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Reflective writing Nº1: The school

Taking into account the information provided in the Observation Stage Report, Task
Nº1(Physical location, School organization, Student population, School rules)

1.- Write about the perception you have about the school you are attending during this
Vise II teaching practice, up to now. Does the school environment affect the students’
learning process?
2. - Reflect on the effects of the Task Nº1 issues, and the way you think, they can be
used to improve the learning conditions in the school.

In the school where I am, Liceo Comercial Alejandro Lubet Vergara, the students
are not so interested in English, because they are studying in a Technical School. They
are going to work next year; the students are in last year.
Also, the school wants to prepare them only to work. This occurs because they know
students who go there are not thinking in the University or in a high education before
school, but I think they do not realize English is taking a big importance in business and
all kinds of different types of work, thinking obviously in the specialization of the
school. So is a problem of mentality.
They do not see the importance about this resource and the advantages from this
language, in the school is taught a very Basic English and they have only two hours.
I was last year in VISE I in this same school, so I can say about the process about how
they are studying English, also because is the same teacher.

To improve this, the school should have a workshop, where the students could apply
what they are learning with what they are going to work. For example if they are going
to work in an office, the type of English that should be used will have to be about the
language used in an office. The workshop will be more realistic and they would be
acquainted about it.
This worshop should be given on Saturday or days after class, and could be do it in two
hours and maybe do it for a student from the University.
I really believe the school needs to improve the topic, and they have to see a new
opportunity to students if they know other language.
I would very glad to do the workshop.

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