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10mm Painting guide DAK vehicles Equipment required Models to be painted Bases to base them on Spray can of grey

of grey undercoat Vallejo paints 847 Dark sand 912 Tan Yellow 865 Oily Steel Miniature paints MP 83 Chocolate Brown MP 62 Sand MP 87 Khaki Games workshop Regal blue Black White Brown ink (4 mls of water to 1 ml of Ink) tub of manilla coloured tile grout Railway ballast (fine)

Stage 1 - Glue model to base and spray undercoat grey

Stage 2 Paint the model in the base coat (Tan Yellow) NB May need 2 coats to cover everything properly

10mm Painting guide DAK vehicles

Stage 3 Paint canvas covers Khaki

Stage 4 Paint tracks and any other metallic bits (shovels etc) and any tools present on vehicle

Stage 5 - Paint road wheels and any other equipment black (see above picture)

Stage 6 Add grout to base, add stones and paint sand

Stage 7 Ink Wash the model and base with the brown ink wash

10mm Painting guide DAK vehicles Stage 8 Dry brush the base and model with the dark sand

Stage 9 Paint all glass Regal blue

Stage 9 Dry brush all glass white and add a white stripe across the back of the base (if required)

Stage 10 Add markings and unit stats to base

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