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Guest List 6487 CALIFORNIA LEGISLATURE 1963 REGULAR (GENERAL) SESSION APPENDIX TO ASSEMBLY DAILY JOURNAL FORTY-SEVENTH LEGISLATIVE DAY FIFTY-SEVENTH CALENDAR DAY (Saturdays and Sundays Excepted) IN ASSEMBLY Assmuany Cuawner Tuesday, March 26, 1963 ‘The Assembly met at 10 am Hon Carlos Bee, Speaker pro Tempore of the Assembly, presiding Chief Clerk Arthur A Ohntmus at the desir Assistant Clerk Tumothy Lemueeht readmg. MEMBERS OF THE ASSEMBLY ‘The Members of fle Assembly are as follows. Don A, Allen, Sr, Alfred E Alquust, Hale Ashcraft, Robet BE Badbam, Willam T Bagley, Tom Bane, BE Richard Barnes, Carlos Bee, Anthony C Beilenson, Frank P Belotir, Harold & Booth, Carl A Buitsehg:, Clan’ W Bureener, Plulhp Burton, Tom © Oarreli, Jack T Casey, Charles Edward Chapel, John L E Colher, Gordon Cologne, Charles J Conrad, Robert W Crown, Lou Cusauovich, Geonge E Damel- ‘son, uikam E Dennemeyer, Pauline L Davis, George Deukmeyan, Clayton AL Duls, Richard J. Donovan, Moryn M “Dymally, Edward BE Elhott, F Dougias Ferrell, Houston I Flournoy, Jobn Francis Foran, Myron Frew, Edward M. Gaffney, Charles B. Grvrigus, Joe A Gonsalves, Leroy I Greene, Burt M Henson, Stewart Hinekley, James L Holmes, Harvey Johnson, Joseph M Kennich, John TP nox, Frank Lanterman, Paul J. Lunardi, Mutou Marks, Lester A. MeMfillna, Charles W. Meyers, George W Milas, Jnmes R_ Malls, Robert T. Monagan, Joba Moreno, Don Mulford, Alen G Pattee, Nicholas C, Petris, Carley V, Porter, Walter W Powers, John P Quimby, Wuham Byron Rumford, Leo J_ Ryan, Alfred BH. Song, Phihp L. Soto, Wilham FP Sianton, Robert 8 Stevens, Howmd J Thelin, Vineeat Thomas, Jesse M_ Unruh, John G Veneman, Victor V_Veysey, Tom Waite, Jerome R Wald, Charles Warren, James Whetmore, John ‘Wulhameon, George A. Willson, Gordon H Wonton, Jr., Pearce Young, Edwin L, Z'berg, and George N. Zenovich—80 Quorum present. PRAYER The followmg prayer was offered by the Chaplain, Rev. Robert R. Ferguson: O God, Our Loving Father, Stretch our muds to the clear realization that our highest coneern should be to recognize that we are individually accountable to Thee ‘Thou art not vysible to our physical eyes, Thy thoughts are not our thoughts, and ‘Thy ways are beyond our keenest probiugs, Yet Tow hast breathed something of ‘Thy Ife mto each of us, Thou hast given us minds forever seckang Thee: Thou hast given ug an eternal reétlessness, until we make our pence with ‘Thee May we see the folly of chuging to little prides which can keep us from ‘Thy elernal fellow- slup and the Joy of abiindant Jiving. May we be conscious throughout this day that ‘Thou art nearer than breathing, closer thon hands or feet, ‘We pray an our Master's name—AMEN. 6488 Appenvix No, 2 GUESTS EXTENDED COURTESIES OF THE ASSEMBLY Your Assemblyman is pleased that you have taken time to visit the Assembly, and trusts that you have found your visit both enjoyable and educational ‘The Members of the Assembly take pleasure in welcoming, and ex- tending the courtesies of the Assembly to the following guests for this legislative day On request of Mr. Allen of Los Angeles to Mr. and Mrs Carl W Shupp of Los Angeles. On request of Mr Casey of Bakersfield to Miss Marianne Wilson, student from Stanford University. On request of Mr. Thomas of San Pedro to Mr. John Sonnenborn of San Pedro. On request of Mr. Mulford of Oakland and Mr Bee of Hayward to Prof. Herbert Jacobs, and the following students of the Public Affairs Reporting class, Journalism Department, University of Cali- fornia, Berkeley: Barbara Becknell of San Francisco, Michael Doan of El Sobrante, Michael Dorais of San Rafael, Roger Franklin of Los Angeles, Norman Hallquist of Pasadena, Marybeth Hockel of Watson- ville, James Houck of Bakersfield, David Kayfes of El Cerrito, Douglas Kim’ of Stockton, Dennis Opatrny of Berkeley, Gerald C. Perry of Vallejo, Mark Schneider of Antioch, and Michael Wilson of Alhambra, On request of Mr Greene of Sacramento to Jean Hartley, Elaine Yates, and Natale Lord, adults; and the following American Field Service Scholarship Students, Helga Wanke of Austra, Encina Ay; School; Soetoro Moestabjab of Indonesia, El a High Schoo! Jacqueline Corsin of France, La Sierra Hig] ool; Martine Mare- chael of Belgium, Sacramento High School; Maria Saenz of Equador, Hiram Johnson High School; Niels Hansen of Denmark, Mira Loma Thgh School; Mary Papadaki of Greece, San Juan High School; and Maria Santos of Brazil, Bella Vista High School On request of Mr Porter of Compton, Mr. Ferrell of Los Angeles, and Mr Willson of Huntington Park to Mr and Mrs H.C Connal of Compton ‘On request of Mr Bagley of San Rafael to Leroy Rudolph, Roger Dunean, and A. ©. Latno, of San Rafael On request of Messrs, Elliott and Warren of Los Angeles to Mrs. 8. Tijermo of Los Angeles On request of Mr Pattee of Salinas to Lester Burbidge, Howerd Crampton, Mel Fishburn, Dave Herman, Gene Patterson, and Bart Reed, adults; and the followmg students of the Mission Hill Junior High School, Santa Cruz: Rachelle Abdallah, Bruce Anderson, Carolyn Anderson, Kathy Anderson, Marilyn Anderson, Julie Andrews, Mark ‘Angell, Rone Armendariz, Jack Arneson, Sally Augusta, Fidwin Axton, Brendon Baer, Robin Bailey, Bruce Baldwin, John Balisteri, James Bartell, Winnie Barton, Louis Bassano, Donna Lee Bates, Wayne Bates, Nancy Bengston, Stephen Bettencourt, John Bettiol, Kenneth Blair, Todd Booth, Robert Borelli, Miles Boyd, Dennis Brooks, Jeany Brovia, Colleen Brubeck, Robert Bunter, Frank Cardmale, Ronald Carmody, Leticia Castillo, John Castro, Domo Celebrado, Nancy Chavez, Melody Clough, Chris Cole, Deborah Cover, Karren Crosby, Jackie D’Anna, Judy Davies, Karon Davis, Carl Della Mora, Verano Del Peloso, Mike Guest List 6489 Dene, Anthony DeRups, Christina Dimeo, Robert Dinatale, Stephen Dinnell, Donald Divine, Linda Douglas, Mary Donjenis, Bill Downing, Jeannette Dudley, Robert Duffy, Deborah Durham, Adele Dybdahi, Jean Blledge, Diane Fader, Paula Fassio, Steven Fearnehough, Amta Ferguson, Jessie Fitzpatrick, Brooke Foster, Mike Fredrickson, Lydia Gallacmao, Bobby George, Andrew Geyer, Dolores Gianola, Donald Gilbert, Diane Gill, Linda Gillis, Syble Gillis, Tom Gilpin, Gladys Givens, George Goepel, David Goodrich, Ronnie Gray, Loreley Green, Kenneth Gregory, Charleen Gruber, Glaime Habecker, Lynn Hall, Ken- neth Hansen, Barbara Harden, Susan Harris, Jack Hartin, Steve Hart- man, Wick Haxton, Kathy Hayes, Pam Haynes, Leif Hellenthal, Rob- ert A. Henderson, Robert B Henderson. Trucy Henderson, Terri Hack- enbottom, Paul Hoffman, Martha Hokans, Laura Holbert, Lee Hol- brook, Tonja Holmes, Kristine Hoover, Ellen Houlahan, Debra Hughes, Judy Isaacson, Marilyn Jackson, Henry Jaime, Mary Jasper, Diane Johnson, Judy Johnson, Chris Jones, James Keen, Jerold Keen, Timothy Kennedy, Karen Koester, Paul Koopmans, Kathy Kram, Noel Kraus, Cynthia Kypreos, Robert Lamb, Shirley Lamb, Kenneth’ Lam- bert, Michael Layne, Willem Laster, Jennifer Lezin, Jobn Lancoln, Jim Lorberbaum, DeWayne Lowery, Don Lowery, Dennis Lusk, Claudia Magnoni, Juan Majan, Louis Marsahsi, Gregory Martin, Vance May- orink, Barbara Mazzel, Michael McCrary, Barbara McElwain, Wendy McKay, Bubbette McLeod, Janice McNutt, Martha Merrell, Larry Mor- ris, Robert Mosher, Marion Mumper, Michael Murphy, Cynthia Najar, Manuel Nama, anda Newey, Susan Nielsen, Michael Nixon, Michact O°Connor, Peggy Ohvieri, Anthony Oppido, Charles Osborn, Connie Pappas, George Pappas, Tom Parts, Deanna Parmele, Patty Patterson, Stephen Paul, Lynn Paxton, David Pearman, Philp Pearman, Chris- time Pedemonte, Dan Pendergraft, Maria Perez, Cherme Philippet, Lowe Preracet, Paul Pitts, Donna Pohl, Joe Pollastrim2, Sharon Previ- tali, Brenda Prichard, Michael Paget, Dean Rasmussea, John Reynolds, Gregory Rice, Rachel Riep, Patricia Rolfe, Richard Roy, Roni Roy, Diane Rummel, Lisa Salmonson, Kent Scherer, Susan Sehilee, Janice Schnaible, Mike Schwier, Sandra Scofield, Linda Scott, Rhonda Self, Carol Sherer, Marilee Sheldon, Mary Smmeos, Joe Sink, Donald Skinner, Garrett Smith, Michael Smith, Susan Smith, Sherman Sowerwine, Susan Stanley, Karen Stroble, Bill Surran, Joan Swindell, Juanita Tabreros, Howard ‘Tartar, Make Thierry, David ‘Thomas, ‘Tom Thomp- son, Nadene Thorne, Tarn Tosta, nda ‘Tracy, Dennis Treffry, Wilham Vander Ven, Donald Van Selus, Edward Villamor, Ray’ Villamor, Shari Wall, Jerry Warner, Rheba Washington, Annabel Weaver, Joaane Webber, Graham Westang, Harry Whitehead, Bruce Wileman, Connie Wilson, Dennis Wright, Korene Wright, and James Yates On request of Mr. Gonsalves of Artesia to Bob Mitchell of La Mirada On request of Mr Stanton of San Jose to James Russo, Rachard Karsen, Wm Hall, Yolanda Runyon, end Beverly Yancey, adults; and the following students of the Savuel Stipe School, San Jose: John Atencio, Steve Aven, Ida Black, Diana Carnley, Susie Chapatte, Jerry Corries, Dorella Crump, Pegzy DePiano, Marie Escarcega, Pat Fox, Sonia Fuentes, Andy Gonzales, Clover Hager, Tom Hess, Juanita Kunz, James Letwineh, Tina Lallquist, Maria Mercado, Armando Montes, Tom Moody, Clifford Ozmun, Cynthia Pfeffer, Mark Pietz,

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