Position Tolerance

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Position Tolerance

TRUE POSITION for a feature such as a hole is the location of the hole if the part were perfectly made. This location is defined by basic dimensions. Since the part Cannot be perfectly made, a position tolerance zone is provided.

The tolerance zone is described as a cylinder with diameter equal to position tolerance with the length or height of the feature

Simple Position Tolerance

Bonus Tolerance

In the above shows feature the MMC is denoted. It means that the position tolerance is suited only at the MMC of the hole. As the hole moves away from MMC the position tolerance varies accordingly.

Variation of Position Tolerance with MMC

Hole Diameter 15.0(MMC) 15.1 15.2 15.3 (LMC)

Position Tolerance 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7

Bonus tolerance How does it works?

Two mating parts At nominal condition

Hole at MMC and out of Noml. Position Tolerance

Hole at LMC and within bonus Position Tolerance

Holes virtual condition

At various position of the hole within the permitted position tolerance the hole never crosses the holess virtual condition.

Holes virtual condition =

Parts MMC - Positional Tolerance

Holes virtual condition = 15 - 0.4 = 14.6

Composite Position Tolerance

The Composite Position tolerance is one which control the features position relative to other in a Pattern.

Pattern location Tolerance

Feature relating Tolerance

The areas of the holes may float individually within the Position Tolerance Zones as long they remain parallel to first datum plane.

If no Datum is specified in the second row, the central axes of the hole Pattern has no orientation requirements

A primary datum in the second row , requires the central axes to be Perpendicular to the specified datum plane.

With two datum specified in the second row , the central axes of the hole pattern must be perpendicular to the primary datum and parallel to the secondary datum

. (1931 2005)

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