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before the nucleus or primitive nucleus Cells do not have nuclei or other membrane bound organelles. Extremely small with diameters between 0.55m. Genetic material DNA lies free in the cytoplasm. Organisms possessing prokaryotic cell are called prokaryotes. Prokaryotes include bacteria and blue green algae.

A typical prokaryotic cell-bacterial cell

Consists of a Cytoplasmic membrane- made up of phospholipids and proteins, maintains the composition of the cytoplasm. Cell wall- made up of peptidoglycan (a complex of protein and carbohydrate), provides shape and physical support to the cell.

Capsule-composed of a thick polysaccharide layer. It function as food reserve, helps to stick cells together, and give protection from chemicals, phagocytosis and desiccation . Flagellum-whip like structure help for motility. It is made up of a protein called flagellin.
Pili- protein tubes involved in bacterial conjugation.

Cytoplasm contains: Ribosome- smaller than eukaryotic ribosome. It is the site of protein synthesis. Nucleoid- circular DNA. Single stranded genetic material coiled up in the centre .

Plasmid- small circles of DNA, containing non essential genes.

Mesosomes- folded invaginations in the plasma membrane of bacteria, which is the site of respiration.
Cytoplasm also contains enzymes and food storage granules.



Cells are larger than prokaryotic cells with diameters of 20m and more.

Contains a nucleus and a number of membrane bound organelles like mitochondria, chloroplast, golgi bodies etc.

Genetic material DNA lies inside the nucleus. Organisms possessing eukaryotic cell are eukaryotes. Examples are plant and animal cells


Prokaryotic cell
Eukaryotic cell

No nucleus No membrane bound organelles Small in size having diameter of 0.5-5m. Small ribosome Circular DNA Cell wall present

Have nucleus Have membrane bound organelles Large in size having a diameter of 20m and more. Large ribosome Chromosomal DNA Cell wall present only in plant cell.

Complete the table below to show the differences between a Prokaryotic cell and a Eukaryotic cell Feature
Size Nucleus Membrane Bound organelles Ribosomes Mesosomes DNA Histones Cellwalls Flagella

Prokaryotic Cell

Eukaryotic Cell


Name one organelle in a bacterial cell that is also in the cells of Eukaryotes


State three structural features of a Prokaryotic cell

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