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Water Chemistry

Abstract: Students will analyze the chemical characteristics of a pond or river and evaluate the water quality for a variety of uses. The following tests are performed in the field: pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO), hardness, alkalinity, phosphates, nitrates, and iron. Students will learn the significance of these water quality parameters. Objectives: Be able to: 1. Perform the set of water quality tests using field test kits. 2. To explain the significance of each of the water quality parameters. 3. Evaluate the water quality based on the results of the chemical analysis. State Standards Addressed: English/Language Arts - A1, A3, C1-5, D1, D4 Math - A2, A3, A6, E1-3 Science - A14, B1-6, C1 Time Frame & Schedule: Preparation: Two hours Class: Three 50 min. periods plus extended field trip Materials: (K -Included in kit / O - Order / L - Obtain locally) Field Test Kits for pH, dissolved oxygen, hardness, alkalinity, phosphates, nitrates, and iron. (O) (K) Field thermometers (L) (O) (K) Paper cups (L) Teacher's Preparation: 1. It would be desirable to do the field test kit chemical analysis on the same pond or river that was assessed on the "Pond Walk" or "Stream Walk." 2. Collect two water samples for Gear-Up. 3. Check the field test kits to make sure all reagents and components are there and that the procedure actually works. 4. Make arrangements to visit a local surface water site; pond, lake, river, or stream. Obtain any permission necessary for access. 5. Make copies of Fact Sheets and Field Data Sheets. Description of Student Activities: 1. Gear-Up: Period One: a. Display on the front desk two beakers of water; one of high quality and one of poor quality. b. Ask students to think about how they would determine if the water was good enough to use as a source of drinking water or good enough to swim in or good enough for salmon to live in.

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c. After giving them a few minutes to think about the questions have them tell you their ideas and put them on the board. d. Then tell them you are going to lecture briefly on a number of water quality parameters that are used by water quality specialists to judge water quality. e. Hand out the written reference material and explain the significance of each of the tests that will be run on the field trip. Period Two: f. Set the kits up at seven different stations around the room. g. Split the class up into seven groups and assign each group to one station with one of the test kits: DO, pH, hardness, alkalinity, phosphate, nitrate, and iron. h. Have the group carefully read the directions that accompany the kits and then practice running the test on tap water. i. After they have finished have the groups move to the next station and run that test on tap water. j. If time permits or during an additional period have each group demonstrate to the class how one of the tests is run, again using tap water. 2. Explore: (Work in the same groups as before) Field Trip: (The field trip will require more than one period. You will have to make arrangements for an extended period or go out a couple times.) a. Give each group two paper cups in which to collect samples. They don't need much volume for the field test kit procedures. b. Assign each group the responsibility of taking care of their assigned kit. There may only be one of each type of kit available. If there are multiple kits, the groups may be assigned more than one type of kit. Hand out as many field thermometers as you have to selected groups. c. Hand out the Field Data Sheet. d. At the pond or river site have each group find a comfortable spot to sit, if possible. The groups should be kept fairly close together for easier supervision and for ease of exchange of kits. e. Each group should run the test on the kit or kits that it has and then exchange kits. Each group must run all seven tests plus temperature. f. Record the data on the Field Data Sheet. 3. Generalize: Period Three: a. Back in the classroom have the groups clean up the field test kits for which they were responsible. b. Have each group put their data on the board and ask all students to copy the complete set of data from all groups onto the second page of the Field Data Sheet. c. Have the students work in their original groups and calculate the class average for each of the parameters. d. They should then judge the water quality against referenced standards. Each group can be assigned a specific use; drinking water, salmon habitat, and contact recreation. e. Have each group chose a spokesperson to report their conclusions to the class. 4. Apply: a. Have student groups evaluate hypothetical water quality reports and assess in

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terms of specified usage. b. Prepare a summary of the class data to submit to the community government or water utility. Extension Activities: 1. Revisit the field site routinely (monthly) and plot the trends (changes) in the parameters throughout the year. 2. Visit additional sites to assess other bodies of water. 3. If community is considering alternative sources of drinking water, volunteer to collect water quality data in support of the water source study. Assessment: 1. Collect and evaluate field data sheet and class data sheet for each student on the basis of completeness and accuracy. 2. Have students evaluate each other on their ability to perform the field tests. 3. Have students evaluate each other, through verbal explanation, on their knowledge of the significance of each of the water quality parameters. 4. Assign students a short essay in which they evaluate the water quality of the sampled stream. 5. Pass out hypothetical stream water quality data and have the groups discuss the data, draw conclusions about the quality of the water, and report the data to the teacher, peers, or the class. References: 1. "Water Analysis Handbook," 3rd ed., Hach Company, Loveland, CO. 2. Water, Water Everywhere: Water Quality Factors Reference Unit, Jacobsen, Cliff, Hach Company, Loveland, CO, 1991, 1-800-227-4224. 3. "Water Quality and Treatment," 3rd Ed., The American Water Works Association, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1971. 4. "Alaska Water Watch: Water Quality Sampling of Streams", Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation and Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Juneau, AK 1994 Resources: 1. Portable Kits Hach Models: Hach Company PO Box 389 Loveland, CO 80539-0389 1-800-227-4224 FAX 970-669-2932

Kit pH DO Hardness Alkalinity Phosphates Nitrates Iron

Catalog # 1470-11 1469-00 1454-00 24443-01 12522-00 1468-03 1464-00

Price $50.00 $46.00 $16.50 $27.00 $13.25 $45.00 $38.50

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OR LaMotte Models: Carolina Biological Supply Co. 2700 York Rd Burlington, NC 27215 1-800-334-5551 FAX 336-584-0381 Kit pH DO Hardness Alkalinity Phosphates Nitrates Iron Catalog # D8-65-2925 D8-65-286 D8-65-2970 D8-65-2802 D8-65-2915 D8-65-2900 D8-65-2876 Price $9.75 $23.50 $24.50 $16.50 $12.00 $18.00 $12.25

OR GREEN Standard Water Monitoring Kit Includes: DO, pH, Nitrates, Phosphates, Coliform Bacteria, Turbidity, Temperature, and Benthic Macroinvertebrates. LaMotte Company PO Box 329 Chesterton, MA 21620 1-800-344-3100 FAX 410-778-6394 Cat. # KIT015 $159.00 2. Field Thermometer Carolina Biological Supply Co. 2700 York Rd Burlington, NC 27215 1-800-334-5551 FAX 336-584-0381 Cat. #D8-65-2240 $20.00 ea

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Fact Sheet A Review of Atoms, Elements, Molecules and pH

All substances are composed of chemical elements. Ninety-two elements are known to occur in nature, and ten consume 99% of the Earth's crust: oxygen (0), Silicon(Si), Aluminum (Al), Iron (Fe), Calcium (Ca), Sodium (Na), Potassium (K), Magnesium (Mg), Titanium (Ti), Hydrogen (H). The basic units of elements are atoms, and two or more atoms may be joined together to form molecules. Molecules may be made by joining two or more atoms of the same element. For example, an oxygen molecule is composed of two atoms of the same element - oxygen. Three atoms of oxygen produce a molecule of ozone. Many molecules, however, are made of different elements. A molecule of table salt, for example, has one atom of sodium and one of chlorine. We call large quantities of like molecules chemical compounds. For convenience, a type of international shorthand notation using letters to represent the chemical element (such as 0 for oxygen, Na for sodium, Cl for chlorine) is used to describe elements and thus the composition of molecules and compounds. The symbolic letters are not necessarily related to the English word for the element, but frequently are derived from some other name. To indicate the number of atoms of any element in a molecule or chemical compound, that number is placed as a subscript immediately after the letters. Therefore oxygen is 021, ozone is 03, and table salt is NaCl. Water is the closest thing in nature to the mythical universal solvent. Whether or not a rock dissolves readily in water determines how rapidly it weathers. When substances are dissolved, some of the atoms, or groups of atoms dissociate in the liquid into what are called ions. The ions have positive or negative electrical charges. Thus salt (NaCl) when dissolved will produce a sodium ion (written Na+) and a chlorine ion (Cl-). Water (H,O) molecules dissociate freely, ionizing into two ions: one is an atom of hydrogen (H+); the other is composed of one atom of oxygen and one atom of hydrogen, called a hydroxyl ion (OH-). This reversible reaction is: H2O H+ + OH-

If an excess of hydrogen ion is present, the liquid is acidic; and if hydroxyl ions are in excess, it is basic. An index scale, based on the relative number of hydrogen ions present, has been developed to represent this relationship. Called a pH scale, it uses numbers from 1 to 14. A pH of 7 represents a neutral condition, where the hydrogen and hydroxyl ions are in balance. The pH decreases as the hydrogen ion concentration increases. However, the scale is such that a pH of 6 means that the concentration of hydrogen ions is ten times greater (more acidic) than a pH of 7. Similarly, a pH of 5 is ten times more acidic than a pH of 6, and one hundred times more acidic than a pH of 7.

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pH pH is a measure of how acid or basic (alkaline) a solution is. The pH scale looks like this: Pure Base 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Neutral 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Pure Acid 0 High Concentration of H+ Ions OH- and OH+ Ions in Balance High Concentration of OH- Ions

A pH of 7 is neutral. 0 is the most acidic end of the pH scale and 14 is the most basic. The important thing to know is that a one - unit change on the pH scale, say from 3 to 4 equals a 10 times change in the strength of the acid or base. Thus, a pH of 3 is 10 times more acidic than pH 4, 100 times more acidic than pH 5 and 1,000 times more acidic than pH 6. At the other end of the scale, a pH of 14 is 10 times more basic than pH 13, 100 times more basic than pH 12, and 1,000 times more basic than pH 11. If you accidentally put your hand in a solution of near 0 pH (such as battery acid) for a short time, the acid would burn your skin. In a pH 2 solution (such as lemon juice) , hangnails and cuts might sting a little. Avoid skin contact with strong basic (alkaline) solutions (near pH 14). They destroy skin cells and are hard to wash off. REMEMBER: A1 unit change in ph equals a 10 times change in the strength of the acid or base. The pH of a body of water is affected by its age and by the chemicals dumped into it by communities and industries. Most lakes are basic (alkaline) when they are first formed
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and become more acidic with time due to the build-up of organic material in the water. As organic substances decay, carbon dioxide (CO 2) forms and combines with water to produce a weak acid, called "carbonic" acid - the same stuff that's in carbonated soft drinks. Large amounts of carbonic acid lower the pH of the water. SYNERGISTIC EFFECTS OF pH Synergy is the process whereby two or more substances combine and produce effects greater than their sum. For example, 2+2 = 4 (mathematically). But synergistically, 2+2 = more than 4! Synergy is a mathematical impossibility but a chemical reality!! Here's how it works: When acid water (waters with low pH values) come into contact with certain chemicals and metals, they often make them more poisonous than normal. As an example, fish that usually can withstand pH values as low as 4.8 will die at pH 5.5 if the water they're swimming in contains as little as 0.9mg/L of iron. Mix an acid water environment with small amounts of aluminum, lead or mercury, and you have a similar problem - one which far exceeds the usual dangers of these substances. Sea (salt) water is not as susceptible as fresh water to pollution by acid wastes. This is because the different salts in sea water tend to buffer the water with Alka-Seltzer like ingredients. Normal pH values in sea water run around 8.1 at the surface and decrease to about 7.7 in deep water. Many types of shellfish and algae are more sensitive than fish to large changes in pH, so they need the relatively stable (for pH) environment of the sea to survive. FROM: Water, Water Everywhere, But..., C. Jacobson, Hach CO, 1983 161

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DISSOLVED OXYGEN Dissolved oxygen is oxygen that is dissolved in water. It gets there by diffusion from the surrounding air, by aeration of water which has tumbled over falls and rapids and as a waste product of photosynthesis. Fish and aquatic animals cannot split oxygen from water or other oxygen containing compounds. Only green plants and some bacteria can do that through photosynthesis and similar processes. Virtually all the oxygen we breathe is manufactured by green plants. A total of three-fourths of the Earth's oxygen supply is produced by algae (tiny green plants) in the oceans. photosynthesis In the presence of light and chlorophyll Carbon dioxide + water oxygen + carbon-rich foods If there is not enough oxygen in the water supply, it may be because the water is too warm, or because there are too many bacteria or aquatic animals in the area. If aquatic animals don't have enough predators to keep their numbers down, they will over populate and use great amounts of dissolved oxygen. One of the ways oxygen levels are often reduced in agricultural areas is via the run-off from farm fields containing fertilizers. This phosphate and nitrate rich water also "fertilizes" the water way causing the number and size of plants to grow a great deal. Then, if weather becomes cloudy for a few days, respiring plants will use much of the available dissolved oxygen. When the increased number of water plants eventually die, they become food for bacteria, which in turn multiply and use large amounts of oxygen. This can have drastic effects on the types of plants and animals that are able to live in this body of water and, over time can greatly change the plant and animal life in and around it. See fact sheet entitled "Eutrophication." The amount of dissolved oxygen an aquatic organism needs depends upon its species, the temperature of the water, pollutants present, the physical state of the organism and more! Consequently, it's impossible to accurately predict minimum dissolved oxygen levels for specific fish and aquatic animals.
Nevertheless, numerous scientific studies suggest the minimum amount of dissolved oxygen that will support a large population of many kinds of fish is from 4-5 parts per million (ppm). Good fishing water generally averages about 9 ppm dissolved oxygen. When dissolved oxygen drops below 3 ppm, even the rough fish die.

FROM: Water, Water Everywhere, But ... , C. Jacobson, Hach Co, 1983 165

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NITRATES AND NITRITES Nitrogen makes up about 80% of the air we breathe. It's an essential component of proteins and is found in the cells of all living things. Inorganic nitrogen may exist in the "free" state as a gas, or as nitrites, nitrates or ammonia; organic nitrogen is found in proteins and other compounds. Nitrogen is recycled continually by plants and animals. See the Nitrogen Cycle below:

SOURCES OF NITRATES AND NITRITES Nitrate is a major ingredient in farm fertilizer. When it rains, varying amounts of this chemical wash from farm land into nearby waterways. The nitrates stimulate the growth of plankton and water weeds which provide food for fish. This may cause an increase in the fish population. However, if algae grow too wildly, oxygen levels in the water will be reduced and fish will die. In the lower 48, nitrates commonly get into waterways from lawn fertilizer run-off, leaking septic tanks and cesspools, manure from farm livestock, animal wastes (including fish and birds) and discharges from car exhausts.

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In nature, they are generally formed by the action of bacteria on ammonia and on compounds which contain nitrogen. Nitrites are relatively short-lived because they're quickly converted to nitrates by bacteria. However ... nitrites produce a serious illness in fish even though they don't exist for very long in the environment. Nitrites also react directly with hemoglobin in the blood of people producing methemoglobin which destroys the ability of blood cells to transport oxygen. This condition is especially serious in babies under three months of age as it causes a condition known as "blue baby" disease. Many babies have been seriously poisoned by well water containing more than 10 mg/L of nitrate nitrogen. Since nitrates may be reduced to poisonous nitrites in the human intestine, regulatory agencies have established a level of 10 mg/L of nitrate- nitrogen as the maximum amount allowable in public drinking water supplies. Water with nitrite levels exceeding 1 mg/L should not be used for feeding babies. Nitrite concentrations seldom exceed 0.1 mg/L. FISH AND AQUATIC LIFE Nitrate-nitrogen levels below 90 mg/L and nitrite levels below 0. 5 mg/L seem to have no effect on warm-water fish. But salmon and other cold- water fish are more sensitive. FROM: Water, Water Everywhere, But..., C. Jacobson, Hach CO, 1983 167

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HARDNESS Originally, water was said to contain a lot of hardness ("hard" water) when soap would not lather easily. Now, hardness is defined as the amount of calcium and magnesium in the water because the two minerals are chiefly responsible for "hard water." The natural source of hardness usually is limestone rock which is dissolved by water that's been made acid by carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide makes up 0.03 percent of air and is a waste product of human and animal respiration and of bacteria and other organisms in soil and water. When carbon dioxide combines with water, it forms a weak solution of carbonic acid - the same stuff that's in carbonated beverages. Carbonic acid eats away the limestone and produces calcium carbonate (CaC03) - a white scale compound which makes water hard. When you get home check the inside of your teakettle. If you see white scaly stuff, you are looking at calcium carbonate. Limestone is dissolved easily by carbonic acid. Granite isn't. For this reason, geographical areas rich in limestone usually have very hard water whereas those which are mostly granite, do not. The total hardness test is the test performed most frequently in the water industry. It measures the total amount of calcium and magnesium in the water and is expressed in metric units as milligrams per liter (mg/L) of calcium carbonate. Some total hardness values and their effects are as follows: Total Hardness 0 60 61 120 121 180 181 + FROM: Water, Water Everywhere, But .... C. Jacobson, Hach CO, 1983 168 Description Soft water Moderately hard water Hard water Very hard water

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ALKALINITY Alkalinity is not a pollutant. It is a measure of the sum total of all the substances in water which have "acid-combining" ability. Don't confuse alkalinity with pH. pH measures the strength of an acid or base; alkalinity indicates the power of a solution to react with acid and "buffer" its pH - that is, the power to keep its pH from changing. For example: Absolutely pure water has a pH of exactly 7. 0. It contains no acids, no bases and no (0) alkalinity. On the other hand, a buffered water at pH 6.0 can have high alkalinity. If you add a small amount of weak acid to both water samples, the distilled water will change its pH instantly (become more acid). But the buffered water won't change its pH easily because the Alka-seltzer like buffers present will absorb the acid and keep it from "expressing itself." Alkalinity is important for fish and aquatic life because it protects or buffers against pH changes (keeps the pH fairly constant) and makes water less susceptible to the effects of acid rain and acid wastes. The main sources of natural alkalinity are rocks which contain carbonate, bicarbonate and hydroxide compounds. Borates, silicates and phosphates also may contribute to alkalinity. For example: Limestone is rich in carbonates, so waters flowing through limestone regions generally have high alkalinity - hence good buffering capacity. conversely, granite does not have the minerals which contribute to alkalinity. Therefore, areas rich in granite have low alkalinity and, therefore, poor buffering capacity. It's generally agreed the best waters for fish and aquatic organisms are those with pH values between 7 and 8, with a total alkalinity of 100-120 mg/L. This amount of alkalinity is enough to protect fish against any sudden changes in pH. FROM: Water, Water Everywhere, But ... p C. Jacobson, Hach Co, 1983 - 169

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TEMPERATURE Variables which affect the temperature of waterways include: 1. The color of the water. Most of the heat which warms surface waters comes from the sun, so waterways with dark-colored water, or those with dark muddy bottoms, absorb heat best. 2. The depth of the water. Deep waters usually are colder than shallow waters simply because they require more time to warm up. 3. The amount of shade received from shoreline vegetation. Trees overhanging a lake shore or river bank reduce the amount of sunlight (and warmth) which reaches the water. Some narrow creeks and streams are almost completely covered with overhanging vegetation during certain times of the year. The shade provided by this vegetation keeps water temperatures from rising too fast on bright sunny days. 4. The latitude of the waterway. Lakes and rivers in cold climates are naturally colder than those in warm climates. 5. The time of year. The temperature of the waterway varies with the season. 6. The temperature of the water which supplies the waterway. Some lakes and rivers are fed by cold mountain streams or underground springs. others are supplied by rain and/or surface run-off. The temperature of the water flowing into a lake, river or stream helps determine its temperature. 7. The volume of the water. The more water there is, the longer it will take to heat up. 8. The temperature of effluents dumped into the water. When man dumps heated effluents into waterways, the effluents raise the temperature of the water. Fish and most aquatic organisms are cold-blooded. Consequently, their metabolism increases as the water warms and decreases as it cools. Each species of aquatic organism has its own optimum (best) water temperature. If the water temperature shifts too far from the optimum, the organism suffers. Cold-blooded animals can't survive temperatures below OoC (32oF) , and only "rough" fish like carp can tolerate temperatures much warmer than about 36oC (97'F). Fish can regulate their environment to some degree by swimming into water where temperatures are close to their requirements. Fish usually are attracted to warm water during the fall, winter and spring and to cool water in the summer. Fish can sense very slight temperature differences. When temperatures exceed what they prefer by 1-3 degrees C, they move elsewhere. Fish migration often is linked to the temperature of the water they swim in. In early spring, rising water temperatures may "cue" fish to migrate to a new location or to begin their spawning runs. And the autumn drop in temperature spurs baby marine fish and shrimp to move from their nursery grounds in the estuaries out into the ocean, or into rivers, as the case may be. As you can see, all sorts of physiological changes take place in aquatic organisms when water temperatures change. Warm water also makes some substances, such as cyanides, phenol, xylene and zinc more poisonous to aquatic animals. If high water temperatures are combined with low amounts of dissolved oxygen, the poisonous effects of these chemicals are made worse. Did you ever notice how fish swim down to cooler parts of the lake to escape the heat of the noonday sun? FROM: Water, Water Everywhere, But .... , C. Jacobson, Hach Co, 1983

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PHOSPHATES Phosphates are the inorganic forms of phosphorus compounds. Phosphorus is a mineral that is essential to life. Like nitrogen, it is one of the chief ingredients in commercial fertilizer. Unlike carbon and nitrogen, for which the reservoir is the atmosphere, phosphorus has a reservoir in rocks. Phosphate rocks are formed by the slow process of marine sedimentation. Under natural conditions much less phosphorus than nitrogen is available to organisms; in water, for example, the ratio of phosphorus to nitrogen is 1 to 23. However, man, by mining roughly three million tons each year, has greatly accelerated the movement of this mineral from the rocks to the water-organism part of the cycle. Phosphate in the rocks are dissolved by mining and erosion and are used by plants. Animals acquire phosphorus by eating plants, and phosphates are released from organics forms by phosphatizing bacteria. Animal also release phosphates by excretion. One result of the release of phosphates from rocks has been a startling increase in algae populations, for which phosphorus had previously been the principle limiting resource in many ponds and streams. The proliferation of algae, in turn, has led to other major changes in the ecology of our fresh water. Phosphates are not listed by EPA as a concern with drinking water standards.

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IRON The presence of iron and manganese in water is objectionable primarily because the precipitation of these metals alters the appearance of the water, turning it a turbid yellowbrown to black. In addition, the deposition of these precipitates will cause staining of plumbing fixtures and laundry. Another condition which is associated with the presence of iron and manganese in water supplies is the growth of microorganisms in distribution systems. Iron and manganese themselves in concentrations greater than several milligrams per Liter will impart a taste to water which is described as metallic, astringent, or medicinal. Because of these concerns the EPA Secondary Drinking Water Standards, which are nonenforceable, are 0.3 mg/L for Iron and 0.05 mg/L for manganese.

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Field Data Sheet Chemical Water Quality

Date: _________________ Time: _________________ Sample Site Location:______________________ Names: _______________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________

Parameter Temperature pH Hardness Total Alkalinity Phospate Nitrate Iron Dissolved Oxygen ___________ oF

Your Group Data _________ oC _________ _________, mg/L as CaCO3 _________, mg/L as CaCO3 _________, mg/L _________, mg/L _________, mg/L _________, mg/L

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Data Sheet Class Water Chemistry

Sample Site Location _____________________ Class Group Numbers 4 Your Group Number _______

Parameter Temp




Total Alkalinity Phosphate




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General Safety Considerations

Only particularly unique safety issues are addressed in the individual units. However, teachers should instruct students in general laboratory safety practices and expect them to be followed at all times. Following are general safety considerations. Safety Equipment: Locate and know how to use all of the safety equipment in the lab. This includes fire extinguishers, fire blanket, safety shower, eyewash, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), and first aid kit. Personal Protection: Wear goggles to protect your eyes whenever you are using chemicals or potentially pathogenic samples. Wear lab aprons to protect your clothes from chemicals. Wear rubber gloves when handling strong acids and bases and latex gloves when handling potentially pathogenic samples. In Case of Fire or Accident: In case of fire or accident, call your teacher at once. Report even minor incidents (such as small cuts, chemical spills, broken glassware, etc.). No food or drink in the lab: To avoid ingestion of harmful chemicals and potentially pathogenic samples do not bring food or drink into the laboratory area. Gummed labels should never be moistened with your tongue. Use tap water instead. Don't put your pencil or pen in your mouth. Wash your hands thoroughly when you leave the lab and before you eat. This applies to short trip to the restroom as well as at the end of the period. Be cautious of hot plates and gas burners: To avoid burns, beware of hot plates and gas burners. Use protective gloves or long handled tongs when using autoclave, hot plate, furnace or oven. Never leave a burner unattended. Turn it off if you leave your lab table. Don't ignite it unless it is actually needed. If it is not working properly or does not light easily, ask your instructor for help. Long, loose sleeves and long hair are a fire hazard. Be careful. Pin hair back with a barrette or rubber band. Discard broken glassware appropriately: Discard or repair cracked or broken glassware immediately. Discard broken glassware in appropriate container, not the trash can. Pipeting: NEVER use your mouth to fill pipettes. Use a suction bulb every time. Consider all Chemicals as Dangerous: Always label chemicals properly. Never use chemicals or solutions from an unlabeled container. Never allow a chemical or solution to touch your skin. If you do, wash the area thoroughly with soap and water. Strong Acids and Bases: Be cautious of strong acids and bases. Always use

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protective eyeglasses, gloves and apron when handling acids and bases. Always dilute strong acids and bases by adding the acid or base to the water, not visa versa. Samples: Most of the samples you work with will be harmless, but some are not. Wastewater samples and some freshwater samples may contain pathogens. To be safe, assume all of them to be potentially dangerous and handle them accordingly. Used Cultures: Place old cultures or any contaminated material in the biohazard bag provided by your teacher. Label all current culture tubes and dishes that yo u wish to keep with your initials, date and lab period (class). Spilled Cultures: Whenever bacterial cultures are accidentally spilled, notify your teacher so that proper disinfection procedures can be assured.

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