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The everyday sequence / Repetition, habit, monotony

what do we miss when we partake in our everyday
sequences? What could we discover if we had a new
perspective on our actions?
Task & Outcome
1. In groups of 4 5 decide on a short (5 minute)
everyday activity to document.
2. Capture an image (camera or drawing), video or sound
bite, every 30 seconds from the same predetermined
viewpoint along your journey.
3. Explore and determine how to present your ten
captured moments.
Think about different narrative mediums - flm/slideshow;
animation; books; installations.
Make rough-cuts, dummies or models of how these
might work.
4. Upload or display your designs by 2.30pm for
5. Throughout the week - evoIve and rene your piece.

10.30 - 10.50: briefng and inspirational slide show
10.50 11.50: documentation
11.50 14.10: concept design and development
14.10 14.30: collate work
14.30 15.30: presentation and group discussion.
Further reference
Eadweard Muybridge (Words) Bill Viola
Robin Rhode The Life Size Zoetrope (flm) David Hockney
Steve McQueen (Deadpan), Press Here, by Herv Tullet onedotzero Daniel Eatock (Picture of the
week) Exquisite corpse Fischli and Weiss (The Way
Things Go).
UNIT 5. Creative Platforms:
UAL Assessment Criteria
Subject Knowledge: Understanding and application
of subject knowledge and underlying principles
Analysis: Examination and interpretation of resources
Personal and Professional Development: Management
of learning through refection, planning, self direction,
subject engagement and commitment
Communication and Presentation: Clarity of purpose;
skills in the selected media; awareness and adoption of
appropriate conventions; sensitivity to the needs
of the audience
** FdA Graphic Design
Unit 5
Assignment 4:

29/11/11 06/12/11

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