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Short View: Soviet Union as World Revolutionary Power LONG KimKhorn, MA. IRs-Diplomacy, PUC.

May 25, 2013 The most importance period of Russia in the past was 1917-1991 because it was the birth and the fall of Soviet Federation (USSR). At the beginning of 1917, the revolution in Soviet started by its prominent leader namely Vladimir Lenin. Lenin believes in Marxism ideology and wants his country practice Marxist ideas and also wants others industrial and colonial states apply the same theory as well. By doing so, the rest of the world would fall under the influence of Soviet and Soviet can dominate by weakening those colonial and industrial countries including Germany, Britain, and France. Marxists believe that history made by class conflict everywhere in the world. As example, revolution in Soviet started by Bolshevik which is the minority class representing to peasants/ workers against Menshevik. Marxists believe that in industrial countries use capitalism system, workers/ peasants were exploited by land landlord and merchant and then those exploited groups will go against their lord or merchant or employer to demand equal share and justice in the work place. At 18st century, there were few countries like Britain, France, Germany in the European continent and the United States of America in the west had had developed into industrial economy, especially, Britain was the first industrial-developed country in the world. So by introducing the Marxism ideas into those states, the workers will unite force and go against their boss and the class conflict namely by Karl Marx as well as then Lenin will spread out all over the world. That is the argument that scholars called Soviet Union as the world revolutionary power because at the first Soviet was the only revolutionized state in the region but then Soviet revolutionized all the countries in the region into Soviet Federation including some small states of East Europe and West Europe. And then Soviet became the biggest territory state which unionized small territories into its by revolution in the name of Lebensraum or expansionism which is enlarge land for the growth of Soviet population and economic efficiency.

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