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A study on customers opinion toward advertising with special reference to Gemplast Industries Ltd

Name: Gender: Age: 1. Reason for selecting Gemplast products? Necessity Better life style


2. Through which mode of advertisement you came to know about Gemplast? Banners Paper advertisement Any magazines Others 3. Whether the advertisements provided by Gemplast are attractive? Very attractive Attractive Less attractive Not at all attractive 4. What is your satisfaction level with the Gemplast advertisement? Very satisfied Satisfied

Average satisfied Not satisfied 5. Which part of Gemplast advertisement strategies impressed you? Picturization Execution Informative All the above 6. Did advertisement brought changes in your perception on Gemplast? Yes No

7. How do you rate Gemplast promoting themselves through their advertisement? 4 3 2 1 8. Does Gemplast advertisement convey you enough information? Yes No

9. Do you consider that Gemplast advertisement are realistic/fake? Very realistic Realistic

Fake Cant say 10. How satisfied are you with the contents of the advertisement? Very satisfied Satisfied Not satisfied Disappointed 11. Are you looking any other sources to know about Gemplast other than their advertisement? Yes no

12. Are you happy with the products provided by Gemplast? Very happy Happy unhappy disappointed

13. Does the advertisement motivate the customer to buy a product from Gemplast? It always motivates Sometimes motivates Not at all motivate

14. Which mode of advertisement provided by Gemplast attracted you more? News paper

Magazines Banners Internet 15. What kind of suggestions you would like to suggest for Gemplast in their advertisements? Provide informative advertisement Provide attractive advertisement Provide advertisements in social websites All the above

Suggestions................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................

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