires. Callie narrowly avoids being hit and leaps into a nearby classroom. Bonnie rolls, springs to her feet, and runs down the hall. Quinn fires again. Bonnie rounds the corner. Part of the corner explodes. Quinn runs after her. Bishop snarls and straightens. Jessie looks at Bishop. Her eyes widen. Bishop stares at her through cat eyes. He has large fangs, a distorted face, and claws. We hear a gurgle within his throat. His head tilts while studying her. He paces the area before her like a caged animal. There's a tiny smirk on his face. His look is unpredictable. Jessie remains still and watches him with concern. JESSIE Professor, are you all right? It's obvious he's not. Jessie slowly moves along the wall while attempting to smile.

JESSIE I, uh, really should find something to change into. Bishop walks alongside her and cuts off her path. Jessie jumps nervously. Bishop moves in closer. We hear the gurgling in his throat. He inhales near her neck and once more exposes his fangs. Jessie gasps and bolts away from him. She runs along the hallway. Bishop is right behind her. She enters the teacher's faculty room. INT. FACULTY LOUNGE -- CONTINUOUS Jessie skids into the lounge. She slams the door shut and locks it. Jessie backs away from the door. We hear scratching. The door cracks. The door frame splinters as the door is thrown open. Jessie screams and jumps backward. Bishop lunges for her and tackles her to the leather sofa. Jessie screams while pinned beneath him. We hear the gurgle in Bishop's throat. It almost sounds like a purr. Jessie remains motionless and breathes heavily. She's unable to move. Bishop licks her neck. Jessie gasps and pinches her eyes shut, as if anticipating teeth about to bite her. Bishop begins kissing her neck. Jessie slowly opens her eyes. She gently touches his hair. JESSIE Bishop? Bishop lifts his head to meet her gaze. He appears normal now. He smiles warmly and strokes her chin. BISHOP Do I want to know what just happened? JESSIE No, I don't think so. Jessie hugs him. near her ear. He returns the embrace and groans softly

BISHOP The teachers will be arriving soon. I need to get you out of here. Bishop moves off of her and into a sitting position. Jessie sits up as well. He eyes her wearing his lab coat and nothing else. BISHOP I think I need to get you something to wear as well.

JESSIE You honestly don't remember what happened? BISHOP Well--there's a blur of events just moments ago, but it was like watching a movie. Last thing I remember was running into the school after you. I saw--Bonnie and Callie were attacking you. I felt this incredible rush. Everything else was just a blur. JESSIE That man came back. I don't think it's safe here. Bishop stands and pulls her to her feet. BISHOP Let's get you out of here before the dean finds you like this. JESSIE Oh, my God! The dean! Bonnie tossed him into the wall. He could be hurt. INT. UNIVERSITY HALLWAY -- CONTINUOUS

The dean lay on the floor with a pool of blood surrounding his head. Bishop checks for a pulse then slowly straightens. BISHOP He's dead. We hear voices in the hallway. Bishop grabs Jessie's arm and pulls her along the hallway. They hurry into the back stairway. INT. STAIRS -- CONTINUOUS

We see Bishop and Jessie hurry down the stairwell. JESSIE Where are we going? BISHOP To the drama club prop room. No one's there. We can hide down there and hopefully find you something to wear.

JESSIE What about Bonnie and that man? What will the other teachers do when they find the dean dead? BISHOP Unless Quinn tells me what to say, I'm playing dumb. JESSIE Quinn? BISHOP As strange as it may seem, he's on our side. EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD -- DAY

Quinn approaches the bleachers and the locker rooms below them. He keeps his gun still and enters the locker room stairway. INT. LOCKER ROOM -- CONTINUOUS

Quinn enters the locker room and cautiously looks around. He shows little sign of fear. He smells the air then continues toward the back of the lockers. He approaches the far corner and steps around a row of lockers with his gun aimed. We see a pile of clothing and blankets on the floor. It appears as if someone has been sleeping here. He turns his head and grimaces from the foul smell. QUINN (mutters) After all these years, you'd think I'd be used to that smell. We see blood on some of the bedding and human bones to the outside. A shadow moves in the distance behind Quinn. He remains still while staring at the nest. He suddenly spins around with his gun aimed. There's no one there. We hear a metallic thump. Quinn aims his gun to the top of the lockers. A figure jumps down behind him. Quinn spins around. Callie knocks the gun from his hand with an evil hiss. She lunges for him and tackles him to the hard floor. Callie pins Quinn's shoulders to the floor and straddles him. She smiles seductively through sharp fangs. CALLIE If it isn't the great hunter himself. How does it feel to be the prey? Callie strokes his face with a clawed finger. CALLIE

You'd make a tasty morsel-Callie lowers her fanged mouth to his neck, inhales his scent, and then licks his neck up to his jaw. She pulls back, eyes him seductively, and purrs. CALLIE Although it may be more fun keeping you alive just a little while longer. Callie lowers her mouth to his and kisses him passionately. Quinn only hesitates a moment then returns the kiss. He slowly moves his free hand to his pocket. Callie slowly runs her claws along his chest, leaving slices in his shirt. Her hand strays down his body for his pants. Quinn slowly removes his hand from his pocket and conceals something. Callie pulls her mouth from his, sits up while straddling him, smiles lustfully through sharp fangs, and begins to unbuckle his belt. Quinn forces a small grin. QUINN You naughty little vixen. It's not nice to tease a man before you eat him. Callie purrs then laughs softly. We see the small, three inch dagger blade appear from Quinn's closed palm. We hear a low growl from the nearby dark corners. It's followed by a hiss. Callie appears disappointed, smiles, and moves off of Quinn. CALLIE Just when we were starting to have fun-We see Randy appear from the darkness. Callie seductively turns and walks along the lockers past Randy. He snarls at her with disapproval. She runs her clawed fingers along his chest while seductively passing him. Quinn scrambles into a sitting position and stares at Randy with a look of surprise. QUINN It's not possible. Randy leaps for Quinn. Quinn springs to his feet and slashes the small dagger at him. Randy knocks the dagger from Quinn's hand, grabs him by the throat, and tosses him across the locker room. Quinn strikes several lockers and falls to the floor. Quinn appears dazed and attempts to sit up. QUINN I'm getting too old for this--

Randy dives for Quinn. He leaps out of Randy's path. Randy crashes into the lockers head first. Stan suddenly appears in the aisle and snarls loudly. Quinn looks down the aisle and stares with complete surprise. QUINN Oh, shit! Where the hell did these guys come from? Stan charges down the aisle toward him. Quinn snatches his gun and attempts to shoot Stan as he tackles him to the floor. The laser strikes the ceiling and blows out a light. Stan clutches Quinn's throat and holds him to the floor. Quinn gasps for air and fights the hand on his throat. JAKE What's going on down here? Stan releases Quinn and straightens. We see Jake standing at the bottom of the stairs within the locker room. Quinn gasps several times and looks for his gun. Stan faces Jake with exposed fangs. Jake appears horrified. JAKE Of course, it's really none of my business. Jake turns and runs up the stairs. Stan and Randy chase after him. Quinn crawls across the floor and reaches for his discarded gun. We see a red, stiletto high heal step on the gun. Quinn looks up the sexy leg. We see Callie standing over Quinn. She smiles lustfully. CALLIE Going somewhere? Quinn stares at her then slowly sits back on his feet and attempts to catch his breath. A tense smile crosses his face. QUINN No, of course not. INT. UNIVERSITY HALLWAY Jake runs along the dimly lit hallway and rounds the corner at top speed. He suddenly slides in something and falls harshly onto his back on the floor. Jake lie motionless a moment then slowly looks around the hall and then to his hands. We see he's covered with blood. Jake gasps and quickly sits up. We see he's sitting in a large pool of blood surrounding the dean's partially eaten body. Lilla and Bonnie stand over the dean's body and stare at Jake. Blood covers their mouths, chin, and down the front of their dresses. Jake's eyes suddenly widen and he screams. Lilla and Bonnie smile lustfully and approach him.



Jessie slips into a pair of men's tuxedo pants and buttons the white shirt. Bishop casts a peak, though pretending not to look. He inhales deeply and minds his own business. Jessie looks around. JESSIE I don't think I've ever been down here before. We see a set of old stairs on either side of the large prop room. BISHOP We're below the stage. They come down here to change between acts. We hear movement from upstairs. Both look up.

JESSIE Who do you suppose is up there? BISHOP There shouldn't be anyone up there. They approach the old stairs and slowly climb up them. INT. STAGE -- CONTINUOUS

Bishop and Jessie walk across the area behind the stage and the open curtain. We hear a clunk. The open curtain moves. Bishop stops Jessie and indicates for her to stay. He slowly approaches the now still curtain. Bishop slowly reaches for the curtain and quickly pulls it back. Jake jumps and cries out with surprise. Bishop jumps as well. Both relax and stare at one another. JAKE Prof. Bishop-BISHOP What are you doing here, Jake? JAKE They're after me, Professor. BISHOP Who's after you? We hear the auditorium door open. All three look across the rows of chairs. We see Bonnie and Lilla walking along the aisle toward them. Both are wearing sly, seductive grins. Jake nervously points to the girls.

JAKE They are! Jake, Bishop, and Jessie back across the stage. Jessie and Jake scan the area for an escape. Bishop stares at both women. Jessie looks back stage. We see the exit door to the hallway. JESSIE This way! Jessie turns. Lilla and Bonnie leap through the air from several feet away and land on the stage. Lilla lands on the stage before Jessie, and Bonnie tackles Jake to the floor. Bonnie stands and approaches Bishop. BONNIE Miss me? Jake slowly moves to his feet while shaking his head with some disorientation. He suddenly appears angry, crouches down like a true linebacker, and then charges for Bonnie. He cries out as he tackles her to the stage floor. Both slide several feet. Lilla grabs Jessie's arms while she struggles to pull herself free. Bishop hurries toward Jessie. He pulls Lilla away from Jessie and slings her from the stage. Lilla crashes into the seats. For a moment, she appears dead. She then stands. Bonnie releases Jake and lunges for Bishop. She tackles him to the stage with a loud thud. Quinn staggers into the auditorium. Bishop and Bonnie snarl and growl at one another while rolling around the stage. Quinn approaches the stage steps and aims his gun at Bonnie. The gun is knocked from his hands and slides across the stage. Quinn looks up with surprise. Randy exposes fangs and lunges for Quinn. Quinn jumps backward. Randy tackles Quinn to the auditorium floor. Quinn punches him in the throat then tosses him off of him and springs to his feet. Randy clutches his own throat then looks at Quinn and growls. He lunges for him again. Quinn kicks Randy in the face and throws him back several steps. Jessie looks behind her. We see Stan approaching her from the back stage door. He smiles through sharp fangs. Jessie cries out and runs closer to the edge of the stage. Stan lunges for her. She throws herself to the stage floor. Stan dives off of the stage and crashes into several rows of seats. Bishop straddles Bonnie and bites her on the neck with a vicious snarl. Bonnie immediately becomes tense then falls limp. Bishop pulls his fangs from Bonnie's neck. BISHOP You always were a bitch! Bishop releases Bonnie's limp body. Randy whirls around to see Bonnie limp beneath Bishop. Randy snarls and jumps onto

the stage. Quinn climbs onto the stage and stops Jessie from helping Bishop. QUINN You can't help him. match for them. You're no Randy

Bishop looks at Randy, snarls, and straightens. lunges for him. Jessie clings to Quinn. JESSIE What's happening? QUINN His brood has chosen other males to challenge him. They'll fight to the death until only one remains.

Quinn scans the stage area for his gun. Jessie stares at Bishop and Randy while they fight one another. She quickly looks back to Quinn. JESSIE We have to do something! Quinn straightens while out of breath. We see the freely bleeding puncture marks on his neck. Jessie appears horrified. JESSIE You've been bit! QUINN In less than an hour I'll be an even bigger threat to Bishop then the others. When I begin to convulse, you'll need to bash my head in. Jessie appears horrified, although Quinn doesn't appear the least bit fazed. Bishop and Randy continue to snarl and scratch one another. QUINN Bishop, listen to me! danger! Jessie looks to the rows of seats. the stage and leap toward them. JESSIE So are we! Quinn spins around and removes the small canister of breath freshener from his pocket. He pulls Jessie behind him and presses the button. The vapor hits Stan. You're in We see Stan charge for

His flesh begins to smoke and bubble. Stan cries out as he smolders slowly to his death. He bats at his body and tears into the dying flesh. Jessie screams hysterically. Stan falls to a smoldering mass on the floor. Lilla jumps onto stage and tackles Jessie. They fall against the curtain. It falls down and wraps around them. We see Quinn's gun near the mass of curtains. Quinn leaps for his gun, snatches it, and aims it at the curtain. Two lumps roll around in the heavy mass. Bishop snarls loudly and tosses Randy off of him and behind stage. Bishop whirls around now in animal form. He bolts past Quinn and slices into the curtain with long claws. He grabs onto Lilla and pulls her from the curtain. She squeals and fights him. Bishop bites her fiercely on the shoulder then casts her aside. Jessie battles her way out of the curtain. Bishop grabs her and pulls her against him. There's a gurgle of contentment in his throat. Bonnie weakly pulls herself to her hands and knees. She looks around with apparent disorientation. Quinn studies Bonnie. He uncertainly approaches her. She now holds her head. Quinn places the sensor device to her neck. Randy slowly moves to his feet. He runs for Bishop and tackles him to the stage. Bishop and Randy snarl and growl. Their claws again scratch at one another. Quinn slowly straightens while staring at his device with a look of surprise. He spins toward the men fighting on stage. Bishop! him! QUINN Bite him! You can save

Randy and Bishop snarl and fight violently. Jessie moves closer to Quinn. Bishop snarls and bites Randy on the neck. Randy is momentarily paralyzed. Bishop releases him. Randy collapses to the stage. Bishop springs to his feet, approaches Jessie, and pulls her into his arms. She stares at the non-human face and smiles warmly. He purrs with contentment. Lilla slowly pulls herself into a sitting position. She looks around with the same disorientation. Quinn injects her as well. He looks at his device and shakes his head. QUINN Absolutely amazing. (to Bishop) You've carried an anti-toxin the entire time. Quinn approaches Bishop and Jessie. Bishop. QUINN I need you to bite me. Bishop, now human, looks at Quinn with apparent surprise. He extends his wrist to

BISHOP What? JESSIE Just do it, Monroe! Bishop uncertainly looks at Quinn's wrist and makes a slightly disgusted face. The fangs suddenly appear in his mouth, and he bites Quinn on the wrist. Quinn gasps painfully. Bishop pulls back, spits out blood, and wipes his mouth with a disgusted groan. Quinn clings to his bleeding wrist and eyes Bishop. QUINN Fuck that hurt! BISHOP It wasn't exactly pleasant for me either. I don't understand any of this. Quinn clutches his bleeding wrist and endures the pain. breathing becomes less labored. QUINN Somehow you produced an antitoxin. Something about your infestation was unique to the others. You've saved these three and me. Your bite reversed the toxin. BISHOP Of course! The day before the creature bit me, I accidentally stuck myself with an infected needle. It must've have given my body enough time to produce an antibody. QUINN You could have mentioned this sooner. BISHOP And you would have shot my head off if I had. Quinn appears to consider his comment. QUINN Fair enough. Davis enters the auditorium. He's out of breath and soaking wet. He slows and looks around the auditorium with a look of shock. His

DAVIS What's going on? INT. BIOLOGY

Jessie and Bishop are in each other's arms near the lab station. Davis and Quinn sit on Bishop's desk and share a drink from Quinn's flask. Bishop nuzzles Jessie then looks to Quinn and Davis with a pleasant smile. BISHOP (to Quinn) So what will you do now? QUINN This planet is my assignment. I'll need to stay here and keep an eye on you. BISHOP I thought you said I was fine. QUINN You are, but I can't just assume things won't change. Besides, I like it here. Davis returns the flask to Quinn and eyes the nuzzling couple. DAVIS Somehow I doubt there'll be any awkward moments tonight. Bishop moans softly in response, smiles slyly, and kisses Jessie on the neck. QUINN It'll be awkward if we don't leave them alone soon. DAVIS (to Quinn) What'd you say we scout out the clubs for our own company? QUINN Sounds like fun. I know the perfect place. Davis eagerly stands. DAVIS Oh? Where?

QUINN Just on the other side of the galaxy. You'll love it. Quinn slides off of the desk and approaches the door. Davis looks back at Bishop, grins, and follows Quinn toward the door. We see Callie standing just inside the classroom doorway. Quinn pauses before her. Callie attempts a tiny, embarrassed smile. CALLIE I'm really sorry I bit you, Mr. Quinn. And about--well, the rest. Davis eyes both with a strange look. DAVIS What's the rest? Quinn smiles slyly at Callie. QUINN The rest was my pleasure. Quinn winks at her and leaves the room. then looks out the doorway. DAVIS (to Quinn) What's the rest?! Davis hurries after Quinn. Callie looks down with some embarrassment then smiles warmly to herself. Her smile brightens. Quinn! CALLIE Wait for me! Davis eyes Callie

Callie runs from the room after him. Bishop and Jessie stare at the doorway from where they stand by the lab table. They look back at one another and hide their smiles. BISHOP When a college girl chases after a two hundred and forty year old alien, I don't suppose our age difference really matters much, huh? Jessie laughs softly and places her arms around his neck. She smiles warmly and sinks against his body.

JESSIE Considering all we've been through, age is completely irrelevant. With Davis and Quinn on a galactic pub crawl, it looks like it's just you and me tonight. Any suggestions? We hear a low gurgle from Bishop's throat. BISHOP A few things come to mind. JESSIE Now you behave, Professor. Bishop spins Jessie and dips her backwards while in his arms. He stares into her eyes and smiles with tiny, exposed fangs. BISHOP Behaving isn't one of them. Jessie giggles softly. Bishop kisses her passionately. giggles cease. She moans softly and returns the kiss. FADE OUT Her

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