Reflective Writing Nº1 The School - Leo

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I am Leonor Tulleres.

I have my VISE II at COGGZAI primary school, which is

located in Belloto Centro, Quilpué. This is a public school, with no political neither
religious statement. The school has a parent’s council, but it does not have a student’s
one. The “rules” of the school are quite simply, they are based on respect and pluralism.
The school also has the obligation to protect more vulnerable children, in social and
economic context.
I have observed so far that one of the biggest problems of the school is the learning of
English, because of the population of the courses. For example, I am attending 2nd year.
Children are quite noise and energetic, but they have to stay quiet in order to pay
attention to the teacher and get the pronunciation of the words. But they refuse to do it,
they are always playing around and making noise. They said the class is boring, because
they don’t want to stay just listening, and that is hard to teacher too, because she is use
to teach in that way. Also she teaches English with songs and poetry, which is more
interesting to children, but by this way they don’t understand enough the pronunciation
of some particular words.
I think is hard to find a solution for this situation, but anyway, we need to get
something that helps children learning English as good as we can. Maybe the school
would have to divide the courses in two or more groups, and provide each one a practice
teacher to teaching them in a more “personalized” way. They would also create more
interactive classes in order to keep children always doing things, always learning.
Maybe they just need more attention, creative ideas that keep their attention. We need to
remember that we were kids too, and kids want always to do something fun, something

My conclusion is that one of the solutions for this problem is to get new ideas and
attractive activities to keep the children’s attention, but also with them learning English
in the right way.

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