Drug Study - Docx Hyocine

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CLASSIFICATION Antispasmodic, Muscle Relaxant

GENERIC NAME Hyoscine Butylbro mide



MECHANISM OF ACTION 1. Spasms of the stomach, intestines Hyoscine works by or bile duct (gastro-intestinal tract), relaxing the muscle including those associated with that is found in the irritable bowel syndrome walls of the stomach, 2. This injectable form of hyoscine may intestines, bowel, bile also be used before certain medical duct and urinary tract. procedures (e.g., endoscopy) to relax This type of muscle is the smooth muscle of the stomach and called smooth muscle intestines (gastrointestinal tract). or involuntary muscle. Buscopan tablets contain the active It normally contracts ingredient hyoscine butylbromide, and relaxes in response which is a type of medicine called an to natural body antispasmodic. It is used to relieve chemicals called colicky abdominal pain that is caused neurotransmitters. The by painful spasms in the muscles of contractions are the gastro-intestinal (GI) or genitocaused by a urinary (GU) tract. neurotransmitter called acetylcholine. Contraindications These contractions are Abnormal muscle weakness not under our Abnormally large or dilated large conscious control and intestine (megacolon) we are not normally Rare hereditary problems of aware of them. fructose intolerance, glucoseHowever, if the galactose malabsorption or muscles go into spasm

SIDE EFFECTS CNS: dizziness, anaphylactic reactions, anaphylactic shock, increased ICP, disorientation, restless ness, irritability, dizziness, drowsiness, headache, confusion, hallucination, delirium, impaired memory CV: hypotension, tachycardia, palpitations, flushing GI: Dry mouth, constipation, nausea, epigastric distress DERM: flushing, dyshidrosis GU: Urinary retention, urinary hesitancy Resp: dyspnea, bronchial plugging, depressed

DOSAGE 20mg in 1ml (solution) Dilute required dose to 10ml with normal saline. Inject slowly over 3-5 minutes.

NURSING MGT. Drug compatibility should be monitored closely in patients requiring adjunctive therapy Avoid driving & operating machinery after parenteral administration. Avoid strict heat Raise side rails as a precaution because some patients become temporarily excited or disoriented and some develop amnesia or become drowsy. Reorient patient, as needed, Tolerance may develop when therapy is prolonged Atropine-like toxicity may cause dose related adverse reactions. Individual

sucrase-isomaltase insufficiency (Buscopan tablets contain sucrose). Children under 6 years of age Narrow-angle glaucoma Acute hemorrhage Paralytic ileus Tachycardia due to cardiac insufficiency Myasthenia gravis

this can cause pain. Hyoscine stops the spasms in the smooth muscle by preventing acetylcholine from acting on the muscle. It does this by blocking the receptors on the muscle cells that the acetylcholine would normally act on. By preventing acetylcholine from acting on the muscle in the GI and GU tracts, hyoscine reduces the muscle contractions. This allows the muscle to relax and reduces the painful spasms and cramps.

respiration EENT: mydriasis, dilated pupils, blurred vision, photopobia, increased intraocular pressure, difficulty of swallowing.

tolerance varies greatly Oerdose may cause curare-like effects, such as respiratory paralysis. Keep emergency equipment available.

Reference: Lippincotts Nursing Drug Guide

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