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Lily de Silva (M.A., Ph.D.

, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka) Originally Published by the Vipassana Research Institute, now available as a free e-text. "2008 edition" from E.M. ( [PUBLICATION DATA: This version of the text was extensively re-formatted in Vientiane, Lao P.D.R., in 2005, then completed and released to the public in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, People's Republic of China, in the last months of 2007. The revisions are, for the most part, limited to layout and aesthetics (out of deference to the author). However, the addition of Khmer and Burmese script to the glossary (alongside the Roman text) is my own doing, and therefore is provided as a separate file. The source used to create this e-text was adapted from the Vietnamese edition: --Eisel Mazard]

Pli Primer


The present participle, masculine and neuter genders. Conjugation of Verbs Present Tense, Active. Conjugation of Verbs Present Tense, Active Voice, continued The Further Tense The Optative / Potential Mood The Imperative Mood The Past Tense Declension of feminine nouns ending in -. The Past Participle Declension of feminine nouns ending in -i and . The Present Participle, feminine gender. The Future Passive Participle. The Causative. Declension of feminine nouns ending in -u. Declension of masculine nouns ending in -i. Declension of masculine nouns ending in -. Declension of masculine nouns ending in -u and -. Declension of agent nouns and nouns indicating relationships. Declension of neuter nouns ending in -i and -u. Declension of adjectives ending in -vantu and -mantu. Declension of personal pronouns. Declension of personal pronouns, relative, demonstrative and interrogative. List of Pli Verbs. [List of] Pli Vocabulary (other than verbs). Glossary [Full listing in alphabetic order, with Burmese & Khmer script, available as a separate file from:]

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

16b 18a 19a 21a 22a 23a 24a 25b 26b 28b 29b 31a 32a 33a 34a 35b 36b 37b 39b 41a 42b 43b 47



Declension of masculine nouns ending in -a. Nominative case, singular and plural. Present, third, singular and plural verbs. Declension of masculine nouns ending in -a, continued. Accusative case, singular and plural. Declension of masculine nouns ending in -a, continued. Instrumental case, singular and plural. Declension of masculine nouns ending in -a, continued. Ablative case, singular and plural. Declension of masculine nouns ending in -a, continued. Dative case, singular and plural. Declension of masculine nouns ending in -a, continued. Genitive case, singular and plural. Declension of masculine nouns ending in -a, continued. Locative case, singular and plural. Declension of masculine nouns ending in -a, continued. Vocative case, singular and plural. Declension of neuter nouns ending in -a. The Gerund / Absolutive. The Infinitive.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2b 3b 4b 5b 7a 9a 10b 12a 14a 15b

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Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammsambuddhassa. Homage to the Blessed One, the Worthy One, The Fully Self-enlightened One. PRONUNCIATION 1) The Alphabet: Pli is not known to have a special script of its own. In countries where Pli is studied, the scripts used in those countries are used to write Pli: in India the Ngar, in Sri Lanka the Sinhalese, in Burma the Burmese and in Thailand the Kamboja script. The Pali Text Society, London, uses the Roman script and now it has gained international currency. The Pli alphabet consists of 41 letters 8 vowels and 33 consonants. Vowels: a, , i, , u, , e, o Consonants: Gutturals: k, kh, g, gh, Palatals: c, ch, j, jh, Cerebrals: , h, , h, Dentals: t, th, d, dh, n Labials: p, ph, b, bh, m Miscellaneous: y, r, l, v, s, h, , The vowels a, i, u are short; , , are long; e, o are of middle length. They are pronounced short before double consonants, e.g. mett, khetta, koha, sotthi; and long before single consonants, e.g. deva, sen, loka, odana. 2) Pronunciation a is pronounced like u in cut is pronounced like a in father i is pronounced like i in mill is pronounced like ee in bee u is pronounced like u in put is pronounced like oo in cool k is pronounced like k in kite g is pronounced like g in good is pronounced like ng in singer c is pronounced like ch in church j is pronounced like j in jam is pronounced like gn in signor is pronounced like t in hat is pronounced like d in good is pronounced like n in now
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Lesson 1 VOCABULARY 1. Masculine nouns ending in -a manussa brhmaa kumra Verbs bhsati bhujati chindati dhvati speaks eats cuts runs pacati sayati gacchati cooks sleeps goes kasati passati gacchati ploughs sees comes man, human being brahmin boy nara / purisa putta vija man, person son merchant the Buddha friend kassaka mtula bhpla farmer uncle king

Buddha / Tathgata / Sugata sahya / sahyaka / mitta

2. Declension of masculine nouns ending in -a Nominative case: The case ending -o is added to the nominal base to form the nominative case singular number. The case ending - is added to the nominal base to form the nominative case plural number. A noun thus inflected is used as the subject of a sentence. Singular: 1. nara + o = naro 2. mtula + o = mtulo 3. kassaka + o = kassako Plural : 1. nara + = nar 2. mtula + = mtul 3. kassaka + = kassak 3. Present, third, singular and plural verbs. In the verbs listed above bhsa, paca, kasa etc. are verbal bases and -ti is the present tense, third person, singular termination. The present tense, third person, plural is formed by adding the termination -nti to the base.

Singular: bhsati He speaks pacati He cooks kasati He ploughs Plural: bhsanti They speak pacanti They cook kasanti They plough 4. Examples in sentence formation Singular: 1. Naro bhsati The man speaks. 2. Mtulo pacati The uncle cooks. 3. Kassako kasati The farmer ploughs. Plural: 1. Nar bhsanti Men speak. 2. Mtul pacanti Uncles cook. 3. Kassak kasanti Farmers plough. Exercise 1 5. Translate into English: 1. Bhplo bhujati. 2. Putt sayanti : 3. Vij sayanti 4. Buddho passati 5. Kumro dhvati. 6. Mtulo kasati. 7. Brhma bhsanti. 8. Mitt gacchanti. 6. Translate into Pli: 1. Sons run. 2. The uncle sees. 3. The Buddha comes. 4. Boys eat. 5. Merchants go. 6. The man sleeps. 7. Kings go. 8. The brahmin cuts. 9. Friends speak. 10. The farmer ploughs. 11. The merchant comes. 12. Sons cut. 13. Uncles speak. 14. The boy runs. 15. The friend speaks. 16. The Buddha sees. 9. Kassak pacanti. 10. Manusso chindati. 11. Puris dhvanti. 12. Sahyako bhujati. 13. Tathgato bhsati. 14. Naro pacati. 15. Sahy kasanti. 16. Sugato gacchati.

Lesson 2 VOCABULARY 1. Masculine nouns ending in -a dhamma the doctrine, bhatta truth suriya vihra pabbata rukkha rice sun monastery mountain tree odana canda patta ycaka cooked rice moon bowl beggar

gma village kukkura / sunakha / soa dog va sigla Verbs harati oruhati vijjhati vandati carries, take away descends shoots worships, salutes pit jackal

harati ycati paharati

brings begs hits, strikes

ruhati khaati rakkhati

climbs, ascends digs protects

2. Declension of masculine nouns ending in -a (contd.) Accusative case: The case ending - is added to the nominal base to form the accusative singular number. The case ending -e is added to the nominal base to form the accusative case plural number. A noun thus inflected is used as the object of a sentence. The goal of motion is also expressed by the accusative case. Singular: 1. nara + = nara 2. mtula + = mtula 3. kassaka + = kassaka Plural: nara + e = nare mtula + e = mtule kassaka + e = kassake 3. Examples in sentence formation Singular: 1. Putto nara passati The son sees the man. 2. Brhmao mtula rakkhati -The brahmin protects the uncle. 3. Vijo kassaka paharati The merchant hits the farmer.
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Plural: 1. Putt nare passanti Sons see men. 2. Brhma mtule rakkhanti Brahmins protect uncles. 3. Vij kassake paharanti Merchants hit farmers. Exercise 2 4. Translate into English: 1. Tathgato dhamma bhsati. 2. Brhma odana bhujanti. 3. Manusso suriya passati. 4. Kumr sigle paharanti. 5. Ycak bhatta ycanti. 6. Kassak ve khaanti. 7. Mitto gma gacchati. 8. Bhplo manusse rakkhati. 9. Putt pabbata gacchanti. 10. Kumro Buddha vandati. 11. Vij patte haranti. 12. Puriso vihra gacchati. 13. Kukkur pabbata dhvanti. 5. Translate into Pli: 1. Men go to the monastery. 2. Farmers climb mountains. 3. The brahmin eats rice. 4. The Buddha sees the boys. 5. Uncles take away bowls. 6. The son protects the dog. 7. The king worships the Buddha. 8. The merchant brings a boy. 9. Friends salute the brahmin. 10. Beggars beg rice. 11. Merchants shoot jackals. 12. Boys climb the mountain. 13. The farmer runs to the village. 14. The merchant cooks rice. 15. Sons worship the uncle. 16. Kings protect men. 17. The Buddha comes to the monastery. 18. The men descend. 19. Farmers dig pits. 20. The merchant runs. 21. The dog sees the moon. 22. Boys climb trees. 23. The brahmin brings the bowl. 24. The beggar sleeps. 25. The king sees the Buddha. 14. Sigl gma gacchanti. 15. Brhma sahyake haranti. 16. Bhpl sugata vandanti. 17. Ycak sayanti. 18. Mitt sunakhe haranti. 19. Putto canda passati. 20. Kassako gma dhvati. 21. Vij rukkhe chindanti. 22. Naro sigla vijjhati. 23. Kumro odana bhujati. 24. Ycako soa paharati. 25. Sahyak pabbate ruhanti.

Lesson 3 VOCABULARY 1. Masculine nouns ending in -a ratha pda svaka assa psa cora vehicle, chariot foot disciple horse rock, stone thief sakaa magga samaa miga kakaca paita cart path deer saw wise man hattha dpa sara khagga hand island, lamp heaven arrow sword

recluse, monk sagga

2. Declension of masculine nouns ending in -a (contd.) Instrumental case: The case ending -ena is added to the nominal base to form the instrumental singular. The case ending -ehi is added to form the instrumental plural; -ebhi is another archaic case ending that is sometimes added. A noun thus inflected expresses the idea by', with' or through'. Singular: 1. nara + ena = narena (by means of the man) 2. mtula + ena = mtulena (with the uncle) 3. kassaka + ena = kassakena (through the farmer) Plural: 1. nara + ehi = narehi (narebhi) 2. mtula + ehi = mtulehi (mtulebhi) 3. kassaka + ehi = kassakehi (kassakebhi) Saddhi / saha meaning with' is also used with the instrumental case. They are not normally used with nouns denoting things. 3. Examples in sentence formation Singular: 1. Samao narena saddhi gma gacchati. The monk goes to the village with the man. 2. Putto mtulena saha canda passati. The son sees the moon with his uncle. 3. Kassako kakacena rukkha chindati. The farmer cuts the tree with a saw. Plural: 1. Sama narehi saddhi gma gacchanti. Monks go to the village with men. 2. Putt mtulehi saha canda passanti. Sons see the moon with uncles.
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3. Kassak kakacehi rukkhe chindanti. Farmers cut trees with saws. Exercise 3 4. Translate into English: 1. Buddho svakehi saddhi vihra gacchati. 2. Puriso puttena saha dpa dhvati. 3. Kassako sarena sigla vijjhati. 4. Brhma mtulena saha pabbata ruhanti. 5. Putt pdehi kukkure paharanti. 6. Mtulo puttehi saddhi rathena gma gacchati. 7. Kumr hatthehi patte haranti. 8. Coro maggena assa harati. 9. Kassako va oruhati. 10. Bhpl paitehi saha samae passanti. 11. Paito bhplena saha Tathgata vandati. 12. Putt sahyena saddhi odana bhujanti. 13. Vijo psena miga paharati. 14. Sunakh pdehi ve khaanti. 15. Brhmao puttena saha suriya vandati. 16. Kassako soehi saddhi rukkhe rakkhati. 17. Sugato svakehi saha vihra gacchati. 18. Ycako pattena bhatta harati. 19. Pait sagga gacchanti. 20. Kumr assehi saddhi gma dhvanti. 21. Coro khaggena nara paharati. 22. Vijo sakaena dpe harati. 23. Ass maggena dhvanti. 24. Sigl migehi saddhi pabbata dhvanti. 25. Bhplo paitena saha manusse rakkhati. 5. Translate into Pli: 1. The recluse sees the Buddha with his friend. 2. Disciples go to the monastery with the Buddha. 3. The horse runs to the mountain with the dogs. 4. The boy hits the lamp with a stone. 5. Merchants shoot deer with arrows. 6. Farmers dig pits with their hands. 7. Boys go to the monastery by chariot with their uncle. 8. The brahmin cooks rice with his friend. 9. The king protects the island with wise men. 10. Kings worship monks with their sons. 11. Thieves bring horses to the island.
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12. Disciples climb mountains with men. 13. Merchants cut trees with farmers. 14. The beggar digs a pit with a friend. 15. The brahmin sees the moon with his uncles. 16. The thief hits the horse with a sword. 17. The son brings rice in a bowl. 18. Boys run to the mountain with their dogs. 19. Merchants come to the village by carts with farmers. 20. Uncles come to the monastery by chariots with their sons. 21. Jackals run to the mountain along the road. 22. Dogs dig pits with their feet. 23. The man carries a saw in his hand. 24. Recluses go to heaven. 25. The Buddha comes to the village with his disciples. Lesson 4 VOCABULARY 1. Masculine nouns ending in -a dhvara amacca draka sappa sopna Verbs patati asati khdati nikkhamati falls bites eats leaves, sets out dhovati pucchati hanati washes questions kills icchati pakkosati otarati wishes, desires calls, summons descends fisherman minister child serpent stairway maccha upsaka saka paha skara / varha fish lay devotee garment question pig piaka psda rajaka suka / suva basket palace washerman parrot

2. Declension of masculine nouns ending in -a (contd.) Ablative case: Case endings - / -mh / -sm are added to the nominal base to form the ablative singular. Case ending -ehi is added to form the ablative plural; -ebhi is an archaic ending that is also used. Singular: 1. nara + / mh / sm = nar / naramh / narasm (From the man) 2. mtula + / mh / sm = mtul / mtulamh / mtulasm (From the uncle) 3. kassaka + / mh / sm = kassak / kassakamh / kassakasm (From the farmer) Plural: 1. nara + ehi = narehi (narebhi) (From men) 2. mtula + ehi = mtulehi (mtulebhi) (From uncles) 3. kassaka + ehi = kassakehi (kassakebhi) (From farmers) 3. Examples in sentence formation Singular: 1. Ycako naramh bhatta ycati. The beggar asks for rice from the man. 2. Putto mtulamh paha pucchati. The son asks a question from the uncle. 3. Kassako rukkhasm patati. The farmer falls from the tree. Plural: 1. Ycak narehi bhatta ycanti. Beggars ask for rice from men. 2. Putt mtulehi pahe pucchanti. Sons ask questions from uncles. 3. Kassak rukkhehi patanti. Farmers fall from trees.

Exercise 4 4. Translate into English: 1. Cor gmamh pabbata dhvanti. 2. Drako mtulasm odana ycati. 3. Kumro sopnamh patati. 4. Mtul sake dhovanti. 5. Dhvar piakehi macche haranti. 6. Upsak samaehi saddhi vihrasm nikkhamanti. 7. Brhmao kakacena rukkha chindati. 8. Kumr mittehi saha bhpla passanti. 9. Vijo assena saddhi pabbatasm oruhati. 10. Ycako kassakasm soa ycati. 11. Sapp pabbatehi gma otaranti. 12. Amacc sarehi mige vijjhanti. 13. Coro gmamh sakaena sake harati. 14. Bhplo amaccehi saddhi rathena psda gacchati. 15. Skar pdehi ve khaanti. 16. Kumro sahyakehi saha sake dhovati. 17. Sama gmamh upsakehi saddhi nikkhamanti. 18. Kukkuro piakamh maccha khdati. 19. Mitto puttamh sunakha ycati. 20. Buddho svake pucchati. 21. Amacc paitehi pahe pucchanti. 22. Rajako sahyena saha saka dhovati. 23. Macch piakamh patanti. 24. Cor psehi varhe paharanti. 25. Amacco psdamh suva harati.

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5. Translate into Pli: 1. Horses run from the village to the mountain. 2. Merchants come from the island to the monastery with lay devotees. 3. Thieves shoot pigs with arrows. 4. The lay devotee questions (about) the dhamma from the recluse. 5. The child falls from the rock with a friend. 6. The dog bites the child. 7. Ministers set out from the palace with the king. 8. The man brings a deer from the island. 9. The farmer gets down from the tree. 10. Dogs run along the road with horses. 11. Boys take away lamps from merchants. 12. The thief gets down from the stairway. 13. Merchants bring parrots from mountains. 14. The horse hits the serpent with its foot. 15. The uncle, with his friends, sees recluses from the mountains. 16. Merchants bring horses to the palace from the island. 17. The minister questions the thief. 18. The farmer eats rice with the washerman. 19. The child falls from the stairway. 20. The fisherman climbs the mountain with his uncle. 21. The beggar, together with his dog, sleeps. 22. Kings protect islands with their ministers. 23. The king worships the Buddha from his palace. 24. The man kills a serpent with a sword. 25. Fishermen bring fish to the village in carts. 26. Pigs run from the village to the mountain. 27. Lay devotees ask questions from the wise man. 28. The son brings a parrot from the tree. 29. Wise men go to the monastery. 30. Disciples go along the road to the village.

Verbs rodati pavisati kati pajahati

cries enters plays gives up, abandons

hasati dadti nahyati

laughs gives bathes

labhati dadti kahati

gets, receives takes drags

2. Declension of masculine nouns ending in -a (contd.) Dative case: Case endings -ya / -ssa are added to the nominal base to form the dative singular. The case ending -na is added to form the dative plural. Singular: 1. nara + ya / ssa = narya / narassa (for or to the man) 2. mtula + ya / ssa = mtulya / mtulassa (for or to the uncle) 3. kassaka + ya / ssa = kassakya / kassakassa (for or to the farmer) Plural: 1. nara + na = narna (for or to men) 2. mtula + na = mtulna (for or to uncles) 3. kassaka + na = kassakna (for or to farmers) 3. Examples in sentence formation Singular: 1. Dhvaro narya maccha harati. The fisherman brings a fish for the man. 2. Putto mtulassa odana dadti. The son gives rice to the uncle. 3. Vijo kassakassa aja dadti. The merchant gives a goat to the farmer. Plural: 1. Dhvar narna macche haranti. Fishermen bring fish for men. 2. Putt mtulna odana dadanti. Sons give rice to uncles. 3. Vij kassakna aje dadanti. Merchants give goats to farmers.

Lesson 5 VOCABULARY 1. Masculine nouns ending in -a tpasa sha vnara / makkaa kuddla hermit lion monkey hoe cariya luddaka lbha teacher hunter profit vejja aja maca doctor goat bed

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Exercise 5: 4. Translate into English: 1. Vijo rajakassa saka dadti. 2. Vejjo cariyassa dpa harati. 3. Mig psamh pabbata dhvanti. 4. Manuss Buddhehi dhamma labhanti. 5. Puriso vejjya sakaa kahati. 6. Drako hatthena ycakassa bhatta harati. 7. Ycako cariyya va khaati. 8. Rajako amaccna sake dadti. 9. Brhmao svakna mace harati. 10. Vnaro rukkhamh patati, kukkuro vnara asati. 11. Dhvar piakehi amaccna macche haranti. 12. Kassako vijya rukkha chindati. 13. Coro kuddlena cariyya va khaati. 14. Vejjo puttna bhatta pacati. 15. Tpaso luddakena saddhi bhsati. 16. Luddako tpasassa dpa dadti. 17. Sh mige hananti. 18. Makkao puttena saha rukkha ruhati. 19. Sama upsakehi odana labhanti. 20. Drak rodanti, kumro hasati, mtulo kumra paharati. 21. Vnar pabbatamh oruhanti, rukkhe ruhanti. 22. Cor ratha pavisanti, amacco ratha pajahati. 23. cariyo drakya rukkhamh suka harati. 24. Luddako pabbatasm aja kahati. 25. Tpaso pabbatamh sha passati. 26. Vij kassakehi lbha labhanti. 27. Luddako vijna varhe hanati. 28. Tpaso cariyamh pahe pucchati. 29. Putto macamh patati. 30. Kumr sahyakehi saddhi nahyanti.

5. Translate into Pli: 1. Merchants bring horses for ministers. 2. The hunter kills a goat for the merchant. 3. The man cuts trees with a saw for the farmer. 4. Deer run away from the lion. 5. The king worships the Buddha along with lay devotees. 6. Thieves run from villages to the mountains. 7. The washerman washes garments for the king. 8. The fisherman brings fish in baskets for farmers. 9. The teacher enters the monastery, sees the monks. 10. The serpent bites the monkey. 11. Boys drag the bed for the brahmin. 12. Thieves enter the palace together with men. 13. Farmers get fish from fishermen. 14. Pigs go from the island to the mountain. 15. The king abandons the palace, the son enters the monastery. 16. The lion sleeps, the monkeys play. 17. The teacher protects his sons from the dog. 18. Hunters shoot deer with arrows for ministers. 19. Children desire rice from the uncle. 20. The doctor gives a garment to the hermit. 21. The merchant brings a goat by cart for the teacher. 22. Sons see the moon from the mountain. 23. Wise men get profit from the dhamma. 24. Monkeys leave the village. 25. The son brings a parrot for his friend from the mountain. 26. The doctor enters the monastery. 27. The jackal runs from the village to the mountain along the road. 28. The cart falls off the road, the child cries. 29. The ministers go up the stairway, the doctor comes down the stairway. 30. Wise men ask questions from the Buddha.

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Lesson 6 1. Declension of masculine nouns ending in -a (contd.) Genetive case: The inflections of the genitive case are very similar to those of the dative case. The case ending -ssa is added to the nominal base to form the genitive singular. The case ending -na is added to form the genitive plural. Singular: 1. nara + ssa = narassa (of the man) 2. mtula + ssa = mtulassa (of the uncle) 3. kassaka + ssa = kassakassa (of the farmer) Plural: 1. nara + na = narna (of the men) 2. mtula + na = mtulna (of the uncles) 3. kassaka + na = kassakna (of the farmers) 2. Examples in sentence formation Singular: 1. Narassa putto bhatta ycati. The man's son asks for rice. 2. Mtulassa sahyako ratha harati. The uncle's friend brings the vehicle. 3. Kassakassa skaro dpa dhvati. The farmer's pig runs to the island. Plural: 1. Narna putt bhatta ycanti. Sons of the men ask for rice. 2. Mtulna sahyak rathe haranti. Uncles' friends bring vehicles. 3. Kassakna skar dpe dhvanti. Farmers' pigs run to the islands.

Exercise 6: 3. Translate into English: 1. Kassakassa putto vejjassa sahyena saddhi gacchati. 2. Brhmaassa kuddlo hatthamh patati. 3. Mig vehi nikkhamanti. 4. Vijna ass kassakassa gma dhvanti. 5. Mtulassa mitto Tathgatassa svake vandati. 6. Amacco bhplassa khaggena sappa paharati. 7. Vij gme manussna piakehi macche haranti. 8. Coro vejjassa sakaena mittena saha gmamh nikkhamati. 9. Upsakassa putt samaehi saha vihra gacchanti. 10. Ycako amaccassa saka icchati. 11. Mittna mtul tpasna odana dadanti. 12. Dhvarassa kakacena coro kukkura paharati. 13. Bhplassa putto amaccassa assa ruhati. 14. Paitassa putt Buddhassa svakena saha vihra pavisanti. 15. Suriyo manusse rakkhati. 16. Vejjassa sunakho cariyassa sopnamh patati. 17. Rajak rukkhehi oruhanti. 18. Ycakassa drak rodanti. 19. Luddakassa putt corassa drakehi saddhi kanti. 20. Tpaso Tathgatassa svakna odana dadti. 21. Sama cariyassa hatthena sake labhanti. 22. Coro vijassa sahyakasm assa ycati. 23. Upsak Tathgatassa svakehi pahe pucchanti. 24. Psamh migo patati, luddako hasati, sunakh dhvanti. 25. Vejjassa patto puttassa hatthamh patati. 26. Kumro mtulna puttna hatthena odana dadti. 27. Sar luddakassa hatthehi patanti, mig pabbata dhvanti. 28. Bhplassa putto amaccehi saddhi psdasm oruhati. 29. Vejjassa soo kassakassa skara asati. 30. Dhvaro manussna macche harati, lbha labhati.

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4. Translate into Pli: 1. The brahmin's sons bathe with the minister's son. 2. Uncle's friend cooks rice with the farmer's son. 3. The fisherman brings fish to the king's palace. 4. The king calls the ministers' sons from the palace. 5. The merchant's chariot falls from the mountain. 6. The king's ministers set out from the palace with the horses. 7. The brahmin's doctor gives garments to the hermits. 8. The hunter's dogs run from the mountain to the village. 9. The merchant brings a bed for the doctor's child. 10. Deer run from the mountain to the village. 11. The teacher's child falls from the farmer's tree. 12. The dog eats fish from the fisherman's basket. 13. The disciples of the Buddha go from the monastery to the mountain. 14. The hunter kills a pig with an arrow for the minister's friends. 15. The child gets a lamp from the hands of the teacher. 16. The doctors' teacher calls the child's uncle. 17. The boy brings rice in a bowl for the monk. 18. Men go to the village of the lay devotees. 19. Pigs run away from jackals. 20. Monkeys play with the deer. 21. The wise man comes to the king's island with the merchants. 22. The farmer's children go to the mountain by their uncles' chariots. 23. Garments fall from the carts of the merchants. 24. The recluse gets a bowl from the king's hands. 25. The washerman brings garments for the man's uncle. 26. King's ministers eat rice together with the teacher's friends. 27. Wise men protect the islands of the kings from the thieves. 28. Boys bring baskets for the fishermen from farmers. 29. The farmer's horse drags the doctor's vehicle away from the road. 30. Monks enter the village of the teacher. VOCABULARY 1. Masculine nouns ending in -a nvika deva / sura sakua sappurisa dta Verbs hiati sannipatati jvati tarati wanders assembles lives crosses (water) carati viharati tihati uttarati sailor deity, god bird messenger ksa loka kka goa

Lesson 7

sky world crow wicked man ox, bull

samudda loka nivsa kya

ocean, sea light house body

virtuous man asappurisa

walks dwells stands

nisdati vasati uppatati

sits lives flies, jumps up becomes glad, is pleased with

comes out (of pasdati water)

2. Declension of masculine nouns ending in -a (contd.) Locative case: Case endings -e / -mhi / -smi are added to the nominal base to form the locative singular. The case ending -esu is added to form the locative plural. Singular: 1. nara + e / mhi / smi = nare, naramhi, narasmi (in / on / at the man) 2. mtula + e / mhi / smi = mtule, mtulamhi, mtulasmi (in / on / at the uncle) 3. kassaka + e / mhi / smi = kassake, kassakamhi, kassakasmi (in / on / at the farmer) Plural: 1. nara + esu = naresu (in / on / at men) 2. mtula + esu = mtulesu (in / on / at uncles) 3. kassaka + esu = kassakesu (in / on / at farmers) 3. Examples in sentence formation Singular: 1. Sappo narasmi patati. The snake falls on the man. 2. Putto mtulamhi pasdati. The son is pleased with the uncle.
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3. Vijo kassakasmi pasdati. The merchant is pleased with the farmer. Plural: 1. Sapp naresu patanti. Snakes fall on men. 2. Putt mtulesu pasdanti. Sons are pleased with their uncles. 3. Vij kassakesu pasdanti. Merchants are pleased with farmers. Exercise 7: 4. Translate into English: 1. Brhmao sahyakena saddhi rathamhi nisdati. 2. Asappuris corehi saha gmesu caranti. 3. Vijo kassakassa nivse bhatta pacati. 4. Bhplassa amacc dpesu manusse rakkhanti. 5. Sugatassa svak vihrasmi vasanti. 6. Makkao rukkhamh vasmi patati. 7. Suriyassa loko samuddamhi patati. 8. Kassakna go gme hianti. 9. Vejjassa drako macasmi sayati. 10. Dhvar samuddamh piakesu macche haranti. 11. Sho psasmi tihati, makka rukkhesu caranti. 12. Bhplassa dto amaccena saddhi samudda tarati. 13. Manuss loke jvanti, dev sagge vasanti. 14. Mig pabbatesu dhvanti, saku kse uppatanti. 15. Amacco khagga bhplassa hatthamh dadti. 16. cariyo mtulassa nivse macamhi puttena saha nisdati. 17. Tpas pabbatamhi viharanti. 18. Upsak samaehi saddhi vihre sannipatanti. 19. Kk rukkhehi uppatanti. 20. Buddho dhamma bhsati, sappuris Buddhamhi pasdanti. 21. Asappuriso khaggena nvikassa dta paharati. 22. Puriso sarena sakua vijjhati, sakuo rukkhamh vasmi patati. 23. Manuss suriyassa lokena loka passanti. 24. Kassakassa go magge sayanti. 25. Goassa kyasmi kko tihati. 26. Mig dpasmi psesu nisdanti. 27. Sakuo nvikassa hatthamh vasmi patati. 28. Sappuriso nvikena saha samuddamh uttarati. 29. Kuddlo luddakassa hatthamh vasmi patati. 30. Suriyassa lokena cando bhsati (shines).

5. Translate into Pli: 1. The lion stands on the rock in the mountain. 2. Thieves enter the house of the teacher. 3. Children run from the road to the sea with friends. 4. Uncle's oxen wander on the road. 5. Birds sit on the tree. 6. The ox hits the goat with its foot. 7. Jackals live on the mountain. 8. The king worships the feet of the Buddha with his ministers. 9. The uncle sleeps on the bed with his son. 10. The fisherman eats rice in the house of the farmer. 11. The king's horses live in the island. 12. The virtuous man brings a lamp for the hermit. 13. The doctor brings a garment to the teacher's house. 14. The monkey plays with a dog on the rock. 15. The garment falls on the farmer's body. 16. The hunter carries arrows in a basket. 17. Disciples of the Buddha assemble in the monastery. 18. The washerman washes the garments of the ministers. 19. Birds fly in the sky. 20. The virtuous man comes out of the sea together with the sailor. 21. Deities are pleased with the Buddha's disciples. 22. Merchants cross the sea together with sailors. 23. The good man protects the dog from the serpent. 24. Crows fly from trees in the mountain. 25. The pig pulls a fish from the fisherman's basket. 26. The light of the sun falls on the men in the world. 27. Deities go through the sky. 28. Children play with the dog on the road. 29. The wicked man drags a monkey from the tree. 30. The king's messenger gets down from the horse.

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Lesson 8 1. Declension of masculine nouns ending in -a (contd.) Vocative Case: The uninflected nominal base is used as the vocative singular. The case ending - is added to form the vocative plural. Singular: 1. nara (O man) 2. mtula (O uncle) 3. kassaka (O farmer) Plural: nara + = nar (O men) mtula + = mtul (O uncles) kassaka + = kassak (O farmers) 2. The full paradigm of the declension of masculine nouns ending in -a Nara = "man" Singular Nominative Accusative Instrumental Ablative Dative Genitive Locative Vocative naro nara narena nar, naramh, narasm narya, narassa narassa nare, naramhi, narasmi nara Plural nar nare narehi (narebhi) narehi (narebhi) narna narna naresu nar

3. Declension of neuter nouns ending in -a Phala = fruit Singular Nominative Accusative phala phala Plural phal, phalni phale, phalni




The rest is similar to the declension of masculine nouns ending in -a. Vocabulary Neuter nouns ending in -a: nayana / locana puppha / kusuma paa nagara bhaa rpa Verbs: vivarati uhahati ovadati akkosati opens gets up advises scolds naccati phusati saharati bhindati dances touches collects breaks nikkhipati anussati sicati puts instructs sprinkles eye flower leaf city, town goods object udaka / jala geha / ghara tia uyyna sla dvra water house grass park virtue, precept door araa / vana forest sana khra khetta dna vattha seat milk field alms, charity cloth

[In this table, the cases are listed in their traditional order; the Pali names for the cases translate as rst, second, third in relation to this schema (viz., 1st = nominative, 2nd = accusative, 3rd = instrumental etc.). However, later in the textbook, Dr. De Silva instead lists the Vocative after the nominative (viz., in the second position), as noted in lesson 18 --E.M.]

pibati / pivati drinks

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Exercise 8: 4. Translate into English: 1. Upsako pupphni harati. 2. Arae mig vasanti, rukkhesu makka caranti. 3. Go tia khdanti. 4. Manuss nayanehi passanti. 5. Samao vihrasmi sane nisdati. 6. Rukkhamh pani patanti. 7. Vij gmamh khra nagara haranti. 8. Bhplo kumrena saddhi uyyne carati. 9. Kassako khettamhi kuddlena ve khaati. 10. Mtulo puttassa bhani dadti. 11. Upsak samana dna dadanti, slni rakkhanti. 12. Drak mittehi saddhi udakasmi kanti. 13. Kassak vijehi vatthni labhanti. 14. Kumro uyynamh mtulassa kusumni harati. 15. Brhmaassa aj goehi saha vane hianti, tini khdanti. 16. Sho vanasmi rukkhamle (at the foot of a tree) nisdati. 17. Rajak udakena sanni dhovanti. 18. Amacco dtena saddhi rathena araa pavisati. 19. Ycakassa putto udakena pani dhovati. 20. Vij bhani nagaramh gma haranti. 21. Tathgatassa svak asappurisna putte anussanti. 22. Upsak udakena pupphni sicanti. 23. Kumro patta bhindati, mtulo akkosati. 24. Luddakassa putto migassa kya hatthena phusati. 25. Goo khette psamh uhahati. 26. Rajakassa putto sake macasmi nikkhipati. 27. Sugatassa svako vihrassa dvra vivarati. 28. Vejjassa drak gehe naccanti. 29. Paito asappurisa ovadati. 30. Coro cariyassa sakaa pabbatasmi pajahati.

5. Translate into Pli: 1. Children play in the water with the dog. 2. The wicked man breaks leaves from the tree. 3. Kings go in vehicles to the park with their ministers. 4. Merchants set out from the city with goods. 5. Virtuous men give alms to monks. 6. Disciples of the Buddha assemble in the park with lay devotees. 7. The thief gets down from the tree in the forest. 8. Wicked men hit the monkeys on the trees with stones. 9. The doctor's horse eats grass with the ox on the road. 10. Jackals live in forests, dogs live in villages. 11. Brahmins sit on seats in the house of the wise man. 12. The sailor opens the doors of his house. 13. The sons of fishermen dance with friends in the park. 14. The merchant puts fish in baskets. 15. The world gets light from the sun. 16. Sailors get up from their seats. 17. The doctor's friend touches the body of the dog with his foot. 18. The Buddha instructs his disciples in the monastery. 19. Boys collect flowers from the park, lay devotees sprinkle them with water. 20. The parrot flies into the sky from the house of the sailor. 21. The thief cuts a tree with a saw, the farmer scolds (him). 22. The wise man advises the merchant, the merchant is pleased with the wise man. 23. The king's messenger comes out of the sea with the sailor. 24. Merchants bring clothes for farmers from the city. 25. Gods protect virtuous men. Good men protect virtues. 26. Men see objects with their eyes with (the help of) the light of the sun. 27. Leaves from the trees fall on the road. 28. Lay devotees place flowers on altars (pupphsana). 29. Goats drink water from pits in the field. 30. The lions get up from the rock at the foot of the tree (rukkhamla).

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Lesson 9 1. The Gerund, the Absolutive or the Indeclinable Participle The suffix -tv is added to the root of the verb or verbal base* with or sometimes without the connecting vowel -ito form the gerund, absolutive or the indeclinable participle. pac + i + tv = pacitv = having cooked khd + i + tv = khditv = having eaten gam + tv = gantv = having gone han + tv = hantv = having killed * The root is the simplest element of a verb without prefixes, suffixes or terminations. These are normally given in Sanskrit in grammars by Western scholars. The base is formed by adding a suffix to the root before a termination. For example: pac is the root khd is the root bhuj is the root gam is the root paca is the base khda is the base bhuja is the base gaccha is the base = having come = having taken = having climbed = having descended

3. Drako bhatta ycitv rodati. Having asked for rice, the child cries. 4. Samao Buddha passitv vandati. Having seen the Buddha, the recluse worships (him). Exercise 9: 4. Translate into English: 1. Upsako vihra gantv samana dna dadti. 2. Svako sanamhi nisditv pde dhovati. 3. Drak pupphni saharitv mtulassa datv hasanti. 4. Ycak uyynamh gamma kassakasm odana ycanti. 5. Luddako hatthena sare dya araa pavisati. 6. Kumr kukkurena saddhi kitv samudda gantv nahyanti. 7. Vijo psasmi hatv kuddlena sappa paharati. 8. Sappuriso ycakassa putte pakkositv vatthni dadti. 9. Drako vamhi patitv rodati. 10. Bhplo psdamh nikkhamitv amaccena saddhi bhsati. 11. Sunakho udaka pivitv gehamh nikkhamma magge sayati. 12. Sama bhplassa uyyne sannipatitv dhamma bhsanti. 13. Putto nahtv bhatta bhutv maca ruyha sayati. 14. Vij dpamh nagara gamma cariyassa gehe vasanti. 15. Rajako vatthni dhovitv putta pakkosati. 16. Vnar rukkhehi oruyha uyyne hianti. 17. Mig vanamhi hiitv pani khdanti. 18. Kumro nayanni dhovitv suriya passati. 19. Nvikassa mitt nagarasm bhani dya gma gacchanti. 20. Drako khra pivitv gehamh nikkhamma hasati. 21. Sappuris dnni datv slni rakkhitv sagga gacchanti. 22. Skaro udakamh uttaritv va oruyha sayati. 23. Tpaso Tathgatassa svaka disv vanditv paha pucchati. 24. Asappuriso ycakassa patta bhinditv akkositv geha gacchati. 25. Saku gme rukkhehi uppatitv araa otaranti. 26. Paito sanamh uhahitv tpasena saddhi bhsati. 27. Drako geh nikkhamma mtula pakkositv geha pavisati. 28. Dev sappurisesu pasditv te (them) rakkhanti. 29. Kumrassa sahyak psda ruyha sanesu nisdanti. 30. Go khettamhi hiitv tia khditv sayanti.

The suffix -ya is sometimes added to roots with a prefix. + gam + ya = gamma (with assimilation) + d + ya = dya + ruh + ya = ruyha (with metathesis) ava + ruh + ya = oruyha (with metathesis)

2. Attention may be paid to the following forms: bhujati bhujitv, bhutv gacchati gantv, gamma hanati hanitv, hantv dadti daditv, datv nahyati nahyitv, nahtv tihati hatv nikkhamati nikkhamitv, nikkhamma pajahati pajahitv, pahya passati passitv; but disv is more commonly used from the root d to see, instead of passitv. uhahati uhahitv, uhya 3. Examples in sentence formation 1. Kassako khettamh gantv bhatta bhujati. The farmer, having come from the field, eats rice. 2. Vnar rukkha ruyha phalni khdanti. Having climbed the tree, monkeys eat fruits.
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5. Translate into Pli: 1. Having gone out of the house the farmer enters the field. 2. Having preached (deseti)the doctrine, the Buddha enters the monastery. 3. The king having been pleased with the Buddha, abandons the palace and goes to the monastery. 4. Having climbed down from the stairway, the child laughs. 5. Having hit the serpent with a stone the boy runs into the house. 6. Having gone to the forest the man climbs a tree and eats fruits. 7. Having washed the clothes in the water, the washerman brings (them) home. 8. The lion having killed a goat, eats having sat on a rock. 9. The doctor having seen the merchants' goods leaves the city. 10. Having broken (into) the house thieves run to the forest. 11. Having roamed in the field the pig falls into a pit. 12. The fisherman brings fish from the sea for farmers. 13. Having taken goods from the city, the teacher comes home. 14. Having stood on a mountain, the hunter shoots birds with arrows. 15. The oxen having eaten grass in the park, sleep on the road. 16. The king having got down from the chariot speaks with the farmers. 17. The man having given up his house enters the monastery. 18. Fishermen give fish to merchants and receive profits. 19. The lay devotee having asked a question from the monk sits on his seat. 20. The disciples of the Buddha, having seen the wicked men, admonish. 21. The brahmin, having scolded the child, hits (him). 22. The deities, having asked questions from the Buddha, become glad. 23. The dog, having bitten the teacher's foot, runs into the house. 24. The monkey, having played with the goat on the road, climbs a tree. 25. The hermit, having come from the forest, receives a cloth from the good man. 26. Having drunk water, the child breaks the bowl. 27. Having advised the farmers' sons, and having risen from the seats, the monks go to the monastery. 28. The sailor, having crossed the sea, goes to the island. 29. The child calls the uncles and dances in the house. 30. Having washed clothes and bathed, the farmer gets out of water.

Lesson 10 1. The Innitive The suffix -tu is added to the root of the verb or the verbal base with or sometimes without the connecting vowel -ito form the infinitive. pac + i + tu = pacitu = to cook khd + i + tu = khditu = to eat gam + tu = gantu = to go d + tu = dtu = to give (Skt sth) h + tu = htu = to stand p + tu = ptu / pivitu = to drink

2. Examples in sentence formation 1. Kassako khetta kasitu icchati. The farmer wishes to plough the field. 2. Drako phalni khditu rukkha ruhati. The child climbs the tree to eat fruits. 3. Manuss samaehi pahe pucchitu vihra gacchanti. Men come to the monastery to ask questions from the recluses. 4. Kumr kitu mittehi saha samudda gacchanti. Boys go to the sea with friends to play. Exercise 10: 3. Translate into English: 1. Kumr vanamhi mittehi saha kitv bhatta bhujitu geha dhvanti. 2. Mig tia khditv udaka ptu pabbatamh uyyna gacchanti. 3. Vijassa putto bhani haritu rathena nagara gacchati. 4. Ycako mtulassa kuddlena va khaitu icchati. 5. Amacc bhpla passitu psdamhi sannipatanti. 6. Go uyyne hiitv kassakassa khetta gacchanti. 7. Upsak samana dna dtu vihra pavisanti. 8. Rathena nagara gantu puriso gehasm nikkhamati. 9. Brhmao vejjena saddhi nahyitu udaka otarati. 10. Coro amaccassa geha pavisitu uyyne hiati. 11. Sho pabbatamhi sayitv uhya miga hantu oruhati. 12. Udaka otaritv vatthni dhovitu rajako putta pakkosati. 13. Tathgata passitv vanditu upsako vihra pavisati. 14. Khetta kasitu kassako kuddla dya geh nikkhamati.
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15. Sarehi mige vijjhitu luddak sunakhehi saha araa pavisanti. 16. Nar gmamh nikkhamitv nagare vasitu icchanti. 17. Sakue passitu amacc kumrehi saha pabbata ruhanti. 18. Pabbatasm rukkha kahitu vijena saha kassako gacchati. 19. Phalni khditu makka rukkhesu caranti. 20. Paito sugatassa svakehi saddhi bhsitu icchati. 21. Samudda taritv dpa gantv vatthni haritu vij icchanti. 22. Pupphni saharitv udakena sicitu upsako kumre ovadati. 23. Ajassa kya hatthehi phusitu drako icchati. 24. Brhmaassa gehe sanesu nisditu rajakassa putt icchanti. 25. Ptu udaka ycitv drako rodati. 4. Translate into Pli: 1. Goats roam in the park to eat leaves and drink water. 2. The wicked man wishes to hit the dog with his foot. 3. Friends go to the park to play with their dogs. 4. The lay devotee wishes to come home and instruct his sons. 5. The deity wishes to go to the monastery and speak to the Buddha. 6. The good man wishes to protect virtues and give alms. 7. Pigs run from the village to enter the forest. 8. The farmer asks for a hoe from the merchant to dig pits in his field. 9. Lay devotees assemble in the monastery to worship the Buddha. 10. The uncle comes out of the house to call the fisherman. 11. Farmers wish to get oxen; merchants wish to get horses. 12. The king wishes to abandon his palace. 13. Men take baskets and go to the forest to collect fruits for their children. 14. The farmer wanders in the forest to cut grass for his oxen. 15. Men wish to live in houses in the city with their sons. 16. Having stood on the rock, the child sees flowers on the trees. 17. Having received a garment from the teacher the doctor is pleased. 18. The hunter calls a friend to drag a goat from the forest. 19. The sailor calls merchants to cross the sea. 20. Having risen from the seat the good man wishes to speak with the monk. 21. Children wish to get down to the water and bathe. 22. The minister mounts the horse to go to the forest to shoot deer. 23. The boy wishes to cook rice for his uncle's friends. 24. Jackals leave the forest to enter the farmers' fields. 25. Men wish to see objects with their eyes by the light of the sun.

Lesson 11 VOCABULARY 1. Neuter nouns ending in -a paa kamma dhana dussa rukkhamla paduma sacca Verbs pariyesati searches, seeks rabhati adhigacchati bhyati khipati sibbati begins ussahati tries sings departs, dies sows shop, bazaar deed, action wealth cloth pua kusala dhaa cvara merit good corn robe beak song drinking water ppa akusala bja mla vetana suvaa / hiraa citta evil, sin evil seed root, money wage, pay gold mind

foot of a tree tua lotus truth gta pnya

upasakamati approaches masati uppajjati kakhati touches, strokes is born hopes

understands, gyati attains fears throws sews cavati vapati

2. The Present Participle Present participles are formed by adding -nta / mna to the verbal base. They function as adjectives and agree in gender, number and case with the nouns they qualify. They are declined like -a ending nouns in the masculine and neuter. (As the feminine gender has not been introduced thus far, the feminine gender of the present participle is explained in Lesson 21). paca + nta / mna = pacanta / pacamna = cooking gaccha + nta / mna = gacchanta / gacchamna = going

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bhuja + nta / mna = bhujanta / bhujamna = eating tiha + nta / mna = tihanta / tihamna = standing

vihara + nta / mna = viharanta / viharamna = dwelling

3. Examples in sentence formation Singular: 1. Bhatta pacanto / pacamno puriso hasati. (Nom. case) The man who is cooking rice laughs. 2. Vejjo bhatta pacanta / pacamna purisa pakkosati. (Acc. case) The doctor calls the man who is cooking rice. 3. Vejjo bhatta pacantena / pacamnena purisena saha bhsati. ( The doctor speaks with the man who is cooking rice. Plural: 1. Bhatta pacant / pacamn puris hasanti. (Nom. case) The men who are cooking rice laugh. 2. Vejjo bhatta pacante / pacamne purise pakkosati. (Acc. case) The doctor calls the men who are cooking rice. 3. Vejjo bhatta pacantehi / pacamnehi purisehi saha bhsati. ( The doctor speaks with the men who are cooking rice. Similarly, the present participle can be declined in all cases to agree with the nouns they qualify. Exercise 11: 4. Translate into English: 1. Pnya ycitv rodanto drako macamh patati. 2. Vatthni labhitu icchanto vijo paa gacchati. 3. Upsako padumni dya vihra gacchamno Buddha disv pasdati. 4. Sakuo tuena phala haranto rukkhasm uppatati. 5. Cvara pariyesantassa samaassa cariyo cvara dadti. 6. Arae hianto luddako dhvanta miga passitv sarena vijjhati. 7. Uyyne hiamnamh kumramh brhmao padumni ycati. 8. Rathena gacchamnehi amaccehi saha cariyo hasati. 9. Dna dadmn slni rakkhamn manuss sagge uppajjanti. 10. Dhaa kakhantassa purisassa dhana dtu vijo icchati. 11. Goe hanant rukkhe chindant asappuris dhana saharitu ussahanti. 12. Vihra upasakamanto Buddho dhamma bhsamne svake passati. 13. Rukkhamle nisditv gtni gyant kumr naccitu rabhanti. 14. Suvaa labhitu ussahant manuss pabbatasmi ve khaanti.
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15. Udaka ptu icchanto sho udaka pariyesamno vanamhi carati. 16. Vetana labhitu kakhamno naro rajakya dussni dhovati. 17. Samaehi bhsant upsak sacca adhigantu ussahanti. 18. Magge sayanta sunakha udakena sicitv drako hasati. 19. Sla rakkhant sappuris manussalok cavitv devaloke uppajjanti. 20. Dhana saharitu ussahanto vijo samudda taritv dpa gantu rabhati. 21. Goe pariyesamno vane hianto kassako sha disv bhyati. 22. Rukkhesu nisditv phalni bhujamn kumr gta gyanti. 23. Citta pasditv dhamma adhigantu ussahant nar sagge uppajjanti. 24. Tuena piakamh maccha kahitu icchanto kko sunakhamh bhyati. 25. Khetta kasitv bjni vapanto kassako dhaa labhitu kakhati. 26. Suriyassa lokena locanehi rpni passant manuss loke jvanti. 27. Rukkhamle nisditv cvara sibbantena samaena saddhi upsako bhsati. 28. Rukkhamle sayantassa ycakassa kye pani patanti. 29. Vijassa mla datv asse labhitu amacco ussahati. 30. Khra pivitv hasamno drako patta macasmi khipati. 5. Translate into Pli. 1. The man washing clothes speaks with the boy going on the road. 2. The brahmin sees the deer coming out of the forest to drink water. 3. Goats in the park eat leaves falling from the trees. 4. Wicked men wish to see hunters killing deer. 5. The farmer sees birds eating seeds in his field. 6. Recluses who enter the city wish to worship the Buddha dwelling in the monastery. 7. Standing on the stairway the child sees monkeys sitting on the tree. 8. Boys give rice to fish moving in the water. 9. The sailor wishing to cross the sea asks for money from the king. 10. Men see with their eyes the light of the moon falling on the sea. 11. Lay devotees try to give robes to monks living in the monastery. 12. Wishing for merit virtuous men give alms to the monks and observe (rakkhanti) the precepts. 13. The man walks on the leaves falling from the trees in the forest. 14. The uncle gives a lotus to the child searching for flowers. 15. Having given the beggar some corn the fisherman enters the house. 16. The minister gives seeds to the farmers who plough their fields. 17. The dog tries to bite the hand of the man who strokes his body. 18. The Buddha's disciples question the child crying on the road. 19. The uncle's friend calls the boys singing songs seated under the tree. 20. Virtuous men give food to the monks who approach their houses. 21. Wise men who wish to be born in heaven practise (rakkhanti) virtue. 22. Seeing the jackal approaching the village the farmer tries to hit it with a stone. 23. Speaking the truth lay devotees try to understand the doctrine.

24. Having washed the bowl with water the hermit looks for drinking water. 25. Wise men who observe the precepts begin to understand the truth. Lesson 12 1. Conjugation of Verbs The Present Tense, Active Voice So far only the present tense, active voice, third person singular and plural have been introduced. This lesson gives the conjugation in full. Singular: 3rd: (So) pacati = He cooks 2nd: (Tva) pacasi = You cook Plural: (Te) pacanti = They cook (Tumhe) pacatha = You cook 1st: (Aha) pacmi = I cook (Maya) pacma = We cook

Paca, "to cook" Singular Plural 3rd person pacati pacanti 2nd person pacasi pacatha 1st person pacmi pacma 2. Examples in sentence formation Singular: 1. So bhatta pacati = He cooks rice. 2. Tva bhatta pacasi = You (sg.) cook rice. 3. Aha bhatta pacmi = I cook rice. Plural: 1. Te bhatta pacanti = They cook rice. 2. Tumhe bhatta pacatha = You (pl.) cook rice. 3. Maya bhatta pacma = We cook rice. Exercise 12: 3. Translate into English: 1. Tva mittehi saddhi rathena paamh bhani harasi. 2. Aha udakamh padumni haritv vijassa dadmi. 3. Tumhe samana dtu cvarni pariyesatha. 4. Maya sagge uppajjitu kakhamn slni rakkhma. 5. Te dhamma adhigantu ussahantna samana dna dadanti. 6. So araamhi uppatante sakue passitu pabbata ruhati. 7. Maya sugatassa svake vanditu vihrasmi sannipatma. 8. gacchanta tpasa disv so bhatta haritu geha pavisati. 9. Aha udaka oruyha brhmaassa dussni dhovmi. 10. Tva gehassa dvra vivaritv pnya pattamh dya pivasi.
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11. Aha hiraa pariyesanto dpamhi ve khami. 12. Phalni khdant tumhe rukkhehi oruhatha. 13. Psasmi hatv tva canda passitu ussahasi. 14. Maya manussalokamh cavitv sagge uppajjitu kakhma. 15. Tumhe arae vasante mige sarehi vijjhitu icchatha. 16. Maya uyyne carant sunakhehi saddhi kante drake passma. 17. Tva rukkhamle nisditv cariyassa dtu vattha sibbasi. 18. Maya pua icchant samana dna dadma. 19. Tumhe sacca adhigantu rabhatha. 20. Tva gta gyanto rodanta draka rakkhasi. 21. Maya hasantehi kumrehi saha uyyne naccma. 22. So pnya pivitv patta bhinditv mtulamh bhyati. 23. Psda upasakamanta samaa disv bhplassa citta pasdati. 24. Maya araa pavisitv ajna pani saharma. 25. Khetta rakkhanto so ve khaante varhe disv psehi paharati. 4. Translate into Pli: 1. I call the child who is stroking the dog's body. 2. We try to learn the truth speaking with the monks who assemble in the monastery. 3. Sitting in the park you (pl.) eat fruits with friends. 4. You drink milk seated on a chair. 5. We set out from home to go and see the deer roaming in the forest. 6. I wish to understand the doctrine. 7. Standing on the mountain we see the moonlight falling on the sea. 8. I drag the farmer's cart away from the road. 9. You (pl.) sit on the seats, I bring drinking water from the house. 10. We wander in the fields looking at the birds eating seeds. 11. I advise the wicked man who kills pigs. 12. You (sg.) get frightened seeing the snake approaching the house. 13. I ask questions from the men who come out of the forest. 14. Seeing the crying child we call the doctor going on the road. 15. I protect virtues, give alms to the monks and live in the house with children. 16. Good men who fear evil deeds are born in heaven. 17. Expecting to get profit we bring goods from the city. 18. We stand under the tree and sprinkle water on the flowers. 19. I wash the bowls with water and give (them) to the doctor. 20. Searching for the truth I give up the house and enter the monastery. 21. Wishing to see the monks you (pl.) assemble in the park. 22. I see a fruit falling from the crow's beak. 23. You (sg.) cross the sea and bring a horse from the island. 24. I set out from home to bring a lamp from the market. 25. Having taken a basket I go to the field to collect corn.

Lesson 13 1. Conjugation of Verbs The Present Tense, Active Voice (continued) Verbs which have the base ending in -e are conjugated somewhat differently from what has been learnt so far. They can have two verbal bases, one ending in -e, the other ending in -aya, as in coreti and corayati. Base: Core, "to steal" Singular Plural 3rd person (So) coreti (Te) corenti 2nd person (Tva) coresi (Tumhe) coretha 1st person (Aha) coremi (Maya) corema Base: Coraya, "to steal" Singular Plural 3rd person (So) corayati (Te) corayanti 2nd person (Tva) corayasi (Tumhe) corayatha 1st person (Aha) coraymi (Maya) corayma 2. Some verbs similarly conjugated are as follows: deseti preti ueti manteti oloketi mreti hapeti parivajjeti preaches fills flies cinteti peti udeti thinks oppresses (sun or moon) rises addresses kindles leads, takes away fells illuminates pjeti katheti ropeti nimanteti chdeti neti pleti deti (dadti) honours, offers speaks plants invites covers brings rules, governs gives

4. Verbs which have the base ending in -n are conjugated as follows: Base: Ki = to buy Singular Plural 3rd person (So) kiti (Te) kianti 2nd person (Tva) kisi (Tumhe) kitha 1st person (Aha) kimi (Maya) kima 5. Some verbs similarly declined are as follows: vikkiti gahti jinti pahiti sells takes wins sends suti uggahti pputi / pappoti hears learns reaches minti jnti ocinti measures knows picks, collects

N.B. It should be observed that the present tense verbal terminations remain constant. Only the vikaraa suffix, or the conjugational sign in between the root and the termination, shows variation. 6. Attention should be paid to the following forms: Present Tense jnti suti pputi / pappoti gahti Gerund / Absolutive atv / jnitv sutv / suitv patv / ppuitv gahetv / gahitv tu sotu / suitu ppuitu / pappotu gahetu / gahitu Innitive

discusses, manteti takes counsel looks at kills keeps avoids jleti neti pteti obhseti

7. The two verbs bhavati / hoti (to be) and karoti (to do) occur frequently in the language. Their gerunds and infinitives are as follows: Present Tense Gerund / Absolutive bhavitv / hutv katv ktu Innitive bhavitu / hotu

3. N.B. Gerunds / absolutives and innitives from the above verbs are formed retaining the -e in the base. Gerunds desetv, cintetv, pjetv, pretv, etc. Infinitives desetu, cintetu, pjetu, pretu, etc.
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hoti karoti

The verb atthi (to be) from root as and karoti (to do) from root k are special verbs of frequent occurrence. They are conjugated as follows: As-, "to be" Singular Plural 3rd person atthi santi 2nd person asi attha 1st person asmi / amhi asma / amha K-, "to do" Singular Plural 3rd person karoti karonti 2nd person karosi karotha 1st person karomi karoma Exercise 13 8. Translate into English: 1. Buddho vihrasmi sannipatantna manussna dhamma deseti. 2. Buddhassa pjetu cintento upsako pupphni ocinti. 3. Te patte udakena prent gta gyanti. 4. Tumhe arae vasante mige petv asappuris hotha. 5. Maya paa gantv vijehi saddhi kathetv dhaa vikkima. 6. Tva uenta suka disv gahitu icchasi. 7. Pabbatamh udenta canda passitu kumro gharamh dhvati. 8. Aha kassakehi saha khettasmi rukkhe ropemi. 9. Maya amaccehi saha mantent psdasmi sanesu nisdma. 10. Tumhe Tathgatassa svake nimantetv dna detha. 11. Upsak vihra gantv dpe jletv dhamma sotu nisdanti. 12. Luddako ssa (head) dussena chdetv nisditv sakue maretu ussahati. 13. So vane hiante goe gma netv vijna vikkiti. 14. Tva paehi bhani kiitv sakaena netv gehe hapesi. 15. Tumhe kakacehi rukkhe chinditv pabbatamh ptetha. 16. Dhammena manusse plent bhpl akusala parivajjenti. 17. Sacca tu icchanto aha samaehi pahe pucchmi. 18. Dna datv sla rakkhant sappuris saggaloka ppuanti. 19. Dhaa minanto kassako paa netv dhaa vikkiitu cinteti. 20. Aha pattena pnya pivanto dvrasmi hatv magga olokemi. 21. So paamh khra kiitu putta pahiti. 22. Maya dhamma uggahitu ussahant paitena saha mantema. 23. Corehi saddhi gehe bhinditv manusse pent tumhe asappuris hotha. 24. Aha suvaa pariyesamne dpamh gacchante vije jnmi.
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25. Aha cariyo homi, tva vejjo hosi. 26. Tva asappurisa, Buddhena desenta dhamma sutv sappuriso bhavitu ussahasi. 27. Aha paitehi saddhi mantento dhammena dpa plento bhplo asmi. 28. Varhe mrent cor kassake pent ppakammni karonti. 29. Sla rakkhant puakammni karont manuss sagga pappotu kakhanti. 30. Akusala pahya ppa parivajjetv viharant nar sappuris bhavanti. 9. Translate into Pli: 1. Having picked fruits from the trees you send (them) to the market. 2. Having heard the Buddha preach the doctrine I become glad. 3. Thinking of collecting corn I go to the field with the farmer. 4. Singing songs you (pl.) look at the birds flying in the sky. 5. I advise the wicked man who oppresses the farmers in the village. 6. We dig pits to plant trees in the park. 7. We know the man who is lighting lamps in the monastery. 8. You (pl.) cross the sea with sailors to reach the island. 9. The king governing the island wins. 10. We begin to learn the dhamma from recluses living in the village. 11. Searching for the truth the wise man goes from city to city. 12. Avoiding the sleeping dog with his foot the child runs home. 13. Wishing to be born in heaven wise men fear to do evil. 14. Departing from the human world wicked men are born in hell (narake). 15. Having invited the hermit from the mountain the king gives him a robe. 16.Trying to understand the truth lay devotees become recluses. 17. Expecting to hear the monk preaching the dhamma lay devotees assemble in the monastery. 18. We see with our eyes, hear with our ears (sotehi), touch with our bodies. 19. I am the king governing the islands. 20. You (pl.) are wicked men who take counsel with thieves. 21. Good men begin to plant trees to protect the world. 22. Having heard the dhamma, the thief wishes to avoid evil. 23. Merchants keep clothes in shops to sell (them) to farmers coming from the villages. 24. The sick man (gilna) is a messenger of the gods in the human world. 25. There are good men in the world who admonish wicked men. 26. Having picked lotuses from the water, the doctor goes to the monastery to listen to the dhamma. 27. Seeing the Buddha and being pleased the thief throws away the arrows. 28. Wishing to avoid evil I practise virtue. 29. We cook rice to give alms to the monks coming from the monastery. 30. You (pl.) go from island to island searching for gold with merchants.

Lesson 14 1. The Future Tense The future tense is formed by adding -ssa to the root / verbal base with, or in some cases without, the connecting vowel -ithe terminations are the same as those in the present tense. Base: Paca, "to cook" ["will cook"] Singular Plural 3rd person (So) pacissati (Te) pacissanti 2nd person (Tva) pacissasi (Tumhe) pacissatha 1st person (Aha) pacissmi (Maya) pacissma Base: Cora, "to steal" ["will steal"] Singular Plural 3rd person (So) coressati (Te) coressanti 2nd person (Tva) coressasi (Tumhe) coressatha 1st person (Aha) coressmi (Maya) coressma

Base: Kia, "to buy" ["will buy"] Singular Plural 3rd person (So) kiissati (Te) kiissanti 2nd person (Tva) kiissasi (Tumhe) kiissatha 1st person (Aha) kiissmi (Maya) kiissma 2. Attention may be paid to the following forms: Present Tense gacchati gacchati dadti tihati karoti Future gamissati gamissati dadissati / dassati hassati karissati English he will go he will come he will give he will stand he will do

Exercise 14 3. Translate into English: 1. So pabbatamh udenta canda passitu psda ruhissati. 2. Bhplo corehi dpa rakkhitu amaccehi saha mantessati. 3. Aha samudda taritv dpa ppuitv bhani vikkiissmi. 4. Tumhe vihra upasakamant magge pupphni vikkiante manusse passissatha. 5. Udaka otaritv vatthni dhovanto kassako nahyitv geha gamissati. 6. Gme viharanto tva nagara gantv ratha nessasi. 7. Pua ktu icchant tumhe sappuris ppamitte ovadissatha. 8. Dhamma sotu uyyne nisdantna upsakna aha pnya dassmi. 9. Maya bhpl dhammena dpe plessma. 10. Rukkha ptetv phalni khditu icchanta asappurisa aha akkosmi. 11. Dna dadamn sla rakkhant maya samaehi dhamma uggahissma. 12. Dhvantamh sakaamh patanta draka disv tva vejja nesi. 13. Sacca adhigantu ussahanto tpaso Tathgata passitu kakhati. 14. Buddhe pasditv upsako devaputto hutv saggaloke uppajjati. 15. Udenta suriya disv brhmao geh nikkhamma vandati. 16. Dpa pappotu kakhamn maya samudda taritu nvika pariyesma. 17. Amaccassa dta pahiitu icchanto bhplo aha asmi. 18. Puakammni karontna vijna dhana atthi. 19. Maya gtni gyante naccante kumre olokessma. 20. Ppa parivajjetv kusala karonte sappurise dev pjessanti. 21. Sacca bhsant asappurise anussant pait upsak bhavissanti. 22. Tva dhaena patta pretv cariyassa dassasi. 23. Rukkhamle nisditv cvara sibbanta samaa aha upasakamissmi. 24. Aha sayantassa puttassa kya masanto macasmi nisdmi. 25. Uyynesu rukkhe ropetu sama manusse anussanti. 4. Translate into Pli: 1. Having learnt the dhamma from the Buddha I will live righteously (dhammena) in the world. 2. I will advise the king to rule the island righteously with his ministers. 3. Keeping the garment on the seat the child will enter the water to bathe. 4. Having heard the doctrine you (pl.) will become pleased with the Tathgata. 5. They who are walking in the forest collecting fruits will desire to drink water. 6. Farmers approaching the city will look at vehicles running on the road. 7. The rising sun will illuminate the world. 8. The trees in the park will bathe in the light of the moon. 9. You (sg.) will be pleased seeing your sons asking questions from the wise man. 10. The children will like to see the parrots eating fruits on the trees. 11. We are doctors coming from the island, you are teachers going to the island. 12. He will take money and go to the shop to buy goods. 13. Having filled the bowl with drinking water the child will give it to the beggar
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eating rice. 14. Men wishing to get merit will plant trees for people in the world. 15. Searching for wealth wicked men will oppress farmers living righteously in villages. 16. There are fruits on the trees in the mountains. 17. Good men doing meritorious deeds will learn the dhamma from monks. 18. Wise men instruct kings governing the islands. 19. You will buy fish from fishermen coming from the sea. 20. Wishing to learn the dhamma we approach the Buddha. 21. Seeing the jackal coming to the park the children will get frightened. 22. They will go to see the king coming to the village with the ministers. 23. You are a good man who lives righteously. 24. I see a parrot picking a fruit with its beak. 25. We will become good men practising virtue. Lesson 15 1. The Optative or the Potential Mood The optative expresses mainly probability and advice, and ideas such as those conveyed by if, might, would, etc. It is formed by adding -eyya to the verbal base before terminations. Base: Paca, "to cook" Singular Plural 3rd person (So) paceyya (Te) paceyyu 2nd person (Tva) paceyysi (Tumhe) paceyytha 1st person (Aha) paceyymi (Maya) paceyyma Singular 3rd (So) paceyya = 2nd (Tva) paceyysi = 1st (Aha) paceyymi = Plural 3rd (Te) paceyyu = 2nd (Tumhe) paceyytha = 1st (Maya) paceyyma =

2. The following particles are useful for construction of sentences. sace / yadi = if ca = and pi = too, also na = not viya = like, similar 3. Examples in sentence formation Singular: 1. Sace so bhatta paceyya, aha bhujeyymi. If he would cook rice I will eat. 2. Sace tva iccheyysi, aha cora puccheyymi. If you would like, I will question the thief. 3. Yadi aha nagare vihareyymi, so pi nagara gaccheyya. If I dwell in the city, he too would come to the city. Plural: 1. Sace te bhatta paceyyu, maya bhujeyyma. If they cook rice we will eat. 2. Sace tumhe iccheyytha, maya core puccheyyma. If you so wish, we will question the thieves. 3. Yadi maya nagare vihareyyma, te pi nagara gaccheyyu. If we dwell in the city, they too will come to the city. Exercise 15 4. Translate into English: 1. Sace tva dhamma sueyysi, addh (certainly) tva Buddhassa svako bhaveyysi. 2. Yadi te gtni gyitu uggaheyyu, aha pi uggaheyymi. 3. Sace tva bjni pahieyysi, kassako tni (them) khette vapeyya. 4. Sace tumhe padumni ocineyytha, kumr tni Buddhassa pjeyyu. 5. Sace tva mla gaheyysi, aha dussa dadeyymi. 6. Yadi maya bhplena saha manteyyma amacc na gaccheyyu. 7. Sace tumhe rukkhe ropeyytha drak phalni bhujeyyu. 8. Sace maya sappuris bhaveyyma, putt pi sappuris bhaveyyu. 9. Sace bhpl dhammena dpe pleyyu, maya bhplesu pasdeyyma. 10. Sace kassako goa vikkieyya, vijo ta kieyya. 11. Sace manusse pent asappuris gma gaccheyyu aha te ovadeyymi. 12. Yadi amacc ppa parivajeyyu, manuss ppa na kareyyu. 13. Sace tumhe pabbata ruheyytha, hiante mige ca rukkhesu carante makkae ca uente sakue ca passeyytha. 14. Sace tva pattena pnya neyysi pipsito (thirsty) so piveyya. 15. Kusalakammni katv tumhe manussaloke uppajitu ussaheyytha. 16. Sace so vejjo bhaveyya, aha ta (him) rodanta draka passitu neyymi. 17. Yadi putto ppa kareyya aha ta (him) ovadeyymi. 18. Sace amacco paita cariya neyya maya dhamma uggaheyyma.
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If he would cook If you would cook If I would cook If they would cook If you would cook If we would cook

It should be observed that the terminations of the second and first persons are similar to those of the present tense.

19. Sace aha hatthena suva phusitu ussaheyymi so geh uppateyya. 20. Yadi so vejja pakkositu iccheyya aha ta (him) neyymi. 5. Translate into Pli: 1. If you cover the evil deeds your sons do, they will become thieves. 2. If you (pl.) want to become virtuous men avoid evil. 3. If we look with our eyes we will see objects in the world, if we look with our minds we will see good and evil. 4. If you (sg.) start singing a song, the children will start dancing. 5. If we depart from the human world we will not fear to be born in the human world. 6. If gods are born in the human world they will do meritorious deeds. 7. If you search for the truth you will approach the Buddha living in the monastery. 8. If you admonish the merchant he will become a virtuous man. 9. If I invite the monk he will come home to preach the dhamma. 10. If you are a good man you will not kill oxen roaming in the forest. 11. If you do work in the field you will get wealth and corn. 12. If the king wishes to govern the island righteously he will discuss with wise men and ministers. 13. If you work in the field you will see farmers ploughing. 14. I see boys playing in the park with a monkey. 15. If they want to see birds singing they will go to the park. 16. If you listen to the dhamma you will be able to live righteously. 17. If you avoid evil friends (ppamitte) you will become a good man. 18. If the minister is not a good man we will not approach him. 19. If there are fruits on the tree I will climb to pick them (tni). 20. If I pick fruits you will eat them with friends. Lesson 16 1. The Imperative The imperative mood expresses a command, benediction, prayer or wish. Base: paca = to cook Paca, "to cook" Singular Plural 3rd person pacatu pacantu 2nd person paca,pachi pacatha 1st person pacmi pacma Singular 3rd (So) pacatu = 2nd (Tva) paca,pachi = 1st (Aha) pacmi = Let him cook You cook Let me cook
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Plural 3rd (Te) pacantu = Let them cook 2nd (Tumhe) pacatha = You cook 1st (Maya) pacma = Let us cook It should be observed that the second person plural and first person singular and plural have the same forms as in the present tense. The prohibitive particle m is also used with the imperative. 2. Examples in sentence formation Singular: 1. So vijna bhatta pacatu. Let him cook rice for the merchants. 2. Tva rathena nagara gaccha / gacchhi. You go to the city in the vehicle. 3. Aha dhamma uggahmi. Let me learn the dhamma. Plural: 1. Te vijna bhatta pacantu. Let them cook rice for the merchants. 2. Tumhe rathena nagara gacchatha. You go to the city in the vehicle. 3. Maya dhamma uggahma. Let us learn the dhamma. The prohibitive particle m 1. M tumhe sacca parivajjetha. You do not avoid the truth. 2. M te uyynamhi pupphni ocinantu. Let them not pick flowers in the park. Exercise 16 3. Translate into English: 1. Bhpl dhammena dpa plentu. 2. M manusso bhyatu, sace so sacca jnti, bhsatu. 3. Tumhe ppa karonte putte ovadatha. 4. Sugato dhamma desetu, svak ca upsak ca vihrasmi nisdanti. 5. M te ppakammni katv manussalokamh cavitv narake (in purgatory) uppajjantu. 6. M cor kassakna goe mrentu. 7. M tva sunakha mashi, so ta (you) aseyya. 8. Tumhe dpe jletv vihrasmi rpni oloketha. 9. Tumhe asappurise mantetv dhammena jvitu anussatha. 10. Putta, m tva ppamitte upasakama. 11. Sace tumhe saccam bhsitu ussaheyytha, tumhe sappuris bhaveyytha.

12. Sace tva pse khipeyysi, kk ca saku ca ksa uppateyyu. 13. M draka pnya pivitv patta bhinda. 14. M suvaa coretv gacchant cor samudda tarantu. 15. Upsaka, m putte akkoshi, samaehi saddhi mantetv putte anusshi. 4. Translate into Pli: 1. May the king ruling the island protect the people righteously. 2. Let the children playing in the park collect falling leaves. 3. Let the farmers and merchants assemble in the king's park. 4. Let the sons climb the mountain to see lions, deer and birds. 5. Do not cut trees in forests if you wish to protect deer. 6. Let the child not come down the stairway, he will fall. 7. Let the farmer plough the fields and sow seeds, let him not kill goats. 8. Let the parrots fly taking fruits with their beaks. 9. Sons, do not commit sins, live righteously. 10. May the disciples of the Buddha get alms and robes. 11. Let the children come out of the house and see the moon rising from the mountain. 12. Boys, do not go and kill deer in the forest with the hunter. 13. You (pl.) run home and bring water for the farmers ploughing the field. 14. Do not ask questions from the king's messenger. 15. You lay devotees should try to avoid evil and do good deeds. Lesson 17 1. The Past Tense Conjugation of verbs with the base ending in -a. Paca, "to cook" ["cooked", etc.] Singular Plural 3rd person apaci, paci apacisu, pacisu 2nd person apaci, paci apacittha, pacittha 1st person apaci, paci apacimha, pacimha Singular 3rd (So) apaci, paci = 2nd (Tva) apaci, paci = 1st (Aha) apaci, paci = Plural 3rd (Te) apacisu, pacisu = 2nd (Tumhe) apacittha, pacittha = 1st (Maya) apacimha, pacimha = He cooked You cooked I cooked They cooked You cooked We cooked

It should be noted that ain apaci, apacisu etc. is not a negative prefix. It is the augment (optional) denoting the past tense. Verbs whose bases end in -n are also conjugated in the past tense as above. Conjugation of verbs with the base ending in -e Base: core = to steal Cora, "to steal" ["stole", etc.] Singular Plural 3rd person coresi, corayi coresu, corayisu 2nd person coresi corayitha 1st person coresi, corayi corayimha Singular 3rd (So) coresi, corayi = 2nd (Tva) coresi = 1st (Aha) coresi, corayi = Plural 3rd (Te) coresu, corayisu = 2nd (Tumhe) corayitha = 1st (Maya) corayimha = He stole You stole I stole They stole You stole We stole

2. Examples in sentence formation Singular: 1. Bhplo dpe cari / acari The king wandered in the island. Samao dhamma desesi The monk preached the dhamma. 2. Tva bhani vikkii You sold goods. Tva pupphni pjesi You offered the flowers. 3. Aha pabbata ruhi I climbed the mountain. 4. Aha dpa jlesi / jlayi I lit the lamp. Plural: 1. Bhpl dpesu carisu / acarisu Kings wandered in the islands. Sama dhamma desesu / desayisu Monks preached the dhamma. 2. Tumhe bhani vikkiittha You sold goods.
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Tumhe pupphni pjayittha You offered flowers. 3. Maya pabbate ruhimha We climbed mountains. 4. Maya dpe jlayimha We lit lamps. Exercise 17 3. Translate into English: 1. Kassako khetta kasitv nahyitu udaka otari. 2. Uggahantna drakna dtu cariy kusumni harisu. 3. Upsak sanehi uhahitv dhamma desetu upasakamanta samaa vandisu. 4. Nagaresu kammni katv vetane labhitu kakhamn nar gmehi nikkhamisu. 5. cariyo sana dussena chdetv samaa nisditu nimantesi. 6. Kumro dvra vivaritv rukkhamh oruhante vnare passamno ahsi (stood). 7. Paito goe coretv akusala karonte nare pakkositv ovadi. 8. Ycakassa putt rukkhehi patantni phalni saharitv paasmi vikkiisu. 9. Kassako dhaa minitv vijassa vikkiitu pahii. 10. Dhamma uggahitv samao bhavitu kakhamno amacco cariya pariyesamno Buddha upasakami. 11. Sace tumhe gma ppueyytha mitte olokeyytha. 12. Paitamh pahe pucchitv sacca jnitu mtulo ussahi. 13. Psamhi hatv aja khdanta sha disv vnar bhyisu. 14. Rukkhamle nisditv gitni gyantna kumrna kyesu pani ca pupphni ca patisu. 15. Tumhe dhana saharamn m samudda taritv dpa gacchatha. 16. paasmi bhani vikkiantassa vijassa ratho atthi. 17. Aha puttassa dtu dussa sibbanto gta gyi. 18. Skar ca sunakh ca khette ve khaisu. 19. Puris rukkhamle nisditv tpasena bhsamna suisu. 20. Luddakena saddhi vane hiante putte mantetv kassak akkosisu. 21. M tva suvaapatta vikkiitv khagge kihi. 22. So bhani ca khetta ca goe ca puttna dav geha pahya samao bhavitu cintesi. 23. Dhammena jvant sappuris mige na mresu. 24. Aha sopna ruhi, te sopnamh oruhisu. 25. Sahyak udaka otaritv nahyant padumni ocinisu.

4. Translate into Pli: 1. The child sprinkled the lotuses with water and honoured the Buddha with them. 2. Having received the pay the men went to the market and bought goods. 3. The fisherman brought fish from the sea and sold them to the farmers. 4. If you go to bathe wash the clothes of the children. 5. The parrots and the crows flew into the sky from the trees. 6. Do not scold the children playing under the tree with the dog. 7. I spoke to the people sitting in the park having assembled to see the king. 8. We got frightened seeing a serpent enter the house. 9. I gave water to my son eating rice together with his friend. 10. Do not do evil, do good to enter heaven after departing from the human world. Lesson 18 1. Declension of feminine nouns ending in -

Vanit woman Singular Nominative Vocative Accusative Instrumental Ablative Dative Genitive Locative vanit vanite vanita vanitya vanitya vanitya vanitya vanitya, vanitya Plural vanit, vanityo vanit, vanityo vanit, vanityo vanithi (vanitbhi) vanithi (vanitbhi) vanitna vanitna vanitsu

[NB: The traditional order of the cases is given in the table for "nara" in lesson 8; however, from this point forward in the book, Dr. De Silva instead lists the Vocative second, and the accusative third, presumably because she considers it easier to learn in this order --E.M.]

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2. The following nouns are similarly declined: (Most nouns ending in - are feminine). ka / drik girl gag river Ganges amm bhariy lat vluk sur paris jivh mother wife creeper sand liquor retinue tongue pa sabh guh majs skh saddh pips wisdom assembly cave box branch faith, devotion thirst

nv sl kath chy ml devat gv khud

ship hall speech shadow garland deity neck hunger

sukha vindanti. 13. Sace tumhe nvya gaga tareyytha dpasmi vasante tpase disv gantu sakkissatha. 14. Parisa parivretv psdamh nikkhamanta bhpla disv vanityo modanti. 15. Kayo slya sannipatitv kumrehi saddhi sallapisu. 16. Khudya penta gilna ycaka disv amm bhatta adadi / adsi. 17. Guhya nilyitv sura pivant cor sha passitv bhyisu. 18. Varhe mretv jvanto naro gilno hutv dukkha vindati. 19. Vijassa pae majsya mla (money) atthi. 20. Sama manusse pp nivretv sappurese ktu vyamanti. 5. Translate into Pli: 1. The man stood on the road asking my mother the way to go to the monastery. 2. Having prepared rice with faith for the monks, the woman took it to the monastery. 3. You can live righteously and seek wealth. 4. Sitting in the shade of the house the girls cut branches from the creeper. 5. Wicked men did not advise their sons who drink liquor. 6. Taking the basket and money the girl went to the market to buy corn. 7. If you light lamps the lay devotees will see the objects in the monastery. 8. O good men, you learn the dhamma and try to live righteously. 9. If you try, you can avoid evil and do good. 10. Having seen the lion sleeping in the cave the woman ran. Lesson 19 1. The Past Participle Past participles are mostly formed by adding -ta to the root with or without the connecting vowel -ipacati bhsati ycati deseti pjeti gacchati hanati nayati / neti pac + i + ta bhs + i + ta yc + i + ta dis' + i + ta pj + i + ta gam + ta han + ta n + ta = nta = pacita = bhsita = ycita = desita = pjita = gata = hata = led = cooked = spoken = begged = preached = honoured = gone = killed

3. Vocabulary Verbs sakkoti anubandhati poseti sallapati dukkha vindati can, is able follows, chases after brings up, nourishes parivreti kujjhati vyamati accompanies, nivreti surrounds gets angry tries is happy, enjoys prepares namassati nilyati sukha vindati pakkhipati prevents salutes, worships hides experiences joy puts, places, deposits

engages in modati conversation experiences suffering paiydeti

Exercise 18: 4. Translate into English: 1. Sace sabhya kayo katheyyu aham pi kathessmi. 2. Drikyo pupphni ocinitv slya nisditv mlyo karisu. 3. Vanit rukkhassa skhyo chinditv kahi. 4. Bhariy majssu vatthni ca suvaa ca hapesi. 5. Drik psdassa chyya nisditv vlukya kisu. 6. Bhariyya katha sutv pasditv kassako sappuriso abhavi. 7. Devatyo puni karonte dhammena jvante manusse rakkhantu. 8. Pabbatasmi guhsu vasant sh vlukya kante mige mresu. 9. Amm drikya kujjhitv hatthena pahari. 10. Vanityo saddhya bhatta pacitv vihra netv samana pjesu 11. Tumhe m sura pivatha, m giln (sick) bhavitu ussahatha. 12. Dhammena dhana saharamn paya putte posent nar manussaloke
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The past participle is also formed from some roots by adding -na. chindati chid + na = chinna = cut bhindati bhid + na = bhinna = broken nisdati ni + sad + na = nisinna = seated tarati t + na = tia = crossed 2. Past participles have a passive meaning when they are formed from transitive verbs, but from intransitive verbs they have an active meaning. They are declined in the three genders, as -a ending nouns in the masculine and the neuter, and - ending nouns in the feminine. Pacati, chindati, nimanteti are transitive verbs. Therefore: pacito odano = the rice that is cooked (passive meaning) chinna paa = the leaf that is cut (passive meaning) nimantit ka = the girl who is invited (passive meaning) But gacchati, patati, tihati are intransitive verbs. Therefore: manusso gato (hoti) = the man has gone (active meaning) puppha patita (hoti) = the flower has fallen (active meaning) ka hit (hoti) = the girl has stood (active meaning) 3. The following are some past participles Verb kasati pacati phusati masati rabhati bhujati vasati khipati pajahati pivati hanati jnti minti kiti karoti Past Participle kasita, kaha pacita, pakka phuha masita, maha raddha bhujita, bhutta vuttha khitta pahna pta hata ta mita kta kata asati pavisati labhati bhavati vapati sicati dhovati vivarati cavati nikkhamati suti gahti pputi tihati Verb pucchati Past Participle pucchita, puha daha paviha laddha, labhita bhta vutta sitta dhovita, dhota vivaa cuta nikkhanta suta gahita patta hita
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Verb harati dadti (passati)

Past Participle haa dinna diha, (d) kujjhati pasdati


Past Participle kuddha pasanna mutta


4. Examples in sentence formation Upsakehi vihra paviho Buddho diho hoti The Buddha who entered the monastery was seen by the lay devotees. Te Buddhena desita dhamma suisu They listened to the dhamma preached by the Buddha. Drikya hani bhani amm piakesu pakkhipi The mother put in baskets the goods brought by the girl. Vnijo patitassa rukkhassa skhyo chindi The merchant cut the branches of the fallen tree. Maya udakena sittehi pupphehi Buddha pjema We may worship the Buddha with flowers sprinkled with water. Kassakena kasite khette skaro sayati A pig sleeps in the field ploughed by the farmer. Exercise 19: 5. Translate into English: 1. Ammya majsya pakkhitta suvaa drik na gahi. 2. Dhotni vatthni gahetv bhariy udakamh uttari. 3. Kassakehi uyyne ropitesu rukkhesu phalni bhavisu. 4. Buddh devehi ca narehi ca pjit honti. 5. Udakena prita patta gahetv vanit geha gat hoti. 6. Adhammena (unrighteously) dpa plentena bhplena pit manuss kuddh honti. 7. Pakka (ripe) phala tuena gahetv uenta suva aha apassi. 8. Udento suriyo brhmaena namassito hoti. 9. Ammya jlita dpa daya putto vihra paviho hoti. 10. Vanitya dussena chdite sane samao nisditv sannipatitya parisya dhamma desesi. 11. Kassakena khetta nt go tia khdant hiisu. 12. Vij majssu hapitni dussni na vikkiisu 13. Sace tva sacca jneyysi m putta akkosa. 14. Nvya nikkhant nar samudda taritv dpa ppuitv bhariyhi saddhi kathent modanti. 15. Magge hite vijassa sakae aha kaya ntni bhani hapesi. 16. Dhammena laddhena dhanena putte posetv jvant manuss devathi rakkhit honti. 17. Svakehi ca upsakehi ca parivrito Buddho vihrassa chyya nisinno hoti.

18. Ammya ppehi nivrit putt sappuris hutv dhamma suanti. 19. Kassake pent cor paitena anussit sappuris bhavitu vyamant upsakehi saddhi uyyne rukkhe ropenti. 20. Vanit puttya paiyditamh bhattamh khudya pitassa ycakassa thoka (little) datv pnya ca dadi / adsi. 21. Sabhya nisditv drikya gyita gta sutv kayo modisu. 22. Amaccena nimantit puris slya nisditu asakkont (unable) uyyne sannipatisu. 23. Kassakehi khettesu vuttehi bjehi thoka (little) saku khdisu. 24. Kumrehi rukkhamle nilyitv sayanto sappo diho hoti. 25. Vijena dpamh hani vatthni kiitu vanityo icchanti. 26. Sace bhplo dhammena manusse rakkheyya te kammni katv drake posent sukha vindeyyu. 27. Puttena ycit amm mittna odana paiydesi. 28. Amaccena puha paha adhigantu asakkonto corna dto cintetu rabhi. 29. Corehi guhya nilyitni bhani passitv vnar tni (them) dya rukkhe ruhisu. 30. Aha pariyesita dhamma adhigantv modmi. 6. Translate into Pli: 1. The man who came to the assembly could not speak with the ministers. 2. The child ran to the shop taking the money given by the mother. 3. The king is seated in the chariot drawn by horses. 4. Having discussed with the wise man the farmers sent a messenger to the king. 5. The children went out of the open door. 6. The women who got down to the water washed clothes and bathed. 7. Buddhas and their disciples are worshipped by gods and men. 8. The merchant sold the clothes sewn by women. 9. I did not take the flowers and fruits brought by the girl from the forest 10. Being chased by the dog, the girls quickly (sgha) ran home. 11. The teacher having seen the evil deed done by the girl advised her. 12. We did not light the lamps prepared by the women. 13. You do not drag the branches cut by the farmer from the mountain. 14. Without getting the pay for the work done, the woman is angry. 15. Do not ask for fruits from the boy sitting on the branch. 16. The woman who is scolded by the brahmin cries, seated at the door. 17. The girl being called by the mother ran home to eat rice. 18. The men who tried to cut the creepers started pulling the branches. 19. The farmer who makes a living righteously, ploughing his fields experiences happiness with his wife and children. 20. Deities who have departed from the world of gods and are born in the human world rejoice listening to the dhamma preached by the Buddha.
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21. The thieves who were instructed by the monk became good men. 22. There were no fruits on the trees planted by the farmer. 23. Bitten by the dog the girl ran home and cried. 24. The minister is not known to the doctor. 25. Seated under the tree the girls played with sand. 26. Sons, do not drink liquor. 27. Mothers prevent children from evil. 28. I gave water to the dog oppressed with thirst. 29. Seeing the hunter coming we hid among the trees. 30. We prepared alms with faith and gave to the monks. Lesson 20 1. Declension of Feminine Nouns ending in -i Bhmi = earth, ground Singular Nominative Vocative Accusative Instrumental Ablative Dative Genitive Locative bhmi bhmi bhmi bhmiy bhmiy bhmiy bhmiy bhmiy, bhmiya Plural bhm, bhmiyo bhm, bhmiyo bhm, bhmiyo bhmhi, (bhmbhi) bhmhi, (bhmbhi) bhmna bhmna bhmsu

Feminine nouns ending in - are also similarly declined with the only exception being the nominative and vocative singular which end in-. 2. Vocabulary Feminine nouns ending in -i aguli finger doi asani iddhi boat thunderbolt psychic power

aavi yuvati ni sammajjani

forest maiden unit of measure broom

ratti yahi rasmi

night walking stick ray

Feminine nouns ending in - nad river bhagin kadal rjin / dev 3. Verbs vykaroti roceti peseti viheheti sister banana queen

nr / itth vp brhma kumr

woman tank brahmin woman girl

taru pokkhara gv

young woman pond cow

explains informs sends harasses

pattheti mucati paiccdeti

aspires releases conceals

vissajjeti nhareti veheti

spends takes out wraps

1. There are lotuses and fishes in ponds in the king's park. 2. The young women picked lotuses from the tank and kept them on the ground. 3. The queen spoke with her sisters who came having crossed the river by boat. 4. I saw the dog chasing the cow in the field. 5. Women and girls did not climb trees to pick fruits and flowers. 6. You (pl.) went to the river to bathe and got frightened hearing the peal of thunder (asanisadda). 7. You (pl.) do not conceal the evil committed with your friends. 8. If you spent money to buy clothes, inform your mother. 9. Send the lotuses wrapped in lotus leaves to the young girls seated in the hall. 10. We can explain the questions asked by the women in the assembly. Lesson 21 1. The Present Participle (contd.) This lesson is a continuation of Lesson 11 and should be studied together with that lesson. It was learnt in Lesson 11 that -nta/ -mna are added to the base of verbs which end in -a, to form the present participle masculine and neutuer genders. e.g.: paca + nta = pacanta paca + mna = pacamna They are declined like -a ending nouns in these two genders. Further it should be noted that with verbs whose base ends in -e / -aya, -nta is usually added to the base ending in -e; and -mna is added to the base ending in -aya. e.g.: core + nta = corenta coraya + mna = corayamna With verbs whose base ends in -n both -nta / -mna are generally added, but the -n is shortened to -na. e.g.: ki + nta = kianta ki + mna = kiamna su + nta = suanta su + mna = suamna Present participles ending in -nta occur more frequently in Pli literature than those ending in -mna. 2. The present participle feminine gender is formed by adding -nt / -mn to the verbal base. e.g.: paca + nt = pacant paca + mn = pacamn core + nt = corent coraya + mn = corayamn ki + nt = kiant ki + mn = kiamn

Exercise 20 4. Translate into English: 1. Bhplo rjiniy saddhi nvya nadi taranto udake carante macche olokento amaccehi saddhi katheti. 2. Pniya pivitv drikya bhmiya nikkhitto patto bhinno hoti. 3. Kassakna gviyo aaviya hiitv khetta gamisu. 4. Rattiy samuddasmi patit candassa rasmiyo oloketv taruiyo modisu. 5. Upsak iddhiy kse gacchanta tpasa disv pasann honti. 6. Bhaginiy saddhi pokkharaiy tre (bank) hatva so padumni ocinitu vyami. 7. Nriyo vpsu nahyitu v (or) vatthni dhovitu v na icchisu. 8. Yuvatiy puha paha vyktu asakkonto aha tya (with her) saddhi sallapitu rabhi. 9. Asappurisassa puttena kata ppakamma paicchdetu amm na ussahi. 10. Bhaginiy dussena vehetv macasmi hapita bhaa itth majsya pakkhipi. 11. M tumhe magge sayanta kukkura vihehetha. 12. Sappuriso amacco dhana vissajjetv ycakna vasitu slyo gmesu karitv bhpla rocesi. 13. Kumro suva hatthamh mucitv ta uenta passamno rodanto rukkhamle ahsi. 14. Saddhya dna dadamn kusala karont sappuris puna(again) manussaloke uppajjitu patthenti. 15. Kumro majsa vivaritv saka nharitv ammya pesesi. 5. Translate into Pli:
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When -nt is added, the present participle feminine is declined like feminine nouns ending in -. When -mn is added it is declined like feminine nouns ending in -. Declension of pacant: Singular Nominative Vocative Accusative Instrumental Ablative Dative Genitive Locative pacant pacant pacanti pacantiy pacantiy pacantiy pacantiy pacantiy, pacantiya Plural pacant, pacantiyo pacant, pacantiyo pacant, pacantiyo pacanthi (pacantbhi) pacanthi (pacantbhi) pacantna pacantna pacantsu

3. Examples in sentence formation Singular: Amm bhatta pacant kaya saddhi katheti. Cooking rice the mother speaks with the girl. Ka bhatta pacanti amma passati. The girl sees the mother cooking rice. Ka bhatta pacantiy ammya udaka deti. The girl gives water to the mother cooking rice. Plural: Bhatta pacantiyo ammyo kahi saddhi kathenti. Cooking rice mothers speak with girls. Kayo bhatta pacantiyo ammyo passanti. Girls see mothers cooking rice. Kayo bhatta pacantna ammna udaka denti. Girls give water to mothers cooking rice. Similarly, the present participle can be declined in all cases to agree in gender, number and case with the nouns they qualify.

Exercise 21 4. Translate into English: 1. Khette phalni corent drik kassaka disv bhyitv dhvitu rabhi. 2. Buddhassa svakena desita dhamma sutv yuvati sacca adhigantu icchant ammya saddhi mantesi. 3. Sayanta sunakha masant kumr gehadvre nisinn hoti. 4. Rjin nrhi puhe pahe vyakaront sabhya nisinn parisa mantetv katha kathesi. 5. Aavi gantv rukkha chinditv skhyo kahantiyo itthiyo sigle disv bhyisu. 6. Gehadvre nisditv dussa sibbant bhagin gta gyati. 7. Asappuriso ppakammni paicchdetv upsakehi saddhi sallapanto vihrasmi sane nisinno hoti. 8. Sakena vehetv nilyita suvaa passitu kakhamn yuvati ovarakassa (room) dvra vivari. 9. Sace tva mula vissajjetu iccheyysi, m vattha kihi. 10. Sace tumhe bhplassa dta pesetha amacce pi rocetha. 11. Kassako chinn sakhyo khettamh nharitv aaviya pakkhipi. 12. Pokkaraiy tre (bank) hatv kadaliphala khdant ka bhaginiy dinna paduma gahi. 13. Amhka (our) hatthapdesu vsati (twenty) aguliyo santi. 14. Rattiy geh nikkhamitu bhyant ka dvra na vivari. 15. Sace tva yahiy kukkura pahareyysi so aseyya. 16. Maya sappuris bhavitu kakhamn samae upasakamma dhamma sutv kusala ktu rabhimha. 17. Ppakammehi anubandhit asappuris cor niraye (purgatory) uppajjitv dukkha vindanti. 18. M pua parivajjetv ppa karotha, sace kareyytha manussalokamh cavitv dukkha vindissatha. 19. Sace tumhe sagge uppajjitv moditu patthetha puni karotha. 20. Sacca tu ussahant brhma sahyakehi saha mantayisu. 21. Nriy pajare (cage) pakkhitt suk kadaliphala khdant nisinn honti. 22. Goa vihehetu na icchanto vijo sakaamh bhani nharitva bhmiya nikkhipitv kassaka rocesi. 23. Aaviya viharant mig ca go ca varh ca shamh bhyanti. 24. Sama saddhya upsakehi dinna bhujitv sacca adhigantu vyamant slni rakkhanti. 25. Rattiy nikkhant doi nadi taritv pabhte (in the morning) dpa ppui. 26. Gehassa chyya hatv drikya bhmiya nikkhitta odana sunakho khditu rabhi. 27. Bhariyya niy mita dhaa dya kassako paa gato hoti. 28. Uente kke disv vlukya ca udakena ca kant drik hasamn dhvi. 29. Ratha pjetu (to drive) uggahanto puriso dakkho (clever) rathcariyo
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bhavitu vyami. 30. Vivaamh dvramh nikkhant kumr pajarehi mutt saku viya (like) uyyna dhvisu. 5. Translate into Pli: 1. Seated on the bed the girl drank the milk given by her mother. 2. Taking the pots (ghae) and talking the women went to the river to bring water. 3. Without wishing to harass the bird the woman released him from the cage (pajara). 4. Unable (asakkoti) to pick the fruits from the tree the young girl called the farmer. 5. There is no (natthi) milk in the bowl of the crying child. 6. The girls who were singing under the tree started dancing. 7. Being chased by the hunter and his dogs the deer ran into the forest. 8. Wishing to get profit the women sold garments in shops. 9. In order to buy oil (tela) to light lamps the boy went from shop to shop. 10. I gave the box to the girl sitting in the shade of the tree. 11. The girls laughed pulling the creeper from the tree. 12. They who oppress women and children are wicked men. 13. We see with our eyes the rays of the sun falling on the ground. 14. Hitting with a stick the woman killed the serpent entering the house. 15. Putting fruits and flowers in boxes sisters sat at the open door. 16. If you will come out of water and protect the child I will step into the pond and bathe. 17. We got angry with the women committing evil and left the hall. 18. Do not shoot the cows and deer roaming in the park, the king and queen will get angry. 19. May the king and his ministers not oppress the people living in the island. 20. I gave rice to the starving dogs walking on the road. Lesson 22 1. The Future Passive Participle The future passive participle or the potential participle as it is sometimes called, is formed by adding -tabba / -anya to the base of the verb; -tabba is mostly added with the connecting vowel -i-. These participles are declined like a ending nouns in the masculine and neuter genders, and like ending nouns in the feminine. They express ideas such as must,' should be' and fit to be.' pacati bhujati karoti pacitabba / pacanya bhujitabba / bhojanya ktabba / karaya
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2. Examples in sentence formation Amm pacitabba / pacanya taula (raw rice) piake hapesi. The mother kept the (raw) rice which is to be cooked in the basket. Drikya bhujitabba / bhojanya odana aha na bhujissmi. I will not eat the rice which should be eaten by the girl. Kassakena ktabba / karaya kamma ktu tva icchasi. You wish to do the work that should be done by the farmer. Exercise 22 3. Translate into English: 1. Upsakehi sama vanditabb honti. 2. Majsya nikkhipitabba suvaa m macasmi hapehi. 3. Sappuris pjanye pjenti, asappuris tath (likewise) na karonti. 4. Bhplena rakkhitabba dpa amacc na samm (well) plenti. 5. Manussehi dhammo uggahitabbo, sacca adhigantabba hoti. 6. Kumrhi hani pupphni udakena sicitabbni honti. 7. Corena gahita bhaginiy dhana pariyesitabba hoti. 8. Uyyne ropit rukkh na chinditabb honti. 9. Dhotabbni dussni gahetv yuvatiyo hasamn pokkharai otarisu. 10. Samaehi ovaditabb kumr vihram na gamisu. 11. Kassakena kasitabba khetta vikkiitu vijo ussahi. 12. paesu hapitni vikkiitabbni bhani kiitu te na icchisu. 13. Amm khdanyni ca bhojanyni ca paiydetv drakna deti. 14. Manussehi dnni dtabbni, slni rakkhitabbni, puni ktabbni. 15. Gona dtabbni tini kassako khettamh hari. 16. Mig pnya udaka pariyesant aaviya hiisu. 17. Darikya dtu phalni paya v (or) khettamh v haritabbni honti. 18. Kathetabba v akathetabba* v ajnanto asappuriso m sabhya nisdatu. 19. Tumhe bhpl amaccehi ca paitehi ca samaehi ca anussitabb hotha. 20. Upsakena puho paho paitena vyktabbo hoti. 21. Bhplassa uyyne vasant mig ca sakun ca luddakehi na hantabb honti. 22. Kusala ajnitv ppa karont kumr na akkositabb, te samaehi ca paitehi ca sappurisehi ca anussitabb. 23. Asappuris parivajjetabb, m tumhe tehi saddhi (with them) gme hiatha. 24. Sur na ptabb, sace piveyytha tumhe giln bhavissatha. 25. Dhammena jvant manuss devehi rakkhitabb honti. 4. Translate into Pli: 1. At night people should light lamps. 2. The merchant brought horses to be sold to the farmers. 3. Objects should be seen with eyes, tastes (rasni) should be enjoyed with the tongue.

4. The dog should not be hit with sticks and stones. 5. People in the island should be protected by the king and his ministers. 6. Flowers should not be picked by men walking in the park. 7. The corn should be measured by the farmer with his wife. 8. Men should not do evil. 9. Grass and water should be given to oxen and goats. 10. The assembly should be addressed by the teacher's sister. 11. The lions sleeping in the caves should not be approached by men. 12. The mother's clothes should be washed by the girl. Lesson 23 1. The Causative Causative verbs are formed by adding -e / -aya / -pe / -paya to the root or verbal base. Sometimes the vowel in the root is strengthened when the suffixes are added. Verbal bases ending in -e / -aya invariably take the suffixes -ape / -paya to form the causative. pacati pceti / pcayati / pacpeti / pcpayati bhujati bhojeti / bhojpeti coreti corpeti / corpayati kinti kipeti / kipayati karoti kreti / krpayati dadti / deti dpeti / dpayati In sentences with causative verbs the agent carrying out the action is expressed by the accusative or the instrumental case. 2. Examples in sentence formation Amm bhagini bhatta pacpeti. Mother gets the sister to cook rice. Bhplo samae ca ycake ca bhojpesi. The king fed the recluses and beggars. Coro mittena kakaca corpetv vana dhvi. The thief ran having got a friend to steal a saw. Vejjo puttena paamh khra kipesi. The doctor got his son to buy milk from the market. Upsak amaccena samana vihra krpesu. Lay devotees got the minister to build a monastery for the monks. Yuvati bhaginiy cariyassa mla dpetv sippa uggahi. The maiden got the sister to give money to the teacher and learnt an art. Brhmao cora / corena sacca bhspetu vyami. The brahmin tried to make the thief speak the truth.

Exercise 23 3. Translate into English: 1. Amm samaehi asappurise putte anusspesi. 2. Tumhe manusse pente core mantpetv ovadatha. 3. Vijo kassakena rukkhe chindpetv / chedpetv sakaena nagara netv vikkii. 4. Samao upsake sanniptpetv dhamma desesi. 5. Mtulo kumrehi pupphni ca phalni ca ocinpesi. 6. Drik sunakha pokkharai otarpesi. 7. Amacco vije ca kassake ca pakkospetv pucchissati. 8. Kahi hani pupphni vanityo sicpesu. 9. Bhariyya ktabba kamma aha karomi. 10. Luddako mittena miga vijjhitv mrpesi. 11. Brhmao criyena kumri dhamma uggahpesi. 12. Amm drika khra pyetv mace saypesi. 13. Vij assehi bhani ghpetva vikkiitu nagara gamisu. 14. Vanit sahyakena rukkhassa skhyo kahpetv geha nesi. 15. Amm puttena geha gata samaa vandpesi. 16. Upsak samae sanesu nisdpetv bhojpesu. 17. Bhagin bhinnapattassa khani (pieces) masant rodant gehadvre ahsi. 18. Udaka haritu gacchantiyo nriyo sallapantiyo rukkhamlesu patitni kusumni oloketv modisu. 19. Luddako tuena phala ocinitu vyamanta suva sarena vijjhi. 20. Sappurisena krpitesu vihresu sama vasanti. 4. Translate into Pli: 1. The wicked man gets his sons to shoot birds. 2. The lay devotees will get the monk to preach the doctrine. 3. Women get their children to honour the Buddha's disciples. 4. The young woman will get her sister to speak at the assembly. 5. The farmer caused the tree to fall into the pit. 6. You (pl.) will get the flowers sprinkled with water. 7. The king got his ministers to build a monastery. 8. The queen will live in the palace which the king got built. 9. The merchant got his wife to put the goods in boxes. 10. The brahmin got the Buddha's disciple to preach to his people.

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Lesson 24 1. Declension of Feminine Nouns ending in -u Dhenu cow Singular Nominative Vocative Accusative Instrumental Ablative Dative Genitive Locative dhenu dhenu dhenu dhenuy dhenuy dhenuy dhenuy dhenuy, dhenuya Plural dhen, dhenuyo dhen, dhenuyo dhen, dhenuyo dhenhi, (dhenbhi) dhenhi, (dhenbhi) dhenna dhenna dhensu

2. Some nouns similarly declined are as follows: ygu rajju dhtu gruel rope ksu daddu pit eczema mother-inlaw vijju kaeru vadhu lightning cow-elephant daughter-inlaw

Exercise 24 4. Translate into English: 1. Vadh sassuy dhenu rajjuy bandhitv khetta nesi. 2. Amm ygu pacitv drakna datv mace nisdi. 3. Yuvatiy hattesu ca agulsu ca daddu atthi. 4. Maya aaviya carantiyo kaeruyo apassimha. 5. Itth yuvatiy bhatta pacpetv drikna thoka thoka vibhaji. 6. Tumhe vijjuy lokena guhyam sayantam sha passittha. 7. Yuvatiy hatthesu kumrehi dinn mlyo santi. 8. Vadh khette kssu patitni phalni sahari. 9. Brhmao Buddhassa dhtuyo vibhajitv bhplna adadi / adsi. 10. Vadh sassuy pde vandi. 11. Yuvatiy geham sammajjitabba hoti. 12. Devatyo sakala (entire) vihra obhsentiyo Buddha upasakamisu. 13.Aavsu vasantiyo kaeruyo skhyo bhajitv khdanti. 14. Aha rukkhassa chyya nisinnna dhenna ca gona ca tini adadi / adsi. 15. Itth magge gacchanti amma passitv rathamh oruyha ta vanditv rathasmi ropetv geha nesi. 16. Vadh gehassa dvram thaketv nahyitu nadi upasakamitv yuvathi saddhi sallapant nadiy tre ahsi. 17. Bhplo manusse vihisante core nsetv dipa plesi. 18. Amm asappurise bhajamne putte samaehi ovdpesi. 19. Sappurisena kiitv haehi bhaehi chaetabba natthi. 20. M tumhe gme vasante kassake vihisatha. 25. Translate into Pli: 1. The mother took the gold kept in the box and gave it to the daughter. 2. The daughter-in-law honoured the gods with garlands and fruits. 3. If you dig holes, I will plant trees. 4. You (pl.) go to the field and bring the corn home. 5. Cow-elephants wandered in the forest eating plantain trees. 6. I looked at the girls crossing the river by boat. 7. Young women pulled the branches fallen in the pit. 8. The rays of the sun illuminate the world. 9. Singing songs the sisters went to the tank to bathe. 10. The woman tied the cow with a rope and brought it to the field. 11. The daughter-in-law went to Anurdhapura with the mother-in-law to honour the relics of the Buddha. 12. May virtue and wisdom illuminate the minds of men in the world.

element, relic sassu

3. Vocabulary Verbs thaketi obhseti vibhajati vihisati shuts, closes illuminates divides, distributes harms nseti bhajati bhajati chaeti destroys keeps company breaks throws sammajjati bandhati mpeti pattharati sweeps ties builds, creates spreads

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Lesson 25 1. Declension of masculine nouns ending in -i Aggi re Singular Nominative Vocative Accusative Instrumental Ablative Dative Genitive Locative aggi aggi aggi aggin aggin / aggimh / aggism aggino / aggissa aggino / aggissa aggimhi / aggismi Plural agg / aggayo agg / aggayo agg / aggayo agghi (aggbhi) agghi (aggbhi) aggna aggna aggsu

2. Masculine nouns ending in -i muni / isi bhpati adhipati udadhi kapi ravi asi kucchi sage king lord, leader ocean monkey sun sword belly kavi pati atithi nidhi ahi giri rsi muhi poet husband, master guest (hidden) treasure serpent mountain heap fist, hammer ari gahapati vydhi vhi dpi mai pi enemy householder illness paddy leopard gem hand

Exercise 25 3. Translate into English: 1. Munayo sla rakkhant girimhi guhsu vasisu 2. cariyena saddhi viharanto kavi isi hoti. 3. Bhpati asin ari paharitv mresi. 4. Pati bhariyya paiydita odana bhujitv khetta agami. 5. Sappuris gahapatayo bhariyhi ca puttehi ca gehesu vasant sukha vindanti.
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6. Nidhi pariyesanto adhipati sahyakehi saddhi dpa agacchi. 7. Atithna odana pacant itth aggi jlesi. 8. Vydhin pito naro mace sayati. 9. Gahapati vhna rsi minanto bhariyya saddhi kathesi. 10. Drik girimh udenta ravi olokent hasanti. 11. Bhpatino muhimhi maayo bhavanti. 12. Ari kavino soa yahiy paharitv dhvi. 13. Kavi patin dinna mai pin gahi. 14. Nriyo pathi saddhi udadhi gantv nahyitu rabhisu. 15. Adhipati atithi khdanyehi ca bhojanyehi ca bhojpesi. 16. Bhpatin kattabbni kammni adhipatayo na karissanti. 17. Munhi pariyesitabba dhamma aham pi uggahitu icchmi. 18. Aha dpa jletv udakena sittni padumni Buddhassa pjemi. 19. Tva girimhi vasante dpayo oloketu luddakena saha giri ruhasi. 20. Dev parisya saha sabhya nisinn hoti. 21. Gahapatayo pahe pucchitu kakhamn isi upasakamisu. 22. Gahapathi puho isi pahe vykari. 23. Nriy dhotni vatthni gahante kapayo disv kumr psehi te (them) paharisu. 24. Uyyne hiitv tia khdantiyo gviyo ca go ca aj ca aavi pavisitv dpi disv bhyisu. 25. Gahapathi munayo ca atithayo ca bhojetabb honti. 26. Amm majsya pakkhipitv rakkhite maayo drikya ca vadhuy ca adadi / adsi. 27. Yadi tumhe bhpati upasankameyytha maya ratha paiydessma. 28. Gahapati cora gvya gahetv pdena kucchi pahari. 29. Sakuehi katni kulvakni (nests) m tumhe bhindatha. 30. Gta gyant yuvati gvi upasakamma khra duhitu (to milk) rabhi. 31. Buddhassa dhtuyo vanditu maya vihra gamimha. 32. Maya kayo dhammasla sammajjitv kilajsu (on mats) nisditv dhamma suimha. 33. Maya locanehi rpni passma, sotehi (with ears) sadda (sound) suma, jivhya rasa sdiyma (we taste) 34. Te aaviy hiantiyo gviyo rajjhi bandhitv khettam nesu. 35. Bhariy vydhin pitassa patino hattha masant ta (him) samasssesi (comforted). 36. Gahapati atithin saddhi sallapanto slya nisinno hoti. 37. Muni sacca adhigantv manussna dhamma desetu pabbatamh oruyha gme vihre vasati. 38. Rajjuy bandhit gv tattha tattha (here and there) hifitu asakkont rukkhamle tia khdati. 39. Dev bhpatin saddhi rathena gacchant anatarmagge (on the way) kasante

kassake passi. 40. M tuhme akusala karotha, sace kareyytha sukha vinditu na labhissatha. 4. Translate into Pli: 1. The husbands brought gems from the island for their wives. 2. Sicknesses oppress people living in the world. 3. Sitting on the ground the woman measured paddy with a ni. 4. Householders who do evil do not worship sages. 5. If you dig up the treasure you will get gems. 6. I washed the clothes which were to be washed by the wife. 7. We drank the gruel which was prepared by our mother. 8. You kindle the fire to cook rice and gruel for the guests coming from the city. 9. The householder hit with a sword the thief who entered the house. 10. The young girl gave grass to the cows standing in the shade of the tree. 11. Monkeys dwell on trees, lions sleep in caves, serpents move on the ground. 12. If you buy goods from the city and bring, I will sell them (tni) to farmers. 13. O wicked man, if you do merit you will experience happiness. 14. There are gems and gold in the boxes in my mother's house. 15. The sage preached the doctrine to the king's retinue seated on the ground. 16. Recluses, sages and poets are honoured by virtuous men. 17. We will get the treasure which is protected by the leader. 18. Do not cut branches of the trees planted in the park. 19. Being released from the cage the birds flew into the sky. 20. We did not see sages crossing the river through psychic power.

Lesson 26 1. Declension of masculine nouns ending in - Pakkh bird Singular Nominative Vocative Accusative Instrumental Ablative Dative Genitive Locative pakkh pakkh pakkhina / pakkhi pakkhin pakkhin / pakkhimh / pakkhism pakkhino / pakkhissa pakkhino / pakkhissa pakkhini / pakkhimhi / pakkhismi Plural pakkh / pakkhino pakkh / pakkhino pakkh / pakkhino pakkhhi (pakkhbhi) pakkhhi (pakkhbhi) pakkhna pakkhna pakkhsu

It should be noted that this declension differs from the aggi declension only in the nominative, vocative and accusative cases. The rest agrees with it, the only exception being pakkhini in the locative singular, for which there is no corresponding form in the aggi declension. 2. Masculine nouns ending in - hatth / kar sukh p bal kuh elephant one who is happy living being sm mant dh lord, husband seh minister tusker carpenter evil doer sikh dghajv srath banker peacock one with long life charioteer

powerful one vahak leper ppakr

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Exercise 26 3. Translate into English: 1. Pakkh gyanto skhya nisdati. 2. Gvi rajjuy mucamn amm khette hit hoti. 3. Kayo sabhya naccantiyo gyisu. 4. Seh mahanta (much) dhana vissajjetv samana vihra krpesi. 5. Hatthino ca kaeruyo ca aaviya hianti. 6. Ppakr ppni paicchdetv sappuriso viya (like) sabhya nisinno sehin saddhi kathesi. 7. Sappuris dghajvino hontu, putt sukhino bhavantu. 8. Vijo nagaramh bhani kiitv piakesu pakkhipitv rajjuy bandhitv paa pesesi. 9. Srathin hae rathe vahak nisinno hoti. 10. Sabbe (all) pino dghajvino na bhavanti / honti. 11. Amm vahakin geha krpetv drikhi saha tattha (there) vasi. 12. Maya maayo vatthena vehetv majsya nikkhipitv bhariyna pesayimha. 13. Muni ppakri pakkospetv dhamma desetv ovadi. 14. Balin bhpatino dinna kari oloketu tumhe sannipatittha. 15. Aha seh kuhi pakkospetv bhojana (food) dpesi. 16. Sace girimhi sikhino vasanti, te (them) passitu aha giri ruhitu ussahissmi. 17. Bhpati sappuriso abhavi / ahosi; mantino ppakrino abhavisu / ahesu. 18. Balin krpitesu psdesu sehino putt na vasisu. 19. Sabbe pino sukha pariyesamn jvanti, kammni karonti. 20. Sm maayo ca suvaa ca kiitv bhariyya adadi / adsi. 21. Asanisadda (sound of thunder) sutv girimhi sikhino naccitu rabhisu. 22. M balino ppakr hontu / bhavantu. 23. Sappuris kusala karont, manussehi pua krent, sukhino bhavanti. 24. Kavi asin ari pahari; kavi paharitu asakkonto ari kuddho ahosi. 25. Kapayo rukkhesu carant pupphni ca chindisu. 4. Translate into Pli: 1. Followed by the evil hunter the elephants ran in the forest. 2. The leper took the garments given by the husband. 3. Leopards living in the forest do not fear lions living in the caves. 4. Singing a song, the boys danced with the girls in the hall. 5. Mothers with their daughters spread lotuses on the flower altar (pupphsane). 6. If the boys drink liquor, the girls will become angry and will not sing. 7. The farmer got angry with the evil doer (use gen.) who harassed the cows grazing in the field. 8. The banker got the carpenter to build a mansion for his sons.
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9. May the deities protect the good king governing the island righteously. 10. May all (sabbe) living beings live long happily. Lesson 27 1. Declension of masculine nouns ending in -u Garu = Teacher Singular Nominative Vocative Accusative Instrumental Ablative Dative Genitive Locative garu garu garu garun garun garuno, garussa garuno, garussa garumhi, garusmi Plural gar, garavo gar, garavo gar, garavo garhi (garbhi) garhi (garbhi) garna garna garsu

2. Masculine nouns ending in -u bhikkhu bahu pasu veu setu monk arm beast bamboo bridge bandhu sindhu khu kaacchu ketu relation sea rat spoon banner taru pharasu ucchu sattu susu tree axe sugar cane enemy young one

3. Declension of masculine nouns ending in - Vid wise man Singular Nominative Vocative Accusative vid vid vidu Plural vid, viduno vid, viduno vid, viduno

The rest is similar to the garu declension.

Singular Instrumental Ablative Dative Genitive Locative vidun vidun viduno, vidussa viduno, vidussa vidumhi, vidusmi

Plural vidhi (vidbhi) vidhi (vidbhi) vidna vidna vidsu

4. Masculine nouns ending in - pabh vada eminent person philanthropist sabba omniscient one attha benevolent man vi matta wise man moderate or abstemious man

6. Translate into Pli: 1. Crossing the bridge the enemy has entered the island. 2. You shall not cut bamboos with axes, you may with saws. 3. King's ministers tied banners on the bridge and on trees. 4. The beasts fed the young ones with rats. 5. Wise men became eminent people. 6. The monk was a relation of the king who rules the island. 7. The trees cut by the enemy fell into the sea. 8. With the fist the mother hit the dog which was trying to bite the girl. 9. Kings protect recluses, brahmins, men and beasts living in the island. 10. Mother's sister killed a rat with a bamboo. 11. The teacher sent sugar-cane to the tuskers' young ones. 12. Seeing a monkey trying to enter the house the husband closed the door. Lesson 28 1. Declension of masculine nouns ending in -u / -ar Some masculine nouns have two bases ending in -u and -ar. They express the agent or a relationship. Satthu / satthar teacher (lit., he who admonishes) Singular Nominative Vocative Accusative Instrumental Ablative Dative Genitive Locative satth satth, sattha satthra satthr satthr satthu, satthuno, satthussa satthu, satthuno, satthussa satthari Plural satthro satthro satthro satthrehi, satthhi satthrehi, satthhi satthrna, satthna satthrna, satthna satthresu, satthsu

Exercise 27 5. Translate into English: 1. Bhikkhavo Tathgatassa svak honti. 2. Bandhavo amma passitu nagaramh gma gamisu. 3. Coro rae taravo chinditu pharasu dya gacchi / agami. 4. Sh ca dpayo ca aaviya vasante pasavo mretv khdanti. 5. Sappuris viuno bhavanti. 6. Bhpati manthi saddhi sindhu taritv sattavo paharitv jinitu ussahi. 7. Amm kaacchun drika odana bhojpesi. 8. Hatthino ca kaeruyo ca ucchavo kahitv khdisu. 9. Bhpatissa mantino sattna ketavo harisu. 10. Setumhi nisinno bandhu taruno skha hatthena kahi. 11. Uyyne ropitesu vesu pakkhino nisditv gyanti. 12. Sace pabhuno attha honti manuss sukhino gme viharitu sakkonti. 13. Sabba Tathgato dhammena manusse anussati. 14. Matta sappuris dghajvino ca sukhino ca bhaveyyu. 15. Vihi anussit maya kumr sappuris bhavitu ussahimha. 16. Maya ravino lokena kse uente pakkhino passitu sakkoma. 17. Tumhe pabhuno hutv dhammena jvitu vyameyytha. 18. Aha dhamma desenta bhikkhu jnmi. 19. Ahayo khavo khdant aaviy vammikesu (anthills) vasanti. 20. Vanitya sassu bhaginiy ucchavo ca padumni ca adadi / adsi.

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2. Some words similarly declined are as follows: kattu dtu jetu bhattu doer giver victor husband gantu netu vinetu nattu goer leader grandson sotu vattu hearer sayer knower Nominative Vocative Accusative Instrumental Ablative Dative Genitive Locative

Bhtu / bhtar = brother Singular bht bht, bhta bhtara bhtar bhtar bhtu, bhtuno bhtussa bhtari Plural bhtaro bhtaro bhtaro bhtarehi,bhthi bhtarehi,bhthi bhtarna bhtna bhtaresu,bhtsu

disciplinarian vitu

N.B. Though bhattu and nattu are nouns expressing relationships they are declined like agent nouns such as satth, as in Sanskrit. 3. Masculine nouns expressing relationships such as pitu (father), and bhtu (brother) are declined somewhat differently as follows: Pitu / pitar = father Singular Nominative Vocative Accusative Instrumental Ablative Dative Genitive Locative pit pit, pita pitara pitar pitar pitu, pituno pitussa pitari Plural pitaro pitaro pitaro pitarehi, pithi pitarehi, pithi pitarna pitna pitaresu, pitsu

4. Feminine nouns expressing relationships are declined as follows: Mtu / Mtar = mother Singular Nominative Vocative Accusative Instrumental Ablative Dative Genitive Locative mt mt, mta, mte mtara mtar, mtuy mtar, mtuy mtu, mtuy, mtya mtu, mtuy, mtya mtari, mtuy, mtuya Plural mtaro mtaro mtaro mtarehi, mthi mtarehi, mthi mtarna, mtna,mtna mtarna, mtna,mtna mtaresu, mtsu

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Exercise 28 5. Translate into English: 1. Satth bhikkhna dhamma desento rukkhassa chyya nisinno hoti. 2. Puni kattro bhikkhna ca tpasna ca dna denti. 3. Sace satth dhamma deseyya vitro bhavissanti. 4. Bhpati dpasmi jet bhavatu. 5. Pit dhtara dya vihra gantv satthra vandpesi. 6. Vitro loke manussna netro hontu / bhavantu. 7. Bht pitar saddhi mtuy pacita ygu bhuji. 8. Bhatt nattrehi saha kanta kapi disv hasanto ahsi (stood). 9. Setu kattro veavo bandhitv nadiy tre hapesu. 10. Sindhu taritv dpa gantro satthi hat honti. 11. Bhariy bhattu sake rajakena dhovpesi. 12. Netuno katha sotro uyyne nisinn suriyena pit honti. 13. Dtrehi dinnni vatthni ycakehi na vikkiitabbni honti. 14. Rodantassa nattussa kujjhitv vanit ta (him) hatthena pahari. 15. Vinetuno ovda (advice) sutv bandhavo sappuris abhavisu / ahesu. 16. Gehesu ca aavsu ca vasante khavo ahayo khdanti. 17. Natt mtara ygu ycanto bhmiya patitv rodati. 18. Tumhe bhtarna ca bhaginna ca m kujjhatha. 19. Dpa gantrehi nvya sindhu taritabbo hoti. 20. Pubbak (ancient) isayo mantna (magic spells) kattro ca mantna pavattro (reciters) ca abhavisu / ahesu. 21. Matta dt nattrna thoka thoka modake (sweets) dadisu / adasu. 22. Attha netro manusse sappurise karont vinetro bhavanti. 23. Mt dhtara ovadant ssa (head) cumbitv (kissed) bhu masitv samasssesi. 24. Vada brhmao khudya pente ycake disv pahta (much) bhojana (food) dpesi. 25. Srathin hae veavo gahetv vahak sla mpesi. 6. Translate into Pli: 1. Father and mother went with the brother to see the sister. 2. Evil doers will not live long happily. 3. May the king, together with his retinue, become victorious. 4. Mother's brother is the uncle. 5. The enemies of my brothers tied banners on trees and bamboos. 6. The house builder gave bamboos to the grandsons. 7. Brother gave food to (my) daughter with a spoon. 8. The Buddha is the teacher of gods and men. 9. May you (pl.) be speakers of the truth. 10. Good husbands are kind (kruik) to their wives like gods.
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11. Let good men become powerful ministers to govern the island. 12. The powerful kings were victorious. Lesson 29 1. Declension of Neuter nouns ending in -i Ahi = bone, seed Singular Nominative Vocative Accusative Instrumental Ablative Dative Genitive Locative ahi ahi ahi ahin ahin ahino, ahissa ahino, ahissa ahini, ahimhi, ahismi Plural ah, ahni ah, ahni ah, ahni ahhi, (ahbhi) ahhi, (ahbhi) ahna ahna ahsu

N.B. This declension is similar to the aggi declension except in the nominative, vocative and accusative cases. 2. Neuter nouns ending in -i vri dadhi water curds akkhi acci eye flame sappi satthi ghee thigh

3. Declension of neuter nouns ending in -u Cakkhu = eye Singular Nominative Vocative Accusative cakkhu cakkhu cakkhu Plural cakkh, cakkhni cakkh, cakkhni cakkh, cakkhni

The rest is similar to the garu declension.

Singular Instrumental Ablative Dative Genitive Locative cakkhun cakkhun chakkhuno, chakkhussa chakkhuno, chakkhussa chakkhumhi, chakkhusmi

Plural chakkhhi (chakkhbhi) chakkhhi (chakkhbhi) chakkhna chakkhna chakkhsu

4. Neuter nouns ending in -u dhanu ju / jau vasu bhattu bow knee wealth husband madhu dru vatthu nattu honey firewood assu ambu tear water knower

ground, base, vitu site, estate grandson

5. Vocabulary Verbs anukampati pabbajati anugacchati pavatteti feels vceti compassionate renounces, becomes ordained follows vippakirati pattheti teaches sammisseti mixes defeats fulfils, succeeds distributes, analyses

scatters, (pp. parjeti vippakia) aspires, hopes samijjhati sheds tears vibhajati

(assni) sets in motion pavatteti

Exercise 29 6. Translate into English: 1. Geha pavisanta ahi disv ka bhyitv assni pavattent roditu rabhi. 2. Dpin hatya gviy ahni bhmiya vippakini honti. 3. Nadiy vrin vatthni dhovanto pit nahpetu putta pakkosi. 4. Tva sappin ca madhun ca sammissetv odana bhujissasi. 5. Maya khramh dadhi labhma. 6. Bhikkhu dpassa acci olokento aniccasaa (perception of impermanence) vahento (developing) nisdi. 7. Ppakri luddako dhanu ca sare ca dya aavi paviho. 8. Sattu amaccassa satthi asn paharitv ahi chindi. 9. Aha sappin pacita odana madhun bhujitu na icchmi. 10. Natt hatthehi ca jahi ca gacchanta ycaka disv anukampamno bhojana ca vattha ca dpesi. 11. Drni saharantiyo itthiyo aaviya hiant gyisu. 12. Ambmhi jtni padumni na ambun upalittni (smeared) honti. 13. Manuss nnkammni (various work) katv vasu saharitv puttadre (children and wife) posetu ussahanti. 14. Bhatt mtuy akkhsu assni disv bhariyya kujjhi. 15. Pit khettavatthni puttna ca nattrna ca vibhajitv vihra gantv pabbaji. 16. Pakkhhi khditna phalna ahni rukkhamle patitni honti. 17. cariyo sissna (pupils) sippa (art) vcento te anukampamno dhammena jvitu anussi. 18. Bodhisatto samao mra (the evil one) parjetv Buddho bhavi / ahosi. 19. Buddha passitv dhamma sotu patthent nar dhamma caritu vyamanti. 20. Sace sappurisna sabb patthan (fem. aspirations) samijjheyyu manuss loke sukha vindeyyu. 21. Vydhin pit mt assni pavattent dhtuy geha gantv mace sayitv ygu yci. 22. Mtara anukampamn dht khippa (soon) ygu paiydetv mtuy mukha (face) dhovitv ygu pyesi. 23. Pitar puha paha bhatt samm (correctly) vibhajitv upamya (with a smile) attha vykari / vyksi. 24. Luddako aaviy bhmiya dhaa vippakiritv mige palobhetv (tempting) mretu ussahi. 25. Dhaa khdant mig gacchanta luddaka disv vegena (speedily) dhvimsu. 7. Translate into Pli: 1. He saw the bones of the animals killed by the leopard in the forest. 2. You (pl.) will bathe in the river water.
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3. There are tears in the eyes of the daughter who is a young girl. 4. The farmer sells ghee and curd to the merchants. 5. The flames of the lamps danced in the wind (vtena). 6. There is eczema on the feet of the enemy. 7. The bee (bhamara / madhukara) collects honey from flowers without hurting them. 8. The woman bringing firewood from the forest fell into the river. 9. Planting trees in the fields and gardens men try to collect wealth. 10. The husband brought a gem for the wife from the city. Lesson 30 1. Declension of Adjectives ending in -vantu and -mantu Attributive adjectives ending in -vantu and -mantu can be declined in all three genders. They agree with the nouns they qualify in gender, number and case. Masculine Gender Guavantu [adj.], "virtuous" Singular Nominative Vocative Accusative Instrumental guav, guavanto guav, guava, guavanta guavanta guavat, guavantena guavat, guavantamh, guavantasm guavato, guavantassa guavato, guavantassa guavati, guavante, guavantamhi, guavantasmi Plural guavanto, guavant guavanto, guavant guavanto, guavante guavantehi (guavantebhi) guavantehi (guavantebhi) guavata, guavantna guavata, guavantna guavantesu

Neuter Gender Ojavantu [adj.], "nourishing" Singular Nominative Accusative ojavanta ojavanta Plural ojavantni ojavantni

The rest is similar to the declension of masculine adjectives ending in -vantu and -mantu. Feminine Gender Guavat / guavant and cakkhumat / cakkhumant are the feminine forms of the adjectives ending in -vantu and -mantu. They are declined like kumr, i.e. feminine nouns ending in -. 2. Adjectives ending in -vantu and -mantu the Fortunate one, the yasavantu Buddha attentive, having ears mindful wise slavantu

dhanavantu kulavantu saddhvantu balavantu phalavantu bhnumantu

rich of good family devoted powerful fruitful sun, radiant

Bhagavantu sotavantu satimantu paavantu himavantu buddhimantu

famous virtuous

cakkhumantu having eyes puavantu fortunate, meritorious colourful having relations


Himalayas,po ssessor of vaavantu snow intelligent bandhumantu

Dative Genitive


NB: Note the similarities of this declension to the declension of the present participle masculine gender ending in -nta. Adjectives ending in -mantu are declined as cakkhum, cakkhumanto etc.
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Exercise 30 3. Translate into English: 1. Balavantehi bhpathi arayo parjit honti. 2. Maya cakkhhi bhnumantassa suriyassa rasmiyo oloketu na sakkoma. 3. Bhikkhavo Bhagavat desita dhamma sutv satimant bhavitu vyamisu. 4. Slavant upsak Bhagavanta vanditv dhamma sutv satimant bhavitu vyamisu. 5. Paavantehi icchita patthita samijjhissati. 6. Kulavato bht Bhagavat saha mantento bhmiya pattharitya kilajya (mat) nisinno ahosi. 7. Phalavantesu tarsu nisinn pakkhino phalni khditv ahni bhmiya

ptesu. 8. Himavati bah (many) pasavo ca pakkh ca urag (reptiles) ca vasanti. 9. Slavant dhamma sutv cakkhumant bhavitu ussahissanti. 10. Guavato bandhu slavati paha pucchi. 11. Guavat yuvati sla rakkhant mtara posesi. 12. Yasavatiy bandhavo balavanto pabhuno abhavisu. 13. Dhanavantassa sappurisassa bhariy puavat ahosi. 14. Slavantesu vasant asappuris pi guavant bhaveyyu. 15. Silavatiyo mtaro putte guavante ktu ussahanti. 16. Buddhim puriso ppa karonte putte anussitu paavanta bhikkhu pakkosi. 17. Kulavato natt slavat bhikkhun dhamma sutv pasditv geha pahya bhikkhsu pabbaji. 18. Balavant pabhuno guavanto bhavantu. 19. Dhanavant balavant kadci karahaci (seldom) guavant bhavanti. 20. Himavantasm gato paav isi slavatiy mtuy uyyne atithi ahosi. 21. Dubbala (weak) slavati itthi disv anukampamn dhanavat ta (her) posesi. 22. Himavati phalavant taravo na chinditabb honti. 23. Dhammassa vitro yasavant bhavitu na ussahanti. 24. Bandhum balav hoti, dhanav bandhum hoti. 25. Slavat rjin guavathi itthhi saddhi slya nisditv yasavatiy kaya katha sui. 26. Guav puriso rukkhamh ojavantni phalni ocinitv vihre vasantna silavantna bhikkhna vibhaji. 27. Balavatiy rjiniy amacc dhammena dpe manusse plesu. 28. Yasavantna nrna dhtaro pi yasavantiyo bhavissanti. 29. Paavantiy yuvatiy puho dhanav paha vyktu asakkonto sabhya nisdi. 30. Bhnum suriyo manussna loka deti. 4. Translate into Pli: 1. Sages living in the Himalaya sometimes (kadci) come to towns. 2. Mindful monks preached the doctrine to wise lay devotees. 3. Fortunate people have virtuous friends and relations. 4. Rich merchants go from village to village selling goods. 5. The virtuous girl was the wife of the rich teacher. 6. The intelligent monk answered the question asked by the powerful eminent person. 7. There are garlands in the hand of the virtuous girl. 8. The rich are famous, the wise are virtuous. 9. You (pl.) do not avoid virtuous and wise men. 10. The Fortunate One is living in the famous island ruled by the powerful king.
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11. If a wise monk lives in the village, people will become virtuous. 12. May men of good families become virtuous and wise. 13. People will follow the rich and powerful. 14. The famous king defeated the powerful enemy who has many relations. 15. People with eyes see the radiant sun. Lesson 31 1. Declension of Personal Pronouns The rst personal pronoun: amha Singular Nominative Vocative Accusative Instrumental Ablative Dative Genitive Locative aha (= "I") [n/a] ma, mama (= "me") may, me may mama, mayha, mama, me mama, mayha, mama, me mayi Plural maya, amhe (= "we") [n/a] amhe, amhka, no (= "us") amhehi, no amhehi amha, amhka, no amha, amhka, no amhesu

The second personal pronoun: tumha Singular Nominative Accusative Instrumental Ablative Dative Genitive Locative tva, tuva (= "you") ta, tava, tuva tvay, tay, te tvay, tay tava,tuyha, te tava, tuyha, te tvayi, tayi Plural tumhe (= "you") tumhe, tumhka, vo tumhehi, vo tumhehi, vo tumha, tumhka, vo tumha, tumhka, vo tumhesu

Exercise 31 3. Translate into English: 1. Mama cariyo ma vcento potthaka (book) likhi (wrote). 2. Mayha bhagin gilna (sick) pitara posesi. 3. Dtro bhikkhna dna dent amhe pi bhojpesu. 4. Tumhka dhtaro kuhi (where) gamissanti? 5. Amhka dhtaro satthra namassitu Veuvana gamissanti. 6. Amha kammni karont ds (servants) pi sappuris bhavanti. 7. Amhehi katni puni ca ppni ca amhe anubandhanti. 8. Tay ktni bhani tava dht majssu pakkhipitv hapesi. 9. Kulavant ca cal (outcasts) ca amhesu bhikkhsu pabbajanti. 10. Amhka uyyne phalavantesu tarsu vaavant pakkhino caranti. 11. Uyyna gantv tini khdant mig amhe passitv bhyitv aavi dhvisu. 12. Amhka bhattro nvya udadhi taritv dpa ppuisu. 13. Amha bhpatayo balavant jetro bhavanti. 14. Tumhka nattro ca mama bhtaro ca sahayak abhavisu / ahesu. 15. Tumhehi hani cvarni mama mt bhikkhna pjesi. 16. Uyyne nisinno aha nattrehi kanta tava apassi. 17. Dhaa minanto aha tay saddhi kathetu na sakkomi. 18. Aha tava na kujjhmi, tvam me kujjhasi. 19. Mama dhanavanto bandhavo vi viduno bhavanti. 20. Dpassa accin aha tava chya passitu sakkomi. 21. Amhka bhpatayo jetro hutv psdesu ketavo usspesum (hoisted). 22. Bhtuno putt mama gehe viharant sippa uggahisu. 23. Tava duhit bhikkhuno ovde hatv patino kruik sakh (friend) ahosi. 24. Kusala karont netro sagga gantro bhavissanti. 25. Sace coro geha pavisati ssa bhinditv nsetabbo hoti. 26. Amhka sattuno hatthesu ca pdesu ca daddu atthi. 27. Slavant buddhimantehi saddhim loke manusssna hitasukhya (for welfare and happiness) nn kammni karonti. 28. Sace susna vinet kruniko hoti, te sotavant susavo gunavant bhavissanti. 29. Maya khramh dadhi ca dadhimh sappi ca labhma. 30. Maya sappi ca madhu ca sammissetv bhojana paiydetv bhujissma. 4. Translate into Pli: 1. May our sons and grandsons live long and happily. 2. Trees should not be cut by us or by you. 3. Your king went to the island with the ministers and defeated the enemy. 4. I picked up the seeds which were scattered on the ground by you. 5. Our teacher who was wise and famous taught us the doctrine. 6. A bird taking a fruit by the beak was seen by you. 7. My grandson wishes to become a doctor.
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8. You (pl.) saw sages living in caves in the Himalaya mountain. 9. May our sons and daughters become rich and virtuous. 10. My grandson will become a disciple of yours. 11. May you be rich and famous. 12. The bee (madhukara) is standing on the lotus born (jta) in the water. 13. The devoted lay devotee gave a flower to the young girl of good family. 14. The famous young girl has a colourful gem in her hand. 15. The radiant sun illuminates the world. Lesson 32 1. Declension of Pronouns There are: Relative pronouns, demonstrative pronouns and interrogative pronouns of all three genders. They are declined in all cases except the vocative. They become adjectives when they qualify other nouns. 2. Masculine gender, singular number Relative Pronoun Nominative Accusative Instrumental Ablative Dative Genitive Locative yo (= "he who") ya yena yamh, yasm yassa yassa yamhi, yasmi Demonstrative Pr. so (= "he," "that") ta tena tamh, tasm tassa tassa tamhi, tasmi Interrogative Pr. ko (= "who?") ka kena kasm, kism kassa, kissa kassa, kissa kamhi, kasmi kimhi, kismi

3. Neuter Gender, singular number Relative Pronoun Nominative Accusative ya (= "that") ya Demonstrative Pr. ta (= "it", "that") ta Interrogative Pr. kim (= "which?", "what?") kim

The rest is similar to the masculine declension

7. Feminine gender, plural number 4. Feminine gender, singular number Relative Pronoun Nominative Accusative Instrumental Ablative Dative Genitive Locative y (= "she who") ya yya yya yass, yya yass, yya yassa, yya Demonstrative Pr. s (= "she", "that") ta tya tya tass, tya tass, tya tassa, tya Interrogative Pr. k (= "who?") ka kya kya kass, kya kass, kya kassa, kya Nominative Accusative Instrumental Ablative Dative Genitive Locative Relative Pronoun y, yyo (= "they who") y, y yhi yhi ysa (ysna) ysa (ysna) ysu Demonstrative Pr. t, tyo (= "they", "those") yo t, tyo thi thi tsa (tsna) tsa (tsna) tsu Interrogative Pr. k, kyo (= "who?") k, kyo khi khi ksa(ksna) ksa(ksna) ksu

5. Masculine gender, plural number Relative Pronoun Nominative Accusative Instrumental Ablative Dative Genitive Locative ye (= "they who") ye yehi yehi yesa(yesna) yesa(yesna) yesu Demonstrative Pr. te (= "they", "those") te tehi tehi tesa (tesna) tesa (tesna) tesu Interrogative Pr. ke (= "who?") ke kehi kehi kesa (kesna) kesa (kesna) kesu

8. The indenite particle: ci The indefinite particle ci (Skt. cid) is appended to the case forms of the interrogative pronoun, expressing ideas such as anyone, whichever, whoever, e.g. Masc. koci puriso = some man; kenaci purisena = by some man Neut. kici phala = some fruit; kenaci phalena = by some fruit Fem. kci itthi = some woman; kyaci itthiy = by, to, of, on some woman.

6. Neuter gender, plural number Relative Pronoun Nominative Accusative yni, ye (= "those which") yni, ye Demonstrative Pr. tni, te (= "those") tni, te Interrogative Pr. kni, ke (= "which?") kni, ke

The rest is similar to the masculine declension

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9. Pronominal Adverbs Relative Adverbs yattha yatra yato yath yasm yad yena yva where where whence where

Demonstrative Adv. tattha tatra tato there there thence therefore in that manner therefore then there so long

Interrogative Adverbs kattha kutra kuto katha kasm kad where where whence how why when [n/a] [n/a]

Ysu itthsu kodho natthi tyo vint bhariyyo ca mtaro ca bhavanti. Women in whom there is no anger become disciplined wives and mothers. Yattha bhpatayo dhammik honti tattha manuss sukha vindanti. Where kings are righteous, there the men enjoy happiness. Yato bhnum ravi loka obhseti tato cakkhumant rpni passanti. Since the radiant sun illuminates the world, (therefore) those who have eyes see objects. Yath Bhagav dhamma deseti, tath tumhehi paipajjitabba. Just as the Blessed One preaches the doctrine, so should you conduct yourselves. Yasm pitaro rukkhe ropesu, tasm maya phalni bhujma. Because fathers planted trees, (therefore) we enjoy fruits. Yda amhehi icchita patthita samijjhati tad amhe modma. When our wishes and aspirations are fulfilled, then we are happy. Ko tva asi? Ke tumhe hotha? Who are you (sg.)? Who are you (pl.)? Kena dhenu aaviy nt? By whom was the cow brought from the forest? Kassa bhpatin psdo krpito? For whom was the palace built by the king? Kasm amhehi sacca bhsitabba? Why should we speak the truth? Asappurisehi plite dpe kuto maya dhammika vinetra labhissma? In an island governed by wicked men where will we get a righteous disciplinarian? Kehi kata kamma disv tumhe kujjhatha? Seeing whose work (lit. done by whom) do you get angry? Kesa nattro tuyha ovde hassanti? Whose grandsons will stand by your advice? Kehi ropitsu latsu pupphni ca phalni ca bhavanti? On the creepers planted by whom are there flowers and fruits? Kya itthiy pdesu daddu atthi? On the feet of which woman is there eczema?

how in what tath manner because when where how long tasm tad tena tva

10. Examples in sentence formation Yo atthau hoti so kumre anussitu gacchatu. May he who is benevolent come to admonish the boys. Ya aha kakhamno ahosi so gato hoti. He whom I was expecting has come. Yena maggena so gato tena gantu aha icchmi. By which road he came, I wish to go by the same. Yassa s bhariy hoti so bhatt puavanto hoti. He is a fortunate husband whose wife she is. Yasmi hatthe daddu atthi tena hatthena patto na gahitabbo hoti. The bowl should not be taken by the hand which has eczema on it. Yni kammni sukha vahanti (bring) tni puni honti. Those actions which bring happiness are meritorious. Y bhariy slavat hoti s bhattuno piyyati. The wife who is virtuous is dear to the husband. Yya rjiniy s vp krpit ta aha na anussarmi. I do not remember the queen by whom that tank was built. Yassa sabhya so katha pavattesi tattha bah manuss sannipatit abhavisu / ahesu. The meeting where he made a speech, there many people gathered. Ysa itthna majssu suvaa atthi tyo dvrni thaketv gehehi nikkhamanti. Those women in whose boxes there is gold close the doors and go out.
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Exercise 32: 11. Translate into English: 1. Yass so putto hoti s mt puavat hoti. 2. Yo ta dpa pleti so dhammiko bhpati hoti. 3. Kena ajja (today) nava (new) jvitamagga na pariyesitabba? 4. Sace tumhe asappuris loka dseyytha (pollute) kattha puttadhtarehi saddhi tumhe vasatha? 5. Yad bhikkhavo sannipatitv slya kilajsu nisdisu tad Buddho pvisi. 6. Yasmi padese Buddho viharati tattha gantu aha icchmi. 7. Yya guhya sh vasanti ta pasavo na upasakamanti. 8. Yo dhanav hoti, tena slavat bhavitabba. 9. Sace tumhe ma paha pucchissatha aha vissajjetu (to explain) ussahissmi. 10. Yattha slavant bhikkhavo vasanti tattha manuss sappuris honti. 11. Kad tva mtara passitu bhariyya saddhi gacchasi? 12. Yhi rukkh chinn tyo pucchitu kassako gato hoti. 13. Katha tumhe udadhi taritu kakhatha? 14. Kuto t itthiyo maayo harisu? 15. Ysu majssu aha suvaa nikkhipi t cor coresu. 16. Yo ajja nagara gacchati so tarsu ketavo passissati. 17. Yassa may ygu pjit so bhikkhu tava putto hoti. 18. Kuto aha dhammassa vitra paavanta bhikkhu labhissmi? 19. Yasm so bhikkhsu pabbaji, tasm s pi pabbajitu icchati. 20. Ya aha jnmi tumhe pi ta jntha.

21. Ysa itthna dhana so icchati thi ta labhitu so na sakkoti. 22. Yato amhka bhpati arayo parjesi tasm maya tarsu ketavo bandhimha. 23. Kad amhka patthan (aspirations) samijjhanti? 24. Sabbe te sappuris tesa pahe vissajjetu vyamant slya nisinn honti. 25. Sace tva dvra thakesi aha pavisitu na sakkomi. 26. Amhehi katni kammni chyyo viya amhe anubandhanti. 27. Susavo mtara rakkhanti. 28. Aha smin saddhi gehe viharant modmi. 29. Tumhka putt ca dhtaro ca udadhi taritv bhani vikkiant mla pariyesitu icchanti. 30. Tva sura pivasi, tasm s tava kujjhati. 12. Translate into Pli: 1. He who is virtuous will defeat the enemy. 2. The girl who spoke at the meeting is not a relation of mine. 3. When the mother comes home the daughter will give the gems. 4. The dog to whom I gave rice is my brother's. 5. Why did you not come home today to worship the monks? 6. From where did you get the robes which you offered to the monks? 7. Whom did you give the gold which I gave you? 8. Eat what you like. 9. I will sit on the rock until you bathe in the river. 10. Where intelligent people live there I wish to dwell.

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List of Verbs Prexes and roots of verbs are given in Sanskrit within brackets akkosati (a + k) : scolds atthi (as) : is adhigacchati (adhi + gam) : understands anukampati (anu + kamp) : feels compassionate anugacchati (anu + gam) : follows anubandhati (anu + badh) : follows, chases after anussati (anu + s) : admonishes kakhati ( + kk) : expects kahati ( + k?) : pulls, drags gacchati ( + gam) : comes dadti ( + d) : takes neti ( + n) : brings, leads manteti ( + denom. mantra) : addresses masati ( + m) : touches, strokes rabhati ( + rabh) : starts, commences ruhati ( + ruh) : climbs, ascends roceti ( + ruc) : informs vahati ( + vah) : brings forth sicati ( + sic) : sprinkles harati ( + h) : brings hiati ( + hi) : roams, wanders icchati (i / p) : wishes uggahti (ud + gh) : learns uhahati (ud + sth) : stands up ueti (ud + ) : flies uttarati (ud + t) : crosses udeti ( ud + i) : rises upasakamati (upa + sa + kram) : approaches uppajjati (ud + pad) : is born uppatati (ud + pad) : flies, jumps up ussahati (ud + sah) : tries usspeti (ud + ri) : hoist ocinti (ava + ci) : collects, picks otarati (ava + t) : gets down, descends (into water) obhseti (ava + bh) : illuminates oruhati (ava + ruh) : climbs down oloketi (ava + lok) : looks at ovadati (ava + vad) : advises katheti (kath) : speaks karoti (k) : does, commits kasati (k) : ploughs kiti (kr) : buys kati (kr) : plays khaati (kha) : digs khdati (khd) : eats khipati (kip) : throws kujjhati (krudh) : gets angry gacchati (gam) : goes gahti (gh) : takes gyati (gai) : sings carati (car) : wanders, conducts oneself cavati (cyu) : departs, dies cinteti (cit) : thinks cumbati (cumb) : kisses coreti (cur) : steals chaeti (cha) : throws away chdeti (chad) : conceals chindati (chid) : cuts jnti (j) : knows jleti (jval) : lights, kindles jinti (ji) : wins jvati (jv?) : lives hapeti (sth) : places, keeps asati (as) : bites, stings tarati (t) : crosses tihati (sth) : stays, stands thaketi (sthag) : closes, shuts dadti / deti (d) : gives dassati (d) : to see duhati (duh) : milks
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dseti (d) : spoils, pollutes deseti (di) : points out, instructs, preaches dhvati (dhv) : runs dhovati (dhov) : washes naccati (nt) : dances namassati (denom, namas) : worships, salutes nahyati (sn) : bathes nseti (na) : destroys nikkhamati (nis + kram) : leaves, renounces nikkhipati (ni + kip) : throws away, puts down nimanteti (ni + denom. mantra) : invites nilyati (ni+ l) : hides nivreti (ni + v) : prevents nisidati (ni + sad) : sits nhareti (ni + h) : takes out neti (n) : leads pakkosati (pra + k) : calls, summons pakkhipati (pra + kip) : puts, places, deposits pacati (pac) : cooks pajahati (h) : rejects, abandons paicchdeti (prati + chad) : conceals, hides paiydeti (prati + yat) : prepares patati (pat) : falls pattharati (pra + st) : spread pattheti (pra + arth) : wishes, aspires pappoti (see pputi ) : attains pabbajati (pra + vraj) : goes forth, renounces the world, gets ordained parjeti (par + ji) : defeats

pariyesati (pari + i) : explores, searches parivajjeti (pari + vj) : avoids parivreti (pari + v) : accompanies palobheti (pra + lubh) : tempts pavatteti (pra + vt) : sets in motion pavisati (pra + vi) : enters pasdati (pra + sad) : is pleased passati (spa) : sees paharati (pra + h) : hits, strikes pahiti (pra + hi) : dispatches pjeti (pra + aj) : drives pteti (pat) : fells pputi (pra + p) : attains pleti (pl) : rules, governs piyyati (denom. piya) : is dear pivati (p) : drinks peti (p) : oppresses pucchati (pcch) : questions pjeti (pj) : honours, worships preti (p) : fills peseti (pra + i) : sends poseti (pu) : nourishes, looks after phusati (spr) : touches bandhati (badh) : binds, ties bhajati (bhaj) : keeps company bhajati (bhaj) : breaks bhavati (bh) : becomes bhyati (bh) : fears bhsati (bh) : speaks bhindati (bhid) : breaks bhujati (bhuj) : eats, enjoys, partakes of manteti (denom. mantra) : discusses, takes counsel mpeti (m) : creates, builds mreti (m) : kills minti (m) : measures

mucati (muc) : releases, frees modati (mud) : takes delight ycati (yac) : begs rakkhati (rak) : protects, observes / rodati (rud) : cries, weeps ropeti (rup) : plants labhati (labh) : gets, receives likhati (likh) : writes vaheti (vdh) : developes, increases vandati (vand) : worships vapati (vap) : sows vasati (vas) : dwells vceti (vac) : teaches vyamati (vi + + yam) : exerts, tries vikkiti (vi + kr) : sells vijjhati (vyadh) : shoots

vindati (vid) : feels, experiences vippakirati (vi + pra + k\) : scatters vibhajati (vi + bhaj) : distributes vivarati (vi + v) : opens vissajjeti (vi + sj) : spends viharati (vi + h) : dwells vihisati (vi + his) : hurts, harms viheheti (vi + h) : harasses veheti (ve) : wraps vykaroti (vi + + k) : explains saharati (sa + h) : collects sakkoti (ak) : is able, can sannipatati (sa + ni + pat) : assembles, gathers together samassseti (sa + + vas) : consoles, comforts

samijjhati (sa + dh) : fulfils, succeeds sammajjati (sa + mj) : sweeps sammisseti (sa + denom. mira) : mixes sayati () : sleeps sallapati (sa + lap) : converses sdiyati (svad) : enjoys sibbati (sv) : sews suti (ru) : listens, hears hanati (han) : kills harati (h) : carries, takes away hasati (has) : laughs hoti (bh) : is, becomes

Pli Vocabulary (other than Verbs) anicca, adj : impermanent antar, ind : between amacca, m : minister ambu, n : water amm, f : mother araa, n : forest ari, m : enemy asani, f : thunder asappurisa, m : wicked man asi, m : sword assa, m : horse assu, n : tear aha, pron : I ahi, m : serpent ksa, m : sky khu, m : mouse cariya, m : teacher paa, n : shop loka, m : light va, m : pit sana, n : seat itthi, f : woman
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Abbreviations: m = masculine; f = feminine; n = neuter; adj = adjective; ind = indeclinable particle; adv = adverb pron = pronoun akusala, adj : demerit akkhi, n : eye aggi, m : fire aguli, f : finger acci, n : flame aja, m : goat ajja, ind : today aavi, f : forest ahi, n : bone atithi, m : guest attha, m : benevolent person addh, ind : indeed, certainly adhipati, m : chief

iddhi, f : psychic power isi, m : sage ucchu, m : sugar cane udaka, n : water udadhi, m : ocean, sea upam, f : simile upalitta, mfn : smeared upsaka, m : lay devotee uyyna, n : park uraga, m : reptile odana, m : rice ojavantu, adj : luscious ovaraka, m : bed room ovda, n : advice kakaca, m : saw ka, f : girl kaacchu, m : spoon kaeru, f : cow / elephant kattu, m : doer kattha, adv : where kath, f : speech katha, adv : how

kadal, f : banana, plantain kad, adv : when kadci karahaci, adv : sometimes kapi, m : monkey kamma, n : action, deed kar, m : elephant kavi, m : poet kasm, adv : why kka, m : crow kya, m : body kruika, adj : compassionate ksu, f : pit kilaj, f : mat kukkura, m : dog kucchi, mf : belly kuh, m : leper kuto, adv : whence kutra, adv : where kumra, m : boy kumr, f : girl kulavantu, adj : man of good family kusala, adj : merit

kusuma, n : flower kuhi, adv : where ketu, m : flag khagga, m : sword khaa, n : piece khdanya, n : food khippa, adv : soon khra, n : milk khud, f : hunger khetta, n : field Gang, f : Ganges river gantu, m : one who goes garu, m : teacher gahapati, m : householder gma, m : village gv, f : cow giri, m : mountain gilna, m : sick man gta, n : song gv, f : neck guavantu, adj : virtuous guh, f : cave geha, n : house, home goa, m : ox ghaa, n : pot ghara, n : house ca, ind : and cakkhu, n : eye cala, m : outcast canda, m : moon citta, n : mind cvara, n : robe cora, m : thief chy, f : shade, shadow ju / jau, n : knee jala, n : water jta, mfn : born jivh, f : tongue jetu, m : victor taula, n : raw rice tato, adv : therefore tattha, adv : there tatra, adv : there

tath, adv : thus Tathgata, m : the Buddha tad, adv : then taru, m : tree tarui, f : young woman tasm, adv : therefore tpasa, m : hermit tva, adv : so far, until tia, n : grass tra, n : bank tua, n : beak tela, n : oil tva, pron : you dakkha, adj : clever daddu, fn : eczema dadhi, n : curd dh, m : tusker dtu, m : giver dna, n : alms draka, m : child dru, n : firewood dsa, m : servant dghajv, m : one with long life dpa, m : island / lamp dp, m : leopard dukkha, adv : suffering dubbala, adj : weak dussa, n : cloth duhitu, f : daughter dta, m : messenger deva, m : deity devat, f : deity devi, f : queen doi, f : boat dvra, n : door dhaa, n : corn dhana, n : wealth dhanu, n : bow dhamma, m : doctrine dhtu, f : relics, elements dhtu, f : daughter dhvara, m : fisherman dhenu, f : cow
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na, ind : not nagara, n : city, town nad, f : river nayana, n : eye nara, m : man naraka, n : purgatory nava, adj : new nn, ind : various nr, f : woman ni, f : a unit of measure nv, f : ship nvika, m : sailor nidhi, m : treasure nivsa, m : house netu, m : leader pakkh, m : bird pajara, mn : cage pa, f : wisdom paha, m : question paita, m : sage, wise man paa, n : leaf pati, m : husband patta, m : bowl patthan, f : hope, expectation paduma, n : lotus pabbata, m : mountain pabhte, n : early morning pabh, m : eminent person pasu, m : animal paris, f : retinue pavattu, m : reciter pahta, adj : much pi, m : palm, hand p, m : living being pda, m : foot pnya, n : drinking water ppa, n : evil psa, m : stone psda, m : mansion pi, ind : too, also piaka, m : basket pitu, m : father pips, f : thirst

pipsita, mfn : thirsty pua, n : merit putta, m : son puttadra, m : children and wife puna, ind : again puppha, n : flower pupphsana, n : flower altar pubbaka, mfn : ancient purisa, m : man pokkhara, f : pond potthaka, n : book pharasu, m : axe phala, n : fruit bandhu, m : relative balavantu, mfn : powerful bal, m : powerful one bahu, adj : many bja, n : seed Buddha, m : the Buddha buddhi, f : intelligence brhmaa, m : brahmin brhma, f : brahmin woman bhagin, f : sister Bhagav, m : the Buddha bhaa, n : goods bhatta, mn : rice bhattu, m : husband bhariy, f : wife bhtu, m : brother bhnum, m : sun bhikkhu, m : monk bhpati, m : king bhpla, m : king bhmi, f : ground bhojana, n : food, meal bhojanya, n : soft food makkaa, m : monkey magga, m : road maccha, m : fish maca, m : bed majs, f : box mai, m : gem

matta, m : moderate, abstemious one madhu, n : honey madhukara, m : bee manussa, m : man manta, n : magic spell mant, m : minister m, ind : do not mtu, f : mother mtula, m : uncle mra, m : the evil one ml, f : garland miga, m : deer mitta, mn : friend mukha, n : face, mouth muhi, m : fist muni, m : sage mla, n : money modaka, n : sweetmeat yahi, f : walking stick yato, adv : since yattha, adv : where yatra, adv : where yath, adv : in which manner yad, adv : when yadi, ind : if yasavantu, mfn : famous yasm, adv : because ygu, f : gruel ycaka, m : beggar yva, adv : how far yuvati, f : young woman rajaka, m : washerman rajju, f : rope ratti, f : night ratha, m : vehicle, chariot ravi, m : sun rasa, n : taste rasmi, f : ray rjin, f : queen rsi, m : heap rukkha, m : tree rukkhamla, n : foot of tree

rpa, n : form, object lat, f : creeper lbha, m : gain, profit luddaka, m : hunter loka, m : world locana, n : eye vahak, m : carpenter vaavantu, mfn : colourful vattu, m : speaker vattha, n : cloth vatthu, n : estate vada, m : generous one vadh, f : wife/daughter vana, n : forest vammika, mn : anthill varha, m : pig vasu, n : wealth v, ind : or vija, m : merchant vta, m : wind vnara, m : monkey vp, f : tank vri, n : river vluk, f : sand vijju, f : lightning vitu, m : knowledgeable man vi, m : wise man vid, m : wise man vinetu, m : disciplinarian viya, ind : like, similar vihra, m : monastery vsati : twenty vhi, m : paddy vega, adj : speed vetana, n : wage, pay veu, m : bamboo vydhi, m : sickness sakaa, m : cart sakala, adj : entire sakua, m : bird sakh, f : female friend sagga, n : heaven sace, ind : if
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sacca, n : truth sattu, m : enemy satthi, n : thigh satthu, m : teacher sadda, m : sound saddh, f : faith saddhi, ind : with sappa, m : serpent sappi, n : ghee sappurisa, m : good man sabba, mfn : all saba, m : all knowing one sabh, f : assembly samaa, m : monk samudda, m : sea, ocean sammajjan, f : broom samm, ind : well, right sara, m : arrow sassu, f : mother saha, ind : with sahya (ka), m : friend skh, f : branch saka, m : garment sm, m : husband srath, m : charioteer sl, f : hall svaka, m : disciple sikh, m : peacook sigla, m : jackal sindhu, m : sea, ocean sippa, n : arts and science sissa, m : pupil sgha, adv : fast sla, n : virtue ssa, n : head sha, m : lion suka, m : parrot sukha, adv : happily sukh, m : happy person sugata, m : the Buddha sunakha, m : dog sura, m : deity sur, f : liquor

suriya, m : sun suva, m : parrot suvaa, n : gold susu, m : young one skara, m : pig sehi, m : banker setu, n : bridge soa, m : dog sota, n : ear sotu, m : listener sopna, m : stairway hattha, m : hand hatth, m : elephant himavantu, mfn : Himalaya hiraa, n : gold

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