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1. DVmA -

Sit in a squatting position, facing east or north. The hands should be

between the knees. Bend all the fingers other than the thumb and the small finger
slightly so that the palm makes a hollow. Take a very small quantity of water in the palm
and sip, reciting the following three mantras (one sip for each mantra):

MA CVh m:
MA CmAh m:
MA SAl m:
O m: (touch right cheek with right thumb)
mg m: (touch left cheek with right thumb)
l m: (touch right eye with right ring finger)
SAl m: (touch left eye with right ring finger)
m: (touch right nostril with right index finger)
llm m: (touch left nostril with right index finger)
iO m: (touch left ear with right small finger)
m m: (touch left ear with right small finger)
l m: (touch right shoulder with right middle finger)
O m: (touch left shoulder with right middle finger)
plms m: (touch naval with right hand)
ll m: (touch head with right hand)
2.qg Bend the index and middle fingers. Press right nostril with the thumb
and left nostril with the ring finger and the small finger. First draw in the breath through
the left nostril while mentally chanting the following mantra. Then hold the breath,
mentally chanting the same mantra again. Let the breath out through the right nostril,
again mentally chanting the same mantra. These three actions of inhaling, holding the
breath and exhaling, during which the mantra is chanted three times, makes one

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MA s:
MA s:
MA :
MA :
MA Ym:
MA hp:
MA hhhg sl l
lm: pVlh
MA Dq YihA s sA

AOvA Place the left palm, turned upward, on the right thigh and place the right

palm, turned downward on the left palm. Recite the following mantra :

Gqh lh l p phA

(Depending upon the

time of day)

qh: AlA O
lnOA AlA O

Ah qgA Reciting MA O m: , write MA on water with finger and

touch the spot between the two eyebrows with that finger. Then, while reciting the first
seven of the following nine mantras, sprinkle water on the head with the ring finger.
While reciting the eighth mantra, sprinkle water on the feet. Again sprinkle water on the
head while reciting the ninth mantra.

Dq s: | hm H llhm | g V | :
h: h sYh m: | Gj h: | h CAS |
Zml | Dq Ymh Ym: | MA s: ||
Now take a little water in the palm and rotate the palm around the head with the
following mantra

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MA s:

qmA Sipping water with mantra

Take a little water in the palm and sip, after reciting the following mantra :

qh: Al m m ph mOhs
qps AhA
l h qp OA
m V sA plA Glg
j: hl vAsh
l OAV lhA
ElA CA Ch m
Yi Y

lm Al Dp pmAh pkA pk ph pmh A

pmAh sgi s ph pmh A
l GWsYA ChA V piSA

A Al
CS m m ph m Ohs
qps AhA
l qp OA
m V sA
qlsA Glg
Cl vAsh
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l OAWl lhA
ElA A Ch m
h Yi Y

6. DVmA
MA CVh m:
MA CmAh m:
MA SAl m:

pm: qgA Sprinkling water again

Sprinkle water on the head with the following mantra:

llOg Ei Ah l s:
Cmp VAl:
llO lh
CqA qg nS:
Z Zm:
u m POh
qg DSA hh
Dq s:
hm H llhm
g V
: h :
h sYhm:
Gj h:
h CAS:
Dq YmhVm:
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MA s:
shAV hAV hplh hh j Yh hl l D
ll ll Al CYh
C hn lhh l
VAl hl h pSvh
lAV pkA Ahh

C plmA

Offering water

Morning - Stand facing east.

Noon - Stand facing north and do the same twice
Evening - Squat facing west and do the same three times
Take plenty of water in both palms and raising the heels a little, pour the water down
through the tips of the fingers other than the thumb reciting the following mantra. This is
to be done three times.

MA s: hhhgA |
s l l l m: pVlh ||

qh CA Offering of water in atonement for failure to perform the worship

at the proper time

Do praaNaayama once, as in 2nd step. Then offer arghya once, as in 8th step. Then
reciting Om Bhoorbhuvassuvaha turn round once and sprinkle a little water around you.

qh: Al MA lh SV hm | Gl Ct m ljAl h V
lm Al MA Ghl hSA sA msA
A Al Rigveda Sandhyaavandanam v1

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MA m h Vm
ph CS lhV lit:


Meditation on the identity of the individual self and the Supreme

Sit down, close the eyes and mentally chant

Clh s s A

l hgA Offering of water to the gods

Morning: Squat, facing east.

Noon: Squat, facing north.
Evening: Squat, facing north
Pour water through the finger tips of both hands reciting the following mantras -

DlhA h
A h
slA h
siA h
OA h
mA h
A h
OhA h
OA h
mgA h
lA h
SAlA h
A h
llmA h
iOA h
mA h
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lA h
OA h
plmsA h
llA h

Yp AOv

h Lm C lm pm L v Vh. e I v s v-Vl Cm k
m v s Vmmhl Lm k m V C h s Whl mv.
ALm: h CWm IC.
gm: h CWm m.
Jnm: h CWm
e v L h v s Op Em m. E Vm
pm lmA lh TpAh
hhh gA s l l l m: pVlh
DqYi ChA s sA

12.1 -


Now chant the following, with the left palm facing upward on right thigh, and right palm
facing downward on top of left palm

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Gqh lh l p phA
qh: - qh: Al Sj Ah YpA O
lm - lnO Sj Ah YpA O
A - A Al Sj Ah YpA O
13. pg



s s recite, touching the head with the fingers of the right hand
l Sj VAl: recite, touching the upper lip
ph lh recite, touching the chest
sl p jmA Ci sS Oh Sh Op DAS s:
recite, touching the head

Sj GO Cmp si pAO ip YSh: VAlA recite, touching the

upper lip

CS C S g EAl l lh:

recite, touching the chest

13.1 - qg (3 times)

MA s:
MA s:
MA :
MA :
MA Ym:
MA hp:
MA hhhgA sl l
lm: pVlh
MA Dq YihA s sA

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Sj DmA Invoking Gaayatri

Ch Ei CmO l s: recite, touching the head

Cmp VAl: recite, touching the upper lip
Sj lh recite, touching the chest
With the following mantras invoke gaayatri devi in the heart by means of the
aavaahani mudra

MA EhOA s CS lh s phA
ShA VAlA phA pA YA nSA
Dh l l ChA s AhA
Si VAlA hlA s Ym
HY, , sv, sY, lmA l m ,
, CtpA, SjA D, jA
jA D, VAl smA D, A D,
Sh SiAl h s:
h lh
CS PA s, , l l, P pk, n qg Cqm
m lm m qg h , APm Sh, Si Vh h
ipl l pAV pmm nS:

Sj mA

h s: h: recite, touching the head

nVlj VAl: recite, touching the upper lip
h lh recite, touching the chest

Sj YpA (108 times) Gaayatri japa

Morning : Stand facing east, the palms joined and held in front of your face
Noon : Stand or sit facing east, the joined palms in front of the chest
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Evening : Sit facing west, the joined palms in front of your navel
The hands should be covered with the angavastra, or a piece of cloth. The mantra
should be chanted mentally without movement of the lips.

MA s: hhhgA
sl l l m: pVlh

Sj GpmA Prayer to Gaayatri to return to Her abode

First do praaNaayaama once, sitting down. Then stand up, facing the same direction as
in step 16, join the palms and recite :
17.1 -


qh: AlA GpmA O (qh: Al)

DlhA GpmA O (lnOA Al)
A Al GpmA O (A Al)
17.2 -


GpmA Prayer to Sun to return to His abode

Stand facing the same direction in which the japa is done, join the palms and salute the
Paramaatman who is shining in the centre of the rising sun.

- qg

qh: Al - h Vn lh D l m
lA Wh A
h Ymm hi sm h lh pkA GlhA
h n Ct h A ShYh
ph C pm Dlh i hm
m mh m ah lh m C CfAih m lh

18.2 -

lnOA - DO m Y m nm ChA AV
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gmm h km l l smm pAhV lhA pO

p lA hA
a lA hA
A Wh Cmj h h lli lg h
mhh shh hs OY shY DlY shA sh
GlhA Yh lA lA Ai h l A
Cph l l mhAlOt
Whm lmA GlSloOA V h gY
Dpl pk CAh Dh YSh lV
hh lhA hm hA
l O lhA AV s
ll O l lh
Dli m h C:
hnh g Ct V
pA Sgh l p
A Al EA g i l V f hA VO
hh sg Alm hl Ym
Cym g sl m D p
Wlh l pl g hA
n l l
h OAVlA g l Ym CtlA m
CWj h h l p m hm l
Oh l p m l l T h hm l
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h i lh h g p

CtlmA Prostration to all

Stand facing the same direction as in step 18. Turn round to the next direction after
each of the first four mantras. Then stand facing the original direction for the remaining
mantras, palms joined :

Al m:
h m:
Sh m:
h m:
s lhs m m:
O Ol m Ol m m:
p - Example
(DAS, sh, slY h s pnh, slY Sh,
Cvm h, sSl Cl, .... gA CA Cs)
Ctl ... s pnh
......... l Cl
....... gA CA Cs

lSh AlmA Prostration to the deities of the directions

Stand facing the same direction as in step 16, Turn round and make obeisance to the
deities of the four directions etc :

qV l m:
lg l m:
pjV l m:
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GlV l m:
H m:
Dl m:
CAh m:
s m:
sg m:
m m:
h m:

AlmA Prostration to the Lord of Death

Stand facing south, palms joined

lY h V CAhO V
h Ov sh V
NfAs lS ov pm
Ol Wh WhSq m:
Wh Sq m: MA m: Ei

AlmA Prostration to Harihara

Stand facing west

shSA hA p s pA O pASyA
HhA qA q m:
q m: MA m: Ei

mg AlmA

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m: h YSlO V
YSh pi i m h
hm iSgh lg
AW mg AO Dhm
l l h Afv l
mg Ym n
Om O OAfvm
Od gp lh AP VO
AP VO Sl qg lO nvVh
SAl pAfO A gShA
DOh pehA hA
l SVi SA
l m
OA pi SVi
OA pi SVi MA m Ei

gA Dedication

Sit down, take a little water in the palm and pour it down through the fingers after
reciting the following mantra :

Om V mAl slhm pOh sh

O lh OvA p


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Chanting the following mantra, sprinkle a little water at the spot where the japa was
performed. Then touch that spot with the ring finger and touch the forehead between the

Cl m l h pYh sSA
p lp
n l h lhn p
l slA h C

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