Pomlet Bylaws March 2012

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Professors of Middle Level Education in Texas (POMLET) CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS* March 2012 *Approved by membership on March 2, 2012

ARTICLE I NAME The name of this Association shall be the Professors of Middle Level Education in Texas (POMLET) ARTICLE II PURPOSE The purposes of the Association are to: A. Provide a professional network to enhance the exchange of information and ideas, as well as encourage the discussion of topics related to the preparation of middle level educators. B. Contribute to the development of an expanded middle level research base, and provide additional means for sharing and disseminating current research and ideas among those interested in middle level education C. Serve actively as advocates for the middle school movement, especially in terms of prompting middle level concepts among various publics commonly dealt with in the preparation of middle level educators. D. Share in advocacy for the middle school movement by supporting the stated purpose and goals of the Texas Middle School Association. ARTICLE III MEMBERS Section 1 Membership in this Association shall be open to anyone interested in middle level education and the preparation of middle level educators. Section 2 Under umbrella requirements set for affiliates by the Association, members of the Association of Middle Level Education (AMLE) are encouraged to also hold membership in AMLE. Section 3 The membership fee of $25.00 shall be paid annually. The term of membership shall be for one calendar year. ARTICLE IV OFFICERS Section 1 The elected officers of the Association shall be a President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and three Directors (defined in Article V). These officers shall perform the duties described by these bylaws and by the parliamentary procedures of ROBERTS RULES OF ORDER. Section 2 Elections shall take place prior to the annual business meeting. Results shall be presented at the annual business meeting. Section 3 Only members of the Association shall vote in election of officers.

Section 4 The officers shall be elected to serve for two years. Section 5 The President shall be the duly elected Higher-Education Representative of the Professors of Middle Level Education in Texas (POMLET) and shall serve as the POMLET Coordinator for conferences and business meetings. Section 6 The President-elect shall coordinate election of officers and directors and shall assist with conference planning. Section 7 The Secretary shall take minutes for all business and officers meetings. The Secretary will coordinate communication with the membership. Section 8 The Treasurer will prepare an annual budget. The budget shall be submitted to the Board of Directors for approval. In addition, the budget shall be available for review by members at the annual business meeting. ARTICLE V BOARD MEMBERS Section 1 The Board of the Association shall consist of the officers, the Directors, the PastPresident, and the Executive Director of the Texas Middle School Association. Section 2 The POMLET Board shall have two directors that are elected to serve the organization at large. These directors shall be 1) one representative from private institutions and 2) one representative from public institutions. A third director, the Membership Director, will be elected for the purpose of promoting and tracking membership in the Association. Board members shall serve for two years. Section 3 The Board shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Association, fix the hour and place of meetings, make recommendations to the Association, and shall perform such other duties are as specified in these bylaws. The Board shall be subject to the orders of the Association, and none of its acts shall conflict with actions taken by the Association. Section 4 The Past-President shall become a member of the Board for two years following the term of office. Section 5 The President may appoint someone to fill the unexpired term of board members who are unable to serve or complete their term of office. Section 6 The President, President-Elect, Secretary, Past-President, Treasurer, and members of the Board of Directors shall have a vote. Section 8 Five, to include at least one officer, shall constitute a quorum.

ARTICLE VI ASSOCIATION MEETINGS Section 1 The business meeting of the Association shall be held concurrent with and as part of the annual meeting of the Texas Middle School Association, and shall be held for the purpose of conducting business that may arise. Section 2 An additional meeting may be held in the fall semester. Institutions with faculty involved in POMLET will rotate responsibility for hosting this meeting. The fall meeting will focus on program and teaching issues.

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