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Steve jobs

Imagine a person who grew up getting kicked out of school. Imagine this person having to be bribed to do homework. Now imagine him sleeping on the floor of a dorm room, and returning coke bottles for five cents a day. This person did not earn enough money and was getting weekly meals at a local temple. You probably think this man grew up to be a person living in poverty, but that same person became a millionaire at the age of 24. This person revolutionized the way we have communicated today and listen to music. Who do you think this person is? Hello ladies and gentlemen, my name is Ronit Tiwary and as you know my chosen personality is Steve Jobs, former CEO of Apple. Here is some trivia about myself. I am 11 years old and in 7th Grade at the Novi Middle school. I like to play the guitar in my free time. I also play Tennis and Table Tennis. I love electronics and absolutely all gadgets that starts with an i. And I was born 17 days after the 9-11 tragedy.

Personalitys Introduction:
Steven Jobs was the co-founder and CEO of Appple Inc. Nowadays more than 4 million people in the US own an iPad, 7 million own an iPhone, and 30 million own an IPod. It is almost impossible to imagine 2012 without these gadgets. But thanks to Steve jobs these wonders exist.

Birth, Family, & Childhood:

On February 24, 1955 a college student gave birth to a son. With the stress of college on her hands she gave her son up for adoption. Waiting on the list was Paul and Clara Jobs. They named their son Steven Jobs. When Steve was two years old the Jobses adopted a girl named Patty. They lived in the Industrial part of San Francisco. Steve had a rather painful introduction to electronics when he stuck a bobby pin into an electrical outlet. Steve, who had a curious nature, was also a quick learner. His mom taught him how to read before he started school. So when he got there he said all he wanted to do was read books and chase butterflies.

Youth Life:
In third grade Steves family moved to Mountain View, California. Steve was bored at school and he and his friend played many pranks, such as setting up explosives in the classroom. They got kicked out of school a lot. If it wasnt for his fourth grade teacher, Steve would have had an entirely different future. His teacher Teddy Hill, found ways to motivate Steve, such as giving five bucks for finishing a workbook. These little bribes made Steve do so well in fourth grade, the teachers recommended he skip fifth grade. Steve said later that if werent for Mrs. Hills he would have definitely ended up jail.

Steve got his education from outside the classroom too. Steve loved anything that was electronic. He spent many hours in his friends, Mr. Langes garage learning about electronics. Mr. Lange was impressed by Steve and told him that he should join an explorers club which looked at electronics up close. This To Steve was like watching a football game from the sidelines. When he was 12 he saw his first desktop computer. It was the size of a refrigerator. Steve wondered if it was possible to make a computer that could fit on a desk. Later in High school Steve built a computer from scratch with the help of his friend, Bill Fernandez and Steve Wozniak. Steve went to Reed College in Oregon, but after six months he could see no value in it and it was costing a fortune, so he dropped out. He decided to audit classes, which meant that he would sit in classes for free and not get a degree. One of his favorite subjects was calligraphy, which led to Apple computers having multiple fonts.

Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak decided to start a new company. Steves favorite food was the apple, so they decided to name their new company Apple. The first thing that Apple created was a computer that Steve called the Apple 1. But no one was really interested and Apple 1 did not succeed. Later on, Apple started selling the Apple II. It was a huge hit. At 22 years old many people are learning what it feel s like to be and adult, while Steve was sitting atop a huge business. By 1979, when Steve was 24 he became a millionaire. Steve wanted the Lisa, his next computer, to be perfect, so Steve negotiated an agreement with a company called Xerox. He also hired John Sculley, formerly the president of Pepsi, to help beat the competition. Steve asked him if he wanted to sell sugared water for the rest of his life or change the world. Together, they built the computer, Lisa - It had a monitor with all the bells and whistles and a mouse, but still no one wanted one. Lisa was too expensive for families. So Steve was demoted to a spokesperson and soon left Apple. Later on, Steve formed his new media company Pixar. The first movie Pixar made was the Toy Story. Toy Story took 4 years to make, but it was a huge hit. Pixar became even more popular when they later made movies like a bugs Life, Toy Story 2, Monsters Inc., Finding Nemo, The incredibles, and Cars. Apple was interested, so they bought Pixar and Steve for 400 million dollars. In 1998 Apple introduced the iMac. They received 150,000 orders before the iMac went for sale. In 2000 Steve jobs became the CEO of Apple and remained CEO for the rest of his life. He created products such as the IPhone, iPod, iPad, and Mac.

Steve met his wife Laurene Powell at a speech at Stanford which he gave in 1990. They got married in 1991. Steve had 4 kids. Steve was diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer while he was the CEO of Apple. Steve continued to work and show up for meetings even while he was battling his cancer with a liver transplant.

Steve may have been one of the richest men in the world, but that didnt stop him from making mistakes. One of his mistakes was when he hired John Sculley from Pepsi, who did not understand Apple. Another one of his mistakes is when he left Apple; he sold all of his shares except one. Later that cost him about 29 billion dollars. Google competes with Apple for almost everything now. The reason for that is because Apple practically gave Google a step by step process of how it operates by letting one of Googles members, Eric Schmidt; sit on the board for three years. Steve was the opposite of nice. He would bark orders, yell at his employees, and would only believe his way was right. Steves orders werent very clear either. Rather than explaining what he wanted, he would tell his workers whatever he wanted to be done had to be done, even if it was next to impossible.

Steve received much criticism. When Apple was developing the iPhone, Blackberry told Apple there was no way someone would buy a phone without a keypad. If you become as rich and famous as Steve jobs, people will make up anything to criticize you. Somebody even criticized Apples headquarters, saying it looked like a gigantic donut. People also said there was barely any change between the iPad 2 and the iPad 3, and there was faint discoloration on the iPhone 4. People also criticized that he didnt donate and was a selfish billionaire.

Steves products have been rejected too. His first product, the Apple 1 barely sold at all. The Lisa which had a mouse and a screen was rejected by Apple. It was only used for office use. Nobody wanted the Mac either. It was much too costly and it had a black and white screen. So Apple demoted him. And in Pixar his first movies werent long. They barely lasted 30 minutes. People started to get bored of Steve Jobs. He was making the wrong choices, and was losing money fast.

Outstanding Achievements:
The question isnt what did he achieve; it is what did he not achieve. One of his first achievements was the Apple II. Days after it was introduced there were more than 300 orders, but that is nothing compared to his future accomplishments. The iMac was also a big hit. Apple sold 2 million iMacs in a year. In 2007 Apple introduced the iPhone. People slept outside the stores in the rain and heat just to be the first to own one. Apple sold 270,000 iPhones in the first 30 hours. In 2010 they released the iPad. Apple sold 600-700 thousand iPads in 24 hours.

Steve jobs has won many awards. In 1984 he won the National Medal of Technology. In 2007 he was named most powerful person in business in Fortune Magazine. Also in 2007 he was inducted into

the hall of fame. In 2010 he was named the Person of the Year in the Financial Times. He also won the Webby award and a Grammy trustees award.

Steve Jobs said and I quote Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice, and most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. Being rich wasnt important to Steve. Another quote by Steve jobs is and I quote Being the richest man in the cemetery doesnt matter to me. Going to bed at night and saying Ive done something wonderful-thats what matters to me

Why I chose him:

I chose Steve Jobs because he revolutionized our world. I learnt from Steve, that to succeed in life, you have to work hard and have faith in yourself. Steve Jobs also taught me not to dwell on failures and to keep innovating.

What I learned from the confidence class:

I learned that you need to have a burning desire to accomplish your goals, how to divide into chunks and make short-term goals. I also learned that comparison and criticism, help you do better, you should learn from your mistakes, you should take compliments well, control anxiety, accept defeat, and have 200 percent confidence in yourself at all times. A line that I learned is: I am somebody who completely believes in myself and trust my ability to do anything that comes my way, does not matter whether I know it or not.

Thank You:
Thank you all for coming to my presentation today, thank you parents for helping me, thank you Vidhi Aunty for helping me improve my speech and rehearsing with me, thank you god for getting me through this speech, and thank you Steve Jobs for revolutionizing our world.

Sources: books: Who was Steve Jobs? By Pam Pollack, Steve Jobs: The Brilliant Mind behind
Apple by Tony Imbimbo, Steve Jobs: The man who Thought Different by Karen Blumenthal Websites:

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