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YOO GALLERY Quick Start Managing Photo Galleries

Each photo gallery has a unique pixel size. Please contact us to get the size of your gallery. Note about internet or web image file sizes: It is important that you check the file size of an image and make sure it is not too large before uploading. Often times the images taken directly from digital cameras are too large for web display, so be sure to adjust the file size to 100 KB or less using photo editing software. Note about internet or web image pixel sizes: Your image will always display best by resizing it to the size you want BEFORE uploading it. Taking a large image and resizing it once it is in the browser will often cause the image to look grainy and distorted. Web images generally should not exceed 800 pixels in width. Always use an image editor before uploading to make sure your image is the right size and quality. (Refer to the section titled Resizing Images)

Adding photos to Yoo Gallery

All you have to do in order to add photos to your gallery, is to upload them to the correct folder in the Media Manager. First, however, we must find out which folder to upload to. 1. Open the article your photo gallery is in. 2. In the article, look for a tag that looks like this: {yoogallery src=[/images/stories/gallery] width=[185]} 3. We only need the file path. The file path is the part between src=[ ] In this example, our file path is: /images/stories/gallery

4. Now just go into the Media Manager (see chapter 3.Media Manager) and upload your photos into that folder. In this example, that folder is gallery. 5. Thats it!

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