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Facecrime, The unforgivable crime was promiscuity between Party members.

The aim
of the Party was not merely to prevent men and women from forming loyalties which it might not be able to control. Its real, undeclared purpose was to remove all pleasure from the sexual act. The only recognized purpose of marriage was to beget children for the service of the Party. There were even organizations such as the Junior Anti-Sex League, which advocated complete celibacy for both sexes. doublethink, There was also something called the jus primae noctis, It was the law by which every capitalist had the right to sleep with any woman working in one of his factories. In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it. Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.(a saying of Winston in his diary) It was assumed that when he was not working, eating, or sleeping he would be taking part in some kind of communal recreation: to do anything that suggested a taste for solitude, even to go for a walk by yourself, was always slightly dangerous. There was a word for it in Newspeak: ownlife, it was called, meaning individualism and eccentricity. Hate Week. papier-mache. Pornosec. Fiction Department. Junior Anti-Sex League. He learned with astonishment that all the workers in Pornosec, except the heads of the departments, were girls. The theory was that men, whose sex instincts were less controllable than those of women, were in greater danger of being corrupted by the filth they handled. They dont even like having married women there, she added. Girls are always supposed to be so pure. Heres one who isnt, anyway. He toId her about the frigid little ceremony that Katharine had forced him to go through on the same night every week. She used to call it but youll never guess. Our duty to the Party, said Julia promptly. the Three-Year Plans and the Two Minutes Hate And when he told her that aeroplanes had been in existence before he was born and long before the Revolution, the fact struck her as totally uninteresting. the colonies for homeless children (Reclamation Centres, they were called)

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