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Appraisal of minor stations along Wolverhampton / Shrewsbury line

Annual passenger usage Telford Shifnal Cosford Albrighton Codsall Bilbrook 2004/05 777,000 50,332 52,741 44,289 26,210 21,318 2005/06 794,000 58,795 44,582 49,847 37,515 28,096 2006/07 781,000 64,201 46,073 56,118 42,986 32,044 2007/08 799,000 80,233 59,523 63,997 55,078 39,835 2008/09 941,000 100,746 74,830 77,216 85,220 75,336 2009/10 972,000 100,716 84,988 77,240 99,140 93,616 2010/11 991,000 104,222 85,072 79,232 104,952 100,234 2011/12 1,033,000 121,998 61,378 104,806 121,430 128,572 363.3% 503.1% Usage growth over 7 years 32.9% 121.4% 16.4% 136.6% Parking places (1) 290 (2) 80 (3) None None None None Most recent investment (4) 1986 (5) None 2012 (6) 2013 (7) None None (1) Source: National Rail enquiries website (2) Chargeable 2.50 to 4.90 / day (3) Free (4) Network Rail announced plans for refurbishing work for many of the stations along the Wolverhampton / Shrewsbury line in the future and both Codsall and Bilbrook are likely to be included in this plan but there has been no mention of parking facilities (5) New Telford Central Station opened in 1986 at a cost of 700,000 cost was jointly funded by British Rail, the Telford Development Corporation and Shropshire County Council. (6) 2.1 million investment by Network Rail in 2011/12. Cosford has recently re-opened after a 12 month rebuild of the station and, although it appears to have substantial parking, it actually has none at all. The previous parking area is now designated for use by the caf and the offices opposite and only permit dropoff and pick up for rail commuters. The recent addition of double yellow lines in the streets approaching the station have removed the only remaining commuter parking facility. Downturn in usage for 2011/12 is due to station closure for renovation work. Growth for the period 2004/5 to 2010/11 was 61.3% (7) 1.5 million investment by Network Rail in 2012/13. Footbridge and platforms refurbished. Work continues as of June 2013. The station building was sold some years ago and is now in a poor state of repair. Double yellow lines have recently been installed along one side of the road leading to the station. This road was a primary parking area for commuters and the lines have effectively reduced parking facilities in this area by almost half. There is approximately 25 spaces along one side of the station driveway.

Observations Neither Network Rail nor any of the train operators feel the need to invest in parking facilities at Codsall, Bilbrook or any other stations on the Wolverhampton / Shrewsbury line yet they have spent substantial amounts on improving Cosford and Albrighton stations which carry much less traffic and show much slower growth in usage that either Codsall or Bilbrook. Neither Cosford nor Albrighton has any parking facilities; in fact, parking facilities have been reduced significantly within the last 2 years. This suggests that the rail companies do not feel that parking facilities are necessary to sustain either the current level of business or any future growth. It therefore follows that if the rail companies do not feel the need to invest in car parks, why should the local authorities assume that the responsibility lies with them? Also: Penkridge had a very similar parking problem around their station. In April 2010, thanks to 200,000 funding from Staffordshire County Council, a new 60 space station car park was created at the back of the station and was opened to great acclaim in April 2011. Over the two year period from April 2011 to April 2013, station usage leapt by 21% from 147,00 journeys / year to a record 177,608, an increase of 21%. The new car park is now full by 7am

each weekday but the increased usage of the station has meant that commuter vehicle parking has returned to the streets. The new car park has not only failed to resolve the parking problem but its existence has actually drawn commuters from Stafford station due to the easier access and free parking at Penkridge. Penkridge also has significantly increased traffic flow and has become a true Park & Ride facility.

Dont let this happen to Codsall

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