Olympic Wrestling: (Caracterized by His Style On Canvas and Flying Style/acrobatics, and The Folklore)

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What is that?? for some people the wrestling a sport. or one entertainment show.

Probably for some of you is a kind of novel, and that happen for the drama and the actuations that the wrestlers make it The wrestling relying on combat disciplines and scenic arts allow create melee combats.

Its origins date back to the carnival games and music halls on Greece, wich were held demostrations of fitness and strength. And was born the word "Pancracia", that means "He who has the power". The promoters and wrestlers argue that the combats are completly real. The wrestling are the second sport more known in Mexico, and it is famous on USA and Japan too.

Olympic Wrestling
Its a sport in wich each participant ties to defeat hhis opponent, without the use of punches or kicks, instead of that, they use locks, struggles, uprisings (liftings). The goal is takedown his opponent, keeping his shoulders in contact with the floor. Long enough to the referee see it.

Graecoroman Wrestling
Its a sport in wich each participant ties to defeat hhis opponent, with the variant that the participants can use of punches or kicks, like a part of his submmission, locks, struggles, uprisings (liftings). That means there are not restrictions.

Professional wrestling Mexican wrestling

(caracterized by his style on canvas and flying style/acrobatics, and the folklore)
Pinfall, Sumission,Countout,Discualification,K.O.

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