Buffering: Let N (T) Be The Number of Frames in The Buffer at Time T Let N (0) B N (T) B 25t + A (T) /5

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Let n(t) be the number of frames in the buffer at time t Let n(0) = B
We start the video output at time 0 with B frames in the buffer Assuming output as per specications of 25 fps a(t) is the number of packets arriving in time t (5 packets make a frame)

n(t) = B 25t + a(t)/5

If n(t) 0 then we have a frame rate violation!

So the condition for violation is: B 25t + a(t)/5 0 a(t) 125t 5B

2010 Mr Cr

a(t) is Poisson distributed with mean = 125t
P(a(t) 125t 5B) = F(125t 5B ; 125t) and F(k; ) is the Poisson CDF MATLAB: poisscdf()

If we want to ensure that a frame violation occurs with probability < V, we have to nd B such that: F(125t 5B ; 125t) < V for all possible t > 0 F is a monotonically increasing function of t, and since we have a video that only runs for 30 seconds, we can set t = 30 in the above, giving us our answer: F(3750 5B ; 3750) < V

2010 Mr Cr


If we set V = 0.01 (1%), we get B 29 frames (i.e. 1.16 seconds)

2010 Mr Cr

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