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Student Number: U1268951 Module: Business Dissertation Words: 13400 Date: 16.04.2013

Satisfaction is a universal element which every customer around the world, regardless of race and ethnicity wants to enjoy. It is an obvious thing to be the victim of un-satisfaction by the side of customer and hence low sales and gradual decrease in shares experienced by the service/product provider i.e. Manufacturing or Service Sector. In this study a survey has been conducted by Random Sample Technique to analyze Sainburys customer satisfaction. First of all, the paper needs to collect the data which through the questionnaire, consisting of 12 Questions and the sample size is 120, all UK based. The findings of the survey are applied to quantitative data analysis tools using spss software for evaluation. The research analyzes the data and finds the problems. At the same time, the paper analyzes the Sainsburys successful reason which from the supermarket's services quality, products quality, environmental factors and marketing strategy.

Table of contents Abstract Chapter 1 1. Introduction ..........................................................................................................4 2. Hypothesis.............................................................................................................8 Chapter 2 3. Literature Review..................................................................................................9 3.1 Consumer Behavior...................................................................................10 3.2 Customer Satisfaction................................................................................18 3.3 Customer Service.......................................................................................23 3.4 Marketing Strategy....................................................................................28 3.5 Customer Loyalty......................................................................................32 Chapter 3 4. Methodology........................................................................................................33 5. Research Methodology.......................................................................................36 6. Result Analysis....................................................................................................38 Chapter 4 7. Hypothesis Analysis............................................................................................80 8. Conclusion and Discussion.................................................................................84 9. Recommendation.................................................................................................85 10. Appendix...........................................................................................................86 10. Reference ..........................................................................................................97

Chapter 1
Giese and Cote (2002) suggested that Satisfaction is comprised of three basic elements, a response, weather cognitive or emotional and a response relating to a specific focus like, expectation, product, consumption, experience etc at a particular time. The retail industry is one of the oldest industrial sectors of U.K having its origination in 19 th century. Whereas the subject under study i.e. Sainsbury is one of the top leading retailers in UK with their first store opened in 1869 and this is why it has competitive advantage of being a century old over its two major foes, ASDA and TESCO, which was actually the main reason why in this research Sainsbury is focused. But within last few years since 1995 there is a gradual decrease in Sainsburys market share, profitability and so customer satisfaction. This report first illustrates the supermarket background and details the problems. Secondly it analyses perception of customers towards current supermarkets, the elements of Customer Satisfaction and the extent to which these elements are satisfied by Sainsbury.

Britain's current economic situation is not stable which is the major reason behind downfall of Sainsbury from number first to third. Retail is one of the very important economy sources in every country. However, The UK business secretary Vince Cable said the Britain's central bank has to use the loose monetary policy to support for the economic policy. And the British monetary inflation has remained at 2.8% which is a high level. And the British economic growth was reduced almost to zero in recent years. Unfortunately, the British retail price index rise by 1.4% which is a bad situation for British customers. And the food commodities has rise by 3.5 %. In the first time, the paper explains the British economic situation and next part is the Sainsburys background. The core object is Sainsburys supermarket in this paper. John James Sainsbury and Mary Ann Sainsbury have created this supermarket in 1869 which is the British largest supermarket chain. And Sainsburys supermarket holds the 16.5% market share in the British retail market. It developed into the largest grocery retailer in 1922s and it created the self-

service retail in the UK. The Sainsbury has become British third largest supermarket in 2009s, having the mission to be customers first choice for food, delivering products of outstanding quality and great services at a competitive cost working faster, simpler and together. However, the ASDA supermarket is second and the first supermarket is the TESCO in UK so far. The Sainsbury's is currently operating 1012 shops which include hypermarkets, supermarkets and convenience stores. And it also operates the Sainsburys bank, financial service and online sales. Traditionally, most of the Sainsburys stores always locate in the southeast of England and the surrounding areas. It finished the target which is covering the whole of the UK in 1945s. Sainsbury supermarket financial situation is relatively stable from 1990s-2007s. However, the financial crisis still has a big loss for Sainsburys supermarket. But now Sainsburys financial situation is still keeping the growth. At the same time, Sainsbury supermarket is most popular in the UK because British people like the local companies. Fortunately, the Sainsbury is the sponsors in the Olympic Games in 2012s. This is a great honor for a supermarket and it let the Sainsbury supermarket obtain more reputation. At the same time, it also improves the Sainsburys perception which is most important thing for Sainsbury.

This article is divided into six parts which are as follows; Introduction, Literature Review, Research Design and Methodology, Data Analysis, Discussion and Conclusion and Recommendations. In the first part this article would like to explain Sainsburys background and the papers aim, Rationale of the study, Problem Statement, Research Objectives and Questions and Hypothesis. Next part is the Literature Review which is the theory and model analysis. The paper needs this literature review to complete the other part. In research design and methodology data collection modules, important variables and methods of carrying out research are discussed. Analysis of data takes place in the next step, using SPSS software. Next part is discussion, in which general discussion is held upon the results of the data analysis, rejection and acceptance of hypothesis is made herein. Finally, in Conclusion and Recommendation the paper provides gist of the research findings and possible new solutions to the subject under study.


The research has been carried out to improve the customer satisfaction at Sainsbury supermarket and the core research subject to focus on, is the Sainsbury supermarket. The paper evaluates that Sainbury always pays close attention to six aspects; price, product quality, product values, service quality, service project and sales promotion activity. Certainly, Customer Motives and the Environment factors are also very important for supermarket, which at the moment are neglected by Sainsbury. First of all, the paper would like to analyze the components that influence the customer satisfaction since it is practically true that Companies often meet different customers and the different customers always have different needs and motivation rather than just getting fresh and right product. So there shall be devised some different marketing strategies or policies to satisfy those customers. Summing up the discussion, this report focuses on finding the factors of Customer Satisfaction and its current state in Sainsbury supermarket, regardless of its other problems like decreased market share, profitability, expenses to manage stores etc.

An extensive study of market conditions and retail industry in United Kingdom (in Background) gave a brief idea about the status of Sainsbury in retail industry. As it was mentioned earlier that the largest retail leader fallen down to third largest retailer until mid of 1990s, reason being gradual decrease in market share due to economic instability, which leads to increased expenditures to manage in-house stores, which ultimately leads to customer dissatisfaction and henceforth low repeated check-ins by customers. Most of all, it also came up with the introduction of giant retail supermarkets like ASDA and TESCO, who took over Sainsbury rapidly during that tenure, even having its core operating head office in US. This whole scenario added more fuel to fire. Now the Sainburys management has to take a prominent s tep to protect its current position and then improvise on its hold in the market and review that what are normally choices of buyers and if Sainsbury is meeting those choices or not. This has been actually the management problem but now it has turned in to a marketing research problem and the motto of this research report as well.

Following mentioned is the Research Problem which is why this research has been carried out, summoned into one statement:

Customers have become victims of dissatisfaction due to Physical Environment, Reliability, Personal Interaction and Policy of Sainsbury, hence declined market share, decreased revenues and unsatisfied customers are what the once called giant retailer is getting in return. Order of Internal factors are as follows: Reduction in market share Less expenses to manage store Low customer satisfaction


1) To analyze that positive perception by customer regarding Physical environment leads to customer satisfaction. 2) To evaluate that Reliability amongst Sainsbury leads to customer satisfaction. 3) To study that personal interaction by staff at Sainsbury causes customer satisfaction. 4) To examine that customer friendly Policy causes customer satisfaction

The research elements further specifies the direction of research and explain the problem in detail. 1) What is the demoghraphic and psychographic profile of customers? 2) What do customers expect when going to shop in stores? 3) How well does Sainsburys existing product and services offering meet customers needs compared to TESCO and ASDA? 4) How often do customers go shopping in a week? 5) Are there any customer needs not being adequately met by Sainsbury?

Hypothesis 1: Ho: There is not significant relationship between Physical Environment and Customer Satisfaction. H1: There is significant relationship between Physical Environment and Customer Satisfaction. Hypothesis 2: Ho: There is not significant relationship between Reliability and Customer Satisfaction. H1: There is significant relationship between Reliability and Customer Satisfaction. Hypothesis 3: Ho: There is not significant relationship between Personal Interaction and Customer Satisfaction. H1: There is significant relationship between Personal Interaction and Customer Satisfaction. Hypothesis 4: Ho: There is not significant relationship between Policy and Customer Satisfaction H1: There is significant relationship between Policy and Customer Satisfaction

Chapter 2
Literature Review

In this case the main point is the consumer behavior. All the theory must be based on the consumer behavior. The paper would like to explain the consumers motivation and some influence which help the consumer to complete the purchasing behavior or affect consumer's judgment. Enterprise need to choose a suitable market and maybe it should to make more different strategy to meet different consumers need. Finally, the paper think that the brand is also important which can affect consumer behavior.

This part is abut the customer satisfaction which is the main point in this paper. Therefore, the paper would like to explain the how to improve the satisfaction in the whole process. And there are some methods and model to analyze some data. Finally, many factors maybe will influence the satisfaction which like the affective factors, product and service and so on.

Customer service is most important is this paper. Service quality can directly decide customer satisfaction. This includes many aspects which the products quality, Service attitude, service quality, personalized and the ability of service personnel and so on. The consumer can through the RATER index to analyze the companys ability in the service. The Enterprises should to combine with the customer service and strategy. It can make more opportunity to meet customers need.

The marketing strategy can help the company to keep the satisfaction and build the loyalty. In this part the paper would like to provide many theory to explain the relationship with the strategy and customer satisfaction.

In this part, this paper provide some basic theory and phenomena. The loyal customers is very important for the enterprise. Enterprises can improve customer satisfaction to keep customer loyalty


Consumer behavior refers to a decision making process which enables the consumers to purchase products or enjoy the services. Lamb.C, Hair.J(2011)Consumer behavior is closely related with the product and service. In the modern market economy conditions, enterprise is in order to build a long-term exchange relationship with the customers. Therefore, the enterprise needs to understand consumer behavior because these behavior will affect the consumers behavior which like the once again to buy the products. Traditionally, they always focus on the way of consumer to obtain products and services, then people often ignore the consumers the way of solution. Consumer behavior is a whole and it also is a process that the purchase is just a phase in all of the behavior. Therefore, the enterprise all needs to fully understand the all of consumer behavior which consumers use situation and evaluation for product. Consumer behavior can be divided into two parts: the first one is the consumer's purchase decision process. Purchase decisions process is a psychological activity and behavior tendency before consumer uses or enjoys products and services. The next one is actions of consumers. The consumer action is a process that the consumer has decided to purchase something.


Market segmentation is the foundation to make the most marketing strategy. In market segmentation overall market is divided into several secondary markets. Consumers always have similar needs and behavior characteristics in different sub market. The purpose of enterprise market segmentation is to find people into the target market which suit to the characteristics of sub market and accordingly formulate solutions and strategies for targeted market. Lamb C, Hair J, MacDaniel C(2008)


Marketing mix- new product development: companies should to understanding the consumers needs, desires and evaluation.Paul,J Olson,J(2008) Enterprises can use this result to develop new products in the future.

market opportunity analysis- Market opportunity is needs of the consumers which is not be satisfied. Companies need to understand the reason that consumer do not satisfy. It usually needs to analyze the market conditions and market trends. For example, it needs to analyze the consumers lifestyle and consumers income. These results can reveal consumer's new needs and desire. Enterprises on the basis of the results can be pertinence to develop new products for consumer.


Purchase decision making is a dynamic process because thinking, feeling, and actions of individual consumers, targeted consumer group, and society at large are constantly changing. Buying decision behavior will change when according to the characteristics of the consumers and the environment. Ferrell O, Hartline M(2010) The consumer behavior dynamics is a difficult task but it is also an opportunity to develop marketing strategy. The same marketing strategy cannot be used in other market because the products life cycle is short than before and the companies needs to keep innovativeness and create more value for consumers. The consumer behavior is dependent variable whereas individual factor and environmental factor are independent variables. Consumer behavior is affected by many factors: personal needs, cognition, learning, attitude, lifestyle, psychological factors, age, self-image, personality, personal factors, and it also will be affected by family, reference group, social class and cultural factors. Noel,H(2009)


Cultural factors is dynamic and it can be changed at any time. Hoyer.W Maclnnis.D (2008). It includes values, material culture, aesthetic view and subculture Solomon, M (2006)

Values refers to people's attitude towards the social life and views in all kinds of things. Different cultures lead to people's different values. The product and target market should be in coherent with culture and values when the enterprise makes new marketing strategies. Chon K, Pizam A, Mansfeld Y(2012)

Material culture consists of technology and economy, and it will influence in many ways that level of demand, the quality of the product, type, style and sales method.

The aesthetic views standard evaluation. Marketers should attach great importance in customers aesthetic view because every customer's standards are not the same. If sales do not to correct understanding customers aesthetic view, then the company's product design and creative advertising will hard to be accepted.

There are huge differences between different cultures and there are many factors that can influence peoples values and aesthetic view. The same cultural consumers will inevitably have the similar characteristics. So, enterprises need to evaluate different culture to make different marketing strategy. Wright R(2006) Company and marketing researchers must study different cultures because different culture can affect the product design, price, quality, style, type and packaging. Enterprises should constantly


adjust their activities to meet the needs of culture in the international market. Marketers should have the ability to understand and identify the characteristic of different culture and nuances.


Consumer behavior is influenced by social factors and it includes consumer family, social class and reference group.

Family is the basic group of consumers. Consumers learn a lot as consumer behavior from their parents. Consumer behavior is affected from family life cycle. Each customer has different behavior in different life cycle. Enterprises can use the life cycle of consumers to define its target market. And companies need to go through the various stages of the life cycle to make the strategy.


Consumer behavior is affected by a lot of reference groups. Some group directly affect the consumers groups, known as membership group which include family, friends, neighbors, colleagues, religious Organization and secondary groups. The aspirational group is another reference group in which aspiration is associated with some celebrity etc. Consumers have to refer the opinions of the group leader.

Social class is defined with some standards like income, education degree, occupation, social status and fame. The same social class always has a common values, lifestyles, ways of thinking and life goals and it influences their purchase behavior. American scholar Warner think that the American society is should be divided into six classes. Even if the consumer has the same income but their habits and buying motives are also different.



Consumers are affected by the personal factors. There are many personal factors like age, occupation, income and lifestyle. Each customer has their own lifestyle e.g, some ways to use the time and spend the money. And the AIO is the activity, interests and opinion which can understand the peoples lifestyle.


As is known to all, people's behavior is influenced by psychological activities; dominate and control. Hoyer.W, Maclnnis.D(2008)So, in marketing activities, although consumers change demands and buying behavior, but it is based on the psychological activity process. The consumer psychological activity process is referred to as psychological state when the consumer is decision-making. The main factors to influence the consumer psychological activity process are needs, cognition, learning and attitude.

Need refers to people's objective desire and reactions for continuation and development of life in the specific living environment. The needs of the people must be kept in notice and it may very because people may lack physiological or psychological factors and it is imbalance. People's need can determine the goal of human behavior. Therefore, need is a kind of internal driving force which can contribute to people's activities.

A.H. Maslow theory


Maslow theory is need hierarchy theory by A.H. Maslow in 1951. It shows different levels of needs like physiological needs, security needs, social needs, esteem needs and self-actualization needs. There are three characteristic of peoples need. Maslow.A, Frager.R(1987) (1) Development direction of needs is from low level to high level. After the people's lower-level needs to meet, then people want to meet the high-level needs. (2) When the people meet the lower level needs, and they will be pursue more advanced needs. (3) Each level of need may appear alternately. Marketers should continuously find the needs of the customers which has not been met. They should try their best to meet the needs of the customers and make a new strategy. They also need to analyze the level of the customer and make the other promotions or advertising to help the customer.

Consumers feeling, perception, memory and thinking constitutes the cognitive which is for products. Consumers obtain cognition through analyzing products special properties and creating sensation and perception. Consumers often utilize some mental activity to help finish the cognitive process. Memory plays an important role in consumer development. A person can settle in his mind the commodity's name, logo, packaging and advertising. Consumer decision-making process go through analysis, comparison, judgment and reasoning to analyze the products values.

Attitude refers to consumers' reaction tendency in the process of buying or using commodities. If consumers keep positive attitude, they can complete the purchase behavior. There are three kinds of Attitude which fully trust, disbelieve and uncertainty.Noel H(2009)


Fully trust-Consumers hold a positive attitude in all aspects of the products. This attitude often leads to the successful trading.

Uncertainty- These products cannot completely meet the needs and desires. In this case, the consumer attitude will be hesitant. Marketers need to use some methods to enhance the consumer trust for products.

Disbelieve- Consumers hold a negative attitude. There are some reasons: Product does not meet the psychological needs of consumers. The consumer finds the defects and disadvantages in products. Consumers think that the actual performance of the product and advertising are not conform.

Consumer learning ability refers to the consumers accumulative knowledge, experience and skills to improve the process of buying behavior.

The concept of motivation is by psychology from R. Wood-worth in 1918. Wood-worth think that the motivation is an internal impetus to decide the human behavior. Kardes.F, L.M, Cronley,M,Cline,T(2010) People's activities are caused by certain motivation. There are two factors that can engender the motivation which are internal and external conditions. Internal condition is need another one is incentive. Need can be directly engender motivation and it can lead the customers has the desire to buy something. Wright.R(2006)


Realistic motivation refers to consumers' purchasing motivation which Is due to pursue the use value of product or service. In this case, consumers will pay attention to product quality and efficacy and they always do not like to think the products style and design. Khan M(2007) Motivation which is in pursuit of fashion. It refers to consumers' purchasing motivation which pursuit of products service, fashionable, novel and unique. Consumers will focus on product design, color, epidemic, uniqueness and novelty. However, the durability and price are secondary factors. This motive is common in the youth group and high income people. There is a motivation which is in pursuit of beauty. It refers to consumers' purchasing motivation in reference to product's value and artistic nature. The color, shape, appearance, packaging are most important point for this kind of customer and they always want to pay attention in products decoration beauty and artistic beauty. Some people like to purchase these products, they are in high degree of education groups and people who working in the field of education and culture. Brand motivation- It refers to consumers' purchasing motivation which The pursuit famous brand and high-grade goods. It can let consumers to increase their identity and status. The motivation is very obvious which in high income people and students. And it maybe can reduce the purchase risk, simplify the decision-making process and save time. The motivation in which customer wants to have cheap product is referred to as consumers' purchasing motivation which pursuit low price in products and service. This is the situation when the consumers are in the process of buying and considering the price in the first time. They want to know more product price and compare the differences price. They are often interested in sales promotion activity. The motivation which the customer wants to be convenient at, is referred to as consumers' purchasing motivation who wants to save time in the process of using the product or enjoying the service. Majority of consumers pay attention to time efficiency and they does not care the products attribute and these consumer do not like to waste time.


Imitation motivation- It refers to consumers' purchasing motivation when they want to imitate others. Imitation is a very common social phenomenon and it also has many reasons. The consumers are affected by other people in purchasing behavior. Singers or movie stars appear in many company's advertising and their behavior influence a lot to consumers to buy some products. Interest motivation- It refers to consumers' purchasing motivation to meet individual special interests and hobbies. These consumers always like to purchase special goods of their interest. However, they are very rational.

The consumers will refer to the brand of products and other parameters to build the different concept for different brand. For example, consumers will take the initiative to identify a brand advantage. Hansen.F, Christensen.L(2003) Brand effect can stimulate customer's purchase desire and the brand effect is very obvious. Brand is the basis on high quality services and products. Brands include many factors which Intellectual property rights, corporate culture and credibility. Brand's competitive advantage is very obvious and it also can increase the customer's choice probability. Naik C.N(1999)


Customer satisfaction is a relative concept, it is the matching degree between the customer expectation and customer experience. The customers will get a index after compare with the customer expectations and perception of the product. Hill.N, Alexander.J(2006) The customer expectations are include the customer personal service requirements and customer's past experience and enterprise's service history. As an enterprise, it also need to understand customerss ideal state in service when the enterprise providing services to the

customers. Then, the enterprise should to understand the customer's ideal and provide the high quality service for the customer. However, the company always make different results in the service than the customer expectations and the company cannot provide service which the customer want. There are some kinds of situations: there are different results in customer expectations and enterprise management layer; the enterprise cannot complete the service commitment to customers; The service personnel does not have enough practical ability to serve the customers. Enterprise management ideal state and the customers expectations are different, and the service quality and customer's expectations are different. However, This different situation can be measured. And this also is the customer satisfaction.


Essentially, customer satisfaction is a psychological state. Satisfaction is not an absolute concept. Enterprise cannot continue their own subjective judgment which include service, Service attitude, prices and quality. Grigoroudis E, Siskos Y(2010) Satisfaction is customers feedback which depend on A product or service performance. This Is a kind of psychological experience which Is a kind of happiness to meet the consumers.


Characteristics of customer satisfaction Subjectivity- Customer satisfaction is based on the feeling of the products and services. The feel object is objective and conclusion is subjective. It has its own conditions that such as the knowledge and experience, income, living habits and values.


Hierarchy- Famous psychologist Maslow pointed out that the needs of the people has five levels. He think that different levels people has different evaluation criteria int he product or service. The same person maybe has different evaluation in other place or stratum.


The reason for measuring customer satisfaction Customer satisfaction survey received widespread attention all over the world in recent years. Especially the service industry uses the customer satisfaction survey to found the problem. It has become a important way to improve the service for the enterprise. Customer satisfaction survey and the research that it does, require a lot of quantitative research to carry out evaluation in the specific areas like service satisfaction, consumer of the defects, repurchase rate and recommended rate. Research results find the core problem regarding internal customer and external customer. Then, the enterprise should use some quick and effectively ways to achieve the maximization of value. Hill.N, Brierley.J, MacDougall.R(2003)


Customer satisfaction index model is established in 1989. At the same time, Dr.Claes Fornell has a new result that is in the university of Michigans business school. The Fee Nair logical model includes customer expectation, Perceived Quality and Perceived Value which is a econometric model. Grigoroudis.E, Siskos.Y(2010) American customer satisfaction index (ACSI) also is like this model, but it is based on native American customers. The products and services quality evaluation is provided by domestic enterprises or large multinational companies.


The index of ACSI is macroscopical comprehensive evaluation index which is based on product and service consumption process to evaluate customer satisfaction level. This index include four aspects which national overall satisfaction index, department of satisfaction index, industry satisfaction and enterprise satisfaction index. ACSI model system is a very complete theoretical model and its application effect is the best at present. Szwarc.P(2005) This model is based on the SCSB.

1. Customer Expectations-Customer estimates the quality of product before buying or using. There are three variables that can decide customer expectations like personalized product, Product reliability estimates and overall expectations of product quality.

2. Perceived Quality- Customer's actual feeling after using product. It includes customer's perceived degree, product reliability and overall feel of product quality.

3. Perceived Value- It is the customer's subjective feeling after customers assess service quality and price.

4. Customer Satisfaction- Customer satisfaction is through this structure variables econometrics to transform the resulting the customer satisfaction index that it should be used by econometrics to transform. The ACSI model chose three observed variables when it was created. The first one is the gap between actual feelings and the expected quality. The next one is the gap between actual feeling and the ideal products and overall satisfaction. Customer satisfaction depends on customer actual feeling compare with the expected quality. At the same time, the customer's actual feeling compared with customers ideal products are also influence customer satisfaction, the smaller gap can make the higher the customer satisfaction level.


5. Customer Complaints- Customers complain has only one variable which customer formal complained or informal. Through the statistics the number of customer complaints can get a specific value.

6. Customer Loyalty- Customer loyalty is the ultimate dependent variable in the model. It has two observed variables: The possibility of customer repeat purchase and the ability to withstand price changes. Customers are satisfied with a product or service after that it will generate a certain degree of loyalty. it will show the repeat purchase of the product or recommend the products to other customers.

Other theory Delivered Value is very important that it can influence consumer's satisfaction degree with the product or service. The customers feel satisfaction which is the delivered value higher than customer's expectations. Moreover, the customer will be more satisfied which the greater difference between the delivered value and customer's expectations. Tan A, Theodorou P(2009) Fairness Consumer also will be affected by the perception of equality and justice. Customers will think oneself as not feeling the equal treatment or other customers may get better service and price and so on.

Enterprises must continuously strive to improve customer satisfaction. In this way they can increase the number of loyal customers. Even so, the customer satisfaction theory is not absolutely a requirement by enterprises to maximize their customer satisfaction. The main reason is these three aspects: the company also has other way to improve their profits which like improve the manufacturing process and research and development the new products. Next part is


that companies have a lot of stakeholders which include employees, suppliers. Finally part is enterprises pursue to maximize customer satisfaction can lead to the company make some negative strategies. This approach can lead to higher costs and the decline in the overall profits. Therefore, customer satisfaction theory wants the enterprise in a certain resource to guarantee a high level of customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is a different goal that it is able to satisfy a customer and it not necessarily will give the satisfaction to another customer. Supplier needs to fully understand different customers' requirements then they can only achieve 100% customer satisfaction.

Emotional factors
Consumer emotions also can affect their satisfaction in products and services. These emotions may be stable. For example, mood and attitude of life. Happy mood and positive way of thinking will improve customer satisfaction in services or products. However, Bad mood will lead the consumers feeling disappointment Gungor.H(2007) Consumption process can cause some specific emotions that it will influence consumer satisfaction. This is a kind of positive emotions which include successful career, High position or better standard of living. The positive emotion is lubricant for successful sales. This kind of consumers on the image of the value level is higher than general consumers.

Customer Service
Concept The customer service is fifth factors in the marketing management which is part of the overall product concept and the a new change in service object and content. not only It includes the service for existing customer and it also include the services for potential customers. It needs to improve existing customer satisfaction and it also should to improve the expected satisfaction.

Consumer is the core in the core of the marketing management which the service is fifth factors. Services can improve the ratio which the enterprise to create personality, increase competitive advantage, effectively to increase sales. Customer service is a kind of values which based on customers. Customer service's goal is to improve customer satisfaction. Regular customers and new customer Even if can't do better, but the regular customer is most important in the company which like the new customer. Many enterprises put more attention on the found the new customers. Enterprises always provide high quality services to new customers, but it neglected the service for regular customers which is a mistake. Enterprises to develop the new customer's cost is higher than the regular old customers. So, pay more attention to the regular customers can significantly improve the quality of service.Cook S(2010)

Enterprises needs to make a reform that all business focus on the consumers. Enterprise internal needs to set up customer service organization that this group is the parallel relationship with production and sales. As an independent department, it should be undertake the service function in all the time, at the same time, the service category should be more than ever before.

RATER Index The RATER index represents the quality of customer service. In addition, This words also has five meaning that Reliability, Assurance, Tangibles, Empathy and Responsiveness. Finally, this index can decide the companys quality of customer service.Noe F, Uysal M, Magnini V(2010) Reliability-It refers to whether an enterprise is able to perform their commitment to the customer keep a long time. When the enterprise really does this, it gains good reputation and win the customers trust.


Assurance-It refers to the service personnel should be has the professional knowledge, skills and professional quality. It Include: the ability to provide quality services, they must be courtesy and respect to customers and it should use the effective communication skills with customers. Tangibles-It refers to the service facilities, service environment, service personnel appearance and they needs to help and care to the customers. The service is a kind of invisible product, but neat service environment, the special seat and so on, it can make the intangible service products became more tangible. Empathy-It refers to the service personnel should be for the sake of customers and they will genuinely understand customers situation and demand of customers. Responsiveness-It refers to service personnel should to understand the needs of customers and they will timely response and quickly provide services. As a customer, they need the active service attitude.

Avoid Bad Impression

The first impression is very important to make more profits for enterprises which is like the positive and successful. However, the first bad impression that can bring more dangers and it maybe is very serious. Customers now have many opportunities to choose and there are so many companies wants to attract the customer's attention. Customers can not only leave bad service enterprises and they also can spread the bad impression for other customers. So, the company needs to improve service quality, first of all the company should to avoid give the bad good impression to the customer.

Modify the Service Plan

Every enterprise and its employees make mistakes and the customer can understand on this point. Customers care about how you correct your mistakes. The enterprise or employees must apology to customers in first time. Next, enterprises need to develop practical solutions to solve customer problems.


Build the Better Service Plan

A good service system can guide the customer and let the customer know what kind of service you can provide. Through the good service system can greatly increase the enterprise internal staff's service consciousness and it can improve service quality.

Change the Inadequate Plan

Enterprise needs to timely correction the services quality. However, Enterprise can't through the excuses to shirk responsibility. Through the "correction" service, the company not only can make up for problems in the course of service, but also it can satisfy picky customers. Finally, this way will make enterprises more popular than other competitors

Customer service with marketing strategic

Service is a new factor in the marketing management. Service concept is added to the whole process of production. In each stage of the product life cycle it needs to combine with the sales activities and service activities. And in different phases it should match the corresponding services to improve the marketing effect. Communication function- Service personnel can used the some accepted method to provide the new information customers. at the same time they needs to collect customers requirements and response. Timely communication with customers can build a friendly and stable relationship. Reliable function- The company provide customer services quality standards and keep it characteristic and stability to customers that it will lead the customer has the sense of trust. This is customer services reliable function. This theory requires the companies to keep a high level of service standards which enterprise has publicly promised. Enterprise through this method let the customer has sense of identity, and then it will build customer loyalty and expand market share.


Response function- Enterprises have to respond to customer's requirements. Enterprise can't let customer not satisfied because it will damage the corporate image. And in other hand, companies need to accurately judge the direction of market development and customer's requirements. Closer function- Its a Customer service for letting the enterprise into the customer group and the enterprise welcomed by customers. In fact, customer's alert psychological exists and Enterprise through frequent communication with the customer reduces the distance between the enterprise and customer. This is to further build trust relationship with customer. Safeguard function- Activity in the customer service is the company's pledge and guarantee which like the guarantee of quality, safety in use and equitable price and so on. This guarantee is not only provide the security for monetary value it also provides the personal safety to customers. Complete after-sales service can keep the quality of products. Competent function- Customer service should be under the rules of the company to provide the effectively serve to customers. In other word, enterprises should meet the requirements of the customer as soon as possible and provide necessary assistance to the customer. If the customer service cannot get effectively way to solve the customer problems then, it will be more worse than do not help the customers. Therefore, this function is based on the employee's ability. Satisfaction function- In fact, all the customer service function can be classified as this function. Enterprise through activity provides maximum benefit for our customers that customers can generate goodwill to company.


Marketing Strategy Concepts

Service strategy is the core in the enterprise development stage and the enterprises keynote is the customer satisfaction. Lowson R(2004) Service strategy can be combinations with the marketing strategy. For example, the service strategy and low cost marketing strategy will make the enterprises obtain more successful. Service strategy needs to carefully analyze the needs of different customers, because the different customers have different needs and require different services. The service is needed to cost and customer's value contribution is also different for company. Enterprises need to seriously analyze the needs of target market and the different products always needs different service support. Finally, the enterprise cannot indifference to carry out service activities. The marketing strategy as an important strategy which Its purpose is to improve the enterprise marketing efficiency of resource utilization and let the enterprise resource use efficiency is maximize. The marketing is prominent strategic in the enterprise management that make it combinations with the product strategy and It is called business strategy. Ensure enterprise overall strategy is most important in the company. And make the marketing strategy is very urgent and necessary which in the process of competition. Marketing strategy is including two main content: One is the selected target market; another one is formulate marketing mix strategy to satisfy the needs of the target market. According to different customer purchases object, the companies can divide them into many categories. Companies focus on to meet some customers that it is called to determine the target market. This is marketing should to determine the strategic decisions in the first time. When the enterprise ensures the target market it should make a new plan for new customers. Horovitz J(2004)

Main Points in Strategy

1. Identify the environment development trend. Environment trends can bring new business opportunities for company and it also will bring a new problems. Grasp the environment development trend is most important precondition for enterprise to make the new strategic plan.

2. Identify all kinds of opportunities. And use the effective way to take advantage of potential opportunities is very useful to development the new products, improving existing products, Find new problems in the product, attract competitor's customers and development of new market segments. 3. Using the open concept to adapt enterprise's survival conditions. Set up the concept of market demand and look on the broad market to adapt to market changes. 4. Make the full use of existing resources using the same number and same type of resources to achieve the new strategic objectives. 5. To avoid compare with the advantages brand. Famous brands are good at weighting their status which is product protection. New products cannot imitate the old products, then it will be hard to succeed. 6. Strengthen enterprise's commodity in the market place and Increase the commodity competition ability. 7. Use the successful brand for the new high quality products. It will make a good impression for customers on new products. 8. Explicitly to stipulated enterprise's development direction. Enterprises should have specific goal, and then specify plan and determine the specific time.

Model and Theory:

Its a desirable Marketing strategy upon which the enterprise should base customer needs and according to the experience to know the customer demand and purchasing power and the expectations of the business world to plan the various business activities. Enterprise through coordinated product strategy, price strategy, channel strategy and promotion strategy to improve customer satisfaction and achieve the goal of enterprise.


Lets have a look at 4Ps, which is; Products, Price, Promotion, Passageway and Place & Distribution. These four factors should be applied to the marketing process. Then it has formed four aspect of marketing strategy. Booms and Bitner established a new theory in 1981s which is 7Ps theory. The 7Ps is based on 4Ps. However, it increase three P in the new theory which are people, process and physical evidence. And this new theory always be used in service industry.Brown.S(1991) Marketing mix strategy is the based on fully understand the consumer buying behavior. Many marketing experts through a lot of observation and practice obtain a result. They think that the consumers most concerned about is the product in 4Ps combination. Consumers will consider the core value of the products in first time, after that they maybe will consider other factors.

Marketing Strategic with Customer Satisfaction:

One way can make the enterprise's competitive ability higher than other companies which make the customer feel the value and satisfaction. The transaction cost of new customers is five times than old customers that one of the biggest challenges is to develop customer loyalty. Enterprises should take the customer as the center and according to the customer demand to provide products and services. At the same time, enterprise through the network database analyzes the product satisfaction and purchase situation. Then, timely find problems and solve problems and ensure customer satisfaction to build customer loyalty.John A(2009)

Enterprise use the service differentiation strategy can let the intangible products to become tangible products. Enterprises needs to provide more personalized and differentiation services and products. Therefore the company must keep communication with the consumer, and it is important to collected information from the target population. Spechler J(1993)


Steps of Marketing Strategy:

Steps of marketing strategy- First of all the enterprises need to do the market analysis which analyzes the features of consumers on the market at present. Next part is market segmentation, the segment of the market that according to the products ability to satisfy the customer. Then choose the market segmentation which is attractive market. Now the enterprise is hard to meet the needs of all consumers at the same time and the enterprise should to choice a market which is easy to enter the market or maximum profit of the market. After that it will do the market positioning which is most important in all of the steps. This can let the customer know the companys location. A failed market positioning will make severe blow to this brand. Because the repair a failed brand will cost many money and it higher than establish a new brand.

Marketing Mix:
Companies need a good marketing mix strategic. However, they cannot be arbitrary combination and the enterprise should consider the feasibility of the new strategy. Kotler.P, Armstrong.G(2010) Marketing combination is a systems engineering which made up of other subsystems. Marketing mix factors must coordinate with each other and according to different products to make the different price, different way and different promotion means. The marketing mix is dynamic. Product life cycle is divided into four stages and when the product life cycle are in change then other combined factors also will changed. These factors are important, but different industries and different market will affect their importance. But, usually the most important is the products. The companys product extent of the popular, consumer satisfaction and a ability to solve the problem of consumers. This is the key point in all of the factors.Brown S(1991)


Customer Loyalty Concepts:

Modern Service Marketing Management theory is taking the customer satisfaction and customer loyalty as a core. The Customer Loyal is based on corporate Identity and Customer Satisfaction. The main content is enterprise's aim should be to meet customer needs and expectations, at the same time it needs the effectively eliminate and prevent the customer complaints and improve customer satisfaction. It should be establish a mutual trust between enterprises and customers which like the quality of the value chain. Kincaid.J(2003)

Customer loyalty is the consumer in the purchase process and show the tendency for many times. Loyal customer is the most valuable customers in the enterprise. Small amplitude to increase customer loyalty will lead to increase more profits. The profit is the key point in the customer loyalty marketing theory. Building customer loyalty is effectively method to keep the profits. The enterprise must transform the idea for building the relationships with consumers.

Through analyze consumer behavior that the paper would like to analyze the consumers motivation and influence factors. First of all, the company need to understand the consumer behavior and consumers needs, and then the company should to improve their service quality and product quality.and the company also needs to analyze the consumers psychology which can help the company to make a suitable strategy for customers. Therefore, these data will be better to help company know how to improve the consumer satisfaction and build the customer loyalty. At the same time, the paper wants to help the company to find the way to improve customer satisfaction which can help enterprises to develop. The basic way is change model which is change strategy in service and product. Then, the company must be do the market segmentation, analyze the customers motivation and make the different strategy to meet the different customers needs. And improving customer satisfaction and build a strong customer loyalty to obtain more profits for company.


Chapter 3
The theoretical framework of the variables, selected in this study is represented as:

Physical Environment Reliability Personal Interaction

Customer Satisfaction



The figure above identifies four independent variables which were mostly pointed out in previous researches. The study was carried for finding the most prominent factors that cause Stress, these factors as follows: Physical Environment

Physical environment in this study is an independent variable, involves the inward and outward appearance of the store. According to Rodolfo Vazquez et al (2001), physical environment involves simplicity and importance of shopping from the internal appearance of the sales outlet. Based on this, it has been stated that there are two physical aspects of supermarkets: 1) store appearance which includes decoration fixtures, equipment, design of product, cleanliness, equipment and services publicly leaflets and the other is Convenience of shopping, which involves: Interior design and store layout of sections and product shelf position. According to Poping Lin (2005), traditional wisdom is the key to win market share is by offering a wide variety of products, which can be helpful in attracting wide variety of customers. Reliability

Reliability in this research is another independent variable. According to A.Parasuraman et al (1988), to be reliable is being able to perform the promised service dependably and accurately. Based on his research it was found out that Reliability is the most important factor taken into consideration by customers when they evaluate a retail companys overalls service quality. Reliability is like keeping promise and doing it well by the side of the enterprise for/to the customer and customer has this strong belief that the enterprise will upto that promise in anyway. On the other hand, in terms of doing it well, a company is expected to provide customers with fast sales transactions and precise information, such as sales promotion, price and sale slips. (Rofolfo Vazquez et al, 2001) Personal Interaction

Third independent variable of the study is Personal Interaction. Based on current literature, it is noted that customers are not only interested in the product offerings and physical environment but also on the services provided by the staff members. Personal Interaction includes the process followed in order to obtain the sales and services encounters where it is desired while coming in contact with the retail companys employees (Rodolfo Vazquez et al, 2001). Its practically visible in retail stores that customers look for help whenever they are in emergency. In this situation, store employees courteous and prompt reply will assist generating the customer satisfied.


Final independent variable of the report is Policy, encapsulates aspects of service quality affected by the strategies of the price and brand assortment. Brand assortment policy must be established with great care and also a large and wide range assortment of well known brands is needed. (Rodolfo Vazquez et al, 2001). Moreover, retail stores should be able to come up with an attractive pricing policy. Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is a measure of how an organizations total product performs in relation to a set or customers requirement (Nigel Hill, Jim Alexander, 2006). There is no better advertisement than a Satisfied Customer and nothing worse than a Dissatisfied Customer (Phillip Kotler et al, 2008). Marketing researchers and Managers have now realized how important customer satisfaction is. According to Robert Heller (2006), customer based strategy is the only important form of strategy; product and producer driven strategies are fast dying. Customer Satisfaction is usually goal of every firm as well, whose results are not visible in short run but in the long run.


Research Design: The study has adopted a descriptive survey research design, in which secondary and primary data both are collected and analyzed in order to reach at final conclusion. Key (1997) describes it as Descriptive research is used to obtain information concerning the current status of the phenomena to describe "what exists" with respect to variables or conditions in a situation. The methods involved range from the survey which describes the status quo, the correlation study which investigates the relationship between variables, to developmental studies which seek to determine changes over time. This research administered questionnaires; interviews to collect data from respondents on the variables of the study and secondary data like, past researches, journal articles, web pages and websites are used to collect an in depth knowledge of on the variables of our study.

Target Population:
Target population for this research design is all customers of retail stores in UK. Though 150 questionnaires were distributed but filled 120 questionnaires got returned.

Sampling Procedure and Sample Size: Random sampling technique was adopted for the sample selection. Sample size is 120 covering the UK only. The sample size for survey was the customers of retail stores in UK. Customers from major retail stores were almost covered like ASDA, TESCO, WALMART and SAINSBURY.

Measuring Instrumentation: Instrumentation involves evaluating the effect of Physical environment, Reliability, Personal Interaction and Policy on Customer Satisfaction. The research has been designed to achieve the objectives set for the purpose of carrying out research. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data for the study. The instrument was divided into two main sections. Section A sought demographic characteristics of respondents, Section B attempted to ascertain whether respondents satisfaction level varies as they are affected by Physical environment, Reliability, Personal Interaction and Policy.


Data Analysis Technique: Data collected for this study was subject to statistical analysis. Specifically, frequency counts and simple percentages were used to describe respondents responses in graphical and tabular representation for further evaluation. Correlation and Chi-square tests were applied to test hypothesis of the study.


Chapter 3
Results Analysis
Describe Occupation Cumulative Frequency Valid CEO employed student Total 24 36 60 120 Percent 20.0 30.0 50.0 100.0 Valid Percent 20.0 30.0 50.0 100.0 Percent 20.0 50.0 100.0


Describe Marital Staus Cumulative Frequency Valid Married Single Total 48 72 120 Percent 40.0 60.0 100.0 Valid Percent 40.0 60.0 100.0 Percent 40.0 100.0


Gender Cumulative Frequency Valid Female Male Total 72 48 120 Percent 60.0 40.0 100.0 Valid Percent 60.0 40.0 100.0 Percent 60.0 100.0


Age Cumulative Frequency Valid 18-24 25-34 65 above Total 60 36 24 120 Percent 50.0 30.0 20.0 100.0 Valid Percent 50.0 30.0 20.0 100.0 Percent 50.0 80.0 100.0


How much is your total average expenditure when you go into a supermarket Cumulative Frequency Valid Less than 20 Between 21- 40 Between 41- 60 Total 36 60 24 120 Percent 30.0 50.0 20.0 100.0 Valid Percent 30.0 50.0 20.0 100.0 Percent 30.0 80.0 100.0


Your household annual income: Cumulative Frequency Valid Below 15,000 15,000- 25,000 25,000- 40,000 Total 72 36 12 120 Percent 60.0 30.0 10.0 100.0 Valid Percent 60.0 30.0 10.0 100.0 Percent 60.0 90.0 100.0


How often do you go for shopping in a retail suprmarket? Cumulative Frequency Valid One in a week Once a fortnight Once a month Total 72 24 24 120 Percent 60.0 20.0 20.0 100.0 Valid Percent 60.0 20.0 20.0 100.0 Percent 60.0 80.0 100.0


In your opinion what time of the day is best suitable for you to shop? Cumulative Frequency Valid Before 12:00 noon Between 12:01-4:00pm Between 4:01pm-8:00pm After 8:00pm Total 36 24 48 12 120 Percent 30.0 20.0 40.0 10.0 100.0 Valid Percent 30.0 20.0 40.0 10.0 100.0 Percent 30.0 50.0 90.0 100.0

Interpretation of Demographic and Personal factors:


There were 120 filled questionnaires collected within which 60% is female and 40% is male, it means that majority of the respondents are female with. The most repeated age group is 18-24 (50%) who are mostly students (60%) only fewer are employed and hence major percentage (60%) is single since their occupation yet is student. 60% of the respondents go to retail supermarkets once in a week, 40% of them believed that best time in a day to shop is 4:01pm-8:00pm. More than half of the respondents i.e. 60% believe that their total average expenditure is between 21 40 when going shopping, while average household annual income is 15,000.

ASDA size of store


Cumulative Frequency Valid N good exc Total 24 60 36 120 Percent 20.0 50.0 30.0 100.0 Valid Percent 20.0 50.0 30.0 100.0 Percent 20.0 70.0 100.0


ASDA Price Cumulative Frequency Valid N good exc Total 12 60 48 120 Percent 10.0 50.0 40.0 100.0 Valid Percent 10.0 50.0 40.0 100.0 Percent 10.0 60.0 100.0


Layout of store in ASDA Cumulative Frequency Valid bad N good Total 36 48 36 120 Percent 30.0 40.0 30.0 100.0 Valid Percent 30.0 40.0 30.0 100.0 Percent 30.0 70.0 100.0


ASDA Wide selection of brands Cumulative Frequency Valid bad N good Total 12 48 60 120 Percent 10.0 40.0 50.0 100.0 Valid Percent 10.0 40.0 50.0 100.0 Percent 10.0 50.0 100.0


ASDA High quality product Cumulative Frequency Valid poor bad N good Total 12 36 48 24 120 Percent 10.0 30.0 40.0 20.0 100.0 Valid Percent 10.0 30.0 40.0 20.0 100.0 Percent 10.0 40.0 80.0 100.0


ASDA Queuing time Cumulative Frequency Valid poor bad N good Total 12 36 48 24 120 Percent 10.0 30.0 40.0 20.0 100.0 Valid Percent 10.0 30.0 40.0 20.0 100.0 Percent 10.0 40.0 80.0 100.0


ASDA Customer service Cumulative Frequency Valid poor bad N good Total 12 36 48 24 120 Percent 10.0 30.0 40.0 20.0 100.0 Valid Percent 10.0 30.0 40.0 20.0 100.0 Percent 10.0 40.0 80.0 100.0


TESCO Variety of products Cumulative Frequency Valid N good exc Total 12 72 36 120 Percent 10.0 60.0 30.0 100.0 Valid Percent 10.0 60.0 30.0 100.0 Percent 10.0 70.0 100.0


TESCO operating hours Cumulative Frequency Valid good Exc Total 84 36 120 Percent 70.0 30.0 100.0 Valid Percent 70.0 30.0 100.0 Percent 70.0 100.0


TESCO Location/nearness Cumulative Frequency Valid bad N good Total 24 60 36 120 Percent 20.0 50.0 30.0 100.0 Valid Percent 20.0 50.0 30.0 100.0 Percent 20.0 70.0 100.0


TESCO Size of store Cumulative Frequency Valid N good exc Total 36 72 12 120 Percent 30.0 60.0 10.0 100.0 Valid Percent 30.0 60.0 10.0 100.0 Percent 30.0 90.0 100.0

TESCO price


Cumulative Frequency Valid N good Total 24 96 120 Percent 20.0 80.0 100.0 Valid Percent 20.0 80.0 100.0 Percent 20.0 100.0


TESCO Layout of store Cumulative Frequency Valid N good exc Total 24 72 24 120 Percent 20.0 60.0 20.0 100.0 Valid Percent 20.0 60.0 20.0 100.0 Percent 20.0 80.0 100.0


TESCO wide selection of brands Cumulative Frequency Valid bad N good Total 12 48 60 120 Percent 10.0 40.0 50.0 100.0 Valid Percent 10.0 40.0 50.0 100.0 Percent 10.0 50.0 100.0


TESCO high quality products Cumulative Frequency Valid N good Total 60 60 120 Percent 50.0 50.0 100.0 Valid Percent 50.0 50.0 100.0 Percent 50.0 100.0


TESCO queuing time Cumulative Frequency Valid bad N good Total 12 60 48 120 Percent 10.0 50.0 40.0 100.0 Valid Percent 10.0 50.0 40.0 100.0 Percent 10.0 60.0 100.0


TESCO customer service Cumulative Frequency Valid N good Total 60 60 120 Percent 50.0 50.0 100.0 Valid Percent 50.0 50.0 100.0 Percent 50.0 100.0

SAINSBURY's variety of products


Cumulative Frequency Valid bad N good Total 36 48 36 120 Percent 30.0 40.0 30.0 100.0 Valid Percent 30.0 40.0 30.0 100.0 Percent 30.0 70.0 100.0

SAINSBURY's Operating hours


Cumulative Frequency Valid bad N good Total 36 48 36 120 Percent 30.0 40.0 30.0 100.0 Valid Percent 30.0 40.0 30.0 100.0 Percent 30.0 70.0 100.0


SAINSBURY's Location/nearness Cumulative Frequency Valid N good Total 48 72 120 Percent 40.0 60.0 100.0 Valid Percent 40.0 60.0 100.0 Percent 40.0 100.0


SAINSBURY's Size of store Cumulative Frequency Valid bad N good Total 48 12 60 120 Percent 40.0 10.0 50.0 100.0 Valid Percent 40.0 10.0 50.0 100.0 Percent 40.0 50.0 100.0


SAINSBURY's Price Cumulative Frequency Valid poor bad N good Total 12 48 24 36 120 Percent 10.0 40.0 20.0 30.0 100.0 Valid Percent 10.0 40.0 20.0 30.0 100.0 Percent 10.0 50.0 70.0 100.0


SAINSBURY's Layout of store Cumulative Frequency Valid N good exc Total 36 72 12 120 Percent 30.0 60.0 10.0 100.0 Valid Percent 30.0 60.0 10.0 100.0 Percent 30.0 90.0 100.0


SAINSBURY's Wide selection of brands Cumulative Frequency Valid bad N good Total 48 48 24 120 Percent 40.0 40.0 20.0 100.0 Valid Percent 40.0 40.0 20.0 100.0 Percent 40.0 80.0 100.0


SAINSBURY's High quality products Cumulative Frequency Valid N good exc Total 24 60 36 120 Percent 20.0 50.0 30.0 100.0 Valid Percent 20.0 50.0 30.0 100.0 Percent 20.0 70.0 100.0


SAINSBURY's customer service Cumulative Frequency Valid N good exc Total 36 60 24 120 Percent 30.0 50.0 20.0 100.0 Valid Percent 30.0 50.0 20.0 100.0 Percent 30.0 80.0 100.0


SAINSBURY's Queuing time Cumulative Frequency Valid N good exc Total 48 60 12 120 Percent 40.0 50.0 10.0 100.0 Valid Percent 40.0 50.0 10.0 100.0 Percent 40.0 90.0 100.0


Which amongst the following is your favorite store? Cumulative Frequency Valid ADSA TESCO SAINSBURY Total 12 36 72 120 Percent 10.0 30.0 60.0 100.0 Valid Percent 10.0 30.0 60.0 100.0 Percent 10.0 40.0 100.0


I am very happy with the overall shopping experience at my most favorable store Cumulative Frequency Valid N A SA Total 12 48 60 120 Percent 10.0 40.0 50.0 100.0 Valid Percent 10.0 40.0 50.0 100.0 Percent 10.0 50.0 100.0


I am happy to shop again in the store again Cumulative Frequency Valid N A SA Total 24 72 24 120 Percent 20.0 60.0 20.0 100.0 Valid Percent 20.0 60.0 20.0 100.0 Percent 20.0 80.0 100.0


I would recommend the store to all of my friends and family Cumulative Frequency Valid N A SA Total 36 72 12 120 Percent 30.0 60.0 10.0 100.0 Valid Percent 30.0 60.0 10.0 100.0 Percent 30.0 90.0 100.0


I would consider myself as a highly loyal customer to this store Cumulative Frequency Valid A SA Total 36 84 120 Percent 30.0 70.0 100.0 Valid Percent 30.0 70.0 100.0 Percent 30.0 100.0

Interpretation of examining customers perception of SAINSBURY as compared to TESCO and ASDA:


Based on the research and above mentioned graphs and tabular representations, Sainsburys percentage for Product Variety, Operating Hours, Size of Store, Price, Wide selection of Brand is substantially lower than ASDA and TESCO. While on the contrary Sainsburys percentage for Customer Service, Queuing t ime, Quality of Product, Layout of Stores, Location/Nearness is much higher than that of ASDA and TESCO. Though customers believe that Sainsbury has the quality products and a better layout of store but still they do not believe its size is as big as the other two foes. Respondents do not agree that Sainsbury offer flexible operating hours, rather they prefer other two supermarket in that respect. They also believe that there is no doubt good customer service in Sainsbury but there is not that much product variety and/or wide selection of same product under different brands in there. Sainsbury is still standing at a good position in market but now it is a very important time to take big steps to focus on the Customer Centric Marketing approach rather than product or price centric.

Chapter 4

Hypothesis Analysis
Hypothesis: 1

Chi-Square Tests Asymp. Sig. (2Value Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases 50.700a 58.387 1.094 120 df 4 4 1 sided) .000 .000 .296

Symmetric Measures Value Interval by Interval Ordinal by Ordinal N of Valid Cases Pearson's R Spearman Correlation .096 .174 120 Asymp. Std. Errora .091 .097 Approx. Tb 1.046 1.920 Approx. Sig. .298c .057c

HYPOTHESIS INTERPRETATION 1: This Chi-Square Test was applied in order to test the relationship physical environment at Sainsbury and customer satisfaction. The Pearsons chi-square value comes out to be: 50.700 and P-value is less than 5% level of significance and therefore we presume that There is significant relationship between Physical Environment and Customer Satisfaction at SAINSBURY retail supermarket.

Hypothesis 2:


Chi-Square Tests Asymp. Sig. (2Value Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases 45.600a 52.323 43.273 120 Df 2 2 1 sided) .000 .000 .000

Symmetric Measures Value Interval by Interval Ordinal by Ordinal N of Valid Cases Pearson's R Spearman Correlation .603 .616 120 Asymp. Std. Errora .058 .065 Approx. Tb 8.211 8.491 Approx. Sig. .000c .000c

HYPOTHESIS INTERPRETATION 2: This Chi-Square Test was applied in order to test the relationship physical environment at Sainsbury and customer satisfaction. The Pearsons chi-square value comes out to be: 45.600 and P-value is less than 5% level of significance and therefore we presume that There is significant relationship between Reliability and Customer Satisfaction at SAINSBURY retail supermarket.

Hypothesis 3:


Chi-Square Tests Asymp. Sig. (2Value Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases 91.200a 112.371 31.792 120 Df 4 4 1 sided) .000 .000 .000

Symmetric Measures Value Interval by Interval Ordinal by Ordinal N of Valid Cases Pearson's R Spearman Correlation .517 .604 120 Asymp. Std. Errora .050 .052 Approx. Tb 6.559 8.227 Approx. Sig. .000c .000c

HYPOTHESIS INTERPRETATION 3: This Chi-Square Test was applied in order to test the relationship physical environment at Sainsbury and customer satisfaction. The Pearsons chi-square value comes out to be: 91.200 and P-value is less than 5% level of significance and therefore we presume that There is significant relationship between Personal Interaction and Customer Satisfaction at SAINSBURY retail supermarket.

Hypothesis 4:

Chi-Square Tests


Asymp. Sig. (2Value Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases 103.500a 126.590 3.856 120 df 6 6 1 sided) .000 .000 .050

Symmetric Measures Value Interval by Interval Ordinal by Ordinal N of Valid Cases Pearson's R Spearman Correlation .180 .320 120 Asymp. Std. Errora .108 .112 Approx. Tb 1.988 3.666 Approx. Sig. .049c .000c

HYPOTHESIS INTERPRETATION 3: This Chi-Square Test was applied in order to test the relationship physical environment at Sainsbury and customer satisfaction. The Pearsons chi-square value comes out to be: 103.500 and P-value is less than 5% level of significance and therefore we presume that There is significant relationship between Policy and Customer Satisfaction at SAINSBURY retail supermarket.

Conclusion and Discussion


In this report it has been evaluated that what are the key elements to Customer Satisfaction, how much of the Sainsbury customers are satisfied to their product and/or services and what more attention they require which the organization must undertake in order to thrive back to the number first position where it once used to be. The report also focuses on how Sainsbury is ranked amongst its customers perception in terms of; Variety of products Operating hours Location/Nearness Size of Store Product Price Layout of Store Wide selection of Brands Quality of Product Queuing Time Customer Service

Based upon the literature, it was evaluated that Sainsbury was having problem of a sudden decrease in market share, decline in sales and so downfall in repeated customers check-in. And actually the reason behind this all was declining economy of UK market from the past few years. From market leaders in retail industry Sainsbury came down to third position and lead by ASDA and TESCO whose operating heads are not even in UK but in far off USA. So this sudden shift of organizations position grabbed researchers attention and so this specific topic was chosen to carry out this research. Based on the researchs findings it was found out that although Sainsbury has been operating since a century back and has been market leaders back but now there is a swift transformation in the market, those companies/enterprises that recognize that specific transformation in market and adapt changes accordingly to meet customers needs compete successfully and those enterprises that fail to discover the change in air keeps on lagging in back. This was the case with Sainsbury as well. In literature review numerous marketing theories and strategies have been discussed that focus to work on customer centric approach. To investigate how to re-gain market share of Sainsbury the report focuses on increasing customer satisfaction which will increase customer loyalty which will hence increase


organizations conditions. For that independent variables were selected which when treated well may increase customer turnover, these variables were Physical Environment, Reliability, personal Interaction and Policy of the retail super market which affects the only one dependant variable of this study i.e. Customer Satisfaction. In Hypothesis analysis all of the four null hypotheses were rejected and a significant relationship between independent and dependant variables of the study were founded. In the end this papers findings suggested that Sainsbury is lagging behind on just a few issues which can be tackled easily while the main reason of its failure was economic conditions of UK.

Sainsbury has yet a leading role in Customer Service, Queuing time, Quality of Product, Layout of Stores, Location/Nearness, however it falls back in categories such as: Product Variety, Operating Hours, Size of Store, Price, Wide selection of Brand as compared to ASDA and TESCO. It readily needs to revise its pricing policy since customers do not believe that it offers competitive pricing, probably because it believes high price for high quality.



There is a research carried out in (Name of the school) and the purpose of this study is to study Satisfaction in Customers at Sainsbury Retail Stores. This questionnaire is established to carry out the above mentioned research plan. While you are filling the questionnaire please ensure that you are consulting under 5-point scale to respond to every question. It will help you to select the realistic option to select. 1= Least Important, 5= Most Important Least Important Not Important Neutral Important Most Important

Occupation: Age: Gender:

Marital Status

Male / Female

GENERAL SHOPPING BEHAVIOR: How often do you go for shopping in a retail supermarket? Once a week More than a week Once a fortnight Once month a

In your opinion what time of the day is best suitable for you to shop? Before 12:00 noon Between 12:01-4:00pm Between 4:01pm- After 8:00pm 8:00pm

FACTORS AFFECTING THE SUPERMARKET SELECTION: Please rate the following factors; 1) Variety of Products Least Important Not Important Neutral Important Most Important

2) Operating Hours


Least Important

Not Important



Most Important

3) Location/Nearness Least Important Not Important Neutral Important Most Important

4) Size of Store Least Important Not Important Neutral Important Most Important

5) Price Least Important Not Important Neutral Important Most Important

6) Layout of Store Least Important Not Important Neutral Important Most Important

7) Wide Selection of Brands Least Important Not Important Neutral Important Most Important

8) High Quality Products Least Important Not Important Neutral Important Most Important


9) Queuing Time Least Important Not Important Neutral Important Most Important

10) Customer Service Least Important Not Important Neutral Important Most Important

Please rate your perception of the following retail shops; 1) Variety of Products ASDA Poor Bad Bad Bad Neutral Neutral Neutral Good Good Good Excellent Excellent Excellent


2) Operating Hours ASDA Poor Bad Bad Bad Neutral Neutral Neutral Good Good Good Excellent Excellent Excellent


3) Location/Nearness ASDA Poor Bad Bad Bad Neutral Neutral Neutral Good Good Good Excellent Excellent Excellent


4) Size of Store ASDA Poor Bad Bad Neutral Neutral Good Good Excellent Excellent









5) Price ASDA Poor Bad Bad Bad Neutral Neutral Neutral Good Good Good Excellent Excellent Excellent


6) Layout of Store ASDA Poor Bad Bad Bad Neutral Neutral Neutral Good Good Good Excellent Excellent Excellent


7) Wide Selection of Brands ASDA Poor Bad Bad Bad Neutral Neutral Neutral Good Good Good Excellent Excellent Excellent


8) High Quality Products ASDA Poor Bad Bad Bad Neutral Neutral Neutral Good Good Good Excellent Excellent Excellent


9) Queuing Time ASDA Poor Bad Bad Neutral Neutral Good Good Excellent Excellent









10) Customer Service ASDA Poor Bad Bad Bad Neutral Neutral Neutral Good Good Good Excellent Excellent Excellent


Which amongst the following is your most favorite store? 1) ADSA 2) TESCO 3) SAINSBURY 4) Others, Please specify: _______

Please rate your perception as regard to your most favorable store; I am very happy with the overall shopping experience of the store Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

I am happy to shop in the same store again Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

I would recommend the store to all of my friends and family Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

I would consider myself as a highly loyal customer to this store Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

How much is your total average expenditure when you go into a supermarket: Less than 20 Between
21- 40

Between 41- 60

Above 60


Your household annual income: Below 15,000

15,000 25,000 25,000- 40,000


Thank you very much for the time you spared to fill this questionnaire. Your responses and views will be remained confidential.

QUESTIONNAIRE Dear Sir/Madam: There is a research carried out in (Name of the school) and the purpose of this study is to study Satisfaction in Customers at Sainsbury Retail Stores. This questionnaire is established to carry out the above mentioned research plan. While you are filling the questionnaire please ensure that you are consulting under 5-point scale to respond to every question. It will help you to select the realistic option to select. 1= Least Important, 5= Most Important Least Important Not Important Neutral Important Most Important

Occupation: Age: Gender:

Marital Status

Male / Female

GENERAL SHOPPING BEHAVIOR: How often do you go for shopping in a retail supermarket? Once a week More than a week Once a fortnight Once month a

In your opinion what time of the day is best suitable for you to shop? Before 12:00 noon Between Between 4:01pm- After





FACTORS AFFECTING THE SUPERMARKET SELECTION: Please rate the following factors; 11) Variety of Products Least Important Not Important Neutral Important Most Important

12) Operating Hours Least Important Not Important Neutral Important Most Important

13) Location/Nearness Least Important Not Important Neutral Important Most Important

14) Size of Store Least Important Not Important Neutral Important Most Important

15) Price Least Important Not Important Neutral Important Most Important

16) Layout of Store


Least Important

Not Important



Most Important

17) Wide Selection of Brands Least Important Not Important Neutral Important Most Important

18) High Quality Products Least Important Not Important Neutral Important Most Important

19) Queuing Time Least Important Not Important Neutral Important Most Important

20) Customer Service Least Important Not Important Neutral Important Most Important

Please rate your perception of the following retail shops; 11) Variety of Products ASDA Poor Bad Bad Bad Neutral Neutral Neutral Good Good Good Excellent Excellent Excellent


12) Operating Hours ASDA Poor Bad Neutral Good Excellent



Bad Bad

Neutral Neutral

Good Good

Excellent Excellent

13) Location/Nearness ASDA Poor Bad Bad Bad Neutral Neutral Neutral Good Good Good Excellent Excellent Excellent


14) Size of Store ASDA Poor Bad Bad Bad Neutral Neutral Neutral Good Good Good Excellent Excellent Excellent


15) Price ASDA Poor Bad Bad Bad Neutral Neutral Neutral Good Good Good Excellent Excellent Excellent


16) Layout of Store ASDA Poor Bad Bad Bad Neutral Neutral Neutral Good Good Good Excellent Excellent Excellent


17) Wide Selection of Brands ASDA Poor Bad Bad Bad Neutral Neutral Neutral Good Good Good Excellent Excellent Excellent



18) High Quality Products ASDA Poor Bad Bad Bad Neutral Neutral Neutral Good Good Good Excellent Excellent Excellent


19) Queuing Time ASDA Poor Bad Bad Bad Neutral Neutral Neutral Good Good Good Excellent Excellent Excellent


20) Customer Service ASDA Poor Bad Bad Bad Neutral Neutral Neutral Good Good Good Excellent Excellent Excellent


Which amongst the following is your most favorite store? 2) ADSA 2) TESCO 3) SAINSBURY 4) Others, Please specify: _______

Please rate your perception as regard to your most favorable store; I am very happy with the overall shopping experience of the store Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

I am happy to shop in the same store again Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

I would recommend the store to all of my friends and family


Strongly Disagree




Strongly Agree

I would consider myself as a highly loyal customer to this store Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

How much is your total average expenditure when you go into a supermarket: Less than 20 Between
21- 40

Between 41- 60

Above 60

Your household annual income: Below 15,000

15,000 25,000 25,000- 40,000


Thank you very much for the time you spared to fill this questionnaire. Your responses and views will be remained confidential.



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