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DANCEGURU: Jewish Education, Community Building & Well-being using dance

CREATIVE BLOCK soul aspect


We truely learn only when forming our own understanding of a subject and when share it with others. Creative Dancing Block by DANCEGURU is a unique technique that let our participants learn, think & share, using their bodies as a tool for communication. The block consists of three versions: Dance Museum, Midrash Performance & Video Midrash. +7 921 862 87 85


Imagine yourself getting into a museum, where all the pieces of art are moving, being in their own state of mind & soul, broadcasting you their midrash on a text. And you are not just a sprectator - you are involved, since you need to understand which piece of art dances a passage you are holding in your hands!



The course consists of three classes, 3 hrs each: 1. Getting to know each other. Beit-Midrash, as it should be. Forming work-groups. Dance workshop. Start working. 2. Dance workshop. Each group works on their piece. Under our supervision. Preparing for a performance. 3. Pre-performance rehearsal. Performance. The classes should be provided in row, in 3 days, to keep the process fresh and vibrant.
This programs provided by 2 facilitators (Yana Brook + 1).

The nal product of the program - an interactive performance, created by participants. Each program & performance are unique, since it all depends on participants - we recommend you to lm and photograph it - it will keep amazing memories for a long time, both for participants, and your organization.

Number of participants: 10 people min, 30 people max. Guests at the nal performance - up to 100. Age of participants: 13 - 70. Time of the classes: 3 hrs each,with two 5-minutes breaks & one 15minutes break. Dress Code: Comfortable clothes for dancing. Costumes for a nal performance - will be discussed. Space: 40 square meters minimum, ventilated (with windows). For the performance - huge room (100 square meters minimum), a oor of the building, a whole building. Depends on each case. Equipment: - white-board/ip-chart - speakers /audio-system - carton boxes Chairs: for each person Water: for participants & facilitators

Cost of the course: $1500 without taxes. For St. Petersburg. Also to be payed (if not in St. Petersburg): - transportation - 3 nights in a hotel Pre-payment 100% Video:


A text. A piece of ne art. A movie. A song. We discuss it, ask questions & form our own dance midrash for it. Then, it turns to a stage-performance and we share it with others.



The course consists of six classes, 4 hrs each: 1. Getting to know each other. Beit Midrash, as it should be. Forming work-groups. Brainstorming. Dance workshop. Start working. 2,3,4,5. Dance workshops, brainstorming working on a performance. 6. Pre-performan rehearsal. Performance. The classes should be provided in row, in 6 days, to keep the process fresh and vibrant.
This programs provided by 2 facilitators (Yana Brook + 1).

The nal product of the program - a performance, created by participants. Each process & performance are unique, since it all depends on participants - we recommend you to lm and photograph it - it will keep amazing memories for a long time, both for participants, and your organization.

Number of participants: 10 people min, 30 people max. Guests at the last performance - depends on a space. Age of participants: 13 - 70. Time of the classes: 4 hrs each,with two 5-minutes breaks & one 15minutes break. Dress Code: Comfortable clothes for dancing. Costumes for a nal performance - will be discussed. Space: 40 square meters minimum, ventilated (with windows). A space for performance. Equipment: - speakers /audio-system - for a performance needs. Each case is unique. Chairs: for each person Water: for participants & a lecturer.

Cost of the course: $3000 without taxes. For St. Petersburg. Also to be payed (if not in St. Petersburg): - transportation - 6 nights in a hotel Pre-payment 100%


4 pieces of art. 4 dance videos. Its up to you to say, whos dancing about which piece.



The course consists of two classes, 3 hrs each: 1. Getting to know each other. Beit-Midrash, as it should be. Forming work-groups. Dance workshop. Start working. 2. Dance workshop. Each group works on their piece. Filming. The classes should be provided in row, in 2 days, to keep the process fresh and vibrant.
This programs provided by 2 facilitators (Yana Brook + 1).

The nal product of the program - an interactive videoperformance, created by participants. An on-line voting will take place on web. The presentantion can also take place in a real world, perfect for exhibitions, conferences & so on. Each process & performance are unique, since it all depends on participants - we recommend you to lm and photograph it - it will keep amazing memories for a long time, both for participants, and your organization.

Number of participants: 10 people min, 30 people max. Age of participants: 13 - 70. Time of the classes: 3 hrs each,with two 5-minutes breaks & one 15minutes break. Dress Code: Comfortable clothes for dancing. Costumes for a nal performance - will be discussed. Space: 40 square meters minimum, ventilated (with windows). Space for lming. Equipment: - projector & screen / TV that can be used as a screen for a computer - speakers /audio-system - professional camera - lights for lming Chairs: for each person Water: for participants & a lecturer.

Cost of the course: $1000 without taxes. For St. Petersburg. Also to be payed (if not in St. Petersburg): - transportation - 2 nights in a hotel Pre-payment 100%

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