Process of Fertilization

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Process of Fertilization

Fertilization in mammals
In mammals fertilization is internal.

male gametes are released directly into the body of the female during mating. This maximize the chance of successful fertilization. The sperms move through the uterus to the oviducts. Out of the few millions sperms only a few hundred reach the oviduct and contact with the secondary oocyte.

Main events in fertilization

The main events occurs during fertilization are:
(1)Approach of sperm to ovum

(2)Penetration of sperm. (3)Activation of ovum


Approach of sperm to ovum

Since the ovum is non motile and viable only for 12-24 hours, sperm must approach the ovum as early as possible.
As sperm moves through the female reproductive tract the acrosome region matures.

It is able to release the enzyme to penetrate the ovum.

Penetration of sperm
A number of sperms cluster around the ovum. As soon as the sperm touches the surface of the ovum, the acrosome reaction is triggered. Enzymes are released and digest the follicle cells and the zona pellucida. One sperm enters through the weakened protective layer and touch the surface membrane of the oocyte.

Activation of ovum
The oocyte undergoes second meiotic division and provide a haploid egg nucleus.

o The head of the sperm enters the oocyte. o It absorbs water and swells, releasing its chromosomes. o Sperm chromosome fuse with those of the ovum. o Fertilization has occurred.

Preventing polyspermy
Cortical granules (specialized lysosomes)are released from the oocyte. Fuse with the membrane of the ovum and release their contents into zona pellucida. Hardens the zona pellucida and form fertilization membrane. This prevent polyspermy.

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