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Paid for and authorized by The New York Womens Equality Coalition PO Box 7322, Albany, NY 12224-0322 www.nywomensequality.


We sent Senator Jeff Klein to Albany to fight for us.

Has he

about the women of Westchester and the Bronx?

Call Jeff Klein: 518-455-3595

Tell him we want the progressive change we voted for. The Senate must pass the Womens Equality Act!

Only 6 months ago, Senator Jeff Klein promised to defend a womans right to choose.
 If youre a real Democrat a real New York Democrat then you must defend a womans inherent right to choose.
 Senator Jeff Klein, The Journal News,
January 24, 2013

Its time for Jeff Klein to deliver on that promise.

Senator Jeff Klein formed an alliance with anti-choice Republican Senator Dean Skelos to take over the New York State Senate. Now, they are using that power to block action on Governor Cuomos Womens Equality Act. Governor Cuomos Womens Equality Act is a groundbreaking 10-point plan that will improve life for millions of New York women. Senators Klein and Skelos wont let

the Senate even consider the full plan.

New York women deserve equality. Our mothers and grandmothers marched for it. Most women fight for it every day. Its time for Senator Jeff Klein to remember where he comes from. He must bring the full 10-point Womens Equality Act to a vote in the Senate.

Blocking a vote on the Womens Equality Act over abortion isnt democracy, its political cowardice.
 Albany Times Union, June 2013

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