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Task nº 2

The school environment affects the learning process, I can realised this because
last year I attended a public school and this semester I am attending a private school.
These schools are very different in many ways first in terms of students
population because in the first school there were like 45 students in a class and in the
school I am attending there are approximately 35 students. This obviously affects in the
learning process because its harder to work with 45 students because not all of them
were paying attention in the class or there was always one that was distracting the
others. In my opinion the school organisation also affects in the learning process but I
mean it in terms of discipline, in a public school teachers and inspectors sometimes let
the students do whatever they want if they want to go with long hair they can if they
want to wear piercings or other clothes that are not part of the uniform they let them, I
do not see this as something bad ut in public schools students take advantages of these
permissions and they think that in the classroom they can also do whatever they want
and it should not be like this, if they have permissions in some ways they should
respond or behave in the moments that they are asked to.

The main problem I mentioned last task was about communication. The students
in the first school that I attended to did not communicate with the teacher, there did
not exist a close relation so maybe that is why the teacher did not know the students
very well and vice versa.
In the school I am attending now communication is essential, students respect
the teacher when she is talking and explaining important things, and the teacher also
respects students opinion or when they have doubts. For example in the first school
if a student asked like 3 times the same question because he really did not
understand the teacher would get mad and would not have the patience to answer or
teach him. But now I can see that the teacher is willing to help the students. I think
both experiences have taught me a lot in terms of knowing what is better to do in
certain moments and how to act in front of my future students.

Camila Soto

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