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Budget Form App A

Please fill out this form to pass a budget. You: I _______________________ (Name) motion to spend no more than $____.____ (Amount) on (read from Budget form App B). In total I shall not spend more than $____._____ (Amount). President: Does anyone second? Name of person who seconded: ___________________ President: Is there any discussion rising from this motion? (Discussion will be noted in meeting notes) President: We will now vote. All those who abstain: ____ (Number) All those who oppose: ____ _ (Number) All those in favour: ______ (Number) President: The motion has passed/failed. Is the item being tabled: Yes No If yes please explain why in the meeting notes.

Budget Form App A

Please fill out this form to pass a budget. You: I _______________________ (Name) motion to spend no more than $____.____ (Amount) on (read from Budget form App B). In total I shall not spend more than $____._____ (Amount). President: Does anyone second? Name of person who seconded: ________________________ President: Is there any discussion rising from this motion? (Discussion will be noted in meeting notes) President: We will now vote. All those who abstain: ____ (Number) All those who oppose: ____ _ (Number) All those in favour: ______ (Number) President: The motion has passed/failed. Is the item being tabled: Yes No If yes please explain why in the meeting notes.

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