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MANAGEMENT 2 3:30-4:30 TTHS JANUARY 29, 2013

21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

John C. Maxwell Laws of Leadership offer straightforward principles that can apply to virtually everyone from a housewife to a college graduate. The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John C. Maxwell, is an inspirational leadership book that is filled from cover to cover with life-changing principles that can be applied in life, family, and business. John C. Maxwell conveys the 21 irrefutable laws of leadership by telling stories and giving examples of how these laws were applied in the lives of other successful or unsuccessful leaders. These depictions of leadership are portrayed with insightful renditions of legendary figures from history, renowned sports icons, prosperous business owners, and other individuals who have made a lasting impact because of their sensational ability to lead others. Maxwell tells stories of battles throughout history and how the quality of leadership either led troops to disaster or victory and by doing so illustrates to readers the importance of guidance. He gives accounts of how the influence of head coaches has made a significant impact in the lives, careers and personal development of some professional athletes. By giving examples of what others have done and are doing to be fruitful leaders, John Maxwell gives readers the essential information required to achieve their desired level of leadership in a way that is easy to understand and apply. This book explains what leadership is not and clears up some myths about leadership that people embrace and by doing so are hindered. He also gives personal accounts of how some of these laws of leadership have played out in his career as the head of a church and owner of multiple businesses. He teaches readers many valuable things in a clear, easy to understand way. The Law of the Lid says that leadership ability determines a persons level of effectiveness. The Law of Influence tells that the true measure of leadership is influencenothing more, nothing less. The Law of Process stating that leadership develops daily, not in a day. The Law of Navigation discusses that anyone can steer the ship, but it takes a leader to chart the course. The Law of E. F. Hutton states that when the real leader speaks, people listen. The Law of Solid Ground is about Trust which is the foundation of leadership. The Law of Respect tells that People naturally follow leaders stronger than themselves and that the greatest test of respect comes when a leader creates major change. The Law of Intuition is about Leaders who evaluate everything with a leadership bias. It is where Maxwell teaches readers that leaders see things differently because they have a different perspective of situations. The key to this alternate perception is intuition, which is a balance of facts, logical reasoning and instinct. The Law of Magnetism which is about who you are is who you attract. Who you get is not determined by what you want. Its determined by who you are. The Law of

Connections stating that leaders touch a heart before they ask for a hand. In followership the heart comes first. Maxwell talks about a leaders need to be able to captivate people on an emotional level in order for them to follow you. The Law of the Inner is about our attitude, outlook, and potential all tie into the people surrounding us. The Law of Empowerment stating that when you empower other people you come out a stronger leader for it. A key to enabling others to reach their potential is in having a high belief in them. The Law of Reproduction stating that it takes a leader to rise up a leader. The Law of Buy-In which tells that People buy into the leader, then the vision. The Law of Victory stating that Leaders find a way for the team to win. The Law of the Big MO is about Momentum as a leaders best friend. This law of momentum has two sources. One is preparation and the second is motivation. The Law of Priorities stating that Leaders understand that activity is not necessarily accomplishment. The chapter opens up by stating leaders never grow to a point where they no longer need to prioritize. The Law of Sacrifice stating that a leader must give up going up. The Law of Explosive Growth which discusses about when to lead is as important as what to do and where to go. The Law of Explosive Growth which states that to add growth, lead followersto multiply, lead leaders. The Law of Legacy stating that a leaders lasting value is measured by succession. John Maxwell points out in the final chapter of his incredible book five things leaders should try to incorporate into their organizations. One is that the personnel determine the potential of the organization. Two is relationships govern the morale of the entity. Three is the structure determines the size of the organization. Four is that vision determines the direction of the association. Five is that leadership determines the success of the institution. Maxwell ends by saying that to accomplish the things in life set before us, and become the person we were each created to be, leadership will help to achieve this. The 21 Irrefutable Laws of leadership encompassed many things, but the most interesting things I picked out are Trust; which is the foundation of leadership because a leader must exemplify trust. To build trust a leader must possess Competence, connection, and character. I believe a leader who is incompetent will not get anyone to follow them because they wont have the confidence. In addition I think that character is quite important because if a leader is of bad character nobody will respect him or her. The book also tells leaders that they must continue to learn, grow, and adapt. So it is critical that leaders strive to get better. This is a great read because I always strive to be a better leader in my work place as well as in my studies, and this would help anyone who wants to be a better leader as well as a better person.

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