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English 1302 ARABY 1. Who do you consider to be the main character(s) of the story? Who is the protagonist?

The antagonist? -The main character is the unnamed narrator. In this instance the narrator is both the protagonist and the antagonist.

2. What is the setting? How does it affect the plot/characterization? -Autumn on a dead-end road in the early 1900s. It dictates the characters actions. If the story st were set in the early 21 century, the characters would probably not be going to a bazaar.

3. What is the major conflict? (man vs. man , man vs. nature, man vs. fate, man vs. himself/herself) -Man vs Himself a. What do you consider the inciting incident? -When the narrator decided to go to the Araby. b. What do you consider the climax? -When the narrator decides not to buy a vase or tea-set for the nameless lady. c. What is the resolution? -When the narrator realized he is a creature driven and derided by vanity 4. What is the storys theme? Is this a universal theme? -Many times we have very high expectations for things in life, and almost as many times we are disappointed with what we find. This theme is universal.

5. Discuss the symbolism in the story. Can you name specific symbols and tell what they stand for? -There is a parallel between Mangans sister, with whom the narrator has fallen in love with, and the bazaar. Mangans sister s said to be a brown figure. This suggests that she could be an exotic native, which is exciting for a young boy. Both the girl and the bazaar promise so much excitement and magic. When he arrives to the Araby, he is very disappointed with what he finds. While looking at the tea-sets he realizes that his love may have built him up as much as the Araby and may let him down just as much.

6. Which of the above elements do you consider the most important? -The symbolism.

7. What point of view does the author use to tell the story? How does this point of view affect the story? -First person. This keeps you from knowing the narrators name and puts you directly in his mind, allowing you to know his reasons for his actions.

8. Is there anything about the authors life reflected in the story? Explain. -The author left Ireland to escape Catholic ideology and British imperial capitalism. He uses the bazaar to allow the narrator to escape he mundane lifestyle he lives at home.

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