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Workshop Goals

1. Understand the meaning and importance of exceptional customer service in government 2. Increase self-awareness to improve or enhance customer service 3. Explain the DiSC Dimensions of Behavior 4. Use the DiSC model to enhance communication between internal and external customers

EXERCISE: Customer Service defined

How do you define exceptional customer service? Do you consistently provide exceptional customer service to your internal and external customers based on your definition? Why? Why not?

Customer Service Defined

Excellent customer service (is) the ability of an organization to constantly and consistently exceed the customer's expectations.

Attributes Exercise
Think of an individual in your life who has had a tremendous positive impact on you in your life or in the workplace a friend, family member, mentor, supervisor, colleague, or another person. . . On sticky notes, jot down the attributes that make this individual so special, the qualities that make you admire this person one attribute or quality per sticky note 3 minimum, 5 maximum.

Johari Window

Quick DiSC

Too much college, too little kindergarten

IQ: 167 People Skills: 0

Marstons Model
Genetic Traits Core Personality Responses


Behavior is Driven by Perception

Marstons Model
Environment: Favorable or Unfavorable Self: More or Less Powerful
D-Unfavorable More Powerful
Less Powerful




Hilary Clinton


Kevin Costner

Michael J. Fox

Andre Agassi

Diane Sawyer

Robert DeNiro

Jimmy Carter

Tony Danza

Allen Greenspan

Barbara Walters

Bill Clinton

Michael Jordan

John Denver

Charlie Brown

Barbara Bush

Donald Trump

Richard Prior

Scarlett OHara


Tom Brokaw

Will Smith

David Letterman

Jay Leno

Jerry Seinfield

Robin Williams

Martin Luther King

Bill Gates

Ted Danson

Oprah Winfrey


Hilary Clinton


Kevin Costner

Michael J. Fox

Andre Agassi Allen Greenspan Charlie Brown

Diane Sawyer

Robert DeNiro

Jimmy Carter

Tony Danza

Barbara Walters

Bill Clinton

Michael Jordan

John Denver

Barbara Bush

Donald Trump

Richard Prior David Letterman Bill Gates

Scarlett OHara


Tom Brokaw

Will Smith Martin Luther King

Jay Leno

Jerry Seinfield

Robin Williams

Ted Danson

Oprah Winfrey


Charge or Follow Me
If You Fail to Plan, You Plan to Fail. Dont Worry Be Happy! C. Y. A. Cover Your Anatomy Have Fun Doing it! Just Do it! Do it Right! - the First Time! Do it Together! READY-FIRE-AIM AIM AIM AIM READY READY - READY FIRE FIRE FIRE

Charge or Follow Me (D) If You Fail to Plan, You Plan to Fail. (S) Dont Worry Be Happy! (I) C. Y. A. Cover Your Anatomy (C) Have Fun Doing it! (I) Just Do it! (D) Do it Right! - the First Time! (C) Do it Together! (S) AIM AIM AIM (C) READY READY READY (S) FIRE FIRE FIRE (I) READY-FIRE-AIM (D)
DiSC Profiles

DiSC Fun Stuff

Theme Song Dont Rain on My Parade My Way Theme Song People Celebration Car

Mini Van Sports Car

Tiger Bull Precisely Enthusiastically

Volvo Sherman Tank

Animal Mascot Lamb Owl

When Making Decisions

Rapidly Patiently

DiSC Fun Stuff

Theme Song Dont Rain on My Parade (C) My Way (D) Theme Song People (S) Celebration (I) Car

Mini Van (S) Sports Car (I)

Tiger (D) Bull (C) Precisely (C) Enthusiastically (I)

Volvo (C) Sherman Tank (D)

Animal Mascot Lamb (I) Owl (S)

Tends to Do Things
Rapidly (D) Patiently (S)

When Making Decisions Spontaneous Decisive Businesslike Collaborative Deliberate Likes Environment to Be Playful



DiSC Profiles

When Making Decisions Spontaneous (I) Decisive (D) Businesslike (D) Collaborative (S) Deliberate (C) Likes Environment to Be Playful (i)

Methodical (C)

Calm (S)

Seek first to understand. then to be understood.

DiSC Profiles

Profiles and Body Talk

DiSC Profile DiSC Behaviors Characterized As May Become Desires to..

Wants: Results Acts: Decisively Asks: What?

Fast paced Firm Stance Strong Gestures

Intimidating Aggressive Domineering

Show authority Feel strong In control

Wants: People Acts: Enthusiastically Asks: Who?

Easy smile Alert eyes Wide gestures

Unrealistic Overselling Overly emotional Enthusiastic

AppearWarm Friendly Safe

Wants: Stability Acts: Systematically Asks: How?

Direct gaze Relaxed stance Few gestures

Inflexible Aloof Passive Indecisive

To appearCalm Steady Stable

Wants: Accuracy Acts: Cautiously Asks: Why?

Reserved Eyebrows raised Controlled gestures

Perfectionist Too critical of self and others Solo player

To appearKnowledgeable Logical In control

DiSC Responses to Conflict (Fight or Flight)

D-Demands Overly assertive Autocratic Unbending Over-controlling Strong-willed Attempts to impose thoughts and feelings on others i-Attacks Explosive Emotionally attacks others and their ideas Uses condemnations and uses put downs to discredit others Tells people how he/she feels about things

C-Avoids Less assertive Keeps thoughts to self More controlled Withdraws from other people and/or undesirable situations Plans next move

S-Complies Gives in to keep peace and reduce conflict Appears to agree with others Tolerates things even when disagreeing Desires to save the relationship even if it hurts them the most


Successful People
Understand themselves and how their behavior affects others Understand their reactions to other people Know how to maximize on what they do well Have a positive attitude about themselves Know how to adapt their behavior


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