Don't Be Stubborn-Just Believe

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Don’t Be Stubborn-Just Believe


Don’t Be Stubborn – Just Believe!

April 29, 2009

Mark 16:14 “Jesus appeared to the Eleven…he rebuked them for their lack of faith and their stubborn
refusal to believe those who had seen him after he had risen.”

On one hand, you can understand the Eleven’s unbelief with the others’ testimony of seeing Jesus
(whom they saw die right in front of them) alive. [Fact of life: When one is dead, he stays dead.]

On the other hand, this is Jesus. And seeing the dead be raised to life is not new to them. They’re the
Eleven, they saw Jesus raise Lazarus back to life! And besides, Jesus told them that He will rise again,
didn’t’ he?

So the lesson here is: Don’t doubt Jesus. What He says, it will happen. And don’t forget what
you’ve witnessed, what God did for you in the past – the miracles, the answered prayers. Just as He
saw you through back then, He will do the same today. No matter how impossible or how
inconceivable the answer is, JUST BELIEVE! Don’t be stubborn.

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