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Reflective writing Nº1: The school

The “San Luis” school is located in Alegre’s Hill. It is a quite place where there is
neither acoustic contamination nor pollution, also is located in a good neighborhood.
Therefore there are not environmental complications that might affect the normal
developing of a class. But the school does not have a big building where the students
can socialize with other students of different levels during the break time. This is
because every level has different schedule for that time, as a result of the limited
building situation sometimes the students of “Educación Física” have to share the same
place the students that are enjoying their free time. Luckily this is not as serious as it
sounds because of the recreation time rule the students can spread without the
consequences of having a large number of students in a small place. The school
population, which average is twenty four students per classroom it fits for the needs of
the entire school.

The learning conditions recall most of the time in the teacher, which has to be pending
on the situation of the entire group. It has seems to me the school has no major
problems with the current social situation of its students, this compared with my last
vise’s school, where the social situation of the students was an every-day serious matter
to all those who worked with children there.

Nixon Fuenzalida Gonzalez

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