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Worldwide Sporting Goods Financial Worksheet Calculating the Periodic Payments

You need to borrow $600,000 for a building project. The yearly interest rate of the loan will be 8.5%, and the company will be making payments over 15 years. The PMT function determines the yearly payments.

Principal (pv) Interest (rate) Term/years (nper)

$600,000 8.50% 15

Payment Per Year ($72,252)

Worldwide Sporting Goods Financial Worksheet Calculating the future value of a series of equal payments

Will be investing $20,000 per year in an account with 8% interest for 15 years. The Future Value function determines the value of the account after the last payment.

Payments (pmt) Interest (rate) Term/years (nper)

$ (20,000) 8.00% 15

Future Value $543,042


QTY 7 2 1 PART # 210 104 304 Invoice Date: UNIT PRICE 45.50 5.75 89.50 GROSS DISCOUNT LESS DISC. 06/12/13 TOTALS $ 318.50 $ 11.50 $ 89.50 $ 419.50

$ 419.50

Worldwide Sporting Goods

Employee Information Current Date: Last Name Abramas Adelheim Albrecht Bachman Baker Baker Callaghan Caracio Carpenter Davis Deal Deibler First Name Alice John Horst Vance Amy Christine Ronald Terry John Henry Laura Karl 6/12/2013 ID Number 3721 4582 8820 9487 3534 5473 3151 3483 1738 7382 2736 3874 Department Sales Administration Production Development Administration Administration Development Sales Sales Production Production Development Years of Hire Date Employment 4/2/2001 12 2/16/2004 9 3/24/2003 10 4/17/2003 10 9/7/1998 15 11/18/1998 15 1/20/2003 10 8/16/2001 12 9/29/2000 13 1/14/1999 14 9/13/2001 12 6/22/1997 16 Salary $35,000 $33,000 $51,000 $55,000 $29,000 $32,000 $72,000 $35,000 $36,000 $38,000 $40,000 $34,000

Insert current Date and Time (auto update) =NOW() ########### Insert current Date (Auto update) =today() 6/12/2013 relative absolute A1 $A$1

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