Rizal As An Inventor

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Rizal as an Inventor Rizal was not an inventive wizard like Thomas Edison but he did have a certain talent

for invention. He invented a cigarette lighter, which he called sulpakan, and sent it to Blumentritt in 1887 as a gift. The lighter used a compressed air mechanism. While in Dapitan, Rizal also invented a wooden machine for making bricks which turned out about 6,000 bricks daily. izal as a Naturalist Upon his arrival from Europe in 1892, Rizal was promptly arrested and incarcerated at Fort Santiago. Soon after, he was exiled to Dapitan where he lived for four years. During this period, Rizal immersed himself in the study of nature. Rizal was a dedicated naturalist. With the help of his Dapitan pupils, he collected numerous species of birds, insects, butterflies, shells, snakes, and plants. His collection of shells was said to be the richest private collection of conchology in the Philippines during his time. It consisted of over 340 shells representing more than 200 species. Driven by curiosity and an eagerness to contribute to the pool of scientific knowledge, Rizal sent many specimens of animals, insects, and plants for identification to the museums of Europe, particularly the Anthropological and Ethnographical Museum of Dresden. He however never accepted money for these specimens, only scientific books and magazines and surgical instruments which he needed in Dapitan. In October 1893 for instance, he sent Director A.B. Meyer of the Anthropological and Ethnographic Museum of Dresden 12 snakes, one sea horse, two scorpions, and several butterflies. In subsequent months, he sent more specimens for the museum, including various kinds of insects, birds, and lizards. In payment for these specimens Rizal shipped to Dresden, Meyer sent him scientific books and journals , artificial eyes, microscopes, and surgical instruments. Three rare specimens of animals discovered by Rizal earned him high praises from European scientists who named them in his honor: the Draco rizali, a small lizard popularly known as a flying dragon; Apogania rizali, a rare kind of beetle; and the Rhacophorus rizali, a peculiar frog species. Eduardo Quisumbing - Filipino Botanist: Filipino botanist, Eduardo Quisumbing was a noted expert in the medicinal plants of the Philippines. He was author of more than 129 scientific articles. many on orchids. Eduardo Quisumbing served as the Director of the National Museum of the Philippines, where he rebuilt the Herbarium. The plant "saccolabium quisumbingii" is named in honor of Eduardo Quisumbing.

Filipino Doctor Fe Del Mundo - Inventor: Doctor Fe Del Mundo is credited with studies that lead to the invention of an improved incubator and a jaundice relieving device. She has dedicated her life to the cause of pediatrics in the Philippines. Eduardo San Juan - Filipino Inventor: Mechanical engineer, Eduardo San Juan (aka The Space Junkman) worked on the team that invented the Lunar Rover or Moon Buggy. Eduardo San Juan is considered the primary designer of the Lunar Rover. San Juan was also the designer for the Articulated Wheel System. Prior, to the Apollo Program, Eduardo San Juan worked on the Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM). Moon Buggy: In 1971, the Moon Buggy was first used by during the Apollo 12 landing to explore the Moon.

Moon Buggy Inventor Filipinos consider Eduardo San Juan as the inventor of the Lunar Rover, or more popularly known as the Moon Buggy. The Moon Buggy was the car used by Neil Armstrong and other astronauts when they first explored the moon in 1969. Eduardo San Juan, a graduate of Mapua Institute of Technology (MIT), worked for Lockheed Corporation and conceptualized the design of the Moon Buggy that the Apollo astronauts used while in the moon. As a NASA engineer, San Juan reportedly used his Filipino ingenuity to build a vehicle that would run outside the Earth's atmosphere. He constructed his model using homemade materials. In 1978, San Juan received one of the Ten Outstanding Men (TOM) awards in science and technology. San Juan, however, was not listed as the inventor of the Moon Buggy in American scientific journals. It said the vehicle was designed and constructed by a group of space engineers. In Poland, the Moon Buggy is attributed to a Polish inventor. Worse, the National Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) does not recognize Flores in its roster of outstanding Filipino scientists. MARIA Y. OROSA AND PHILIPPINE SURVIVAL Born on November 29, 1893 in Taal Batangas, Maria Ylagan Orosas vocation to Philippine cuisine at the turn of the 20th century is regarded by noted historians, here and abroad, as one of the most important contributions that help shaped not just the countrys current stature on cuisine, but on the dynamism of food and agricultural trade, as well. Maria was born fourth of eight children, to Simplicio Orosa, and Juliana Ylagan. After earning her elementary and high school education, in 1916 she sailed to the U.S. and finished a degree of Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy and afterwards a course in food chemistry. Student life in America was not easy for Maria Orosa. As a government fellow, her monthly stipend was not enough, reason why she had to work in restaurants to wash dishes and mop floors. During free times, she picked fruits, and worked for canning factories.

By 1922, she came back to the country and was posted to organize the Food Preservation Division of the Bureau of Science while teaching Home Economics at the Centro Escolar University. Four years later, she was sent by the government to the U.S. as a pensionada to study commercial canning, and was tasked in 1932, to head the newly created H.E. Division of the Philippine government. She served this post until the end of her career. Among her food experiments for the benefit of Philippine cuisine were: ways to preserve local seasonal fruits like banana, and mango. She concocted a version of the tomato ketchup. Also, she formulated wines from casuy, pineapple, guyabano, and guava; she fermented vinegars from pineapples, predating Del Montes product; salad, culinary oil, butter, flour and candy (e.g. peanut brittle) by using peanuts; toyo from soy, other beans and copra; cucumber, green tomato and others into sweet mixed pickles; substituted cassava flour and powdered saba for wheat flour; rice bran (darak) made into a delicious food which helped nursing mothers fight beri-beri because of its richness with Vit B1; and, calamansi concentrates that substituted foreign bottled drinks. She went to remote areas and taught housewives how to preserve meat delicacies like adobo and dinuguan and the preparation of economical but nutritious meals. The most favorite of her experimented food was the concocted fish balls which tasted like corn beef. Her "Palayok Oven" was excellent because during those times baked food was so popular and eating it was a habit, but the oven was expensive, aside from that, the electricity needed at the time of the campaign for independence was not available to all. And so, this remarkable invention enabled housewives in rural areas, by just placing a wire and tin inside the earthen pot, to bake anything they desired. The most praised invention of Maria Orosa was the "Magic Food", a protein-rich food made of soybeans and other discarded by-products that she mixed. This food helped soldiers, guerillas, and starving civilians survive. This was the food she sneaked into internment camps like UST, Los Baos, Capas, and Dao. A Guerilla Marking Captain, she never leaved her post for she knows that civilians and soldiers may need her help. She disobeyed the order of her superior to evacuate the city; she died on post when she was wounded by shrapnel during the rapid bombing of Manila. In her honor, a road in Ermita was named after her.

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