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CLE503 Version No.

Prerequisite Objectives:

Finite Element Analysis

L T P 3 0 0

C 3

1.0 1. The course is intended to teach the basic concepts of finite element analysis. 2. Different methods will be taught in the class and their use will be explained in the class. Expected Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to Outcome: 1. Calculate strain and stress matrix. 2. Know the analysis procedure and the matrix operations. 1. Know the concepts of isoparametric elements. Module I Introduction to FEM Introduction - Background General description of the method Analysis procedure Stress and strain vectors Stain displacement equations Linear constitutive equations Overall stiffness matrix Overall load matrix - Analysis of beams. . Module II Displacement models Theory of Finite Element - Concept of an element Various element shapes Displacement models Approximation displacements by polynomials Convergence requirements Shape functions Element strains and stresses Direct formulation of element stiffness matrix and load matrix. Module III Discretization Overall Problems - Discretisation of a body or structure Minimization of band width Construction of stiffness matrix and loads for the assemblage Boundary conditions Analysis of plane truss, space truss, plane frame and grid. Module IV Plane stress, plane strain Plane stress plane strain - CST, LST & QST elements - solutions of problems, Module V Iso parametric elements Natural Coordinate and Iso parametric Formulation - Natural coordinates (area and volume) - Iso parametric Bar element - Plane bilinear isoparametric element - Plane stress element - Quadratic plane elements - Application of Gauss Quadrature formulation Text Books 1. C.S.Krishnamoorthy, (2002), Finite Element Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd. References 1. Cook R.D., Malkas D.S. & Plesha M.E, (1999), Concepts and applications of Finite element analysis, John Wiley & Sons. 2. Reddy, (2002), Finite Element Methods, Tata McGraw Hill Co. 3. Zeinkeiwich O.C., (2003), The finite element method in Engineering Science, Tata McGraw-Hill. Mode of Evaluation Quiz/Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination Recommended by the Board of Studies on: Date of Approval by the Academic Council:

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