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How the Parts of a Computer Work?

Gabriela Domnica Mora Bermeo Unidad Bilingue Nuevo Mundo

How the Parts of a Computer Work? The computer is a group of many devices and peripherals. The parts of the computer dont work by their own. These devices need of software to complete their function ("Software," 2013). There are different types of software like the operating system, hardware drivers, application software, media players and connectivity software. These programs are the one that make the computer to be functional and working. The operating system is a program that permits the computer applications and the hardware that possesses the computer to work ("Operating system," 2013). It divide itself into two parts. The first one, is the application software. That its the one that manage the programs that we have in the computer like Photoshop, etc. The other part is the hardware drivers. The hardware drivers are in charge of controlling the devices that form the physical computer. In order to work those devices need of a program that guide them how to function. The media players and connectivity software are important too. The media player permits the computer to reproduce a multimedia file. Like a video, music or a simple image. The connectivity software controls the devices that will help us to connect our computer to networks or a Bluetooth devices. Without any of these devices and programs, the computer will not work. The software is indispensable in any computer or electronic device. Is like a child without a teacher to instruct what they have to do.

References Operating system. (2013, June 10). Retrieved from Software. (2013, June 6). Retrieved from

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